Showing posts with label Words. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Words. Show all posts

Just Words - Part 4 - Words Are Powerful!

Words are made of choice. They can inspire or they can discourage. Words can build you up or they can tear you down. They can induce faith & they can indulge fantasy. The words you choose to think, speak, and hear - along with the perceptions or feelings you associate with those words - are completely up to you. Your choice.
Words are powerful stuff. Not only due to the definitions that support the words we choose to use, but more so the way we choose to perceive the impact words have on us. When we read or hear "it's going to rain today
", each of us in our own minds have a constant, almost subconscious (but not quite), "self talk" regarding what those words mean. We know what rain is and when it's going to happen, but we also consider the way those words in that order make us feel. We consider and perceive raining as either a good or bad thing. Some of us consider rain the exact way when it's mentioned: either we love it, hate it, or just don't care. Some of us alter the perception each time - and base it on how we are feeling the moment we are considering it: "It's going to rain today... " What does that mean to me? How does that make me feel?
"When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail."
This is one of my favorite Chinese proverbs. I believe it to mean: if you feel bad, you will take it out on everything around you - wanting to hit everything with your hammer. All you have is a hammer. Hammers hit nails. The harder you hit the nail with your hammer the more productive you are in driving the nail. Driving the nail feels good, bringing a sense of accomplishment... and all you have is a hammer!
A hammer is certain in my mind. By definition I know what a hammer is. I can see it in my mind when I hear the word. I understand it's purpose as a tool. But consider not knowing what a hammer was. Or not ever been shown a nail. If in your mind you defined a hammer as being - I mean really thought a hammer was - soft, warm, fuzzy and squishy for example, and a nail was like candy, the words "when all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail" would have a completely different meaning to you. Obviously. As it would raise a different feeling.
The point I am trying to convey is you can choose YOUR hammer. It doesn't have to be ALL you have! Everything is not a nail, even if that's all you can see. You dictate the tools you use in your life, your perceptions, and whatever you have - be it positive, negative, or null - you will still have "nails" to hit. =)
Your experience is your choice. Simple.

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Just Words - Part 2/3 - Human Consciousness Is Powerful Stuff!

The most brilliant part of life is that I am most happy when you are here with me. Not necessarily physically standing in my presence, but more so in a mental state of happiness and peace: being kind, giving, and appreciative in and for your life.

I hate stopping off at the carry-out late at night and having to be in the presence of that woman who is miserable and dramatizing about other people she has dealt with. Hopeless and hating the world... "blah".

I love it when you are happy and loving your life!

Sometimes, however, I have a hard time in dealing with living in a world where "blah" seems to be the convenient life style those loved ones I choose to be around tend to accept. I pray that you consider what's so wrong with the smell of roses that drives you to get caught up with soccer practice, grocery shopping, deadlines, and mortgage payments to a level that makes you passive about the roses? THIS paradigm is the one I wish... pray that you find a way to change.

I challenge you to find a balance and love what you do! Whatever you are choosing to do... LOVE IT!

... and remember to notice the roses.

Human consciousness may very well be the most powerful force in the universe. The energy that is put out of you is truly awesome. Through your perceptions and actions you successfully manifest your situations every moment of every day. Good, bad, or indifferent your experience is yours... mine is mine.

Some people are lost in their lives. At least in the way they perceive their lives. It's kinda sad...

Years ago I was driving down Reynolds Rd. in Toledo, Oh. when I noticed a groundhog (apparently lost) under the U.S. 80/90 viaduct, crossing my lane. I stopped. Stan (by which I have come to call the groundhog) made eye contact with me then walked in front of my car. As he reached the end of my lane he looked to his left, his right, and left again - as if he were checking for traffic. A car drove past and Stan watched the car drive by, made eye contact with me again, and proceeded to cross the median successfully. True story.

Stan is a groundhog. I don't believe he is aware of the world as I am. I don't think he and I had a secret conversation beyond my ability to realize. He probably didn't comprehend that eye contact was even established. Or remember it. However I do believe his energy was drawn to me. Eye contact was undoubtedly established. Twice.

Now consider this:

I could have not been in tune at that moment, hit Stan with my car, and the rest of the day (along with the memory) would have been a bad experience. Most likely while driving the remainder of my travels that summer day I would have been uncomfortable. Disgusted even. I would have had to clean my car, and maybe even pay for some repairs. But I noticed Stan, didn't hit him with my car, and the experience has stayed with me as a pleasant memory. In fact this experience has helped me understand my perception of life. I believe each of us has the powerful ability to shape our experiences, and we all can process every situation in our minds to our liking; good, bad, or indifferent.

The trick is to constantly dictate in our minds our perceptions as being positive.

Easier said than done, I know.

Your life. Your perception. Make the most of it!

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Just Words - Part 5 - Living Within Bubbles

We all live within our own perspective bubbles. Our own little comfort zones.

My bubble is all I know. My entire existence (past, present, & future) has always been realized inside this bubble. How I have remembered & presently perceive life is within this bubble. My bubble is exactly how I want it, otherwise it'd be different. I like it here. It's cozy and set up precisely to my tastes. My favorite colors are on the walls & texture of carpet is below my feet. All of my habits, the way I react to situations, my routines, my priorities... everything that is me. Even if some aspects of my life are displeasing, obviously it's how I'd prefer; otherwise I would make different choices... choose different words to say, hear, and understand. Right?

Given not only the fact that the current world population is roughly seven billion people, but also the hopes that God has plans for not only me but some of you too, a willingness to exist among other bubbles is paramount.

You live inside of a bubble too. Your bubble is all you know. Your entire existence (past, present, & future) has always been realized inside your bubble. How you have remembered & presently perceive life is within your bubble. You like it there. It holds everything that is you. =)

Most of us aren't very comfortable outside of our perspective bubbles. We have all become very content acting on habit and routine to assure our bubbles stay warm and cozy. When we are forced outside of our bubbles we tend to get agitated, angry, or scared. We react with frustration, disappointment, & fear when others let us down or make us question, or break outside of our bubbles. Why? Your comfort zone is not in jeopardy! It is meant to conform and adapt. Remember, God intends a willingness to exist among others. I have come to realize that maybe it's not about breaking your bubble to change... but rather expanding it to grow.

I have lost many relationships throughout my life because of my stubbornness in not allowing my bubble to expand. In retrospect, when someone I cared about made a choice I didn't agree with or they didn't go along with what I wanted, I took it as my bubble breaking. I chose to let it hurt me & subsequently I reacted in ways that ultimately pushed them completely out of my life.

Growing into Faith

I am thankful to understand myself more everyday, in that my happiness, along with my comfort zone, is completely up to me. Hindsight is 20/20, and I am regretful. Some of those people lived within the best bubbles I have ever known. I wish I would have chosen not to react the way I did being hurt and try to empathize in the fact that they were only dealing with their own life and bubbles. I could have reacted outside my own bubble.

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush, huh?

Let's all continue to keep expanding our bubbles. Grow into Faith!

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Just Words - Part 6 - Everything Matters! - Make the Most of It

I noticed today while folding fresh clean T-shirts that I am OK with putting T-shirts away in the dresser folded inside out. Now I recall that I usually, if not always, unfold the T-shirt every time I put one on. Not necessarily by preference. but they were taken off, thrown in a pile, washed, dried, and now I was folding them while they were inside out; only to be put away nestled in waiting for me to unfold and wear again. It is one of those little, minuscule habits I don't usually notice, but today I did.

My bubble. Me.

Now let's get back in the habit & tie this all together (Just Words parts 1-5, etc.)

I believe in God - or at least my specific perception of God. I do not have the words available to me to honestly give God a definition. Your definition, or perception, of God is undoubtedly different, perhaps slightly or completely, from mine. But there is probably something in your faith that concurs with what I am saying. What I do know is that God is real. Without God, I would not matter. I would not have a passion for words. I would not remember Stan. I would not care about the "blah, blah, blah", or anything else for that matter. The love that I know is real for Hayle & would not exist if not for God. I thank God many times a day for the opportunity to live, laugh... love.

Rock on... I can truly say that the love I have realized for that which I cannot explain eases my torment of the pride that robs me of my sanity. Remember... I do talk to myself.

As I have mentioned, the world population has recently topped seven billion. I am with hope that a majority of people perceive & recognize that there are a lot of other people in their own perspective bubbles out there. They may choose to disregard some, most, or all other bubbles, but they on some level recognize that fact. Either while waiting in line at the grocery store, finding a parking space at soccer practice, or chatting on face book, it's hard not to notice. What I hope for you is live by happiness, be at peace, and love thy neighbor. Let go of the "blah, blah, blah" attitude and notice the roses. As God intended.

Now consider this...

On Wednesday July 4th physicists announced the discovery of a subatomic particle they are calling the "Higgs boson", but referring to as the "God particle". It may be so fundamental that nothing would exist without it. The chagrin of scientists continue as of late to cross the bridge into spirituality, or better stated, the awe power controlling the universe. The acceptance / understanding that without a "God" nothing matters is a buzz in labs across the globe. Everything is energy. Energy cannot be created or destroyed and is forever lasting. Just like God.

Maybe it's always just been a matter of perception. Maybe it's all just words.

If you want to change the world, then do it. You are part of everything. You matter. Remember... Human consciousness is a force in the universe to be reckoned with. You are aware and that is powerful stuff.

I have spent many years getting to this point of understanding. This acceptance of know.

What I know is that when compared to the total number of human beings walking the planet the variance of other bubbles, with all the different shades of habit and routine, is justified. I continue to realize that I cannot control how other people perceive their unique existence and therefore I am attempting to not be affected by said other people in ways that torment me. Rather I, for the most part, accept this knowledge and choose to love what I do. I am taking a stance. As every other soul out there chooses to do on some level; allow habits and perception to dictate daily routine. My routine tends to simple - and if you pay attention - predictable. I have had a lot of bad days lately, and occasionally have strayed from my path. But I am allowed to have bad days... so long as I notice it and choose to have a better one tomorrow. Being along the highway watching the world change around me doesn't seem like the right choice to make - the righteous thing to do. I would rather walk this path with confidence and hopefully help others along the way. It's what I love to do so I am going to continue to do it.

As to continue folding my T-shirts while inside out. Simple.

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Just Words - No Words to Define Your Faith - Part 1

For about seventeen minutes last night I spoke my thoughts out loud. In doing so I became aware of the importance in understanding exactly the goings on within my mind. That never-ending, or "always there" process of self talk had become an audible means to hear what was going on in my head, allowing me to rationalize the words I was using. Those assumed, or rather "learned", words that have become the only way I understand, give purpose to, and appreciate this experience deemed my life.

I am finally aware.

To me what is most certain is that I know the difference between being awake and sleeping. I control my experience awake. The fact that I recognize my awareness of being awake is all that matters. Without me being aware of me, nothing else matters to my experience on this earth, or within the entire cosmos for that matter.

The universe does exist. In my experience it is forever lasting. Everything in the universe is made up of energy - which cannot be created or destroyed. So the universe has without a doubt been here a really long time, as has the energy that makes me be. Just now becoming aware that I am part of the whole, I am happy, proud, and appreciative to be experiencing a blip of forever to satisfy God's will to be everlasting.

The whole concept may very well just rock like that. But so what? If this Brain Jab seems crazy, remember I do talk to myself! =)

I have a passion for words. I appreciate the ability to use language to communicate with other people. Even with a questionable arrogance regarding the purpose of me, I am very grateful for you! You satisfy a part of my experience I truly hold important. Without you my life would be boring - as there is no way to really get the full picture of any situation in life without an opposing point of view; your view!

I believe in God and it's frustrating at times that I do not have the words available to me to honestly give God a definition. The word "God" to me is as closely defined as being the whole in which I am from. I was born and I will die, but the energy that is me will carry on. My faith in God however gives purpose. Reason. He allows the experience during and beyond this life. The before and after. So God to me is more a faith that there is something more. Much more. Unwavering faith... But I cannot fathom "God's" definition; or rather I am at a loss of words. Which is frustrating given my passion of words. I do not possess neither the arrogance nor the audacity to convince myself, or anyone else for that matter, I hold in my mind words to define that which I cannot fathom.

It is by definition impossible to explain the color red to a person born blind. Without ever having an ability to see color you cannot experience it. A blind person in his' or her's own experience born blind may imagine color, but cannot know what red looks like. You cannot explain tone or sound to someone without that someone having or having had the ability to hear. However - Color does truly exist in the universe without sight. The measurable noise of a tree falling, on deaf ears or otherwise, still has existence. As does "God" have no definition suitable with words - He exists through faith.

It's not about the house you live in. It's not about the car you drive, or don't drive. It's not about your family or friends. Success or failures. It's about your perception of those things. The intangible feelings that life gives you is what matters. What makes you do what you do is why you do it. How you remember or perceive life's experience is the core of life's experience.

The last thought in your mind before you fall asleep will dictate your perceptions and feelings during sleep. As you reflect on your days feelings and perceptions you control your vibe - and then you fall asleep and God grabs hold of your perceptions and places you in the universe... dreaming within a perfect plan. So whether you want to try finding words to explain crazy philosophy, or be at peace through faith, remember to be aware of your place in the big picture and that only you control your perceptions.

And that forever is a really long time.

Are you up to the challenge of accepting your importance in the universe?

Sleep well tonight & have pleasant dreams... Grab the wheel on the flip side and drive safe!

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