Showing posts with label Learn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Learn. Show all posts

Learn How Wealthy Seeds Grow Experience

What is wealth to you? The answer you give to this question will reveal the focus of your desire. One could say prosperity and another say affluence or fortune. Wealth, in its many forms, must be planted as seeds into the fertile subconscious for it to manifest as fruits in your life.


I have compiled a list of ways to plant seeds of wealth into your subconscious mind. This list consists of techniques that have proven to be successful in achieving experiences of wealth and abundance in the lives of the contributors of the techniques.


What you believe about wealth will manifest in your life. If you believe you can possess it, you will. And if you don't, you won't. It is really that simple.

A more complex explanation is the subconscious mind works to produce experiences that are created from belief systems. It will provide wealth possessing opportunities for the belief that wealth can be possessed. Likewise, it will provide experiences of wealth out-of-reach for matching beliefs.

You are in control of your beliefs. Past situations and experiences played a significant role in creating the system of beliefs you now hold. At any time you wish, you can make necessary adjustments. Fine tune your beliefs with the love you were created from. Positive beliefs lead to positive experiences.


It is a fact that human life challenges individual beliefs causing opportunity for doubt and fear. These two delinquents will rob and destroy dreams. Doubt will question possibility and fear will veil truth. Affirmations are excellent ways to not only maintain focus but they serve as defense for dream thieves and act like fertilizer for the subconscious.

Announcements made to the universe inform source of creation the intentions in desire. Why do YOU desire wealth? What is the actual experience you expect? Your answer can be transformed into affirmations.

Examples of wealth affirmations.

"I have more than enough money at ALL times."
"As I spend money, I receive money."
"Money flows through my life like a river."
"I enjoy having more than enough money."
"I can purchase anything I desire no matter the price tag."


Human beings act out belief. People who believe they will always have enough money in their lives tend to live their lives as though this is true. Let's stop here and think about this a moment. The monetary experiences these types of people have had do not write their future, automatically. One of them could for some reason take to the belief that their incoming revenues will soon stop thereby creating an entirely different future manifestation from the others.

What do you think happens when people act out belief that they lack enough money? We all know at least one person who could represent this model of living. How does it make you feel to be around this person?

Wealthy actions set in motion a wave of wealthy actions. Giving little thought to it we mimic actions and beliefs of those around us. The wealthy society tends to mingle with like minds because of the law of attraction. As a unit they think and act wealthy out of similar beliefs creating a wave of energy that sets them apart from the rest of their peers.

If a person down on their luck because they are living out belief in lack approached you and asked for $100 to assist them would you be able to reach in your pocket, wallet, or purse and bless them with what they asked? When you fully understand the nature of wealth and have tapped into the current of currency you will focus less on the reason the person is asking YOU for money. You will know why... because YOU have it to give.


To give is to receive. Are there any questions? Of course there are. Typically when we think about giving, we examine what is in our current possession and assess that against the circumstances that propose we give. Then, we execute a decision on whether we give or not.

Receiving takes less thought process. Assuming a gift is absent of negative attachment, people are more likely to accept a gift than they are to give one; but you know the saying. "You reap what you sow."


There is no better time than NOW to set desires in motion. I have heard people say they have to wait for this or that or until any given future time before taking step one of the journey towards a desired reality. Some of them I have been blessed to interact with and observe their absence of attempt over the course of several years. A few put forth a certain amount of effort towards achieving their desire only to abandon the goal eventually; not recognizing the attack of the well-known thieves doubt and fear.

One person said, "Maybe I'm not going to be the successful one of the family like everybody thought I would." This person has created drawings, exotic lettering, recorded songs, composed videos, took professional quality photographs and manually developed them, along with so much more. Why isn't this person experiencing desired wealth? That is a question that particular person will have to answer in order to move forward to the experience. The same applies to YOU.


Planting wealth in YOUR life is a broad topic that could fill a million blogs. Ultimately, the experience will emerge from YOU putting your best foot forward in present life. Wealth seeds planted today will undoubtedly be the fruits of your tomorrow... which then will be your present. Gift yourself the wealth you feel you deserve.

DeMeitta Wesley

My name is DeMeitta Wesley and I am here to walk with you step by step towards success. For Free Email Coaching (for a limited time) contact me

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How To Learn How To Succeed Online

Self-improvement leads to abundance and prosperity! Now that so many people are online, I've found that the desire for self-improvement quite often includes questions on how to learn how to succeed online.

Your online business

Business is about relationships and helping people. There's paperwork stuff involved, too.

Get local experts for that! Your local library is likely to have resources to help you find out your own local government's requirements for being in business.


Your preparation step in how to learn how to succeed online is the self-improvement step of getting better at connecting with people. Practice!

Your interest in self-improvement proves you're already working on that. So you already have the basics under way in your day-to-day life.

Good job. Keep doing that!

Connecting with people

How to do business online by helping people first requires that you jump beyond your day-to-day life. You've got to begin connecting with people online.

Social media is a good practice ground. Go practice!

Get good at this. Then you can find out what people need so you can help!

How do you learn how?

There's a learning curve for everything, right? I'm writing to shorten yours for how to learn how to succeed online.

In fact, I'm writing to share the answer from the perspective of how to do business online by helping people. Focus on helping people and everything will fall into place with effort over time.

You have 2 learning curves to help people online.

First, the Internet itself. Second, business itself.

Both matter!

1. The Internet itself

You've got to practice using the Internet itself. Best way is to jump right in and start helping people using social media.

The easiest way to do that is to write small articles. Like this one!

Teach something that will help people. You'll learn the Internet itself and you'll begin figuring out for yourself how to learn how to succeed online.

2. Business itself

Being a small business owner requires pouring your heart into whatever you do. Just being in business itself will give you challenges.

Do it with your whole heart and trust yourself to figure it out as you go. Get help from other local business owners, especially those you already do business with.

You'll find it's a welcoming community. You'll find that pouring your heart into what you do leads you to get paid online for helping people.

By the way, do you want the formula for how to learn how to succeed online? If so, then get my free lessons here on How To Use What You Already Know So You Can Get Paid Online

Or do you want a few tips on how to learn how to succeed online? If so check out my blog post here: Top 3 Tips For Building Your Email List

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Learn To Manifest Life To The Fullest - The First Step

Manifesting Abundance

We all know people we would describe as successful in life. They seem to make the most of every situation and life to them just seems to be a breeze.

We may even have felt a little envious of such people as everything seems to come to them with little effort. We comfort ourselves by saying "they are born lucky."

What we do not realize is such people are good at the act of Manifestation.They are able to bring about change in their circumstances through the direction of their mind or consciousness, whether they know it or not. The good news is that this power of manifestation lies within each of us and all we have to do is learn how to use it.

Manifesting abundance, which is the ability to manifest the things you want in life, is a skill that can be learned like any other skill. Just as we can learn how to play a musical instrument, play tennis, cook a good meal, so we can learn the skill of manifesting. How good you get depends on how much practice you put in and how well you learn the skill.

And just as in sport or some other walk of life, where some people are better than others at certain skills, we can improve our skill level with practice and become better than we were before we embarked on improving selves. Some people are so good at manifesting abundance, they do not even realise they are doing it. Everything just comes to them naturally, like a trained musician plays an musical instrument effortlessly, seemingly without thinking about it. Such people have simply learnt to believe that they deserve what ever they desire and it becomes part of their reality.

The Law of Attraction

So how can you start to train yourself to manifest the things you want in your life? Well, the first step is to understand the Law of Attraction. The Law of Attraction states that we attract whatever we think about or choose to give our attention to - whether wanted or unwanted.

In other words, you create your own reality by the thoughts you let occupy your mind. Therefore when we learn to think in a positive way towards the things we desire, like wealth, opportunities and happiness, then we will attract then to us.

We probably all know someone who dwells on the negative. Such people are attracted to less, not more abundance. When you focus on the negative, like, say, the negative aspects of your job, then you will never notice those aspects of the job that may be satisfying. Therefore, although the Law Attraction says we attract the things we desire, that something you desire will not come to you if you think negatively about "not having" it.

Focus on Specifics

Also, you have to learn to focus on specific scenarios or goals, not vague ideas like having more money or winning the lottery. Although some people do win the lottery through extreme luck, focusing on something like winning the lottery is kind of focusing on the "not having". For example, there are many people who say they would really love to sponsor a foster child in another country and that they would do so if they won the lottery. However, such people do not realise that they are usually in a position to help others on a much smaller scale under their present circumstances. This is because they are focusing on the their "having so little" that they believe their dreams are only possible if they win the lottery. They are literally afraid to act because they believe they do not currently have enough to offer.

In reality, these people could easily do a charitable act like sponsor a foster child in another country for as little as $1 or less per day. However, they may fear that the $1 per day may leave them short of cash for their own domestic needs. Because their focus is on "not enough", rather than on the needy child, it would not matter how much money they had, because it would never be enough.

Where as if these people were to visualise a starving child being fed by their contribution, and perhaps a wonderful letter from that child, complete with a photo of a smiling face, this would be a positive image that would get that image or thought to become a reality. This would be the first step to understanding how to manifest abundance in their lives. This same principle will work in all aspects of life, from healthy, happy relationships to personal wealth.

Is it your turn to make the make the most of every situation? Is it your turn for others to see you as being born lucky? Then it is time for you to take action to learn all the steps to manifest the life of your dreams.

Find out how "to live an abundant life" means more than just accumulating material wealth. Also learn more about the univesal law of attraction by visiting my Lifestyle Super Tips web site.

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