Showing posts with label Secret. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Secret. Show all posts

John Assaraf Entrepreneur and Keeper Of The Secret

From an early age John Assaraf thirsted for more, more of what life had to offer. His quest for knowledge and financial security led him to research many books and articles. After a great deal of tiring research he stumbled on the power of The Law Of Attraction. To see what you want in your mind, believe you have the power to achieve it and to know that you will. In essence, how to play the game of life and become victorious! His research and strong belief in the Law Of Attraction rendered him not only successful in his personal life but also in his desire to help others achieve the success they deserve.

John Assaraf is a entrepreneur, surveyor and evaluator of consciousness and the behavior of humans. His love and passion for helping and teaching people how to release the internal mental obstructions that holds them back from achieving their fullest potential is what motivates him and gives his life objective and meaning. In the last twenty five years John has developed five multi-million dollar corporations and has written two New York Times bestseller books.

John's current company, Praxis Now is a company that produces some of the most powerful facts based brain retraining tools and programs in the world. Further, John co-founded the OneC which is a business whose sole mission is to help other business achieve their goal of attaining financial security. Thousands of corporations, business men and women as well as individuals worldwide are currently using Praxis Now Programs to cultivate unstoppable self-confidence and certainly in achieving their inner vision, business and personal goals.

John has been a frequent guest on Larry King Live, appeared on every major TV network and was featured in the smash hit movie and book The Secret and in the special documentary Quest For Success with the Dali Lama and Sir Richard Branson. Today John lectures extensively around the world on The Neuroscience of Success and attaining peak personal performance and results. John also talks about the Law Of Attraction and provides valuable instruction on how you can use this powerful tool to achieve everything you have always wanted, and more. The scientific LOA teaches that the cells in our body act as magnets to the universe. Consequently, when we think negative thoughts we draw negativity to us and when we think positive thoughts so too do we draw positivity. However, it goes much deeper than just thinking. We must visualize what we want. We must see it in our mind's eye and believe that it is ours, No matter what. We must not allow ourselves to think negatively for to do so disrupts the Law Of Attraction.

On a daytime talk show John reports that although there are numerous naysayers to the Law Of Attraction and there is really no absolute method yet to prove the reality of LOA, there are thousands who profess that it works. These believers have applied the Law Of Attraction in their own personal lives with great success. John further shared his own personal situation with viewers. He stated he had a terrible medical condition that required him take numerous pills. He applied the Law Of Attraction and within five weeks he no longer had to take the medicine! This very moving and emotional fact is documented in several books he has written.

John Assaraf has written numerous self-help books such as the Vision Board Kit, Neural Reconditioning, Having It All and Having It All Program. Additionally, for the business operator he has written The Answer and Business Coaching and Consulting. Each of these books delivers powerful messages to help anyone acquire everything they have ever wanted in life, so long as they believe, it shall be so!

At The Secret Law of Attraction Tips we are here to help you on your journey with LOA. We cover all aspects of the Law Of Attraction and all things "The Secret" related. We have extensive author and coach biographies and info, quotes, product reviews, video's and high quality original helpful articles. So join us at

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Working Mom - The Secret to Getting Paid What You Deserve

I will forever be grateful to one of my clients, who, years ago, when I was still working as a freelance editor, told me that I was not charging him enough for my work. At the time I was getting paid $200 a day more than what I was paid just a year prior for a week of my time as a staff assistant editor. So I thought I was doing pretty well.

Yet this client told me that I was his first choice when he needed an editor, yet he was paying me $400 a day less than the guy he hired when I wasn't available.

I was shocked not only by the amount, but by the fact that he was so honest that he was suggesting that I should raise my rate to match that of my competitor.

In fact he insisted, saying he felt embarrassed paying me less when he thought my work merited more.

So I raised my rate, not just for him but for all my clients. I must admit it was a little nerve wrecking at first, and I worried that other clients might laugh and turn me down flat.

But what I learned was: that by raising my rate, I raised my perceived value and this opened me up to a completely new clientele. You see, in many ways I earned a new respect -- my clients assumed that if I was charging that much I must be amazingly good. And they were never disappointed.

- Here are a few things I've learned to ensure I always get the reward I deserve:

Do Your Research

- Know your market and what the average, high, and low rates are for both men and women.

All too often men secure better wages for the same job as women, and there is no good reason for this. Women have more than proven their worth in all businesses and should be paid equally.

If you are in a "traditional job" there are plenty of websites you can reference to get the information you need. If you are blazing a new trail by creating your own business, or working as a freelancer, the internet can provide you with a pay range that is normal for the type of work, or service, you provide. Also your friends and family can be an invaluable resource. So ask people close to you for their advice.

Now I realize that although men have no problems discussing money with anyone, women often have blocks, and they tend to avoid the subject altogether. We do this because, as with anything of importance to us, there is a real emotional charge attached to the subject of money.

It's important for us to use that emotional energy in a positive way that emboldens us.

The key is to never lose sight of your -- "why" -- the reason you are working in the place. Whether you seek more time with your children, the freedom to travel to exotic places, or expensive clothes, stay connected to that and you will have the courage to ask for what you deserve.

Believe in Your Own Worth

If you don't believe you're worth what you are asking for your client won't believe it either.

Your voice and body language will betray you if you don't believe fully that you deserve what you are asking for, and you will not receive the compensation you merit. Be bold and courageous, and believe in yourself and your right to proper reward for your time and expertise.

The key to my being able to secure a higher rate was my sincere belief that I deserved it. I was also annoyed to find out that men generally were paid higher rates than I, just because they were men. I was determined to change that and get paid equally.

Mission Accomplished

Once I made that commitment to myself, my clients responded favorably. I realized perhaps women were paid less simply because they didn't know to ask for more money.

Remember, your fees are not a reflection of you but are a reflection of how much you value your work. Time invested in your business is time away from your family. So make sure it counts and you'll always know the investment in your career is worth the return.

Don't Compromise

Be willing to walk away if the opportunity is not the right one.

I once made the mistake of lowering my rate for a new client. He'd been referred by another client of mine and had a reputation for producing good work. When he came to me, however, he cried poverty, and insisted that if I did him a favor just this one time, he'd pay me my real rate when he had a project with a bigger budget.

Against my better judgement I caved in a agreed to do it "just this once." Well I never saw this client again!

When the project with the big budget came along he hired an editor who always charged a higher rate. I had proven that I could do excellent work, for a fraction of the price, but in doing so I shot myself in the foot, because I changed his perception of me forever.

He paid this other editor a much higher fee, because in his mind I remained a low budget editor.

Don't ever cave in and agree to work for less than what you deserve. So much of your worth is perceived worth.

Have Firm Boundaries

In my editing business I realized that the bigger companies are often the ones who take the longest to pay you.

Slow payers have all sorts of reasons for this, such as the channels your paperwork has to go through before the payment is approved. The bottom line is that you are just a small fish in a big pond. When you are in business for yourself working on a project for several weeks, or even months, that can be crucial.

Whenever I embarked on a long term project, I insist on a partial payment upfront, followed by regular installments until the job is complete. The key is to make sure the terms are clear and agreed to before you start on the project.

And what about the client who always has a sob story and never pays on time?

While it is okay to feel sympathy when a client is having difficulty, don't let it impact your business, or your life in a negative way. If a client can't pay you on time, or if a check bounces, empathize but don't allow yourself to feel guilty on their behalf.

Be firm about your boundaries. You can be forgiving and lenient once, but don't let bad or tardy payments become a habit.

Create your own destiny

Don't settle for just a "job." Follow your heart and pursue something you are truly passionate about.

Women are starting businesses at twice the rate than men are these days. I believe this trend is partly due to our need do things our way. Men and women approach business differently and more and more women are finding they are much more successful when they step out on their own.

With technology this is easier than ever before, and work-from-home opportunities abound. There are plenty of support networks for women entrepreneurs -- find them, and use them to your full advantage (I'm going to do an article on these tools soon so stay tuned). That is probably one of our greatest qualities, we want to help our sisters succeed!

I worked in the Hollywood Industry for 20 years and I've seen plenty of the bad and the ugly. It is an industry that thrives on the notion of scarcity -- there are few jobs and plenty of people eager to break in and make their mark. Sadly many people take advantage of this and try to pay as little as they can. In today's economy I know this is a trend that has seeped into many other fields.

I've also seen plenty of the good. I'm proud to say that I have had an amazing career working with phenomenal people and on rewarding projects, I also know that I am very good at what I do, in fact I can say boldly that I am regarded as one of the best. And it is that confidence in my skill, and the value I bring to every project, that has earned me the respect of my clients and afforded me an exciting career.

I've also learned that I am the happiest when I can work on my own terms.

No matter how much you love what you do, remember that work is just a means to an end. Work must enhance your life and not take away from it. So pursue something you love and have the courage to ask for the compensation you deserve. You'll be a much happier mom and your family will thank you for it.

For more tips on finding balance between work and family, and living a deeply fulfilling life with those you cherish the most, visit Valerie Remy-Milora is the mother of three beautiful girls and the founder of Scrumptious Moms.

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Did You Know Your Desires Have a Secret You MUST Know?

Have you ever considered that your desires are gifts from the Universe? They are meant to inspire you to release and surrender your survival personality and to embrace the power and freedom of who you really are? I refer to this as 'Desire Intelligence.'

Isn't it true that you just want to be free when you feel trapped or stuck and you want to be powerful when you are getting nowhere? I do know how exhausting it is to be reactive to unwanted circumstances and difficult people. It's like running in circles and putting out fires.

Fear will tell you that you are free from being a victim if you get angry, forceful, and controlling. The truth is, a fear-based belief system will keep you on guard and away from what you desire. Anger makes you think you are powerful if you push or take control. Not much freedom in that, is there?

Your desires hold the essence of your genius free Self, your divine nature. The essence of your desires is the Universe calling your genius-Self forth. Did you ever have a desire that wasn't intended to make you feel better about yourself somehow?

Pay attention to how you want to feel if your desires were realized. You will become aware of your protective survival personality which doesn't feel that way at all.

I wanted desperately to attract my soul-mate. Even though I had experienced several hurtful relationships and heart-breaking divorces, my desire for a soul mate wouldn't let up. I wanted to feel safe, cherished, loved, and care-free.

My desire was serving me to pull me out of my survival personality that believed I had to be guarded with men because they would use me, betray me, and leave me. I couldn't trust because I subconsciously expected the past to repeat itself.

Once I allowed my desire intelligence to guide me, a transformation took place and the lights came on. I met my soul mate husband two weeks later and that was 20 years ago!

I became the essence of my desire. I was in alignment with my Source and to my desire. That was my true gift. It can be yours, as well.

Your unlimited imagination together with your higher emotions are the realm of Divine unconditional love, infinite possibilities, and creative power. This realm of the Divine is REAL and It is within you always. You are so blessed to have this creative power.

Judy K. Katz, MCC RScP Business Prosperity and Attraction Mentor at If you would like to learn how you can accelerate your ability to breakthrough your resistance to change which is stopping you from having what you want, please send an email to You may qualify for a free breakthrough session with me.

I promise this will be of great value to you!

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The Secret Science of Getting Rich

The Science of Getting Rich

There is a secret science of getting rich and many people are uncovering it each and every day. This science is not only about material wealth such as houses, cars and clothes although these things will be available to you once you have truly mastered the science. The main purpose of the secret science is to reveal the true laws of the universe that once followed will yield a bountiful, abundant life that is full of satisfaction and joy. It is about learning to have more gratitude in our lives by appreciating what we already have. Many people might roll their eyes at this notion but it is this exact reaction that keeps us poor.

Understanding Universal Truths

By understanding universal truths such as 'all things are energy' the secret science of getting rich teaches us that we are the answer to the wealth we seek. Many search for wealth outside themselves not realizing that the answers were within them. By using the power of mental projection to form a clear mental image of what is desired, it is possible to bring those desires into material form. For those who have read 'The Secret' and 'The Law of Attraction,' these fundamental teachings may seem familiar. But for those who have never heard of them, it may either seem revolutionary or skeptical. Either way, whether you choose to believe or not, these truths exist and affect everything on the material plane including our bank accounts.

Letting it in

As a society we are taught to be skeptical and at the same time we are taught to go outside for approval. This makes for a very bad combination because we stop letting our intuition be our guides and instead work very hard to receive approval from others in terms of career, religion and family life. Living to blend in with the masses is not a path to truth. Instead it is a way to deny our own uniqueness and to bury the gifts within us. By living from the inside out using the principles discussed in the Secret science of Getting Rich, we find true wealth in becoming the best we can be.


It takes courage to forge ahead and make a new path and this can be scary for many people. However we only have one life to live and what will we have to look back on when it is over? Will we have been just another good parent raising good kids or will we add to our children's lives by developing our highest potential and showing them through our own example? All these things are possible when we know how to live according to the universal truths that govern our lives. The science of getting rich offers us direction and shows step by step how to do this.

To find out more about this remarkable program and how it is affecting more lives each day, you can visit

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The Secret of Egregores Has Power to Bring You Unlimited Success and to Create Your Desired Reality

Call it what you will - consensual reality, collective consciousness, zeitgeist, archetype or even the matrix and you would not be too far from the powerful truth about a little-known phenomenon called an egregore (sometimes spelled without the final "e").  Whatever label you choose to give to this mysterious entity, be aware that it has the ability to affect, to influence and to create your outer reality and the way in which you perceive what is "out there."

Derived from a Greek word meaning "watcher," an egregore is understood by many influential organizations (and within occult circles) to mean a collective thought-form which, when consistently energized by groups of people with similar aims and aspirations, takes on a life of its own in the etheric dimension.  If the creation of such an entity is intentional, purposeful and consistent, it can become very powerful and can be call upon by members of a group to help them achieve specific goals and desires.

Many types of egregores can be created, whether consciously or unconsciously, at all levels of society - from family units all the way up to corporations, nations and even racial groups.  Animals have their own egregores as evidenced by their hive-mind behavior and herd instinct - traits which, sadly, are also exhibited by members of many tightly knit human organizations including cultic, fundamentalist religions and isolationist nations.

Knowledge of the egregore is jealously guarded within the confines of secret organizations - for a very powerful reason.  These astral entities are capable of either helping humans manifest their desired realities or, at the other extreme, act as reality prisons in order to benefit the few who control this secret knowledge.

Interestingly, most people who belong to social clubs, culturally homogenous communities and work environments instinctively refer to the "group ethic" or "team spirit" of their organizations.  Little do they realize that at the non-physical or etheric level, an actual entity does exist, embodying their shared goals, objectives and aspirations.

Many egregores begin quite humbly - usually triggered by the innocent, wistful desires of individuals who do not realize that the random thought-forms generated are capable of combining with other similar thought-forms, eventually gaining strength and autonomy.  On the other hand, when an individual or group intentionally and knowledgeably creates such an energy entity to help achieve specific goals, a so-called servitor is created.

These "helper" energy forms possess a degree of intelligence - which is why they will often strive to become autonomous and independent as they expand into powerful egregores.  Therefore, when creating a servitor, you must always make provisions for keeping it under your control as long as possible.

If an egregore is continually energized (and there are many ways to do this) it can become so possessive and all-consuming that its members will often find it difficult to escape its influence, unable to understand why they are addicted and attached to these groups and organizations.  If you are at all interested in attempting to "ride on" the power of an already-existing egregore in order to create your desired reality, make sure that you are fully aware of what you are getting into.

Indeed, like the mythical genie-in-a-bottle, you can tap into the unique reality stream these etheric entities in order to manifest desires beyond your wildest dreams - ESPECIALLY if you can find an already-existing egregore created to promote aims similar to your own.  Most of the notorious secret societies in existence today (I'm sure you can think of a few) have well-established egregores which were created in past generations by their founders in order to further the aims, careers, power structures and wealth of its members.

It is no accident that organized religions utilize repeatable ceremonies and rites while the average church-goer remains unaware that these rituals were designed to drain their psychic energy to feed and strengthen existing egregores.  Miracles and other such unusual or unexplained phenomena are often merely the physical manifestations of well-established religious egregores.

Egregores should not be taken lightly nor should they be ignored.  Most of your life's circumstances are brought into physical "reality" as the result of they way in which these consensually-created entities interact with each other at the etheric level.

The by-now iconic depiction of the reality matrix in science fiction books and movies can only give a limited, often-skewed idea the real egregore phenomenon.  In truth, there are many types and forms of these entities, each vying for astral "space" in their efforts to manifest within the physical plane.

Corporations and countries are very aware of the power of egrgores and continually strive to strengthen these matrices by using such techniques as branding and subliminal symbolism.  As the general populace unquestioningly embraces the influence of these giant egregores, they unwittingly energize these their own etheric prisons in a kind of endless, often inescapable loop-mechanism.

To utilize a preexisting egregore to achieve your desires, choose one (egregore) which is already well established and which was created to further specific goals with which you are in agreement.  Most importantly, remain fully aware of what happens at the unseen (etheric) level when you do tap into an egregore.

Be fearless but also be well informed.  This hidden phenomenon is how the "powers-that-be" control the masses - but who says that YOU can't play the same game for your own benefit?

Do a lot of research on this subject matter (although you will find that most of this information still remains purposely hidden from plain sight).  Truly, this knowledge is extremely powerful and with persistence and enough information, you will be greatly rewarded beyond your wildest dreams!

Edwin Lopez draws from his amazing personal experiences and extensive research in order to teach others how to consciously shape their realities. His step-by-step methods for conscious creation are detailed in an e-book about the long-withheld secret of Light. Download this groundbreaking book at and begin taking charge of your life. Affiliate program is also available for earning a generous commission.

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Rhonda Byrne - The Secret Is Born

Rhonda Byrne was born on 03/12/1951. Her career started as a television writer and producer. She is best known for her production and creation of, The Secret, the movie and book by the same name which has netted her a staggering 30 million dollars in sales and still growing. Previously to the secret, she has worked on the Australian TV series Worlds Greatest Commercials and Marry Me and was also a producer for Sensing Murder.

It was late spring in 2004 when Australian born writer and producer Rhonda Byrne stumbled upon an unbelievable discovery. The discovery wasn't really all that new because Rhonda's research revealed it had been used as far back as the Babylonian times. What her research did not prepare her for however, was just how much this discovery would change her life.Her excitement over this secret knew no bounds. Rhonda knew she could not keep the secret to herself but instead had to share this wonderful discovery with anyone and everyone. She carefully documented all her research and scoured her sources for others that might know of it today and found many who did. A few years later she wrote her first book The Secret which soon became an international smash hit.

Time Magazine in 2007 bestowed on her a great honour that being in the top one hundred people who shape the world. Like other contemporary writers before her, Rhonda received great recognition and a massive boost in sales after appearing on the Oprah Winfrey Show.

Her second book; The Power, a sequel to the The Secret based on the feelings of LOVE was published in hardback print version as well as in an audio CD in 2010. She has also recently released her third book in the series called The Magic concentrating on the power of gratitude.

The basic premise for all the books is that The Law Of Attraction is not prejudiced; it exhibits what ever you think about, good or bad. If you are constantly thinking about bills and debt that is exactly what you will get more of. This is because thoughts of bills and financial trouble create negative energy, yes they are a fact of life in today's society but concentrating on them only begets more of the same!

What the Law Of Attraction teaches and many of the New Thought Writers agree is that the human body is an entity within our universe that draws current from its surroundings a bit like the movie The Matrix. This current when joined with the body creates a magnetic field that engages with our mind and reacts accordingly. Therefore, no matter what we are thinking about our mind and the power of the magnetic field will pull that which we are thinking about right to us. The Science of quantum physics has proven that thoughts can be measured by energy and are therefore an energy source within the universe.

Rhonda Byrne and other new thought writers before her have tested this 'theory' in their own lives and have come to one unanimous conclusion. If you concentrate on the good things, the car of your dreams, the house you have always wanted, a loving family and even having financial security, you have the power to achieve it.

Rhonda proclaims that we all have the power to attain everything we ever dreamed of. It is in each of us, as it was for our forefathers The Babylonians, the Egyptians, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle and all the great thinkers, they all had the powerful ability to achieve their dreams and change the world, so can you!

At The Secret Law of Attraction Tips we are here to help you on your journey with LOA. We cover all aspects of the Law Of Attraction and all things "The Secret" related. We have extensive author and coach biographies and info, quotes, product reviews, video's and high quality original helpful articles. So join us at

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The Secret of Egregores Has Power to Bring You Unlimited Success and to Create Your Desired Reality

Call it what you will - consensual reality, collective consciousness, zeitgeist, archetype or even the matrix and you would not be too far from the powerful truth about a little-known phenomenon called an egregore (sometimes spelled without the final "e").  Whatever label you choose to give to this mysterious entity, be aware that it has the ability to affect, to influence and to create your outer reality and the way in which you perceive what is "out there."

Derived from a Greek word meaning "watcher," an egregore is understood by many influential organizations (and within occult circles) to mean a collective thought-form which, when consistently energized by groups of people with similar aims and aspirations, takes on a life of its own in the etheric dimension.  If the creation of such an entity is intentional, purposeful and consistent, it can become very powerful and can be call upon by members of a group to help them achieve specific goals and desires.

Many types of egregores can be created, whether consciously or unconsciously, at all levels of society - from family units all the way up to corporations, nations and even racial groups.  Animals have their own egregores as evidenced by their hive-mind behavior and herd instinct - traits which, sadly, are also exhibited by members of many tightly knit human organizations including cultic, fundamentalist religions and isolationist nations.

Knowledge of the egregore is jealously guarded within the confines of secret organizations - for a very powerful reason.  These astral entities are capable of either helping humans manifest their desired realities or, at the other extreme, act as reality prisons in order to benefit the few who control this secret knowledge.

Interestingly, most people who belong to social clubs, culturally homogenous communities and work environments instinctively refer to the "group ethic" or "team spirit" of their organizations.  Little do they realize that at the non-physical or etheric level, an actual entity does exist, embodying their shared goals, objectives and aspirations.

Many egregores begin quite humbly - usually triggered by the innocent, wistful desires of individuals who do not realize that the random thought-forms generated are capable of combining with other similar thought-forms, eventually gaining strength and autonomy.  On the other hand, when an individual or group intentionally and knowledgeably creates such an energy entity to help achieve specific goals, a so-called servitor is created.

These "helper" energy forms possess a degree of intelligence - which is why they will often strive to become autonomous and independent as they expand into powerful egregores.  Therefore, when creating a servitor, you must always make provisions for keeping it under your control as long as possible.

If an egregore is continually energized (and there are many ways to do this) it can become so possessive and all-consuming that its members will often find it difficult to escape its influence, unable to understand why they are addicted and attached to these groups and organizations.  If you are at all interested in attempting to "ride on" the power of an already-existing egregore in order to create your desired reality, make sure that you are fully aware of what you are getting into.

Indeed, like the mythical genie-in-a-bottle, you can tap into the unique reality stream these etheric entities in order to manifest desires beyond your wildest dreams - ESPECIALLY if you can find an already-existing egregore created to promote aims similar to your own.  Most of the notorious secret societies in existence today (I'm sure you can think of a few) have well-established egregores which were created in past generations by their founders in order to further the aims, careers, power structures and wealth of its members.

It is no accident that organized religions utilize repeatable ceremonies and rites while the average church-goer remains unaware that these rituals were designed to drain their psychic energy to feed and strengthen existing egregores.  Miracles and other such unusual or unexplained phenomena are often merely the physical manifestations of well-established religious egregores.

Egregores should not be taken lightly nor should they be ignored.  Most of your life's circumstances are brought into physical "reality" as the result of they way in which these consensually-created entities interact with each other at the etheric level.

The by-now iconic depiction of the reality matrix in science fiction books and movies can only give a limited, often-skewed idea the real egregore phenomenon.  In truth, there are many types and forms of these entities, each vying for astral "space" in their efforts to manifest within the physical plane.

Corporations and countries are very aware of the power of egrgores and continually strive to strengthen these matrices by using such techniques as branding and subliminal symbolism.  As the general populace unquestioningly embraces the influence of these giant egregores, they unwittingly energize these their own etheric prisons in a kind of endless, often inescapable loop-mechanism.

To utilize a preexisting egregore to achieve your desires, choose one (egregore) which is already well established and which was created to further specific goals with which you are in agreement.  Most importantly, remain fully aware of what happens at the unseen (etheric) level when you do tap into an egregore.

Be fearless but also be well informed.  This hidden phenomenon is how the "powers-that-be" control the masses - but who says that YOU can't play the same game for your own benefit?

Do a lot of research on this subject matter (although you will find that most of this information still remains purposely hidden from plain sight).  Truly, this knowledge is extremely powerful and with persistence and enough information, you will be greatly rewarded beyond your wildest dreams!

Edwin Lopez draws from his amazing personal experiences and extensive research in order to teach others how to consciously shape their realities. His step-by-step methods for conscious creation are detailed in an e-book about the long-withheld secret of Light. Download this groundbreaking book at and begin taking charge of your life. Affiliate program is also available for earning a generous commission.

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