Showing posts with label Attraction. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Attraction. Show all posts

The Law of Attraction - Your Emotions Are Your Guidance System

How are you feeling right now and by Law of Attraction, what are you attracting through your thoughts? Your emotions tell you exactly what the kind of vibration you are sending out to the universe - which is why your emotions are your built-in Guidance System.

It is always best to use this Guidance System to your advantage, to immediately change your point of attraction. If you are feeling crummy, or if you are feeling bad, it only means that you are thinking negative thoughts. When you are thinking negative thoughts, your point of attraction is on the negative side and by Law of Attraction, you will get what you think about most of the time.

On the other hand, if you are feeling great, it is an indication that you are sending out positive thoughts, positive vibrations to the universe.

Always Choose Better-Feeling Thoughts

Your point of attraction is in the present so it is of utmost importance that you keep your focus on the positive aspect of every experience, every person or every situation that you encounter each day. You may say that this is easier said than done because of old habits that your experiences in life has caused you to pick up.

It is good to know what you do not want for you to be able to know what you do want. But it is not wise to dwell on what you do not want because if you keep your attention and focus on it, by law, you will attract more of it.

A good way to overcome these habits that are so ingrained in your personality is to start new and positive habits - habits that will empower your positive thinking. One of the best new habits to pickup is to choose better-feeling thoughts. It is just a matter of changing your focus. If something unexpected or bad occurs, think empowering thoughts like:

- Everything works to my advantage.

- Things always work out in the end - that's how my life is.

- The Law of Attraction is already at work and I know that this is just a stepping stone for me to get what I want.

If you replace your old, negative-thinking habit with this new, positive-thinking habit, your perspective about life, and the people around you will dramatically change. Remember that if you change your thoughts, the whole world around you changes.

Stay Excited About That Which You Desire

Is it financial security? A new house or a brand new car? A soul mate, maybe? Whatever you desire most, focus on it and feel good and feel excited about it as if it is already yours. When you feel good or excited about your desire, and you can't stop thinking about it, the universe can't help but to give it to you - in record speed.

If you keep your focus on the positive aspects of your life in this world, you will notice that you are always happy, and are always feeling good - an indication that you are thinking the right thoughts and that you are sending out the vibration of that which you desire to the universe. By Law of Attraction, when you always think of what you want and feel good about it, you will have it.

And if you'd like the full, step-by-step, blueprint to attracting abundance take a look at my free video right here: Attracting Abundance Blueprint

Or visit my website at where I provide the most effective information on attracting abundance on the planet!

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The Law of Attraction and Aversion Therapy

The basic premises of The Law of Attraction is "like attracts like", or as it's officially stated, "That which is like unto itself is drawn."

Remember that everything is energy and that all energy vibrates at certain frequencies.

Thus, as per The Law of Attraction, lower vibrational energy attracts more lower vibrational energy. (think fear, hate, jealousy, etc.) Higher vibrational energy attracts more higher vibrational energy, such as love, happiness, joy, etc.

Most often, those who are aware of The Law of Attraction and use it in their daily life focus on what they're attracting to themselves.

That knock-kneed cliché, "misery loves company", is a prime example of this Universal Law in action. Nothing makes a victim happier than finding another victim with whom they can commiserate. And nothing makes them more uncomfortable than being amongst happy people who are satisfied with themselves and their lives.

The Law of Attraction is a powerful force in the Universe. But it works in the opposite way, too. As we all know, for every force there is an equal and opposite force.

Aversion Therapy could be called the anti-force of The Law of Attraction. Instead of attracting or magnetizing to you what you want, it propels you away from what you don't want.

Using the Carrot vs. Stick theory, The Law of Attraction would be the carrot and Aversion Therapy is the stick.

Example: when I quit smoking many years ago, I used Aversion Therapy to notice all the icky things I didn't like about that nasty habit. The smell on my clothes and in my hair, the money I literally burned up each time I bought cigarettes, how short of breath I was becoming and my increasing predisposition to bronchitis. I used The Law of Attraction to magnetize me to what I wanted - better health, the ability to breathe freely, more money, and to smell better! It worked super good and to this day I have no desire for a cigarette.

As Esther Hicks/Abraham says, "You were given two emotions. You call them many things - anger, fear, joy, happiness - but there are only two. One feels good and one feels bad." We were given these two feelings for use as our guidance system.

Power up your manifesting and create what you want faster. Use Aversion Therapy to propel you away from what doesn't feel good and which you don't want. Use The Law of Attraction to attract to you what does feel good and what you do want.

Kathy Wilson helps people get their life unstuck using a multi-faceted approach. She and her clients utilize life coaching, spiritual consulting, NLP, vibrational healing, PSYCH-K, and teaching... whatever is in her client's highest and best interests. She's a Certified Professional Coach, spiritual teacher, Reiki master, vibrational healer, and author of An Inner Journey: Living Your Life Purpose. For information about her products, services, and classes, visit her website:

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The Law of Attraction Part 2: Science and the Evidence

Science and the law of attraction

There is no doubt that a new reality is emerging in the frontier realms of science that is beginning to challenge our traditional understanding of energy, matter and what drives the universe - a new reality that demands a fundamental recognition and reappraisal of the role of mind and consciousness in the scheme of things, and it is in this light that the 'law of attraction' should be assessed.

In the mainstream scientific world however, the idea of a 'law of attraction' at work in the cosmos is not currently recognised and is summarily dismissed as pseudoscience. In other words, science regards such an idea as indemonstrable as it cannot be substantiated by acceptable scientific proof.

However the problem here may simply be that our present science is just too constrained and limited to consider or evaluate a concept of this magnitude. For let's be in no doubt that the existence of such a law in nature, will force science to accept a universe that creatively and dynamically responds to mind and consciousness - a radically different kind of universe than our current scientific paradigm will permit.

"The action of Mind plants that nucleus which, if allowed to grow undisturbed, will eventually attract to itself all the conditions necessary for its manifestation in outward visible form." - Thomas Troward

Evidence for the law of attraction

So what evidence exists that there is a 'law of attraction' actively functioning in nature and in our daily lives? Well, the main source of support originates in a wealth of literature drawn from observations of human behaviour and experience. This first began to surface in the 1890's and the early 20th century, the idea finding prominence in the 'New Thought' movement through books published on subjects such as self-motivation, financial success and development of the will.

Amongst the acknowledged classics in this field are "The Master Key System" by Charles F. Haanel, "Think And Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill, "Thought Vibration, or the Law of Attraction in the Thought World" by William A. Atkinson and "The Science of Getting Rich" by Wallace D. Wattles.

The book by Wattles later became the inspiration for Rhonda Byrne's worldwide phenomenon that popularised modern interest in the law of attraction, the film "The Secret" that was released in 2006. Other modern proponents of the law of attraction include Esther Hicks, Bob Proctor and Jack Canfield.

All the teachers recognise that focussed thought and belief is the original causal power behind all manifestations in human experience and that mastery of life and matter therefore requires mastery of mind. As a study of this material will reveal all too poignantly, the chief evidence for the reality of the law of attraction will lie in the observation of successful, happy and fulfilled human beings as compared to those who are poor and unhappy, living unfulfilled lives.

The conclusive observation is that there is something key that makes one individual succeed and another fail, and it is a factor that is not dependent upon education, intelligence or luck, but has been found to be down to a certain state of mind - a 'positive attitude' to life that creates the right kind of thinking. And that it is this 'attitude' that determines success.

Furthermore, maintaining this attitude also appears without fail to 'attract' favourable circumstances, experiences and opportunities to further the person's goal or intentions. These events would normally be dismissed as being 'fortuitous or lucky', but their consistent appearance does not indicate a random chance factor, but rather instead a direct link to something the person is activating by their own conscious or subconscious effort.

That countless people have described and related precisely this recurring pattern throughout the ages of humanity in their experience of joy, prosperity and success in life - and the opposite in misery, deprivation and hardship - would suggest that there is something profound and fundamental going on that has hitherto been overlooked, or perhaps even ignored by the established order of scientific investigation.

The hidden secret

What is certain is that the most successful of human beings have been aware of this law of attraction for centuries, and the teaching of its principles have been passed down to mystical and secret societies throughout several cultures. This has allowed the knowledge to be kept largely the preserve of the learned, privileged and self-proclaimed elite, offering an explanation perhaps as to why most of the wealth and influence in our world lies in the hands of so very few.

Well, thankfully this information has now been passed to all the people of this planet to benefit from. And if we are indeed standing at the dawn of a new age of awareness as to the true nature of the universe, perhaps now the door has at last been opened to transform our world into a place where all human beings can experience boundless life and fulfilment.

My, what a perfect test for the law of attraction that will be!

"We are what our thoughts have made us; so take care about what you think. We reap what we sow. We are the makers of our own fate." - Swami Vivekananda

Article by Michael C. James.

Michael C. James is a writer researching how human thought determines our life and experience, as opposed to fate, chance or circumstance. He is also an active supporter of Rhonda Byrne's film "The Secret" and its core teaching 'The Law of Attraction'.

For 7 Free Lessons on the Law of Attraction visit:

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The Law of Attraction and Manifestation

Unless you've been living under a rock then there's a good chance that you've heard about how the law of attraction can help you to manifest good things into your life. You've maybe watched someone talk about it on Oprah or come across some writings on the internet. You've maybe even tried to put the law of attraction into practice and that's where you've hit a brick wall. All the "this is easy" stuff appears to be a thinly disguised "buy my product" sales pitch. So what can you do to start proving to yourself that the law of attraction really helps with manifestation?

Start by manifesting small stuff

The way the universe works is the same whether you're trying to manifest small stuff or bigger items. But because the universe is big and sometimes a lot needs to happen to make big stuff manifest itself, it's usually best to start small.

So pick on something slightly unusual - maybe a particular number of magpies, maybe an unusual color scarf - and set your mind to manifest that into your life.

What happens next is usually nothing short of a miracle. Instead of that group of 6 magpies being totally elusive, it seems that they're gathering almost everywhere you look. Of course, whether that helps turn something into gold is another matter. But you've proved to yourself that you really can manifest things into your life and you're ready to move onto bigger things.

Practice indifference

This sounds a bit odd at first. But think about it: it almost always seems that the thing you want most is actually keeping itself tantalisingly just out of reach.

Sometimes we push too hard for something and it actually senses that and avoids us.

So practice being indifferent as to whether something happens or doesn't happen.

That doesn't mean not caring at all. It actually means that you're equally happy whether or not whatever it is you're attempting to manifest ever appears or not. You're content in the here and now. The manifested item won't appear until the future, if it does at all. And if it does, you're ecstatic. And if it doesn't, you're still overjoyed with your position in life.

It's a fine art and not one that you'll likely get the hang of overnight but when you do, miracles will happen a lot more often in your life.

Act on your dream

This is the bit that often gets missed from those "you can do this in your sleep" promises.

To truly manifest something into your life using the law of attraction, you actually have to do stuff.

Maybe not much. Going back to our magpies it's just a case of actually paying attention to these black and white birds and hoping they'll stay still long enough for you to count to 6.

Maybe more. If you're going after your dream home then you first need to define what that is. For some people it's an apartment overlooking the whole city. For others, it's a plot of land with picket fence around it and lots of friendly neighbours. And for others it's a ranch with thousands of acres and wildlife roaming free.

If you don't take the time out to define what your dream is, you won't ever reach it because you won't know what it is and you won't be taking steps - however small - to achieve it.

View the original article here

Use This 5 Step Plan to Harness the Law of Attraction to Live an Extraordinary Life!

During this recent economic slow down many, many people have not only been struggling to support themselves and their families, lots of people are struggling to find their way in Life. By that I mean there are many, many people out of work, struggling to find employment, struggling to find ANY job. Many are facing heart breaking rejection time after time and when they finally do secure an interview, they are told the position has been filled or their skill set & experience isn't what the company is looking for. This type of rejection, frustration and feelings of desperation can and will have damaging long term effects on their Psychology and self esteem. Many have gone through a long and costly educational process only to see the career they had set their sights on become ultra competitive or disappear all together.

Understanding and tapping into the power of the Law of Attraction is a game changer, and will help those who are in those difficult circumstances in life and can help to lead back to a "Normal" life and transform into you living an extraordinary Life!

To harness this Law of attraction (LOA) first one must somewhat understand the LOA.

In fact, the LOA is a universal law, kind of like gravity, or electricity, there is a "Pull" to all things, whether it be a negative pull or a positive pull. Simply put we attract to us what we think about all day long.

Now with that being said, I believe there is a lot more to that or all of us would be thinking of good things and everyone would be living the highlife with none of this pain out there across the entire country.

No, there is a lot more to the LOA and here is a 5 step plan to tap into it's power.

1. Daily meditation- I recommend meditating in the morning and in the evening. Focusing and using breathing techniques will help to relive pressure, stress, anxiety and help you to focus on building upon the foundation of positive events in your life.Learn to Let go of your past, focus on the future and your true self soon will be revealed.

2. Small Goals- Set small attainable goals. Achieving small goals will help to build self esteem, begin to move forward and realize growth even if it is is small things. Once you begin to reach these small goals The LOA will begin to empower you to raise your goals and begin to achieve success on an exponential level. Nothing will hold you back!

3. Gratitude- The power of Gratitude cannot be under estimated. Being grateful for even the small blessings in life will lead to seeing even more of the blessings that are present in your life even today. Write down what you feel blessed for having in your life right now. I would speculate that you could come up with 10-15 things that you do feel very blessed to have currently in your life. Writing out a daily "Gratitude" journal would be another powerful tool to help you begin to see and focus on what you are currently blessed with. Which in turn will lead to even more blessings tomorrow!

4. Use the power of Simplicity- Ever hear of the KISS law?

That is Keep It Simple Stupid, or better said Keep It Short and Sweet.

Simplicity has built in benefits. Keeping your daily routine basic and simple will lead to having more time for yourself and for your family. All too often we get wrapped up in extra work projects, watching T.V, tending the garden & lawn, church activities, job hunting, answering email's it goes on and on Keep a close tab on your daily activities, many times the very best thing you can do is say no to the extra activities to be able to focus on your own goals.

5. Tap the hidden power of your subconscious mind -

Learn to harness the power of your subconscious mind with meditation and NLP programs. With the power of today's technology, there are a vast array of MP3's and CD's available to use as a tool for meditation, By using these programs you can flood your subconscious your mind with powerful affirmations and positive messages that will change the way you perceive yourself and the world around you.

Tapping into the vast power of the subconscious mind is a powerful life changing tool.

Follow these 5 steps every day and you will begin your transformation to tap into the LOA, change your outlook on life and your future.

Go to to harness the Power of your subconscious mind and tap into the power of the Law of Attraction. With Psych-Sync you can enjoy the sounds of rain, wind, surf, the vastness of space and more. Hidden deep in the tracks are powerful affirmations and suggestions that will transform your subconscious mind and your life. Change your mind, change your Life with the power of Psych-Sync.

For more info and a free download go to

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Overcome Discouragement When The Law Of Attraction Isn't Working And Change Your Life

Have you ever tried using the law of attraction to change your life for the better, only to find out that the law of attraction isn't working like they said it would? Did this leave you unhappy and questioning whether manifesting what you want in life is even a real possibility?

If so, then take heart. Manifesting changes in your life by deliberately controlling your thoughts or energy is a learning process. Does it work? I have experienced this to be true for me personally, but I haven't manifested EVERYTHING I ever wanted. My trillion dollars has yet to be seen! Ha, Ha!

Manifesting small things that you may be indifferent to receiving seems like an easy task. Things like a cup of coffee can be easy to manifest but when the thing you want like health and money fail to show up in your life time and time again, you will probably start to doubt all this manifesting business while losing faith in higher sources of power.

Becoming discouraged when the law of attraction isn't working at this stage is completely natural and so is your inability to change your life for the better.

First of all, consciously manifesting with your imagination is a learned skill and like anything else, practice makes perfect. You wouldn't expect to be a world professional tennis player after reading a book on how to play tennis would you? Of course not! So don't be so hard on yourself (or your higher self, God, your guidance, Source) for not delivering your goods.

The first tip to overcome discouragement is to acknowledge the smaller accomplishments. Log them down and re-read them to remind yourself that you can consciously manifest. The mind has a way of quickly burying positive accomplishments because it is habitually negative. So force yourself to remember what you manifesting by keeping a regular record. This will bring you hope and happiness.

Second, start small and slowly work into larger things. If you start to learn how to consciously manifest by focusing on a million dollars, then that is like reading the book on tennis and then going to play a live competitors game with no practice. Is it possible for someone to read a book on tennis and then successfully win a tennis match? Sure it is, but the odds are slim... You get the point.

Another tip to overcome your fear and discouragement is to know that you can only visualize and feel things that you have been exposed to. For example, If you have been poor your whole life, then you really don't know how it truly feels to be a millionaire. You may have ideas about the freedoms that money could provide, but you don't KNOW for sure, your guessing.

When the law of attraction isn't working and you fail to manifest with your visualizations, is likely because your imagination is limited to what you have been through in the past. If your future is to be a much happier and grander vision or place, then is your limited imagination the proper tool to use to acquire this? I don't think so; it can't fully grasp or understand what you want because you have probably never had it. And therefore, it could be holding you back!

What if our god self wants to transform our lives but we are stopping that from happening by trying to manifest the picture of freedom that we have pre-formed in our limited mind?

To overcome this, begin your manifesting visualization by being open to allow more good in whatever form that comes in. In other words, don't allow your mind to lock in on how something will manifest and exactly what that looks like. Simply be open to experiencing more money, more good, and more health than what you have now. Then feel it and allow things to naturally unfold in ways you may have never thought possible. This will open doors for your to change your life for the better.

Finding happiness and changing your life is definitely a possibility. Learn How To Find Happiness in life and get free tips and insights about how to be happy in life regardless of what's going on around you.

If you don't take the time to learn new ways of doing things and new ways of reacting to things, then life will never change.

You must make it a priority to achieve happiness and give yourself the time to discover that. You can't keep doing things the same way you have always done them and expect to get different results.

Educate yourself now by learning How To Find Happiness and live a happy life with ease.

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Law Of Attraction: Discovering Peace Will Erode Your Barriers

The law of attraction is at work all the time regardless you are aware of it or not. It works to attract everything and anything that you focus your attention and energy on. In other words, it attracts all positive and negative events with you in the driver's seat. You are the deciding factor!

Why don't you take a break and assess your current situation in life. Ask yourself if they are the results of what you have been giving your most attention and energy to.

Knowing exactly what you want in life is not enough for the law of attraction to work exactly in the way you want. You need to fine-tune and balance your vibrating energy into alignment with what you want. Your thoughts and emotions are the determining factor to your vibrating energy. If you are constantly in a state of discontentment, fear and doubt, you will be creating negative vibrating energies that drive you in the opposite direction from what you truly want. On the other hand, if you are constantly feeling contented and grateful, you will reach a state of peacefulness with yourself and the circumstances that surround you. By doing so, you will increase your positive vibrating energy to create more of what you want in life.

Life is full of choices! At any moment in your life, you can choose peace. You can choose inner peace. You can choose peace between friends or you can choose peace between enemies. You can also choose peace on the planet. Regardless of the conditions you are in, you have the choice to choose to be at peace with yourself and all that comes into contact with you.

Your peace is the state of being, unaffected by anyone or anything or any circumstances that surrounds you. You realized that nothing you experienced in your past, today and in the future can come about without your permission. You feel relief, blessed, optimistic and hopeful. When you are in a state of peacefulness, you are taking responsibility for your own thoughts and emotions. You will soon discover your creative energy to manage your inspired actions and the opportunities that are continually attracted to you. When you choose to be at peace, you are allowing the law of attraction to work for you positively and draw you closer towards your goals.

Most people are not truly happy or comfortable with themselves. They are constantly at war with themselves and are often torn away from the peace that they deserved in order to attract what they want. In order to achieve peace with themselves there must be acceptance. It doesn't mean totally foregoing whatever you want but at least you are not in a state of constant resistance. Things and situations can be changed but solutions can only be easier found when calm prevails.

John F. Kennedy once said, "Peace is a daily, a weekly, a monthly process, gradually changing opinions, slowly eroding old barriers, quietly building new structures." When you finally find peace, you will become a powerful magnet to creating and attracting everything that you are passionate about. This is one of the secrets of the law of attraction!

I freelance as a ghostwriter and I also write regularly to share my learning curves, thoughts and manifesting experiences with the Law of Attraction on my blog at "Inside My Bubble Today". Come share my journey as we make this law of the Universe work for us together. You can download "You Can Do It Too!" e-book for FREE now and start your very own journey to attracting more abundance. Please feel free to visit The Journey of Living Deliberately at and share your valuable thoughts with everyone there.

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Use This 5 Step Plan to Harness the Law of Attraction to Live an Extraordinary Life!

During this recent economic slow down many, many people have not only been struggling to support themselves and their families, lots of people are struggling to find their way in Life. By that I mean there are many, many people out of work, struggling to find employment, struggling to find ANY job. Many are facing heart breaking rejection time after time and when they finally do secure an interview, they are told the position has been filled or their skill set & experience isn't what the company is looking for. This type of rejection, frustration and feelings of desperation can and will have damaging long term effects on their Psychology and self esteem. Many have gone through a long and costly educational process only to see the career they had set their sights on become ultra competitive or disappear all together.

Understanding and tapping into the power of the Law of Attraction is a game changer, and will help those who are in those difficult circumstances in life and can help to lead back to a "Normal" life and transform into you living an extraordinary Life!

To harness this Law of attraction (LOA) first one must somewhat understand the LOA.

In fact, the LOA is a universal law, kind of like gravity, or electricity, there is a "Pull" to all things, whether it be a negative pull or a positive pull. Simply put we attract to us what we think about all day long.

Now with that being said, I believe there is a lot more to that or all of us would be thinking of good things and everyone would be living the highlife with none of this pain out there across the entire country.

No, there is a lot more to the LOA and here is a 5 step plan to tap into it's power.

1. Daily meditation- I recommend meditating in the morning and in the evening. Focusing and using breathing techniques will help to relive pressure, stress, anxiety and help you to focus on building upon the foundation of positive events in your life.Learn to Let go of your past, focus on the future and your true self soon will be revealed.

2. Small Goals- Set small attainable goals. Achieving small goals will help to build self esteem, begin to move forward and realize growth even if it is is small things. Once you begin to reach these small goals The LOA will begin to empower you to raise your goals and begin to achieve success on an exponential level. Nothing will hold you back!

3. Gratitude- The power of Gratitude cannot be under estimated. Being grateful for even the small blessings in life will lead to seeing even more of the blessings that are present in your life even today. Write down what you feel blessed for having in your life right now. I would speculate that you could come up with 10-15 things that you do feel very blessed to have currently in your life. Writing out a daily "Gratitude" journal would be another powerful tool to help you begin to see and focus on what you are currently blessed with. Which in turn will lead to even more blessings tomorrow!

4. Use the power of Simplicity- Ever hear of the KISS law?

That is Keep It Simple Stupid, or better said Keep It Short and Sweet.

Simplicity has built in benefits. Keeping your daily routine basic and simple will lead to having more time for yourself and for your family. All too often we get wrapped up in extra work projects, watching T.V, tending the garden & lawn, church activities, job hunting, answering email's it goes on and on Keep a close tab on your daily activities, many times the very best thing you can do is say no to the extra activities to be able to focus on your own goals.

5. Tap the hidden power of your subconscious mind -

Learn to harness the power of your subconscious mind with meditation and NLP programs. With the power of today's technology, there are a vast array of MP3's and CD's available to use as a tool for meditation, By using these programs you can flood your subconscious your mind with powerful affirmations and positive messages that will change the way you perceive yourself and the world around you.

Tapping into the vast power of the subconscious mind is a powerful life changing tool.

Follow these 5 steps every day and you will begin your transformation to tap into the LOA, change your outlook on life and your future.

Go to to harness the Power of your subconscious mind and tap into the power of the Law of Attraction. With Psych-Sync you can enjoy the sounds of rain, wind, surf, the vastness of space and more. Hidden deep in the tracks are powerful affirmations and suggestions that will transform your subconscious mind and your life. Change your mind, change your Life with the power of Psych-Sync.

For more info and a free download go to

View the original article here

The Law of Attraction Part 2: Science and the Evidence

Science and the law of attraction

There is no doubt that a new reality is emerging in the frontier realms of science that is beginning to challenge our traditional understanding of energy, matter and what drives the universe - a new reality that demands a fundamental recognition and reappraisal of the role of mind and consciousness in the scheme of things, and it is in this light that the 'law of attraction' should be assessed.

In the mainstream scientific world however, the idea of a 'law of attraction' at work in the cosmos is not currently recognised and is summarily dismissed as pseudoscience. In other words, science regards such an idea as indemonstrable as it cannot be substantiated by acceptable scientific proof.

However the problem here may simply be that our present science is just too constrained and limited to consider or evaluate a concept of this magnitude. For let's be in no doubt that the existence of such a law in nature, will force science to accept a universe that creatively and dynamically responds to mind and consciousness - a radically different kind of universe than our current scientific paradigm will permit.

"The action of Mind plants that nucleus which, if allowed to grow undisturbed, will eventually attract to itself all the conditions necessary for its manifestation in outward visible form." - Thomas Troward

Evidence for the law of attraction

So what evidence exists that there is a 'law of attraction' actively functioning in nature and in our daily lives? Well, the main source of support originates in a wealth of literature drawn from observations of human behaviour and experience. This first began to surface in the 1890's and the early 20th century, the idea finding prominence in the 'New Thought' movement through books published on subjects such as self-motivation, financial success and development of the will.

Amongst the acknowledged classics in this field are "The Master Key System" by Charles F. Haanel, "Think And Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill, "Thought Vibration, or the Law of Attraction in the Thought World" by William A. Atkinson and "The Science of Getting Rich" by Wallace D. Wattles.

The book by Wattles later became the inspiration for Rhonda Byrne's worldwide phenomenon that popularised modern interest in the law of attraction, the film "The Secret" that was released in 2006. Other modern proponents of the law of attraction include Esther Hicks, Bob Proctor and Jack Canfield.

All the teachers recognise that focussed thought and belief is the original causal power behind all manifestations in human experience and that mastery of life and matter therefore requires mastery of mind. As a study of this material will reveal all too poignantly, the chief evidence for the reality of the law of attraction will lie in the observation of successful, happy and fulfilled human beings as compared to those who are poor and unhappy, living unfulfilled lives.

The conclusive observation is that there is something key that makes one individual succeed and another fail, and it is a factor that is not dependent upon education, intelligence or luck, but has been found to be down to a certain state of mind - a 'positive attitude' to life that creates the right kind of thinking. And that it is this 'attitude' that determines success.

Furthermore, maintaining this attitude also appears without fail to 'attract' favourable circumstances, experiences and opportunities to further the person's goal or intentions. These events would normally be dismissed as being 'fortuitous or lucky', but their consistent appearance does not indicate a random chance factor, but rather instead a direct link to something the person is activating by their own conscious or subconscious effort.

That countless people have described and related precisely this recurring pattern throughout the ages of humanity in their experience of joy, prosperity and success in life - and the opposite in misery, deprivation and hardship - would suggest that there is something profound and fundamental going on that has hitherto been overlooked, or perhaps even ignored by the established order of scientific investigation.

The hidden secret

What is certain is that the most successful of human beings have been aware of this law of attraction for centuries, and the teaching of its principles have been passed down to mystical and secret societies throughout several cultures. This has allowed the knowledge to be kept largely the preserve of the learned, privileged and self-proclaimed elite, offering an explanation perhaps as to why most of the wealth and influence in our world lies in the hands of so very few.

Well, thankfully this information has now been passed to all the people of this planet to benefit from. And if we are indeed standing at the dawn of a new age of awareness as to the true nature of the universe, perhaps now the door has at last been opened to transform our world into a place where all human beings can experience boundless life and fulfilment.

My, what a perfect test for the law of attraction that will be!

"We are what our thoughts have made us; so take care about what you think. We reap what we sow. We are the makers of our own fate." - Swami Vivekananda

Article by Michael C. James.

Michael C. James is a writer researching how human thought determines our life and experience, as opposed to fate, chance or circumstance. He is also an active supporter of Rhonda Byrne's film "The Secret" and its core teaching 'The Law of Attraction'.

For 7 Free Lessons on the Law of Attraction visit:

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The Law of Attraction Part 1: What Is It and How Does It Work?

What is the law of attraction?

'The Law of Attraction' is a theory that a natural force exists in the universe that determines "like attracts like", its behaviour being somewhat akin to that of the Law of Gravity. What this means in terms of human experience, is that if a person focuses on positive or negative thoughts, then these thoughts will proceed to create positive or negative results in their life. The result of the 'Law of Attraction' therefore, is nature responding to thought and proceeding to manifest the conditions determined by that thought.

The principle upon which this rests, is that all human thoughts have a frequency or vibration and that nature is simply responding in like to the frequency transmitted by the thought. Simply put, if a person was to spend all their time thinking and fearing 'debt' and 'lack of money' in their life, then the universe is set up to respond to that thought by sending that person "like for like" - meaning more debt and lack of money.

Conversely, a person living their life in a grateful, joyous, loving, abundant way will consequently transmit frequencies that will draw and attract to them corresponding experiences of that nature.

"We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts we make our world." - Buddha

How does the law of attraction work?

So how does having a 'positive, joyful attitude' create and manifest a successful life? In the same way as a 'negative, depressing attitude' will conjure up an unhappy life. If we can accept that all thoughts - or brainwaves - have a certain frequency and vibration, then these thoughts must be sending out a signal into the world around us - into the world of matter.

Most physicists would agree that the universe is fundamentally a mass of energy and that the only difference between various forms of matter is the rate at which their molecules vibrate. So what we have in the universe is basically energy and vibration. Therefore if a thought can be a source of energy that vibrates at a certain frequency, which is what the law of attraction is suggesting, it must as a consequence have some effect on the universe in which that thought lives.

How the 'attraction' works here then, is that the human being will be vibrating at a frequency that will be determined by the nature of thoughts dominant in his mind. His thoughts - his 'attitude' - will then set up a humming beacon, a vibrating core or aura that will begin to draw to it, to attract, a comparable state and experience that is in harmony with his thoughts.

For this theory to be real, the universe must be able to respond in detail to all the varied experiences that a human life can imagine. That if a person would be so intent as to focus with all his will, desire and emotion on a specific goal, then the universe must be capable of manifesting it. A study of the great visionaries and achievers in our world would appear to support that this is indeed what happens with a consistent and predictable causal result i.e. a focussed or intent human thought will always attract a similar manifestation in nature.

But what about in the case of mass tragic events like aircraft accidents, earthquakes or tsunami's you may ask? How can a few hundred or a few thousand people all attract the same event? This is a significant point to be addressed with this theory and often brought up by its critics.

In offering an explanation, we would probably need to accept that in the cosmos there is a natural hierarchy of events that take precedent over others. And it may be that the individual's thoughts and visualizations are simply tempered by much greater causal happenings like if the Earth were to get hit by an asteroid. In this case we would ask: "Did humanity as a whole attract this calamity?" Deeper studies may reveal how the law of attraction works specifically in such cases.

"Every intention sets energy into motion, whether you are conscious of it or not." - Gary Zukav

"Let a person radically alter his thoughts and he will be astonished at the rapid transformation it will effect in the material conditions of his life." - James Allen

Article by Michael C. James.

Michael C. James is a writer researching how human thought determines our life and experience, as opposed to fate, chance or circumstance. He is also an active supporter of Rhonda Byrne's film "The Secret" and its core teaching 'The Law of Attraction'.

For 7 Free Lessons on the Law of Attraction visit:

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Vibration and the Law of Attraction

Anyone who has seen "The Secret" or "What the Bleep Do We Know" is somewhat familiar with the Law of Attraction. The idea that we create what we spend time thinking about or believing is not really new. One of my favorite statements in the New Testament came from Jesus when he said: "It is done unto you as you believe."

I've been thinking a lot recently about vibration as a kind-of magnet that literally pulls to us those things on which we focus. I remember talking with a client recently who gave me this great metaphor for how we attract things to ourselves. And I promised him I would share it...

Most kids learn about electromagnetism by making a simple electro-magnet. If you take an iron nail and wrap it with copper wire, then attach the wire to the leads of a battery, you'll create an electro-magnet. I remember the delight I felt as a child when I learned that I could do this. I made my magnet and then went around picking up various metal objects. When I wanted to pick up a paper clip, I attached the copper wire to the battery and grabbed the clip. When I wanted to drop the clip, I disconnected the wire and the clip would fall off the nail.

Here's the thing I find really interesting about this metaphor: Our thoughts are literally electromagnetic fields. And we are broadcasting all the time. Just like an electromagnet, we pull things, experiences, relationships, prosperity, health, (or the opposite of these) towards us through our resonant field.

Fortunately, unlike the electromagnet, we rarely attract instantaneously. There seems to be a lag-time when it comes to thoughts and belief patterns. This gives us more leeway to adjust our vibration so we don't attract every single thing that crosses our mind (thank goodness!). But, over time those habitual patterns or "Vibrational Habits" eventually pull those experiences towards us. The more powerful the magnet, the faster the experience shows up.

So how do you get more proficient at attracting what you want?

Be conscious of what you think. Instead of the mental tape running constantly in the background, notice when and what you're thinking that magnetizes you to attracting both what you don't want and what you do want.
Choose what you think and believe. I recently saw a bumper sticker that said: "Don't believe everything you think." When we hold on too dearly to beliefs about ourselves, our world, our families and friends - you name it - we continue to create more of what we're experiencing.
Disrespect "reality." Our thoughts can be influenced by the strong beliefs of the collective human experience. Ever have any of these thoughts?: "The economy affects my ability to earn a living. There are no "good men (women)" out there. I can never get a break. I'll never lose weight." These kinds of thoughts have been broadcast to you over and over until you become attached to that vibrational habit. Then you become a magnet to them and continue to support the "belief" in reality.
The magnet does not understand the "Don't want" part. It just attracts whatever you're thinking about. So if you're thinking about what you don't want, you'll get that, too!
Relax! Once you've set your intention, enjoy the wait as your magnet does the work of bringing your experience to you. You have pointed the nail to that thing that you want to attract and you've attached the copper coil. Worrying about it; constantly looking to see if it is coming would be like repeatedly unattaching and then reattaching the coil to see if it's working. Think about it, you're just slowing down the process. The magnet's on, then off, then on, then off so the poor thing that you're attracting is constantly getting jolted like a roller coaster being pulled up a steep incline! Once you've set things in motion, let the magnet do its job and it will get to you sooner.

It's helpful to understand that thought patterns are simply habits. I've heard it said that it is easier to replace a habit than to eliminate one. So when you find yourself thinking about the negative, shift it. Spend time focusing on what is going well in your life. Feel the gratitude for your job, or your talents, or those you love...for the beautiful day, or the music in your life - whatever gives you joy. You can call this Raving. Rave - with lot's of energy for the good, the great things in your life.Then you become a magnet for more of that.

You are far more powerful than you realize. When you raise your vibration, you amp the battery to that copper coil and your magnet becomes more powerful. Then you become a master of the Law of Attraction (not a victim of it).

I have developed a unique Energy Healing method that embraces my manual therapy skills, intuition and 28 years of training and practice. Called Divine Openings Healing, I have created an online, self-paced course to teach others how to do it at My articles explore the miracles, mysteries and scientific theories of energy, the Law of Attraction and healing in it's many forms. My formal education includes a Doctor of Physical Therapy and Certification as an Advanced Rolfer®. I love my work. I love to do it and to share how I do it.

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