Showing posts with label Money. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Money. Show all posts

Win The "Struggle" With Money

Copyright ? 2005 Glen Snethun

I?m going to give you three definitions, and you guess what the word is. Are you ready? #1) to contend or fight violently with an opponent, #2) to make great efforts or attempts; strive; labor, and #3) to make one?s way with difficulty. If you?ve guessed the word ?struggle?, you?re correct.

But why would we discuss ?struggle? in an article about money? Because, so many people seem to ?struggle? with money?they struggle to make it, they struggle to keep it, and some even struggle with having too much.

I too, have ?struggled? in my financial life?until I made some changes. Not changes in my techniques of handling money or changes in my income, but instead, I decided to get off the money-worry rollercoaster. In other words, like a person who exits a fight, I stepped out of the ring.

First, I sat down and thought about some of the sayings I?d heard in my own childhood. I quickly realized that I had been conditioned to struggle with money.

While growing up, I had been taught that it was noble to struggle. Unless there was blood, sweat and tears involved, things weren?t worth doing. The easy way was the lazy way. After all, I should be ?pounding the pavement? or ?hitting the books.?

How many times have we heard these sayings, ?Money doesn?t grow on trees!? or ?Money is the root of all evil!? or ?Don?t be money hungry!?

Hear me people?we?ve been conditioned to believe that having money is hard work. That keeping money is hard work. That having too much money is hard work. In short?that money is hard work.

In order to bow out of the ?struggle?, I had to first, see that my beliefs were mere conditioning. Next, I just started to accept where I was at financially.

Like a dam that gives way and no longer has resistance, things began to flow. The extra energy that I used to expend ?struggling? with money worries, I now put into actually making money.

You can do the same. Stop worrying. Stop wrestling in your mind. Just accept where you?re at now and then proceed ahead. Win the struggle with money by eliminating the ?struggle?. It doesn?t have ?to be hard?, it just has ?to be?.

Don?t underestimate two things. First, don?t underestimate the amount of money conditioning you?ve received. It really has shaped your current financial position. Second, don?t underestimate the amount of energy you expend in the ?struggle? itself. Remember, the old saying says, ?It takes two to tangle.? If you step out of the ring, there is no ?struggle?.

Glen Snethun is a full-time Internet businessman: stock trader, author and coach. Glen dedicates his time to showing others how to create multiple streams of income using the Internet. Get ideas from Glen at

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More Money in Your Life

Financial worries are at the top of the list for most people in our present times. Many of you have lost a huge amount of money and assets due to the downward spiral of our economy, and if you've been paying attention to what's going on in our world, it doesn't seem to be getting better; it seems to be getting worse. A lot of fear surrounds many of you as you look to the future, wondering what it will be like for not only yourself, but for your children and grandchildren. So stress has increased by leaps and bounds for many, even when there is an understanding of the law of attraction and we all can live in abundance.

Perhaps you have or are changing careers, by desire or forced to, or at the very least have thought about or begun something new along with any job you may presently have. College and trade school enrollment has increased for adults of all ages because they knew they needed to learn additional skills for different jobs for their future. Change is in the air as we all know, so flowing with the changes becomes a necessity or we create more stress for ourselves.

Regardless of whether you remained in your same job or have obtained a new one, or even are in the process of learning new skills so you can get a different job, money has to be coming in for you and your family to survive. It's a commodity required for life on this earth, and most people would welcome more into their life.

You probably know that money is energy. Energy flows wherever you send it and brings back to you the same type of energy through life experiences. This means that if your mind continually sees lack and not enough, you will continually create experiences in your life to substantiate that energy. It cannot be any other way because likes create likes in the flow of energy. Your financial situation is a direct reflection of what is going on inside of you. So if your finances are not where you want them to be, you have unconscious blocks that are preventing you from bringing the flow of abundance and money into your life.

Money flow is an inside job and has nothing to do with what is going on in your environment, so blaming the economy, although a significant factor today, is not the true cause of any lack in your life. Granted, you may be experiencing challenges in the world of money due to circumstances beyond your control, but these circumstances you are experiencing are always due to what is believed on the inside, and more than likely is a lesson for you to grow beyond and above your circumstances.

Did you know that most people have deeply rooted financial and unconscious beliefs that they don't even know about? Some could be quite traumatic, but any of these negative programs will be an unconscious block in your money flow.

What stories float around in your mind about money? Everyone has them. What were you taught about money as a child? Were you taught things like "Money doesn't grow on trees," or Money is the root of all evil," or "Being wealthy makes you bad," "You have to work hard to make any money?" These are a just a few of the possible "stories" you've had conditioned into your memory bank that keep replaying over and over so that you do not attract the money you want and deserve to have. As long as they remain imbedded in your mind's computer, they will block the flow of money into your life.

So what it boils down to is that your mind is the controller of where you send your energy, and you know that wherever your energy goes, there is you power. If your finances are not where you want them to be, somewhere deep inside is the root of lack or some other obstacle that is keeping money from you.

Maybe you used to have a good amount of money, but now it is very reduced due to a job loss, lowered income, or a variety of other possibilities. You still have the capability of creating more money again since whatever helped you before is still within you. Perhaps you feel like a failure in some way or shamed, or maybe a massive amount of anger and self-criticism still hangs around your neck. All of those feelings are negative, fear-based, and can never bring you what you want - more money. So it is paramount that you dig deep inside to discover what stories lie hidden within you so you can release those negative feelings and replace them with positive, loving ones.

Okay, so this all sounds good, and you are willing to work on this, but you are not sure how to go about it. Begin by asking yourself what stories keep playing around inside your head. Then pay attention to what emotions are present like anger, shame, guilt, failure, self-criticism. Do you have a hidden fear of being successful? Do you feel inferior on some level - just not good enough for the dream you wish to create? Many people do have these negative programs so look deeply to see what really circulates in your personal computer.

Once you've recognized the old stories that you don't want to hang onto, you have to release them. It sounds simple, but you will probably discover it isn't as easy as it sounds. After all, these stories have been part of your life for many years and old habits/stories die hard. I remember attempting to let go of old stories multiple times, but it took repeated effort every day to replace those old stories and create a new script. And it's a continual process for the rest of your life and my life. As a result, I kept looking for ways to allow a faster transition from the old story to a new one, and I found many suggested processes for clearing the old stories and replacing with a new way of thinking. There were suggestions like placing intentions, reciting affirmations, participating in various healing modalities, burning old beliefs that you've written down on paper, meditating and clearing, and many more. Last year however, I discovered an easier and faster way to do this. It is called EFT-Emotional Freedom Technique.

EFT is a tapping routine in which specific problems are addressed in a specific order so that the old story can be released and a new one created. I tried it here and there for some time but didn't incorporate it into my daily routine until a few months ago, and wow, has it ever brought good changes into my life! You may think this is rather bizarre or maybe even kooky, but I promise it is very effective in bringing changes into your life. The tapping involves touching acupressure points that hold energy in your body, so if you are tapping away old stories and tapping on what you want to create, you can manifest the outcome you desire much more rapidly. The tapping helps to release the blocks in your energy that occur when fear-based thinking and beliefs take hold of you.

EFT involves stating a set-up phrase about the problem and repeating it 3 times as you tap on the karate chop point on the side of your hand below your pinkie finger. Then you tap on 8 points on your face and head, stating your issue and the emotions that go with it. The rounds are repeated with either the same words on every point or using different words, then once the negative things have been addressed, rounds with positive statements are spoken. Since we are talking about bringing more money into your life, you can definitely use this technique to change your story of lack into one of abundance. I've been using this for some weeks now and here's what I've noticed.

1. I feel different internally - feel quite positive and joyful.
2. Money has come to me in some unusual ways, kind of out of the blue.
3. I don't worry about money coming to me anymore.
4. I feel peaceful and abundant.

Now it doesn't mean that everything has changed immediately or that all I desire has magically appeared, but I can feel a shift inside that now allows the abundance to flow to me. Of course this process is much more than just money, but money is something we all want so we can live a comfortable and prosperous life. Even though the present economy has allowed for multiple unfavorable circumstances to appear for many of you, abundance surrounds us and can be tapped into if you sincerely wish to change your way of thinking and behaving. It is also important to focus on serving others since service is what we are here to do. Doing good for others naturally opens the gateway of abundance for you in multiple ways, because service is always from love.

As you are working through this process of releasing old stories, think about your beliefs around money and spiritual work. Remember, you must recognize the old stories you've been programmed with before you can release them and create a new story, so ask yourself these questions:

1. Do I believe I might be corrupted if I become prosperous?

2. Would I remain a person who wants to serve others if I made a lot of money?

3. If I do spiritual work, should I be paid for it? Is that ethical?

4. Is it fair to earn a lot of money when helping people?

5. Will making a lot of money change my friendships or how others view me?

I invite you to visit for more information. In addition, I invite you to email me and request the tapping format I have created in a document format, which I will gladly send to you free of charge so you can begin creating a different story of prosperity in your life. Understand that this takes commitment into your daily routine, but since it only takes a few minutes to do, why would anyone not want to do this?

Simply send an email to and ask for the tapping for abundance document; this is free for the asking. I will send it back as an attached document so you can create the abundance you desire for your life.

Money is energy and flows to you according to what you believe inside. Many people have old stories about money and those fear-based stories have created a block in the flow of money into their life.

you are capable and deserve to make lots of money, but you must release the old stories and create a new script. Using EFT tapping can really benefit that process because it can speed it up as it uplifts your spirit, and it's easy to do and takes only minutes to complete. I'm offering a free document with the entire protocol of tapping for abundance and more money. Simply email me at and ask for the document.

View the original article here

2 Easy Ways to Manifest Money Today!

There's a story running rampant on the planet these days. It goes something like this: "The economy is bad and it's a struggle to make ends meet." Financial experts, politicians, and TV analysts keep this story stoked for their own job security, while many of the rest of us buy in and suffer along. As a result, you find yourself scratching out a living paycheck to paycheck, feeling desperate about paying the bills and worse and worse about yourself and your future.

At the same time, there are those that are busy making money like never before. The doors of opportunity seem to be swung wide open for these folks and they're reaping the rewards. In this article, we'll explore three beliefs that will put you in that flow of abundance.

If you're ready to make the shift to abundance, a good place to start is with your beliefs about money. You've probably heard this kind of belief talk before. The limiting belief often cited is some version of the "money is bad" belief. If you're reading this article, I'm assuming you've gotten over that one and realized that money is neutral-neither bad nor good. It is simply a means of exchange. It's how you go about this exchange that makes it either "bad" or "good" depending on your values.

It's this idea of "exchange" that's most important. Having money is the result of exchanging some time, energy, skill, or resource that you have to solve a need or want that someone else has. Money is simply the way we exchange things of value. We get money when we exchange something we have for something someone else wants or needs.

Now that may seem too obvious to be important. Yet, it's really the key to having more money. You've got to find opportunities to exchange something you have for something someone else wants or needs.

You're going to find more of these opportunities if you have three Abundance Beliefs in place:

1. There are many opportunities out there; you just have to find them.

2. You have lots of "valuable stuff" that others want and need.

3. You are entitled to have what you want and need.

Those who struggle with money tend to hold counter beliefs to all three. They will tend to think that opportunities are scarce; they have little to offer; and they are not entitled to have what they want and need. When you hold these three Scarcity Beliefs you're likely to buy the story that "The economy is bad and I'm in for a struggle." Those beliefs fit that story like a glove.

So how do you install Abundance Beliefs?

The bottom line is this: you've got to practice them until they become your dominant reference point-the way you see the world. Here are two great ways to do that:

1. Practice seeing opportunities.

Opportunities are needs that you can solve with the time, energy, skills, and resources you have or can get. So, take an inventory of your resources: knowledge and skills you have, things you like to do, time you have to do things, and things you own. With those in mind, actively be on the lookout for needs you can solve with the resources you have. Here's the secret: The more you look for opportunities the more you'll find them.

2. Practice taking action.

When you see a promising opportunity, take some action on it. Test it out. Learn more about the opportunity by moving toward it. Ask the people whose need you observe exactly what they want. Take some action every day toward the most promising opportunities you discover and soon you'll have direction and momentum.

If you don't do this, it's going to cost you a lot more financially and emotionally in the years to come. You'll continue to stay stuck in the same old story, feeling anxious and desperate about money. But, your life doesn't have to be that way!

As you practice seeing opportunities and taking action on them, you'll grow your belief in the abundance of opportunities, in your own skills and resources, and in your entitlement to be rewarded when you provide something that someone else needs. As you do that, you'll find yourself in the flow of abundance.

Enjoy your practice!

Are these 3 deadly mistakes killing your results with The Law of Attraction?... This FREE Report reveals the 3 common pitfalls left out of the hit movie 'The Secret'... And how you can overcome them to live the life of joy, fulfillment and spectacular success you were destined to live! To learn more, be sure to visit us here.

Kevin Schoeninger graduated from Villanova University in 1986 with a Master's Degree in Philosophy. He is certified as a Life Coach, Reiki Master Teacher, Qigong Meditation Instructor, and Personal Fitness Trainer.

View the original article here

Why Make Money

Focusing your life just on making money is very boring and tedious. Not only that, it goes against the very way of making money. Money is the result of activities before it, and if you focus on the end result, making money will be hard.

What is money

When we think of money we generally think of it as the paper or coins we use to purchase things. In reality that is actually called currency. It is the medium of exchange used to put specific amounts of VALUE on any given thing.

Money is what you do to get that currency. Money is value creation. Creating value for others around you helps to enrich your life, and others as well. In turn you are compensated, sometimes with cash, other times with other things.

What does making money do for me?

So why should you want to make money then? Because of what it means you will be doing to get it.

Each and every one of us have specific likes and dislikes in life. Certain things that we would love to do, or find interesting. Those are the things that we should focus on.

Why? When you are interested in a certain topic then you put your whole being into it. You are focused on the tasks at hand and not just waiting for the end result. This is how the best results are produced.

If all you care about is putting your 8 hours in and leaving, are you going to do your best all the time? Is there a chance that you will try to cut corners maybe? The answer is absolutely.

Do what you love and let the money follow

When you pursue your passions and try to do the best you can at what you enjoy, then you are completely focused on creating value. As you do this you increase production and bring more that want what you do to you.

Consider what it would mean to your paycheck if you loved what you did and were the best at it. Would you be passed up when the next promotion came along? Who would be most likely to stay on if layoffs happened? If you wanted a new job doing it do you think they would turn you down? Of course not!

On the flip side if you were only mediocre at your job and didn't really care what actually happened, would it really surprise you if you didn't get the raise, promotion, or got laid off? Again, of course not.

So do what you love to do, and reap the rewards later.

Having looked around on the internet and in life many times for ways to make money and not finding very many legitimate ones, I have decided to start a site to help others with just that. is dedicated to helping others find new avenues of income creation and gives money advice as well.

View the original article here

More Money in Your Life

Financial worries are at the top of the list for most people in our present times. Many of you have lost a huge amount of money and assets due to the downward spiral of our economy, and if you've been paying attention to what's going on in our world, it doesn't seem to be getting better; it seems to be getting worse. A lot of fear surrounds many of you as you look to the future, wondering what it will be like for not only yourself, but for your children and grandchildren. So stress has increased by leaps and bounds for many, even when there is an understanding of the law of attraction and we all can live in abundance.

Perhaps you have or are changing careers, by desire or forced to, or at the very least have thought about or begun something new along with any job you may presently have. College and trade school enrollment has increased for adults of all ages because they knew they needed to learn additional skills for different jobs for their future. Change is in the air as we all know, so flowing with the changes becomes a necessity or we create more stress for ourselves.

Regardless of whether you remained in your same job or have obtained a new one, or even are in the process of learning new skills so you can get a different job, money has to be coming in for you and your family to survive. It's a commodity required for life on this earth, and most people would welcome more into their life.

You probably know that money is energy. Energy flows wherever you send it and brings back to you the same type of energy through life experiences. This means that if your mind continually sees lack and not enough, you will continually create experiences in your life to substantiate that energy. It cannot be any other way because likes create likes in the flow of energy. Your financial situation is a direct reflection of what is going on inside of you. So if your finances are not where you want them to be, you have unconscious blocks that are preventing you from bringing the flow of abundance and money into your life.

Money flow is an inside job and has nothing to do with what is going on in your environment, so blaming the economy, although a significant factor today, is not the true cause of any lack in your life. Granted, you may be experiencing challenges in the world of money due to circumstances beyond your control, but these circumstances you are experiencing are always due to what is believed on the inside, and more than likely is a lesson for you to grow beyond and above your circumstances.

Did you know that most people have deeply rooted financial and unconscious beliefs that they don't even know about? Some could be quite traumatic, but any of these negative programs will be an unconscious block in your money flow.

What stories float around in your mind about money? Everyone has them. What were you taught about money as a child? Were you taught things like "Money doesn't grow on trees," or Money is the root of all evil," or "Being wealthy makes you bad," "You have to work hard to make any money?" These are a just a few of the possible "stories" you've had conditioned into your memory bank that keep replaying over and over so that you do not attract the money you want and deserve to have. As long as they remain imbedded in your mind's computer, they will block the flow of money into your life.

So what it boils down to is that your mind is the controller of where you send your energy, and you know that wherever your energy goes, there is you power. If your finances are not where you want them to be, somewhere deep inside is the root of lack or some other obstacle that is keeping money from you.

Maybe you used to have a good amount of money, but now it is very reduced due to a job loss, lowered income, or a variety of other possibilities. You still have the capability of creating more money again since whatever helped you before is still within you. Perhaps you feel like a failure in some way or shamed, or maybe a massive amount of anger and self-criticism still hangs around your neck. All of those feelings are negative, fear-based, and can never bring you what you want - more money. So it is paramount that you dig deep inside to discover what stories lie hidden within you so you can release those negative feelings and replace them with positive, loving ones.

Okay, so this all sounds good, and you are willing to work on this, but you are not sure how to go about it. Begin by asking yourself what stories keep playing around inside your head. Then pay attention to what emotions are present like anger, shame, guilt, failure, self-criticism. Do you have a hidden fear of being successful? Do you feel inferior on some level - just not good enough for the dream you wish to create? Many people do have these negative programs so look deeply to see what really circulates in your personal computer.

Once you've recognized the old stories that you don't want to hang onto, you have to release them. It sounds simple, but you will probably discover it isn't as easy as it sounds. After all, these stories have been part of your life for many years and old habits/stories die hard. I remember attempting to let go of old stories multiple times, but it took repeated effort every day to replace those old stories and create a new script. And it's a continual process for the rest of your life and my life. As a result, I kept looking for ways to allow a faster transition from the old story to a new one, and I found many suggested processes for clearing the old stories and replacing with a new way of thinking. There were suggestions like placing intentions, reciting affirmations, participating in various healing modalities, burning old beliefs that you've written down on paper, meditating and clearing, and many more. Last year however, I discovered an easier and faster way to do this. It is called EFT-Emotional Freedom Technique.

EFT is a tapping routine in which specific problems are addressed in a specific order so that the old story can be released and a new one created. I tried it here and there for some time but didn't incorporate it into my daily routine until a few months ago, and wow, has it ever brought good changes into my life! You may think this is rather bizarre or maybe even kooky, but I promise it is very effective in bringing changes into your life. The tapping involves touching acupressure points that hold energy in your body, so if you are tapping away old stories and tapping on what you want to create, you can manifest the outcome you desire much more rapidly. The tapping helps to release the blocks in your energy that occur when fear-based thinking and beliefs take hold of you.

EFT involves stating a set-up phrase about the problem and repeating it 3 times as you tap on the karate chop point on the side of your hand below your pinkie finger. Then you tap on 8 points on your face and head, stating your issue and the emotions that go with it. The rounds are repeated with either the same words on every point or using different words, then once the negative things have been addressed, rounds with positive statements are spoken. Since we are talking about bringing more money into your life, you can definitely use this technique to change your story of lack into one of abundance. I've been using this for some weeks now and here's what I've noticed.

1. I feel different internally - feel quite positive and joyful.
2. Money has come to me in some unusual ways, kind of out of the blue.
3. I don't worry about money coming to me anymore.
4. I feel peaceful and abundant.

Now it doesn't mean that everything has changed immediately or that all I desire has magically appeared, but I can feel a shift inside that now allows the abundance to flow to me. Of course this process is much more than just money, but money is something we all want so we can live a comfortable and prosperous life. Even though the present economy has allowed for multiple unfavorable circumstances to appear for many of you, abundance surrounds us and can be tapped into if you sincerely wish to change your way of thinking and behaving. It is also important to focus on serving others since service is what we are here to do. Doing good for others naturally opens the gateway of abundance for you in multiple ways, because service is always from love.

As you are working through this process of releasing old stories, think about your beliefs around money and spiritual work. Remember, you must recognize the old stories you've been programmed with before you can release them and create a new story, so ask yourself these questions:

1. Do I believe I might be corrupted if I become prosperous?

2. Would I remain a person who wants to serve others if I made a lot of money?

3. If I do spiritual work, should I be paid for it? Is that ethical?

4. Is it fair to earn a lot of money when helping people?

5. Will making a lot of money change my friendships or how others view me?

I invite you to visit for more information. In addition, I invite you to email me and request the tapping format I have created in a document format, which I will gladly send to you free of charge so you can begin creating a different story of prosperity in your life. Understand that this takes commitment into your daily routine, but since it only takes a few minutes to do, why would anyone not want to do this?

Simply send an email to and ask for the tapping for abundance document; this is free for the asking. I will send it back as an attached document so you can create the abundance you desire for your life.

Money is energy and flows to you according to what you believe inside. Many people have old stories about money and those fear-based stories have created a block in the flow of money into their life.

you are capable and deserve to make lots of money, but you must release the old stories and create a new script. Using EFT tapping can really benefit that process because it can speed it up as it uplifts your spirit, and it's easy to do and takes only minutes to complete. I'm offering a free document with the entire protocol of tapping for abundance and more money. Simply email me at and ask for the document.

View the original article here

Setting Your Intentions: The Right Money Attitude

For those of you who read my articles regularly, you know that I provide information to help network marketers become more successful in their business. While I have still written this article with network marketers in mind, it is a topic that anyone in any industry can benefit from by reading it.

In your endeavors to become a prosperous MLM marketer (or successful in any career), an important component of your success is your mindset, especially when it comes to your attitudes about money.

This is a much more important and powerful concept than most people realize. What's even more important to know (but most people don't) is we grow up with certain beliefs about money, and this shapes our attitudes toward money.

I'm going to give you a brief exercise to perform. I highly advise that you take a few minutes and write down on a sheet of paper every thought or attitude you've ever had about money, or perhaps a money attitude that someone told you, maybe even relentlessly repeated it until you too believed that their attitude toward money was your very own money attitude.

Here are a few examples:

· Money doesn't grow on trees.

· Money is evil.

· Money does bad things to people.

· Money changes a person.

· Money changes everything.

· Money doesn't buy happiness.

· Rich people have no morals.

I could go on, but for the sake of space and time, I'll stop there. Those are some pretty powerful money attitudes, and not in a good way.

This is an extremely important topic, and I hope you realize that, because if you have any of these limiting beliefs about money, or any other negative money attitudes, this is going to severely limit you in your ability to achieve financial success and abundance.

Have you ever heard of a man by the name of T. Harv Ecker? He wrote a book entitled "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind." I will tell you in brief that this is not a book that contains solid financial advice. What it IS about is changing your psychological approach to money, success, and happiness.

I happened upon Ecker's work purely by accident (Or was it an accident? We manifest that which we think about). I wound up taking one of his Millionaire Mindset Intensive (MMI) seminars. I can tell you this: The Denise who walked into that room on the first day of the seminar was a very different Denise who emerged from that room on the last day of the seminar. This seminar opened up my eyes and made me see where all my attitudes about money came from. WOW, was that an eye-opener. It also provided me with a blueprint of how to change my attitude toward money for the better, as well as a blueprint for being a better money manager. There were also plenty of other opportunities presented to learn much more about how to become financially abundant. The most important thing I learned, though, was my financial success depended on changing my money attitudes. It all started with me, and how I thought about money.

This is the case for you, too. Seriously give thought to the money attitudes that you have inside you. Think about from where or from whom you learned them. Then, if they are not very positive, I strongly suggest you work on changing your money attitudes for the better. I've got great news for you - MONEY IS NOT EVIL. You receive money in exchange for a valuable service or product that your client wants/needs. What is wrong with getting paid for what you do or offer? Absolutely nothing.

There are many programs that can help you change your money attitudes from a poverty mindset to a millionaire mindset. To make it easy to get started, check out T. Harv Ecker's programs. Search the internet for others like it, there are plenty to choose from.

As I said before, this topic is important for anyone in any industry, whether working for another or if you are an entrepreneur. However, speaking specifically to my network marketing audience, I want to say this: it is important that you let go of any negative beliefs you have about network marketing and MLM in general, as well as any limiting attitudes about making money from it. This process of letting those beliefs go is absolutely essential to your success.

If you want to let me know what your fears or issues are with making money through network marketing, feel free to email me; once again, that email is I'm fairly certain that in the past I may have had the same or similar feelings that you have, but I assure you I no longer do, and I will be glad to share with you my new network marketing and money attitudes. I am here to help you, because I've been where you are now, and I know that with what I have to teach you, together we will make a great team in achieving financial success as well as mastery of the network marketing industry.

Denise Martino has been involved in the Network Marketing industry since 1999, although, she admits, not always successfully. In her endless research on the topic, she discovered and began using a system for achieving network marketing success. Denise invites you to follow her on her blog where she shares that system with you and discusses topics that are relevant to your own network marketing success.

View the original article here

Why Make Money

Focusing your life just on making money is very boring and tedious. Not only that, it goes against the very way of making money. Money is the result of activities before it, and if you focus on the end result, making money will be hard.

What is money

When we think of money we generally think of it as the paper or coins we use to purchase things. In reality that is actually called currency. It is the medium of exchange used to put specific amounts of VALUE on any given thing.

Money is what you do to get that currency. Money is value creation. Creating value for others around you helps to enrich your life, and others as well. In turn you are compensated, sometimes with cash, other times with other things.

What does making money do for me?

So why should you want to make money then? Because of what it means you will be doing to get it.

Each and every one of us have specific likes and dislikes in life. Certain things that we would love to do, or find interesting. Those are the things that we should focus on.

Why? When you are interested in a certain topic then you put your whole being into it. You are focused on the tasks at hand and not just waiting for the end result. This is how the best results are produced.

If all you care about is putting your 8 hours in and leaving, are you going to do your best all the time? Is there a chance that you will try to cut corners maybe? The answer is absolutely.

Do what you love and let the money follow

When you pursue your passions and try to do the best you can at what you enjoy, then you are completely focused on creating value. As you do this you increase production and bring more that want what you do to you.

Consider what it would mean to your paycheck if you loved what you did and were the best at it. Would you be passed up when the next promotion came along? Who would be most likely to stay on if layoffs happened? If you wanted a new job doing it do you think they would turn you down? Of course not!

On the flip side if you were only mediocre at your job and didn't really care what actually happened, would it really surprise you if you didn't get the raise, promotion, or got laid off? Again, of course not.

So do what you love to do, and reap the rewards later.

Having looked around on the internet and in life many times for ways to make money and not finding very many legitimate ones, I have decided to start a site to help others with just that. is dedicated to helping others find new avenues of income creation and gives money advice as well.

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