Showing posts with label steps. Show all posts
Showing posts with label steps. Show all posts

Four steps to a new approach of enhancing self-esteem.

Four steps to a new approach of enhancing self-esteem.

You have the power to run your own thoughts and to decide to increase the level of your self-esteem. Here is a new approach on self-esteem using the kind of states and emotions you experience every day: acceptation, appreciation and esteem. You will use these feelings or states of mind to increase your level of self- esteem whenever you want.

Practicing these four steps to enhance your self esteem will change the way you see yourself and the way you feel about yourself.

1. A state of acceptation. First, access an experience of acceptation of an outside event, for example a traffic jam or the weather. It is something you may not necessary like but you can accept it. Feel the emotion and notice your posture, your sensations and how you look. What are you thinking and how are you thinking it? Notice the tension in your muscles. Are you relaxed?

You will now amplify this state and emotion inside of you until it reaches 8 or 9 on a scale from 1 to 10. Let the feeling of acceptance build and make an anchor by touching your left wrist, or whatever part of your body that seems ok for you.

2. A state of appreciation. Secondly, access an experience of appreciation for something outside of you, for example your baby, a sunset or your health. In the same way, notice your posture and your sensations in your hands head and body? Let this feeling of appreciation build as well and make an anchor by touching the same part of your body as in step 1.

3. A state of esteem. Third, access an experience of esteem of something marvel about, someone you admire, something you honour and esteem highly. Notice your posture and the sensations in your body. What do you look like when you are standing in awe? How is your breathing? Let this feeling of esteem/awe build as well and make an anchor by touching the same part of your body as in step 1.

4. Apply to Self and Your Life. Now, you're going to think about yourself and touch the part of the body you selected in step 1. And as the process of "esteeming yourself" continues, notice how your thoughts and emotions change about yourself because you can now easily feel appreciation for your skills and abilities; you can feel acceptance about those things in your life that you may not like; you can feel esteem for yourself as a human being.

Finally, every time you are tempted to feel critical of yourself, you can do this! It's up to you!

The fact is that you're important and it's like the world tries to pull you down by saying "you're not enough good?thin enough?smart enough?" The fact is that you are somebody and you have value. Your contribution to the world is important. This exercise helps you so you know it emotionally and not just intellectually.

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Emmanuel Segui is a NLP meta-master practitioner and a master hypnotist. His vision is to create a world of possibilities where people can develop their full potential and live a more successful life. He's the author and creator of "Moving From Vision To Action" 

View all articles by Emmanuel Segui

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3 Basic Steps to Success in Anything

Since belief always precedes action, simply changing your beliefs can change your actions to those that will result in living any of your dreams.

It's not complicated at all. In fact, taking these three basic steps can make anyone a winner in their chosen endeavors.

1. Control and direct your thoughts.

It's a decision you make concerning what you think about. So whether you think success, or failure, that's what you will eventually reap.

Thoughts are powerful forces of energy and can only come from your own mind. Since you are the only person in charge of your mind, you create the thoughts that create the circumstances in your life. Since your thoughts create reality, you create your reality.

Just as the conscience mind is the source of thought, so the subconscious mind is the source of power. You give instructions to your subconscious mind through your thoughts. It doesn't know good from bad or right from wrong. It only follows your instructions, which are your thoughts. It will create anything you tell it.

Now, have you given some definite directed thought to your purpose or your mission? If so, is it written down? Without directed thought aimed at your purpose and goals in writing you are like the proverbial "ship without a rudder," wandering everywhere while going nowhere.

James 1:6-8 says, "He that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. Let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord, for a double minded man is unstable in all his ways."

2. Don't worry about the "how-to."

A big mistake is trying to figure out how you are going to do something before you do it. Start by believing you can do something and the "how-to" will follow.

Strong belief triggers the mind to figuring ways and means and the "how-to." So, the simplest way to do anything is to hold a mental picture of what you want as long as possible and as often as possible. Feel that you already have what you desire with certainty and you will see the "how to do it" become manifested.

Because our thoughts are vibrating energy, we create what we want by focusing our thoughts on those things. Jesus said in Mark 9:23, "According to your faith, be it done unto you."

3. Get going.

You're simply not committed until you take action. James 2:26 says, "Faith without works is dead."

There is a cause and effect to everything. You think a thought, and then you decide whether or not to act upon it. If you act upon it, there will be a result. If you do not act upon it, there will be a result.

Many times, we are forced to make choices without knowing the exact outcome. Should you remain undecisive in those cases? No choice is a choice and there will be a result.

Don't be afraid of taking action. Be in control of your life! Think positive thoughts, come up with ideas, seek advice from Godly people who are on the same page, spend time with God and seek His council, and then act!

Within you right now is the power to do things you never dreamed possible. This power becomes available to you just as soon as you change your beliefs

Copyright 2005 Daniel N Brown

About the Author:
Daniel N. Brown is an entrepreneur and teacher of biblical success principles. Get your FREE report, "How to Receive from God" when you sign up for your FREE weekly newsletter.

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3 Easy Steps to Increase Your Income

Have you tried to manifest a windfall of cash without success? It's easy to glamorize dramatic change like winning the lottery, but the truth is that change that really sticks begins in your mind and is realized through step-by-step action over time. In this article, we'll explore why that is and three simple steps you can take to increase your income with greater ease and much less struggle.

Even changes that seem like big leaps are made possible by a series of preparatory steps. The reasons for this are two strong tendencies etched into the survival mechanisms of our brains. Knowing these tendencies can help you make financial changes that work and really "stick."

First, our bodies and brains are programmed for the "status quo." We are conditioned to return to a familiar reference point, especially if that reference point satisfies an emotional need such as feeling safe. Unless something dramatic happens to push us to a new place, we'll tend to fluctuate around a comfort zone. For example, we'll stay in a familiar body-weight range, maintain the same relationships, keep the same type of jobs, and maintain a certain level of wealth. Our present reference point has a strong anchoring effect.

Second, from this reference point, we have a strong "aversion to loss" and a weaker attraction to gain. For example, when negotiating a contract, receiving "anything less than where we are at" is tremendously undesirable. We will fight tooth and nail not to lose something that we already have. On the other hand, we have much less energy to gain something we don't already have. This tendency to "avoid loss at all costs" keeps things heavily weighted toward the status quo. Your present reference point, even if it isn't all that desirable, is a known, you consider it "yours," and you're unlikely to give it up without having a very powerful reason.

So how does knowing "the heavy weight of the status quo" and your "strong aversion to loss" help you increase your income? Well, it may help you realize what it really takes to change your financial status. Here are three things you can do right now to work with those conservative tendencies and make the financial changes you desire.

1. Establish a New Wealth Reference Point. If you want to improve your finances, get real clear on exactly what that means to you. Get a clear vision of where you'd like to be.

For example, what would you like to be doing, where would you like to live, what would you like to enjoy, and who would you like to share that with? Imagine your vision in full sensory detail, including the significant feelings and sensations of doing what you'd love to be doing, the specific positive qualities of the environment you are working and living in, and what it feels like to share this with specific people. Get a vivid image of the most meaningful details in your mind and imagine what it feels like to step into that scene and live it.

Spend a little time imagining and stepping into your vision every day. In this way, you establish a New Wealth Reference Point for yourself and practice what's it's like to live there. This primes your mind and body to have those experiences in real life and helps you make good decisions to get you there.

2. Once you have a New Wealth Reference Point, imagine the steps that take you there. It's effective to do this in reverse order. Begin with your vision of where you'd like to be and then ask yourself, "What was the step that I took just before that moment?" Write that down.

Continue to imagine the steps in reverse order until you arrive at the present moment, where you are now. The present step you imagine needs to be something you can do today that feels very doable right now. When you take that action today, it will set you on your way.

Write all these steps down and then play them forward. If any of them seem too big or challenging, break them down into smaller steps. Now you have an Action Plan of small, doable steps, beginning today, to get you where you want to go.

Remember if you take huge leaps, you are likely to rebound if you don't get the results you desire right away. If you have even a small setback, loss aversion will likely pull you all the way back to where you started. When you take small incremental steps, you generate "small wins" which positively reinforce what you are doing and slowly familiarize you with living toward your New Wealth Reference Point.

3. Have a Back-up Plan for facing specific potential setbacks. Understand that your Action Plan is just a starting point to get you going. Life is not going to work out exactly as you imagined. You will face challenges, so mentally prepare for them ahead of time. Then, when those challenges arise, you'll be ready for them. The inevitable bumps in the road are then less likely to knock you back to ground zero-your previous financial reference point or worse.

You can prepare your Back-up Plan in advance, by imagining potential pitfalls and set-backs. For example, if you plan to lease a new space to open a new business and find that it takes longer than you thought to find the right one-have a plan for what you will do in the mean-time to move your business forward. Could you begin to work from home, or meet people at their location, or... ? Have a Back-up Plan, so you can keep moving forward when any one of your planned action steps doesn't work out exactly as you imagined.

To encourage you in the face of setbacks, I've found that when one of my planned action steps doesn't work out as I imagined it would, Life is showing me a better way. Stay open to learning better ways to do any of your planned actions.

So, to summarize, be aware of the tendency to "maintain the status quo" and "avoid losses," and act against these by taking three steps:

1. Set a new Wealth Reference Point, a new vision for your life, and imagine yourself there.

2. Establish an Action Plan of small, doable, steps to get you there.

3. Imagine potential setbacks and have a Back-up Plan for what to do in case those happen.

With these three strategies in place, you'll be on your way to increasing your income with greater ease and much less struggle.

Enjoy your practice.

Are these 3 deadly mistakes killing your results with The Law of Attraction?... This FREE Report reveals the 3 common pitfalls left out of the hit movie 'The Secret'... And how you can overcome them to live the life of joy, fulfillment and spectacular success you were destined to live! To learn more, be sure to visit us here

Kevin Schoeninger graduated from Villanova University in 1986 with a Master's Degree in Philosophy. He is certified as a Life Coach, Reiki Master Teacher, Qigong Meditation Instructor, and Personal Fitness Trainer.

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