Showing posts with label Yourself. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Yourself. Show all posts

Sell Yourself to Be Successful in Life

If You Are Your Own Worst Enemy | Maxwell maltz, Things to sell, Words
If you want to be successful in life, business, or relationships, you must learn one simple secret. That secret is ... you must learn how to sell yourself!

Now before you get too antsy and worried, and begin to list all the reasons why you are not a salesperson and you could never do this, please understand that selling yourself is not about learning and using finely honed sales skills like you would in business.

Selling yourself is as simple as the way you present yourself.

Let's look at a common sense example from everyday life?yourself!

If you are married, or even dating someone, this applies to you. Think back to your first date, or even your first several dates. Remember the great care you took to make sure you looked good and were on time.

If you were supposed to pick your date up at 7pm, you made sure to block out enough time to shower, do your hair, get dressed in nice clothes, and leave with enough time to meet your deadline. Perhaps you even bought new clothes for the occasion!

This is an example of selling yourself. You displayed interest in your appearance and confidence in yourself as you prepared for and executed this "sales plan."

We could go on and on about the many other things you did on your first date to sell yourself, but you should get the picture from this example. Suffice it to say, if you began talking about your bug collection on your first date, you probably stopped selling yourself!

Let?s look at another example, this time from the world of business.

Suppose you are looking for a dry cleaning service to use on a weekly basis. There are two in your neighborhood, and you decide to visit each one. When you walk into the first one, you are struck by how dim the lights are, how cluttered the counter is, and by the fact that you had to wait five minutes for the clerk to come out to see you. When he finally does, he looks at the ground while he explains to you that the lights are so dim because rent is high and they are trying to cut costs.

So you visit the second dry cleaning business, and immediately notice a big difference. The store is bright, the counters are clean, and the clerk is waiting at the counter as you walk in, with a demeanor that says to you, "I am ready to serve you." He politely explains all his stores policies, and you have a very good feeling as you leave.

Which dry cleaning service will you pick? The second one. Why? Because the store, and the clerk, ?sold? you on that store. In the clerk?s case, he sold you on himself.

Selling yourself is nothing to be afraid of. All it takes is a little self-confidence and a little effort to display that self-confidence, whether in the form of your dress, your appearance, your conversation, or your people skills.

About the Author:
Patric Chan is considered one of those ordinary 'Average Joes' who has achieved extraordinary results in making money online and offline. He's an author, speaker and infopreneur who had worked with many other successful individuals around the world.

Patric shares valuable success tips and ideas that will take the subscriber to the next level of personal improvement at
Patric Chan is a direct response expert internet infopreneur marketing strategist and author. At the age of 24 he had achieved many extraordinary results in the internet marketing world. He had joint-ventured with many famous internet marketing experts in product creations and selling online. Get the latest internet marketing tips at 

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5 Ways To Empower Yourself

Copyright 2006 Christopher Green

Of the many questions you ask yourself every day, one question is by far more important than all of the rest put together. It is a powerful question that will bring clarity, motivation and purpose to your whole existence.

The question is simply this: What do I want from life? Providing a clear, precise answer brings total focus to your life.. But very few people can. Why?

I meet many people through my professional and social lives and what amazes me is that very few of them can answer this question. Most of them answer in abstract terms, such as:

I want money. Lots of money. I want to be happy I want a beautiful house I want a sports car I just want to meet someone, fall in love and settle down I DON'T REALLY KNOW

Amazingly, the last one is the most common. And the problem with all of the above answers is that they aren't really answers at all. Because none of them give a specific, precise answer.

Just why do so few people know precisely what they want from life? There are a number of reasons, here's just 3 of the more common:

Number one on our list is FEAR. To know precisely what you want out of  life means you have to go and get it. You have to take action, make changes and work hard to manifest your desires into reality. You can??t hide behind abstracts any longer. This stark truth and the changes needed can be frightening. But you must see the whole process of getting what you want as enjoyable and rewarding and not as a threat.  Next on our list is HARD WORK. Identifying exactly what you want from life requires quite a bit of effort. And of course, if you want to achieve your goals, you have to work hard by investing time and toil every day. Many people simply aren??t prepared to put in a significant effort to get what they want. Are you?

The last reason is MINDSET. The vast majority of people have the mindset that life is something that happens to them. I call this bumbling and it is why people cannot provide a precise answer to our question and answer with abstracts instead. Fate, kismet,  what happens, happens are the core beliefs here. But to get what you want, you have to make things happen in your life. This is living by design and it is important to have this core belief if you are to achieve your objectives.

So schedule at least half an hour each day to think about what, exactly, you want from life. Don't let fear be your guide in this. Take the time and write down EXACT objectives. For example:

If you want a house, specify the type, the location, the price, features, number of rooms etc. If you want a car, what make, what model? What color? Specification? If you want to meet someone to start a relationship, how will they look? Blond? Dark? Tall? Personality type? Shy, extrovert, strong? When it comes to money, how much do you want? How much will you need to help you get what you want?

Get the idea? The more detail you can provide the better. If you cannot provide detailed, specific answers to the question, you will be more likely to bumble through life HOPING to get what you want instead of CREATING AND ATTRACTING what you want.

Of course, there's nothing wrong with bumbling - unless you want to live an empowered life!

Time for me to sign off, but before I go, let me leave you with this:

Most people are on a journey to nowhere in particular and are shocked when they eventually realize they've arrived there.

It's your life. Think about it!

Chris Green is the author of the new book "Conquering Fear" a special program which will show you how to conquer fear and attract greater happiness, success and prosperity into your life. To get your FREE e-course, please go to =>

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