Showing posts with label Power. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Power. Show all posts

The Power of Intention

Overwhelmed! That's a word I've heard a lot lately. A client recently exclaimed, ?Who has the time to focus on one thing at a time these days? That's a luxury I just cannot afford!? In an effort to be more efficient, most of us have learned how to multitask.

Computers are known for their ability to multitask. For example, you can compose a letter while scanning for viruses or downloading a software update. But have you noticed that even computers are often not as efficient when multitasking? The functions slow way down when too many resources are being called upon at one time. Our brains are even more susceptible to loss of productivity when we try to do two or more things at once ? especially if they are complex or require a high degree of concentration. Studies show a drop in efficiency of 30-50% on individual tasks performed while multitasking. Brain studies show that we actually cannot multi-task. We simply change focus very rapidly from one task to another.

Perhaps one of the worst forms of multitasking is when we're trying to spend ?quality? time with a loved one, while also trying to be ?productive.? I'll never forget an experience I had years ago when I went to my daughter's soccer game on a day that I was feeling overwhelmed and behind. I had grabbed the mail on the way out the door. In my attempt to be efficient with my time, I was sorting through the mail while watching the game. Unfortunately, I was looking down when my daughter made her only goal of the game. I felt terrible when someone said, ?Did you see that? Your daughter just made a goal!? Although she never knew, it was one of those moments I could never get back. I could have read the mail anytime.

Reduce the overwhelm -- narrow your focus to three intentions at a time!

Are you living your life on purpose? Is your self-talk full of "I have-to," "I gotta," or "I should"? How often do you say "I choose to..."?

Maybe it's time to quit shoulding on yourself and be at choice! You're eventually headed for a crash landing if you do not honor your values and your life purpose by consciously choosing what you want and being intentional with your behavior and responses. Your ?auto pilot? may not be set to get you where you want to go. Begin by jotting down some intentions. When you set your intentions, choose ones that you're willing to put your time and energy behind and that are most important to YOU. Keep them short and simple. When you look back over the list, does it represent what matters most to you at this time in your life?

Here are some examples: ? I intend to lose 10 pounds. ? I intend feel more rested and energetic when I wake up each morning. ? I intend to take one full 24-hour day away from work each week (including e-mail). ? I intend to leave my office by 5:00 PM each day. ? I intend to give 10% of my earnings to charity. ? I intend to save 10% of my earnings for retirement. ? I intend to deepen my relationship with my spouse. ? I intend to feel more connected to my kids.

Because your brain can only focus on so much at one time, I suggest that you identify no more than three goals or habits to work on over the next three months. Jot down your three most important goals or areas of focus, and then underneath each goal write a description of the results you intend to achieve. Remember... trying to concentrate on more than three primary goals at a time can put your mind into overload.

Once you?ve stated your intentions, it?s time to get REALLY specific by identifying measurable goals to help you follow through with them.

Here?s how this works. One of the above intentions was to leave the office by 5 PM. In order to do that, I might determine that I need to be more productive at work. Here is how I get really specific about my measurable goals that will support me in following through with the intention to leave the office by 5 PM?


? Have a system in place to follow up on calls and letters in a timely way.

? Be on time or early for appointments. ? Take journals & mail with me so I can catch up on my reading if I am early for an appointment. ? Break larger tasks into smaller ones with deadlines assigned to each smaller task.

? Set realistic goals and deadlines for new projects and stay on task.

? Remind myself that when I say "yes" to one thing I am saying "no" to other things.

? Only say yes to what is important.

? Do weekly planning every Friday for the coming week.

In order to create new behaviors which will get and keep you at the enhanced level at which you wish to function, you may need support and an accountability partner. Identify whatever support you need in order to reach your goals, and then ask it.

Wouldn't you love to stumble upon a secret library of ideas to help you de-clutter your life so you can focus on what's most important? Kathy Paauw offers simple, yet powerful ideas, on how to manage your time, space, and thoughts for a more productive and fulfilling life. Visit .
Kathy Paauw helps busy executives professionals and entrepreneurs de-clutter their schedules spaces and minds so they can focus on whats most important. She is an organizing productivity consultant certified professional personal coach and speaker. Contact her or visit her website at or contact her at and learn how you can find anything you file or store in 5 secondsguaranteed! 

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Do You Give Away Your Power?

When you love someone do you give your power away?

This may seem a strange question to ask and you may wonder what 'power' has to do with 'love'.

However, if we take a look we might see that love and power are very closely linked. This may not seem very romantic, but that does not mean it is not true.

We see another person as attractive depending on the level of 'personal power' that they hold. Things like good looks, money, success (however we define it), musical and artistic abilities, and the like all, can add to attractiveness - and 'attractiveness' is a form of personal power.

When we love someone it is natural to want to give to him or her. It is part of the fun of a relationship. Yet, if we try to give too much of ourselves before the other person is ready the chances are that they will run a mile...

Has anyone not experienced that kind of 'rejection'? I don't see any hands going up...It seems to be part of the human experience for everyone no matter what their status in life.

The problems start to arise when we place another person above ourselves. If we do that it can come across as if we feel that the other person is more important that we are.

"What is wrong with?" that you might wonder. "Isn't that how love is supposed to be?", you may ask.

Well, the problem with it is that it is not sustainable. The other person is looking for an equal not for more members of their 'fan club'. In order to have a meaningful relationship they need more from us than simply adding ourselves to their list of admirers. Sooner or later they will believe our own low assessment of ourselves.

The more we look up to someone the more we reduce own status in their eyes. Indeed, perhaps the more we look up to someone the more reason we give them to look down on us.

This does not mean that we cannot admire qualities and abilities in others. It just means we need to do it with a feeling of equality and not with a feeling like we are some kind unworthy creature admiring someone far better than we are.

Love is really something much bigger than us as individuals. In a sense, love is a process. How we love has to do with how we respond in that process. It may have little to do with the other person because we will respond the same way within that process with someone else.

If our response to love is to try and raise up the other person by lowering ourselves then that will be our experiences of the 'process' of love. We will experience being reduced and diminished when we love.

If our response to love is to raise ourselves up and the other person too - then that will be our experience of love. We will experience love as enlivening and enriching. Yes, we may still have our disappointments - but, overall it will raise us up and not diminish us.
We need to look at our response to the process of love and see it is different from the 'object' of our love. In that way we can find more skillful ways to express how we feel.

And, the expression of love is a skill. It is one of the highest of skills, but it is still a skill. It is something that needs to be learned - often through trial and error. There is not sense beating ourselves up when we make a mistake because it is just part of the process of learning the skill.

Part of the process is learning to feel good about ourselves as part of our own experience of relating to others. If we try and exclude ourselves from our own ability to love, that is what makes us want to sacrifice ourselves to the image we make of the other person. We have set ourselves up to lose if we do this as it makes a false god / goddess out of them.

Then we begin to look at the other person as if they are source of love in our life. Which is a dangerous thing to do to another fragile and quirky human being. It is dangerous as it is too much power to give another person - especially when it is someone we might hardly know at all (except that they are 'so wonderful'...).

We need to recognize the source of love in our lives. It is a deeper and wiser part of ourselves, which lives within us waiting recognition. That is our true source of personal power - and our true source of love.

Author: William Martin is the founder of a totally free dating site.

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The Power of Writing a Statement of Intention

Copyright ? 2006 Marshall House

I consider that an important principle of empowerment is to identify an intention; a technique related to that principle is to write down the statement of intention. I consciously use the principle of intention in all aspects of my work, and express intention frequently with my clients. I also advocate writing down a statement of intention in certain situations.

An intention exists for every thought and every action. It is a given. There is no question whether or not an intention exists; the question is, what is the intention? You might even consider that an intention is the thought behind a thought, or the thought that powers a thought. It can be very enlightening to bring your intention to the surface after an event. It is even more enlightening to create an intention before an event so that the identified intention guides you in more empowering actions.

If you identify an intention that you be ?open and appreciative? in a certain situation, you have directed yourself to be in a particular consciousness. This intention suggests certain actions; however, no specific actions are necessary in order to be in a particular consciousness or attitude. Actions follow an intention. And actions follow an intention, whether you are aware of the intention or not.

The act of writing a few words or a complete sentence helps to focus attention more effectively than just thinking about an intention. I often recommend this technique to clients. Some clients tell me that they feel more accountable to themselves when they take a few seconds to write words that capture an intention.

Here are a few examples of Intention. Note the simplicity -- you will find it easier to remember a few words than a complex sentence. Note the focus -- you want to inspire yourself about a way of being, rather than to delineate specific actions or end results.

* To feel free.

* To approach this situation with openness and eagerness.

* With love in my heart.

* Open and appreciative.

* Fully engaged in the present moment.

* Seeking balance.

After I suggested this technique to one client (Timothy), he began to write down a statement or phrase of intention for each meeting, whether he was its leader, a participant, or an observer. When he was responsible for leading meetings, he knew he could manage certain aspects of the meeting to keep it on track and in alignment with his intention. At those times, he became aware of blending and checking his way of being (consciousness) and his ways of doing (actions).

However, Timothy's deeper realization of the power of this technique of writing his intention came during the meetings when he did not even speak. He wrote his few words on a pad of paper and kept the pad in his own private view. He watched in awe as the groups of people who had been meeting together regularly for years began to change during one or two meetings. He noticed that they were more communicative, open, responsive, engaged, and productive.

I introduced the power of identifying and writing attention to Timothy several years ago. I recently had a conversation with him. He tells me that now identifying an intention is so embodied into his management and personal life that he rarely writes down a statement of intention. He does write an intention, though, when a situation is particularly challenging to him.

In my view, a technique is useful until it is no longer needed because the corresponding principle is embodied. I identify and/or write a statement of my own intention for being with my clients so that I provide a space for them to move as they need or want. I consider that it is not so much a matter of what I do or say with clients, but how I am with them. My intention is to be fully present, engaged, and listening at all levels.

Jeanie Marshall, Empowerment Consultant and Coach with Marshall House, produces Guided Meditations on CD albums and MP3 downloads and writes extensively on subjects related to personal development and empowerment. Voice of Jeanie Marshall,
Jeanie Marshall has an M.S. in Organization Development. She facilitates private consultations by telephone throughout the world appears as a guest on television and radio shows and has produced guided meditations on audio cassette tapes CD albums and MP3 files. She has been actively involved in the human potential movement for more than twenty years as a mentor coach facilitator organizational development consultant personal development consultant and writer. 

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The Power of Our Minds

I talk a great deal about motivation, inspiration and passion as keys to success. In this article, I will expand on these concepts and delve into the most exciting philosophies and secrets about them.

The mind has two distinct parts. It has the subconscious and the conscious. The conscious mind is the simulation we call the personality; it is you as you are when awake and creating thoughts. The subconscious mind is like a powerful computer that stores and executes these thoughts. It absorbs all information but performs no thinking at all.

Now, the subconscious is connected to all other subconscious minds. There is a tremendous amount of information passing through the subconscious mind but the conscious mind is generally not connected enough to be aware of it and this is the problem.

Most people are not even aware that they have a subconscious mind that stores all this great power! It is estimated that the subconscious mind can perform over 25,000 actions per second! It keeps your heart beating, skin moist, hair growing, kidneys functioning, equilibrium steady, and every thought you ever had imprinted. Not only does the subconscious mind store our thoughts but it also executes them. If one doesn?t know about this power then how can they master it?

And here lies the trick to tapping the power of the mind.

First we must realize we have this power and become conscious that every thought we have is absorbed by the subconscious and sent out into our reality where it mixes with everyone else?s realities. Once we take the reins of our power then we can steer it and realize the full effect of our positive and negative thoughts on reality.

See, the subconscious mind does not think and therefore will not sort out ?bad? thoughts from ?good? thoughts. Are you constantly thinking about the worst that can happen? Well stop because the subconscious will send it out and attract it. The same thing goes for happy and positive thoughts. The more energized a thought is the more powerfully it will affect reality and the most powerful thoughts are those with great emotion attached.

It is your job, it is the conscious minds job, to create thoughts with constructive emotional energy. The only way to do this is by reframing your state of mind to be aware of negatives but to focus on the positives; it is by motivating yourself and finding inspiration in the dynamic interconnected world before you. And as you do this, you become deeply rooted in the conscious creation of your life. A greater sense of intuition will automatically take place and you will learn to let go of those things which truly do not matter.

Here you will find what really does matter to you and your subconscious will then begin to automatically manifest it. This is the way of the successful and happy. It is what makes great business people, salespeople, and marketers. Be aware of your power and align it with yourself. Take effective action and be the change you want to see in the world.

About the Author: After experimenting with Direct Marketing, Mark McCormack is sharing what he has learned generates success. For further inspiration and to learn about his wealth success system you can visit

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The Power of the Subconscious

Copyright ? 2005 Daniel N Brown

Are you happy with where you are in life or would you like to make some changes?

If you find that you don't like where you are in life you must ask yourself what thoughts you are engaging in that are bringing about your undesirable circumstances. What is actually going on in your conscious mind? Are you thinking thoughts of peace, prosperity, and happiness? Or, are you thinking thoughts of doom and gloom?

Thoughts are powerful forces of energy and can only come from your own mind, and we should understand things do not just happen accidentally. Everything that happens in your life happens for a reason. Since you are the only one in charge of your mind, you create the thoughts that create the circumstances in your life.

We must understand that what we ponder and think about sets the course for our lives, because what we ponder and think about gets magnified and becomes attracted to us. It's "cause and effect."

Cause and effect says, "Think repetitive thoughts, reap their physical manifestations."

Most of what we are experiencing in life has been attracted by our own subconscious minds because these programings are creating our reality.

You cannot fool your subconsious mind. Whatever you continually tell it, it will eventually act upon. Any impulse of thought which is repeatedly passed on to the subconscious mind will finally be accepted and acted upon, which proceeds to translate that impulse into it's physical equivalent. The subconscious has no intellect at all. It only does what it is designed to do, and that is to follow instructions.

We all have a tape playing in our heads that we do not even realize is there. This tape is the programming in our subconscious that keeps us in a condition we are familiar with, even if it is undesirable.

Proverbs 23:7 says, "As a man thinks in his heart, so is he." This "thinking" is not a conscious thinking as most people believe. That would be the "thinking" in the mind. Thinking in the heart is the subconscious. It is the subconscious mind that controls the automatic things a person does, what he thinks, and what he attracts.

Most of our current circumstances were birthed from our thoughts, and at any time we choose, we can change it all. We have both the ability and the responsibility to make better choices beginning today. God said in Deuteronomy 30:19, "I set before you life and death, blessing and cursing, therefore, choose life."

I believe God gives us choices to make regarding our own quality of life. By telling us to choose, He is referring to our thoughts, our beliefs, and our words. By us choosing our thoughts, beliefs, and words, we automatically program our subconscious minds through repetition, for repetition is the key to using the power of the subconscious.

Have you ever heard it said that if you tell yourself something long enough you'll begin to believe it? Since this is true, the simplest way to attract the things you desire is to hold a mental picture of what you want as long as possible and as often as possible. Feel that you already have what you desire with certainty and you will see it become manifested in your life.

Our conscious mind is the source of thought and our subconscious is the computer that is programmed by it. By a pattern, or habit of thinking, we program our subconscious mind through repetitious affirmations and creative visualizations. With this knowledge we are able to change our circumstances for the better.

Daniel N. Brown is an entrepreneur, teacher of biblical success principles, and the author of the popular ebook, "5 Biblical Keys to Your Abundance and Prosperity." Get his FREE report entitled, "How to Receive from God" when you sign up for his FREE weekly newsletter.

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The Power of Choice and What You Choose

I was walking along on a beautiful morning, while my ego-mind was busy playing old tapes and imagining unpleasant future moments, when I noticed that I was allowing this yet again. Then I had this thought: If Jesus, Buddha, and Eckhart Tolle were my advisors, what would they say to me right now? I quieted my mind and listened for an answer, and got one: choose peace. I don't know which one of them said it, but knew all three of them would have offered that as a good, if not the best, option.

For the remainder of my walk to meet with someone who I can sometimes not feel peaceful with, I silently said, "I choose peace." Our time together was actually humorous because MY ego-mind would watch for stuff to happen to upset it. But I'd catch this happening and choose peace each time. This not only freed me during this time but the other person as well; nothing but an enjoyable visit took place. This also brought to my attention (and not for the first time, but with more punch) how big a role I play in less than peaceful interactions, and my influence anytime I approach anyone or anything with opposing thoughts emanating from me.

This experience caused me to add a morning meditation to what I already do, where I use the ancient creation sound of "Ah", meaning I utter my statement and follow it with the ah-sound until I run out of air. It goes like this: I state aloud, "I choose peace." Then I make the ah-sound, and while I do this, I think and feel "I choose peace," instead of thinking about what comes next or what's on my to-do list. I follow this with, "I choose the way of peace," then do the ah-sound while thinking and feeling this. I found it easy to create a list of what I choose, what is truly important to me; and I offer some of my list later in this writing. I do this every morning. And though I don't do the ah-sound, I periodically during the day repeat silently any choice statement that will serve me at particular moments.

The ego-mind believes more is always better. The consciousness we are knows there are times when less IS more. So, my ego-mind, as ego-minds will, decided this practice needed to be amplified by my changing "I choose" to "I have," with the thought that, eventually, it would become "I am." At one time I did believe this was the way to go, and others have also promoted this. However, when I tried it, I found I didn't like how I or the experience felt. Why was this? Certainly (my ego-mind said) these other words have more umph, more command. However, it was my ego-mind that immediately argued with "I have" when I used it.

If ego-mind argued with "I have," it would argue with "I am," and that's a good way to go nowhere fast; or as a German proverb advises, "What is the use of running when we are not on the right road?" And this ties in with what also occurred to me about another power advantage to "I choose": Sometimes, we don't feel at our best because of certain circumstances, even if it's being not well-rested. That's not the time to try to force an "I have," much less an "I am." But "I choose" helps us feel even a bit stronger, which is always a good thing. I, so far, don't always have peace, etc.; but I can always choose these ways of being and shift into them. When we deliberately choose, we acknowledge what we already have, though may not use, and can then deliberately practice it, BE it. And, of course, the more we do this, the more it becomes our experience.

When this was all still very fresh for me, a friend had a most upsetting experience. She left before it could escalate and came to see me. While we talked, I told her about my "I choose peace" moment. Her expression changed. Her energy changed. When we spoke the next day and I asked how the situation was going, she said everything had calmed down and was not only better but improved. She said, "I did what you did. I chose peace." Her choice had the power to shift her energy and shift the tumultuous situation without any action on her part, and shifted it in her absence; although, her later action involved communication, which she did from a place of peace rather than anger or distress.

In the words of Ernest Holmes, "The whole problem is not one of creation, but one of direction, and there is no direction unless there is first an embodiment." This is also why the power of choice matters. Your ego-mind can argue with "I have" or "I am," but it can't argue with "I choose," especially when you align your feeling essence with your choice. And as you do this practice each day, which takes very little time, you begin to feel and witness your choices strengthening you and at work in your life.

Here are some of my standard choices, though in my practice, I also include a few that directly relate to what I choose or need to do that day. The point is that you can include anything about you and how you influence any area of your life. Remember, the process is to first say "I choose" then "I choose the way of," each followed by the ah-sound: I choose peace/I choose the way of peace, love, energy, focus, wisdom and understanding, conscious awareness, the power of presence in the now, efficient use of time, intelligence and clear thinking, creativity and productivity, lightness of being, joyfulness, appreciation. As you do this process every day, your choices imprint your physical and non-physical cells more and more. One note to keep in mind: if you create a statement and it feels off, trust that. Reword it until it feels right for you.

The shift within me as a result of this practice has felt so good that I prefer not to start my day until I do it. And if during the day I become aware that l feel something I prefer not to, I silently repeat whichever choices assist me at that time. Am I perfect in this? No, nor am I aiming at perfection in the practice or myself. I am aiming at a better process that allows me to be a better BEing. I am choosing to be persistent and consistent about it. Try this every day for one week and see what happens, see how you feel. Please allow what you feel and demonstrate at the inner level to have more significance, especially when you first begin to do this, than any outward demonstration of it, though, those are pretty nifty. It's a good practice.

Practice makes progress.

© Joyce Shafer

You are welcome to use this article in your newsletter or on your blog/website as long as you use my complete bio with it.

Joyce Shafer is a Life Empowerment Coach dedicated to helping people feel, be, and live their true inner power. She's author of "I Don't Want to be Your Guru" and other books/ebooks, and publishes a free weekly online newsletter that offers empowering articles and free downloads. See all that's offered by Joyce and on her site at

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The Power of Contrast

A few weeks ago, I had the privilege of meeting an extraordinary person. It was a chance encounter. I was walking to a nearby store and she was going in the opposite direction. She waved to get my attention, and then handed me a piece of paper.

The written message said that she was mute and so couldn't explain her situation in her own voice, but that she was trying to buy a birthday cake for her four-year-old daughter and would be grateful for any contribution that I could give her.

Such requests are commonplace in the city of Johannesburg, where I live. Far more people have moved here looking for work than the city is able to accommodate. Those unable to find employment often resort to providing odd street services in a desperate attempt to secure whatever income they can, or simply beg.

Over the years, I've grown weary of giving them money. It's hard to tell what they are going to do with it. I'm sure that some use it to buy food and other necessities, but there are also those who spend it on cigarettes, alcohol and drugs.

Looking at the written request for money that would seemingly be used to buy a birthday cake, I decided not to take the chance. I offered to buy her the cake instead. The inconvenience was minimal as I was already on my way to the shops. She could come with me and choose the cake that she wanted. Best of all, it would ensure that the money really was used for the stated cause.

I half-expected her to turn down my offer, confirming my fears of what she was really after. To my surprise, she eagerly accepted. The enthusiasm that radiated from her face dispelled any residual doubts I might have harboured about the honesty of her request. I resumed my walk to the shops with her.

Once there, I left her in the bakery section and went on to do my own shopping. She found me a few minutes later, a beautifully decorated pink birthday cake in her hands. I could almost imagine the smile on her daughter's face when she saw it. I confirmed that I would buy it for her, leaving her to go back and sort out the packaging. I thought that was the end of the matter.

The error in my assumption was revealed some ten minutes later, when she came back and handed me another piece of paper. The new message explained that, as much as she would have loved to buy the cake for her daughter, they needed regular food more. The same hopeful look returned as she showed me a Christmas hamper that she had found. It contained a variety of food that they needed, and it was currently discounted.

I was taken aback by the request. It suddenly became clear to me what this was about. They needed food, plain and simple. She was so desperate to get it that she was willing to sacrifice her dream of celebrating her daughter's birthday with a cake in order to get it.

I couldn't bring myself to turn down her new request. In fact, instead of simply agreeing to buy her the hamper, I asked whether she would rather have the hamper and the cake. Her eyes opened wide with shock. Apparently, the idea had not occurred to her. Later, when I picked up the hamper and realised that it was quite light despite its bulky appearance, I suggested that she might want to get another one.

I could tell from the tears that she was trying to hide that it was a very special day in her life.

It was a very special day in my life, too. Ever since the chance encounter with a beggar woman at a road intersection years ago, I've understood that it was the giving of what we had at times and in situations where it was needed that enabled us to experience its bounty. Be it material wealth or prized skills, it was their application for the upliftment of other people that enabled us to feel plentiful ourselves.

What I hadn't understood then was why this should be the case. Why was it that, if I wanted to experience abundance, the most effective way was through others, by causing them to feel abundant? Why couldn't I do the same for myself? The answer eluded me until the clue was provided again, this time by the lady with two Christmas hampers and a birthday cake. That clue was the necessity and the power of contrast.

It is change that makes experience possible, and the extent of change that drives its intensity. A kind word passes unnoticed in a flurry of praise, yet carries the power to stop a heated argument. Habitual success is hardly worthy of special mention, but let it occur in the midst of failure and it becomes something to celebrate.

The question of how best to experience abundance translates into the question of how to create the deepest contrast between an affluent present and the memory of a destitute past.

This is very difficult to achieve in our own lives. For the vast majority of people, acquisition of wealth is a very gradual process. Whatever possessions, skills and mindsets have enabled us to acquire the wealth that we currently have also stand in our way of rapidly acquiring more. Even if our life story is one of going from rags to riches, chances are that it has taken many years to accomplish. The passage of time dulls the memory of whatever contrast we might have had.

When it comes to material wealth, the most effective way to create pronounced contrast in our own lives is probably by winning a fortune, especially with lottery. The change is immediate and dramatic. It enables us to have a profound experience of abundance by looking at nothing more than our own lives, at what we can do now that we couldn't do before. Unfortunately, it is not up to us to make it happen. It resides beyond our control, and might not grace us even once.

Experiencing abundance through other people suffers from none of these shortcomings. Because we experience abundance by giving rather than hoarding, the limitations that are holding us back from acquiring further wealth - be it lack of tools, skills or a self-defeating mindset - no longer apply. Nor does the extent of our possessions. We don't need to have a lot to give to find someone who has even less, and to whom such a gift would make a world of difference.

The two hampers and the cake that I bought for that lady had cost me less than the daily grocery shopping for my own family. The gift was negligible from my point of view, yet it was beyond her reach. The worldview that governed her notion of what was possible was clearly much more restrictive than mine. So restrictive, in fact, that the possibility of acquiring both a hamper and a cake did not occur to her until I pointed it out.

When experiencing abundance through other people, there are two sets of limitations in play. The person who is giving is restricted by what he has and what he believes he can afford to give away. The person who is receiving is similarly restricted by what she has, what she still needs, and what she believes she can or cannot have.

The experience of abundance arises from the contrast between what the receiver believes she can have and what the giver believes he can give away. The greater the gulf, the more intense the resulting experience. The receiver experiences abundance by having her perceived limitations blown away and finding herself in possession of wealth that she didn't think possible. By sharing in her experience, the giver comes to know himself as the source of that wealth, which now seems to hold far more worth than it ever did before.

The effectiveness of experiencing abundance through other people stems from the ease with which we can achieve the necessary contrast. Instead of having to transform our lives by acquiring sought-after riches in record time, we can find someone to whom our present circumstances appear unbelievably prosperous and transform their lives by a simple and modest act of giving.

Perhaps the most rewarding facet of this approach is that it never runs out of opportunities. No matter how many people we may have helped, there are always other people in need and other situations that we can tap to make each experience unique, and thereby fresh and profoundly desirable. It is perhaps the most rewarding use that we can put our wealth and talent to.

Hrvoje Butkovic is the author of the following books:

• Living Deliberately - a spiritual/self-help book that ties together various insights and disciplines into a comprehensive set of guidelines for living consciously and with purpose

• A Glimpse of Another World - a fictional description of a future society that works for everyone, and how we might create it

He has initiated the following projects:

• Self-reflective Society - a grassroots movement whose goal is to foster a change of our collective mentality away from conformism and towards self-discovery, followed by the remaking of our society along these lines

• Jain Junxion - a vegan catering service whose mission is to make healthy, nutritious, compassionate and environmentally friendly food as widely and as conveniently available as fast food is today

He facilitates the following courses:

• Deliberate Living - based primarily on his book Living Deliberately, the course strives to help you derive a life philosophy that embodies your highest ideals and offer guidance in every situation

• Wheel of Life - based primarily on Bill Plotkin's book Nature and the Human Soul, the course examines the question of individual life purpose, how to discover it, and what effect it has on the living of one's life

For more information, please visit

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The Secret of Egregores Has Power to Bring You Unlimited Success and to Create Your Desired Reality

Call it what you will - consensual reality, collective consciousness, zeitgeist, archetype or even the matrix and you would not be too far from the powerful truth about a little-known phenomenon called an egregore (sometimes spelled without the final "e").  Whatever label you choose to give to this mysterious entity, be aware that it has the ability to affect, to influence and to create your outer reality and the way in which you perceive what is "out there."

Derived from a Greek word meaning "watcher," an egregore is understood by many influential organizations (and within occult circles) to mean a collective thought-form which, when consistently energized by groups of people with similar aims and aspirations, takes on a life of its own in the etheric dimension.  If the creation of such an entity is intentional, purposeful and consistent, it can become very powerful and can be call upon by members of a group to help them achieve specific goals and desires.

Many types of egregores can be created, whether consciously or unconsciously, at all levels of society - from family units all the way up to corporations, nations and even racial groups.  Animals have their own egregores as evidenced by their hive-mind behavior and herd instinct - traits which, sadly, are also exhibited by members of many tightly knit human organizations including cultic, fundamentalist religions and isolationist nations.

Knowledge of the egregore is jealously guarded within the confines of secret organizations - for a very powerful reason.  These astral entities are capable of either helping humans manifest their desired realities or, at the other extreme, act as reality prisons in order to benefit the few who control this secret knowledge.

Interestingly, most people who belong to social clubs, culturally homogenous communities and work environments instinctively refer to the "group ethic" or "team spirit" of their organizations.  Little do they realize that at the non-physical or etheric level, an actual entity does exist, embodying their shared goals, objectives and aspirations.

Many egregores begin quite humbly - usually triggered by the innocent, wistful desires of individuals who do not realize that the random thought-forms generated are capable of combining with other similar thought-forms, eventually gaining strength and autonomy.  On the other hand, when an individual or group intentionally and knowledgeably creates such an energy entity to help achieve specific goals, a so-called servitor is created.

These "helper" energy forms possess a degree of intelligence - which is why they will often strive to become autonomous and independent as they expand into powerful egregores.  Therefore, when creating a servitor, you must always make provisions for keeping it under your control as long as possible.

If an egregore is continually energized (and there are many ways to do this) it can become so possessive and all-consuming that its members will often find it difficult to escape its influence, unable to understand why they are addicted and attached to these groups and organizations.  If you are at all interested in attempting to "ride on" the power of an already-existing egregore in order to create your desired reality, make sure that you are fully aware of what you are getting into.

Indeed, like the mythical genie-in-a-bottle, you can tap into the unique reality stream these etheric entities in order to manifest desires beyond your wildest dreams - ESPECIALLY if you can find an already-existing egregore created to promote aims similar to your own.  Most of the notorious secret societies in existence today (I'm sure you can think of a few) have well-established egregores which were created in past generations by their founders in order to further the aims, careers, power structures and wealth of its members.

It is no accident that organized religions utilize repeatable ceremonies and rites while the average church-goer remains unaware that these rituals were designed to drain their psychic energy to feed and strengthen existing egregores.  Miracles and other such unusual or unexplained phenomena are often merely the physical manifestations of well-established religious egregores.

Egregores should not be taken lightly nor should they be ignored.  Most of your life's circumstances are brought into physical "reality" as the result of they way in which these consensually-created entities interact with each other at the etheric level.

The by-now iconic depiction of the reality matrix in science fiction books and movies can only give a limited, often-skewed idea the real egregore phenomenon.  In truth, there are many types and forms of these entities, each vying for astral "space" in their efforts to manifest within the physical plane.

Corporations and countries are very aware of the power of egrgores and continually strive to strengthen these matrices by using such techniques as branding and subliminal symbolism.  As the general populace unquestioningly embraces the influence of these giant egregores, they unwittingly energize these their own etheric prisons in a kind of endless, often inescapable loop-mechanism.

To utilize a preexisting egregore to achieve your desires, choose one (egregore) which is already well established and which was created to further specific goals with which you are in agreement.  Most importantly, remain fully aware of what happens at the unseen (etheric) level when you do tap into an egregore.

Be fearless but also be well informed.  This hidden phenomenon is how the "powers-that-be" control the masses - but who says that YOU can't play the same game for your own benefit?

Do a lot of research on this subject matter (although you will find that most of this information still remains purposely hidden from plain sight).  Truly, this knowledge is extremely powerful and with persistence and enough information, you will be greatly rewarded beyond your wildest dreams!

Edwin Lopez draws from his amazing personal experiences and extensive research in order to teach others how to consciously shape their realities. His step-by-step methods for conscious creation are detailed in an e-book about the long-withheld secret of Light. Download this groundbreaking book at and begin taking charge of your life. Affiliate program is also available for earning a generous commission.

View the original article here

The Power of Contrast

A few weeks ago, I had the privilege of meeting an extraordinary person. It was a chance encounter. I was walking to a nearby store and she was going in the opposite direction. She waved to get my attention, and then handed me a piece of paper.

The written message said that she was mute and so couldn't explain her situation in her own voice, but that she was trying to buy a birthday cake for her four-year-old daughter and would be grateful for any contribution that I could give her.

Such requests are commonplace in the city of Johannesburg, where I live. Far more people have moved here looking for work than the city is able to accommodate. Those unable to find employment often resort to providing odd street services in a desperate attempt to secure whatever income they can, or simply beg.

Over the years, I've grown weary of giving them money. It's hard to tell what they are going to do with it. I'm sure that some use it to buy food and other necessities, but there are also those who spend it on cigarettes, alcohol and drugs.

Looking at the written request for money that would seemingly be used to buy a birthday cake, I decided not to take the chance. I offered to buy her the cake instead. The inconvenience was minimal as I was already on my way to the shops. She could come with me and choose the cake that she wanted. Best of all, it would ensure that the money really was used for the stated cause.

I half-expected her to turn down my offer, confirming my fears of what she was really after. To my surprise, she eagerly accepted. The enthusiasm that radiated from her face dispelled any residual doubts I might have harboured about the honesty of her request. I resumed my walk to the shops with her.

Once there, I left her in the bakery section and went on to do my own shopping. She found me a few minutes later, a beautifully decorated pink birthday cake in her hands. I could almost imagine the smile on her daughter's face when she saw it. I confirmed that I would buy it for her, leaving her to go back and sort out the packaging. I thought that was the end of the matter.

The error in my assumption was revealed some ten minutes later, when she came back and handed me another piece of paper. The new message explained that, as much as she would have loved to buy the cake for her daughter, they needed regular food more. The same hopeful look returned as she showed me a Christmas hamper that she had found. It contained a variety of food that they needed, and it was currently discounted.

I was taken aback by the request. It suddenly became clear to me what this was about. They needed food, plain and simple. She was so desperate to get it that she was willing to sacrifice her dream of celebrating her daughter's birthday with a cake in order to get it.

I couldn't bring myself to turn down her new request. In fact, instead of simply agreeing to buy her the hamper, I asked whether she would rather have the hamper and the cake. Her eyes opened wide with shock. Apparently, the idea had not occurred to her. Later, when I picked up the hamper and realised that it was quite light despite its bulky appearance, I suggested that she might want to get another one.

I could tell from the tears that she was trying to hide that it was a very special day in her life.

It was a very special day in my life, too. Ever since the chance encounter with a beggar woman at a road intersection years ago, I've understood that it was the giving of what we had at times and in situations where it was needed that enabled us to experience its bounty. Be it material wealth or prized skills, it was their application for the upliftment of other people that enabled us to feel plentiful ourselves.

What I hadn't understood then was why this should be the case. Why was it that, if I wanted to experience abundance, the most effective way was through others, by causing them to feel abundant? Why couldn't I do the same for myself? The answer eluded me until the clue was provided again, this time by the lady with two Christmas hampers and a birthday cake. That clue was the necessity and the power of contrast.

It is change that makes experience possible, and the extent of change that drives its intensity. A kind word passes unnoticed in a flurry of praise, yet carries the power to stop a heated argument. Habitual success is hardly worthy of special mention, but let it occur in the midst of failure and it becomes something to celebrate.

The question of how best to experience abundance translates into the question of how to create the deepest contrast between an affluent present and the memory of a destitute past.

This is very difficult to achieve in our own lives. For the vast majority of people, acquisition of wealth is a very gradual process. Whatever possessions, skills and mindsets have enabled us to acquire the wealth that we currently have also stand in our way of rapidly acquiring more. Even if our life story is one of going from rags to riches, chances are that it has taken many years to accomplish. The passage of time dulls the memory of whatever contrast we might have had.

When it comes to material wealth, the most effective way to create pronounced contrast in our own lives is probably by winning a fortune, especially with lottery. The change is immediate and dramatic. It enables us to have a profound experience of abundance by looking at nothing more than our own lives, at what we can do now that we couldn't do before. Unfortunately, it is not up to us to make it happen. It resides beyond our control, and might not grace us even once.

Experiencing abundance through other people suffers from none of these shortcomings. Because we experience abundance by giving rather than hoarding, the limitations that are holding us back from acquiring further wealth - be it lack of tools, skills or a self-defeating mindset - no longer apply. Nor does the extent of our possessions. We don't need to have a lot to give to find someone who has even less, and to whom such a gift would make a world of difference.

The two hampers and the cake that I bought for that lady had cost me less than the daily grocery shopping for my own family. The gift was negligible from my point of view, yet it was beyond her reach. The worldview that governed her notion of what was possible was clearly much more restrictive than mine. So restrictive, in fact, that the possibility of acquiring both a hamper and a cake did not occur to her until I pointed it out.

When experiencing abundance through other people, there are two sets of limitations in play. The person who is giving is restricted by what he has and what he believes he can afford to give away. The person who is receiving is similarly restricted by what she has, what she still needs, and what she believes she can or cannot have.

The experience of abundance arises from the contrast between what the receiver believes she can have and what the giver believes he can give away. The greater the gulf, the more intense the resulting experience. The receiver experiences abundance by having her perceived limitations blown away and finding herself in possession of wealth that she didn't think possible. By sharing in her experience, the giver comes to know himself as the source of that wealth, which now seems to hold far more worth than it ever did before.

The effectiveness of experiencing abundance through other people stems from the ease with which we can achieve the necessary contrast. Instead of having to transform our lives by acquiring sought-after riches in record time, we can find someone to whom our present circumstances appear unbelievably prosperous and transform their lives by a simple and modest act of giving.

Perhaps the most rewarding facet of this approach is that it never runs out of opportunities. No matter how many people we may have helped, there are always other people in need and other situations that we can tap to make each experience unique, and thereby fresh and profoundly desirable. It is perhaps the most rewarding use that we can put our wealth and talent to.

Hrvoje Butkovic is the author of the following books:

• Living Deliberately - a spiritual/self-help book that ties together various insights and disciplines into a comprehensive set of guidelines for living consciously and with purpose

• A Glimpse of Another World - a fictional description of a future society that works for everyone, and how we might create it

He has initiated the following projects:

• Self-reflective Society - a grassroots movement whose goal is to foster a change of our collective mentality away from conformism and towards self-discovery, followed by the remaking of our society along these lines

• Jain Junxion - a vegan catering service whose mission is to make healthy, nutritious, compassionate and environmentally friendly food as widely and as conveniently available as fast food is today

He facilitates the following courses:

• Deliberate Living - based primarily on his book Living Deliberately, the course strives to help you derive a life philosophy that embodies your highest ideals and offer guidance in every situation

• Wheel of Life - based primarily on Bill Plotkin's book Nature and the Human Soul, the course examines the question of individual life purpose, how to discover it, and what effect it has on the living of one's life

For more information, please visit

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The Secret of Egregores Has Power to Bring You Unlimited Success and to Create Your Desired Reality

Call it what you will - consensual reality, collective consciousness, zeitgeist, archetype or even the matrix and you would not be too far from the powerful truth about a little-known phenomenon called an egregore (sometimes spelled without the final "e").  Whatever label you choose to give to this mysterious entity, be aware that it has the ability to affect, to influence and to create your outer reality and the way in which you perceive what is "out there."

Derived from a Greek word meaning "watcher," an egregore is understood by many influential organizations (and within occult circles) to mean a collective thought-form which, when consistently energized by groups of people with similar aims and aspirations, takes on a life of its own in the etheric dimension.  If the creation of such an entity is intentional, purposeful and consistent, it can become very powerful and can be call upon by members of a group to help them achieve specific goals and desires.

Many types of egregores can be created, whether consciously or unconsciously, at all levels of society - from family units all the way up to corporations, nations and even racial groups.  Animals have their own egregores as evidenced by their hive-mind behavior and herd instinct - traits which, sadly, are also exhibited by members of many tightly knit human organizations including cultic, fundamentalist religions and isolationist nations.

Knowledge of the egregore is jealously guarded within the confines of secret organizations - for a very powerful reason.  These astral entities are capable of either helping humans manifest their desired realities or, at the other extreme, act as reality prisons in order to benefit the few who control this secret knowledge.

Interestingly, most people who belong to social clubs, culturally homogenous communities and work environments instinctively refer to the "group ethic" or "team spirit" of their organizations.  Little do they realize that at the non-physical or etheric level, an actual entity does exist, embodying their shared goals, objectives and aspirations.

Many egregores begin quite humbly - usually triggered by the innocent, wistful desires of individuals who do not realize that the random thought-forms generated are capable of combining with other similar thought-forms, eventually gaining strength and autonomy.  On the other hand, when an individual or group intentionally and knowledgeably creates such an energy entity to help achieve specific goals, a so-called servitor is created.

These "helper" energy forms possess a degree of intelligence - which is why they will often strive to become autonomous and independent as they expand into powerful egregores.  Therefore, when creating a servitor, you must always make provisions for keeping it under your control as long as possible.

If an egregore is continually energized (and there are many ways to do this) it can become so possessive and all-consuming that its members will often find it difficult to escape its influence, unable to understand why they are addicted and attached to these groups and organizations.  If you are at all interested in attempting to "ride on" the power of an already-existing egregore in order to create your desired reality, make sure that you are fully aware of what you are getting into.

Indeed, like the mythical genie-in-a-bottle, you can tap into the unique reality stream these etheric entities in order to manifest desires beyond your wildest dreams - ESPECIALLY if you can find an already-existing egregore created to promote aims similar to your own.  Most of the notorious secret societies in existence today (I'm sure you can think of a few) have well-established egregores which were created in past generations by their founders in order to further the aims, careers, power structures and wealth of its members.

It is no accident that organized religions utilize repeatable ceremonies and rites while the average church-goer remains unaware that these rituals were designed to drain their psychic energy to feed and strengthen existing egregores.  Miracles and other such unusual or unexplained phenomena are often merely the physical manifestations of well-established religious egregores.

Egregores should not be taken lightly nor should they be ignored.  Most of your life's circumstances are brought into physical "reality" as the result of they way in which these consensually-created entities interact with each other at the etheric level.

The by-now iconic depiction of the reality matrix in science fiction books and movies can only give a limited, often-skewed idea the real egregore phenomenon.  In truth, there are many types and forms of these entities, each vying for astral "space" in their efforts to manifest within the physical plane.

Corporations and countries are very aware of the power of egrgores and continually strive to strengthen these matrices by using such techniques as branding and subliminal symbolism.  As the general populace unquestioningly embraces the influence of these giant egregores, they unwittingly energize these their own etheric prisons in a kind of endless, often inescapable loop-mechanism.

To utilize a preexisting egregore to achieve your desires, choose one (egregore) which is already well established and which was created to further specific goals with which you are in agreement.  Most importantly, remain fully aware of what happens at the unseen (etheric) level when you do tap into an egregore.

Be fearless but also be well informed.  This hidden phenomenon is how the "powers-that-be" control the masses - but who says that YOU can't play the same game for your own benefit?

Do a lot of research on this subject matter (although you will find that most of this information still remains purposely hidden from plain sight).  Truly, this knowledge is extremely powerful and with persistence and enough information, you will be greatly rewarded beyond your wildest dreams!

Edwin Lopez draws from his amazing personal experiences and extensive research in order to teach others how to consciously shape their realities. His step-by-step methods for conscious creation are detailed in an e-book about the long-withheld secret of Light. Download this groundbreaking book at and begin taking charge of your life. Affiliate program is also available for earning a generous commission.

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