Showing posts with label Success. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Success. Show all posts

Success and Your Self-Esteem

Self-esteem, the manner in which one feels about herself at the deepest level, influences virtually every aspect of our lives, hence whether we are successful or not. No kidding, it is that important. If we were all brutally honest with ourselves, each of us would quietly confess some feeling of inadequacy in at least one area of our life. This might be leftover scarring from a childhood emotional trauma or result from a recent verbal attack from someone. Many times, even though we may appear to be ignoring such an assault, we secretly harbor negative, self-abusing thoughts and our mind goes to work to paint worst-case scenarios.

Like Fort Knox, one's self esteem should be guarded with great intensity of purpose. We should be on guard, constantly vigilant and aware of anything that could damage our feelings of worth and value. Self- doubt is the Devils' greatest weapon against us. We should guard our own self- esteem as well as that of our children and other loved ones, constantly building them up and encouraging them. We are all of great value to our Creator, our families and those closest to us. Do not ever allow anyone, whether intentionally or not, to attempt to convince you otherwise. As Zig Ziglar is noted for saying, "When you point a finger at someone else, you have three times that many pointing back at you."

A sign of lacking sufficient self-esteem is often noted in a person who is often critical of others, always finding fault in their performance or activities, all the while attempting to build himself up in comparison. Don't be fooled, and don't fall victim to this kind of assault. There is also a fine line between confidence and arrogance, and the defining variable is often sincere belief and caring. At the core of your values do you actually believe with confidence that you can do it, or is your appearance of confidence a front, masking a sense of fear and inadequacy? True confidence often empowers others with inspiration through leadership. Arrogance often includes a sense of cockiness or a slight demeaning of others possibly attempting the same task as you. An arrogant person may think that he is the sole person capable of the successful completion of a task, while a confident person will often inspire and empower others by leading them to join in on the accomplishment of a specific task or goal, sharing the glory and empowerment afterwards.

Success has been defined in many ways by dozens of people over the years. I prefer to view success as a worthwhile journey whose reward is evident as the result of embarking on, staying the course, and completing that journey. Success is more about the how than the what. That journey, that "pursuit of a worthy ideal," often defines ones' character in great detail. Self-esteem is enhanced by this pursuit. Self- esteem will deepen and grow because of this pursuit. It is seldom a result of reaching the goal, but more a function of the process itself. Self esteem is enhanced by the very belief of "I can" and the action that is associated with it. Self-esteem will grow with action and perseverance. Self-esteem will be enhanced each and every time you step out and expand your comfort zone. Self-esteem will deepen every time you lift someone else up and encourage them. Your self-worth will grow each time you share these simple principles with someone else and help them to grow. You are empowered by the growth and confidence you inspire in others.

Success then, is almost a by-product of self-esteem, proportional to the depth of ones' convictions and self-belief. The journey of accomplishing a worthy ideal involves digging deeply inside and mustering confidence, self-belief , discipline and persistence. Self-esteem and success, though appearing dependent upon one another, are in reality, independent. Immediate or apparent success, or lack thereof, will not impede the self esteem of a person who is consciously on the trail of a worthy pursuit as described earlier, for they understand that the success they seek is simply a matter of time. This person is not discouraged by short-term setbacks. Her mind is focused upon her goal and she constantly is "adjusting her sails for changes in the wind."

See yourself as a person of great value, capable of making wonderful contributions to enhance the lives of others, perhaps some of whom which are not even known to you. Do not allow others to control your self-esteem. It has been said that "no one can make you feel inferior without your permission." Simply withhold permission, no matter the circumstances. Self-esteem is your own; start cultivating it today.

Daniel Sitter is the author of the popular, award-winning e-book, Learning For Profit. Designed for busy people, his new book teaches simple, step-by-step accelerated learning skills, demonstrating exactly how to learn anything faster than ever before. Learning For Profit is currently available at the author?s web site and from numerous online book merchants. Mr. Sitter, having expertise in sales, marketing and personal development, is a frequent contributor to several publications.
Daniel Sitter is the author of the breakthrough e-book Learning For Profit the revolutionary how-to book teaching people exactly how to learn new skills faster than ever before. It's available from cnets the authors web site and a variety of online book merchants. Mr. Sitter is a contributing writer for several online and traditional publications. His expertise includes sales marketing self-improvement and general business interests. 

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Creative Action Seven Tips to Financial Success

My sister loves lists. She says they keep her on track and trigger her memory. So, she asked me to make a list detailing what it took for me to reach the level of success I have.

Actually what she really wanted is to learn what it takes to stay committed and focused on a goal. Her goals seemed to blur and then disappear after initially burning as bright as the sun on a summer's day.

This is quite common. So don't fret.

But now forget that you were once a goal-setter-trasher. Go into unfamiliar territory and cast off those shackles of procrastination. Be fearless and eager to learn.

Let's start with the basics:

1. Turn off the TV. You won't change your life if you keep watching the world go by. So get off your couch, or bed, toss the remote, walk to your tube and press the OFF button. Better yet, put it behind closed doors. It's addictive. Seeing it might disturb your creativity. Now, I know you might feel deprived and suffer from withdrawal, but, when your life changes you'll get over it.

2. Go to a bookstore. If you don't have a good dictionary and thesaurus, Walk to your local bookstore and purchase these two indispensable items. While your browsing, check out the Biography section to read books written by people you wish to emulate. Equally as important, buy How To/Advice books on the subject your interested in.

3. Read. Back home on the couch, sans remote, read, read and read. Underline, highlight and take notes. Write down what you are learning.

4. Grab a pen and notepad. Now that it's quiet, start listening to your thoughts. Write. Write anything that comes to mind. Write about the life you want. Describe it in absolute detail. This should not be a hardship. Make it fun. Feel yourself living the life you always wanted. If you can't handle it, go back and start from the top.

5. Ask questions. Ask experts who have succeeded in what you want to do all the questions you have. Commit this Rudyard Kipling poem to memory: "Six honest serving men--they taught me all I know--their names are What and Why and When and How and Where and Who."

6. Start imagining a product you want to sell. Concentrate on what interests you. Write down anything that comes to mind. I think you?re getting an idea about how important writing is in this whole process.

7. Watch your thoughts and words. In order to maximize success, remember: the words you choose and use create your life's news.

The more creative fuel you emit towards your goal, the faster you'll reach it. Your financial success is directly related to the creative energy you choose to use. Money is energy. Not physical energy ? creative energy. I get some of my best ideas while in the shower. I bet you do to. Now take one of your ideas seriously. Carve out the time to get one project up and running.

Nobody succeeds without creative action. Now you can manifest the life you always wanted by applying the creativity that is inherently yours.

That is the power of Creative Action.

Tania French is a composer who has enjoyed performances and radio broadcasts of her music worldwide. Her new CD ?Renewal? (released December, 2005) will feature a rejuvenating fusion of new age, classical, and world songs. You can subscribe to her popular newsletter at
Tania French is a composer who has enjoyed performances and radio broadcasts of her music worldwide. Articles about her music have been published in major European and American newspapers and magazines. Her new CD Renewal (released December, 2005) will feature a rejuvenating fusion of new age, classical, and world songs. 

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Action Persistence = Success

By: Jeff Diehl, M.A.

Whether you want to make a living online, or just want some extra spending money, youll need the resources that will give you the knowledge you need to be successful.

But, youre not home free! Although success requires knowledge, that by itself wont get you much more than the envy of your friends at the Saturday night Trivial Pursuit game. Knowledge is only potential power. It must be pared with action and persistence. That is true power.

As an affiliate, learning "the ropes" is an exciting yet humbling experience. If only you knew what the "gurus" know. If only you had the "easy button." If only you knew the "secrets to success." But thats the problem. There is no easy button and there are no secrets to success in spite of what some lead you to believe. It is up to you, and only you, to use the knowledge you have and that is available to you to produce lasting success.

Flash back to high school and all the math formulas, book reports, history facts and events and more that you "learned." Be honest, how much of it do you actually remember? If youre like most of us, you remember very little. I like to call this my "temporary learning cache." Now, fast forward to the present. Remember your first click to surf the Internet? Probably not, because surfing the Net has now become second nature to you. Throughout the years you have built upon your knowledge of how to surf by putting it to use on a daily basis. In fact, any knowledge followed by action and persistence, stores that knowledge in your subconscious mind. This allows you to use that information without consciously thinking about it.

As an example, when youre driving to work, you do not think about shifting, steering or braking. This has become automatic. It is knowledge that you have paired with action and persistence. You have committed it to your subconscious memory. And, heres the kicker . . . once there, you will never have to "relearn" that information again.

So, as an affiliate, your task is to not only "learn," but to put into practice what you learn. All your reading and researching without action and persistence will be forgotten.

Success starts by determining what knowledge you need. Is it an affiliate program that matches your interests? Perhaps, a product that excites you? Or, a skill you need to learn? Passionately seek out information and turn it into powerful knowledge through action and persistence. Once mastered, you will never lose it!

Success strategies defined:

Jeff is a retired clinical psychologist and has turned his passion to helping people build a successful internet business for those that choose the affiliate model. His approach is unique and focuses on the individual rather than on conventional "hype".  

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NLP: Your Pathway to Personal Success

As a certified NLP trainer, I am often asked, "What is NLP?"

The term NLP stands for neuro-linguistic programming and was coined in the early seventies by John Grinder, an assistant professor of linguistics at the University of California, Santa Cruz, and Richard Bandler, a student of psychology at the university. They began their work by studying Fritz Perls, a psychotherapist and originator of the Gestalt school of therapy, Virginia Satir, a well-known family therapist and Milton Erickson, a world-famous hypnotherapist. Their intention was to model outstanding therapists and identify patterns in order that other practitioners could use these patterns to generate similar results. It may be said that NLP is about identifying excellence through an exploration of patterns, and then devising means for others to use those patterns to achieve similar results.

NLP also draws on earlier work, such as Ivan Pavlov's conditioned reflexes (1904). In NLP this is called anchoring. NLP takes theoretical results developed by others and makes them available to you and me so we can improve our lives and well-being.

NLP is more than just techniques. It is a curiosity about how people who are high achievers accomplish what they actually set out to do. It is also a methodology that assists you in discovering those thinking and communication patterns that prevent you from being successful and shows you how to achieve the results of successful people. That is, NLP is a process of discovering the patterns of excellence of experts, and it makes these effective ways of thinking and communicating available for others to use for their own benefit or to assist others.

NLP had its origins in therapy and is now applied in all areas of human endeavor - education, health, sports, business and, perhaps most importantly, interpersonal relations.

Let us break down and analyze the terms neuro-linguistic programming.

Neuro refers to your neurology - sense organs. It is about how you absorb information. For example, you use your eyes to see things in your world. You also experience or perceive events through your other senses: aural (hearing), kinesthetic (tactile touch or emotional feeling), gustatory (taste) and olfactory (smell).

Linguistic refers to the language - pictures, sounds, feelings (kinesthetic), tastes, smells and words - that you use to remember and make sense of a particular experience (or to forecast a future experience). For example, can you recall your breakfast this morning? When you remember having breakfast, can you see a picture in your mind, or can you hear sounds (perhaps a radio was on or you were engaged in a discussion with your family)? What about tastes and smells? And how were you feeling - happy, tired, excited?

Think about a significant event in your near future. Do you envision yourself being successful? Or failing? The pictures, sounds, feelings, tastes, smells and words that you use to describe future experiences have a bearing on what actually happens. You do create your own reality!

Programming refers to your habits, patterns, programs and strategies. If it is a workday, do you follow a particular routine as you get ready for work? Perhaps you like to lie in bed an extra five minutes after the alarm goes off. Do you shower or bathe right away or have breakfast first? If you take time to look at what you do, I am certain you will see a pattern that you follow in getting ready for work. If for some reason you do not follow that pattern, do you find yourself feeling that something is missing?

You have patterns, habits, strategies and programs for everything you do. Some of these patterns serve you, but others do not - resulting in unwanted outcomes. You may be fully aware of some of your patterns. You may become aware of others only when someone else brings them to your attention. And you may choose to quickly forget about these patterns because you want to avoid addressing that part of your life. And there are still other patterns that you are not aware of at all, yet they continue to influence how you look after yourself, communicate with others and perform your daily tasks. If the patterns serve you - that is, generate positive results in your life - great! However, if you find that some patterns do not serve you, would it not be useful to identify those patterns and to change them so they work to your advantage?

Question: Who put your patterns, habits, strategies and programs in place? Of course, you did. So who can change them? Only you. But first, you must become aware that you run these patterns. This is one of the biggest benefits of NLP - becoming aware of the patterns, habits, strategies and programs that you have been running unconsciously and then using NLP techniques to change them in order to achieve the outcomes you desire.

Copyright ? 2005 Renewal Technologies Inc.

About the Author: Roger Ellerton is a certified NLP trainer, certified management consultant and the founder and managing partner of Renewal Technologies Inc. ( He can be reached at This article is an extract from his book Live Your Dreams - Let Reality Catch Up: NLP and Common Sense for Coaches, Managers and You (

Roger Ellerton, PhD, CMC is a certified trainer in neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) and was listed in the International Whos Who in Education. For over fifteen years, he has been and continues to be a student of personal development methodologies. He is the author of Live Your Dreams Let Reality Catch Up: NLP and Common Sense for Coaches, Managers and You ( and is the co-designer and presenter on the twelve-audiotape series Change at the Speed of Thought! 

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Maintaining The Focus For Success In Online Business

Copyright ? 2005 Arun Pal Singh

Maintaining Focus is important for success in online business. One must have clearly defined goals and taking steps to accomplish them is key factor.

Dictionary defines focus as ?concentrated effort or attention on a particular thing?, ?an area of concern? and ?the condition of seeing sharply and clearly? besides many others. I have listed these three meanings because although they appear similar but they have their own subtle differences and all of them apply in case of online success in business.

Read them again and you will find the underlying message they carry.

Does your focus cover all these areas? If not then revise your schedules.

Defining goals is integral part maintaining the focus. For better results along with long term goals short term goals should be defined .consider your long term goal as a staircase that will take you to height. To walk the stair should have series of steps or your short term goals.

Write your long term goal for the current year and then divide that into monthly and weekly accomplishments. Then write your daily work plan for the week and try your best to keep them. As you move down the list cross off the completed tasks.

Keep this list within view from the computer so when you slack you see your list of unfinished goals right there. Aside from staying organized, using list gives you a sense of completion as you check off the completed items on your list.

Always strive to do better than the week before and your monthly achievements will be on schedule.

Have you contributed to your business more than last week?

Here are few tips that can help you to stay focused

- Clear your desk, computer desktop of all the unnecessary things. Our minds can only hold three to four thoughts at any given time and visual clutter leads to confusion and that results in confusion

- Get a planner. If you're not using one you need to use a regular paper planner. It's easy to go through pages and write in events. For daily tasks an erasable board or slate is better.

- Work in short, focused bursts. After doing something for a certain time, you gradually lose interest and focus. It's better to work in short increments (e.g. one hour), take a two to five minute break between tasks, and then work on something else. You'll get more work done in less time.

- Permit yourself time for relaxation. Fifteen to thirty minutes of intense thinking and focus throughout the day will save you hundreds of hours of unnecessary work and frustration.

- Turn off the phone and email program when you work unless your working requires them at that moment. Designate specific times during the day to return calls, answer emails. They are unnecessary distractions and most phone calls and emails can usually wait.

- Keep a daily journal. At the end of each day, record your thoughts honestly. You'll be amazed how much it reveals about yourself and areas in your life that require improvement.

- Keep a track of your achievements and failure. Work on the weak areas after you identify it from the record.

Most of all never let the negative thoughts discourage you. Whenever you feel so read or watch something that will motivate you.

World is full of successful examples and biographies. May be yours is the next.

Just stay focused.

About the Author:
Author is a successful marketer and writer. Visit his website to know more about success in online business. To avail his free Income Course, send an e-mail to with subject ?subscribe?.

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Preparedness Plus Chance Equals Success

How many times has something good come into your life and you were not prepared to embrace it? This happens to so many people. When a special chance to do or have something great presents itself, most people will not be ready. How disappointing!

Preparedness plus chance equals success. Believing you can succeed and preparing to succeed go hand in hand. Both are an extremely vital part of winning in life. In fact, a person will not even prepare to win if he does not even believe he can. Otherwise, why would he put in all the necessary effort it takes to succeed if he really doesn't believe he ever will?

Many people want to win in life, but their self-image limits them on how far they actually can go. Your self image is how you see yourself, and if you see yourself as a loser you will not even prepare to win. The fact is, a person will only prepare to succeed if he really and truly believes he can.

Part of preparation is seeing yourself as a winner. You cannot attract to yourself anything that is greater than the way you see yourself. Therefore, if you become, you can attract. Until you begin to think and act like the person who has the things you desire you will not attract those things.

A common misconception concerning success is that it comes from luck. How many times have you heard people say something like, "He was just in the right place at the right time" to explain away someone else's success? It's a myth, just like the idea of the overnight success. The chances of becoming a success due to luck are about as good as winning the lottery--50 million to 1.

When you succeed, because you prepared to succeed, others may explain it away as luck. How irritated will you be, knowing you have toiled, sweated, and teared in order to prepare for the success you enjoy, and someone says you were just lucky?

One must understand that champions aren't made on the day of the game. That's simply the day the world recognizes all of the preparation that took place before that day arrived. In thousands of little ways, these champions disciplined themselves to do the things that everyone else could've done, but didn't.

The cheering crowds, television cameras, and reporters aren't around when champions are made because they're made in the early morning hours when everyone else is sleeping in just a little bit longer, and in the late evening hours when everyone else has given up for the day.

The will to succeed is obviously important, but what's more important is the will to prepare.

Preparing to win is not doing the big things most people think. It usually isn't the big things that will cause you to succeed in life anyway, but it's all of the little things that you can do over and over. For example, the discipline to plan each day's work the night before, no matter how tired you are, will have more to do with your success than any big thing you will do. Also, little things like hitting mute on the tv during commercials so you can grab a little reading time. Not a big thing, but a necessary thing in preparing to win.

Prepare to succeed by first believing that you can and then do the little necessary things required, for preparedness plus chance equals success. When the next chance to do or have something great presents itself, will you be ready? Life is way to short to be missing out!

Daniel N. Brown is an entrepreneur, teacher of biblical success principles, and the author of the popular ebook, "5 Biblical Keys to Your Abundance and Prosperity." Get his FREE report entitled, "How to Receive from God" when you sign up for his FREE weekly newsletter.

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The Truth About Persistence and Success

If you really want to be successful, you probably spend a lot of time reading motivational books and articles.  You want to know what qualities are required for success.

When we read about the tools required to achieve success, very often we are told that if we really want to be successful, we must have persistence. 

Persistence is the quality of never giving up when we encounter challenges.  Of holding on to our dream.  Of refusing to be discouraged no matter what the odds, no matter what happens.

And when you read the life stories of very successful people, they will often tell you about all the hardships they encountered along the way.  They will tell you about the discouragement they occasionally felt when they encountered failure, and about all the people who laughed at them along the way. 

And then they will often tell you that the reason they are successful today is because they were persistent.  They perservered in chasing their dream, no matter what happened. 

So if you have been facing a bit of discouragement while you pursue your dream, reading these success gurus can give you the boost you need to keep on doing what you?ve been doing.  After all, persistence is the key to success. 

Almost everyone says so.

And all those people who encourage you to be persistent are wrong!

Persistence can lead to certain failure if you do not apply persistence in the right way.

Let me explain what these people are leaving out when they tell you to be persistent.

Every day as I drive to work in the city where I live, I always see a middle-aged blonde woman who paces back and forth on the sidewalk in front of a big government building.  She is always carrying a big protest sign.  She smiles and waves at all the cars that pass. 

I?m not sure exactly what her sign says because the words don?t really make any sense. 

There seems to be something about an injustice that happened to her when her husband?s pension was divided up during their divorce.  And there?s a few comments about a government conspiracy to cover up the injustice that was done to her.  I guess what she?s trying to accomplish with her protest is she?s trying to get this divorce decision changed.

Every day, no matter what the weather, this woman comes out to walk back and forth for two hours in front of this government building and wave at all the people.  Her smile never fails.

After the first two hours of protesting are up, she goes to another place downtown.  She  spends another two hours walking back and forth, smiling and waving, in front of a different building a few blocks away. 

She has been doing this every day for at least seventeen years.

She is certainly persistent.

All that persistence and dedication for so many years does not seem to be having any effect, but she does not seem to notice. 

If seventeen years of her walking back and forth carrying this sign hasn?t had any effect, I don?t think that one more day of walking with this sign is going to change the outcome of her divorce.  But she is persistent in continuing her protest.

Probably every big city has a few people like this woman, people you can see standing on the sidewalk.  People who spends years holding some sign that doesn?t make sense. 

These people can teach us all about the real value of perserverence and persistence. 

These people are certainly very persistent, but usually they are not successful.

When success gurus tell us that persistence is an important quality on the road to success, they are often leaving out something important.

When successful people tell you that they got to where they are today because they were persistent, they are actually leaving out part of the story.  A very important part of the story. 

And the part that they are leaving out is this:  They forget to tell you that before they were persistent, they had a goal, and they had a plan on how to get there. 

And all along the way, after every step they took, they stepped back to evaluate the results to see if the results they were getting were the results they wanted.  And if they weren?t getting the results they wanted, then they would change the steps they took, and try something different, until they found a method that worked for them.

These successful people did have persistence, but they were only persistent about holding on to their vision. 

They were never persistent about the method they took to get to their goal.

All along the way, they were prepared to be very flexible and experiment to see what techniques and strategies worked best to get where they wanted to go.

Why do so many successful people leave out this important detail when they tell us the secrets to their success?  Why do they so often neglect to mention that if a strategy wasn?t working, they abandoned it quickly and moved on to another strategy?

I don?t think that successful people deliberately leave out this key information because they don?t want us to be successful.

I think that successful people often leave out this key detail because they assume it?s very obvious to everyone already.  They assume that everyone already knows that you test each step of what you are doing to see whether it?s working or not.  And if it?s not working, you change it.  And you keep trying new approaches til you get something that works, something that gets you closer to the result you want.

People who admire persistence often use the example of Thomas Edison who kept trying to produce an electrical light bulb even after ten thousand failed attempts.

But people often forget that while Thomas Edison was persistent in believing in his goal, he was not persistent in the way he tried to achieve it.  Thomas Edison did not repeat the same experiment over and over again ten thousand times.  

Thomas Edison performed about ten thousand different experiments on his way to trying to find a practical electrical light bulb.

Every time he tried an experiment to produce an electric light bulb, he then stepped back and took some time to evaluate the results.  He figured out what was working and what wasn?t working.  Then he would try something different the next time.  And he would keep track of the results.

So, remember this crucial difference the next time someone tries to tell you that persistence is the key to success.

Without taking some time to evaluate whether or not what you do is actually working,  you can be persistent for years, and not achieve the goals you want.

So, if you want to be successful, be sure to hold on to your dream, but remember to check frequently whether the actions you are taking are getting you closer to your goals.

This article is written by Royane Real, author of several self improvement books available at her website, including ?How You Can Be Smarter ? Use Your Brain to Learn Faster, Remember Better and Be More Creative?  If you would like to learn how to boost your brain power, download it today at  

Royane has been a science educator for twenty years and has a wide range of interests. Besides writing self help books and reports on a variety of topics she also likes to sing paint and garden and spend time with loved ones. 

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The Triangle for Success

Copyright ? 2005 John Neyman Jr

Success is a direct result of applying the right principles to your professional life and your personal life. The question is what are the right principles to apply in order to achieve success? Over the years of studying, four primary principles of success continue to surface from the ancient writers. I call these four principles the triangle of success.

The ?triangle? of success because one principle is placed at each corner of the triangle and the crucial principle is positioned in the heart of the triangle. The heart of the triangle is what promises success to the other three principles.

The other three principles at the corner of the triangles embody the essence of men and women. You will see what I am talking about as I unfold these three.


The first corner of the triangle is your thinking process; or in other words exercising your mind. Learning is a necessary step towards growing. Growth is imperative to achieve success. Aristotle puts it succinctly, he writes, ?It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.?

Success follows the ability to analyze a subject, make sound judgments while moving toward your objectives. ?You are to be a student, not a follower?, says Jim Rohn. That is exactly what professionals are, they are students. Success is the goal; therefore, continuous training, instruction, and being mentored is the process.

Those who are successful pay the price. They apply the disciplines of learning. They have placed value on education and training. I, personally, think that if you are a student, always applying the disciplines of learning, that your philosophies of life will be improving, better ideas come to your thinking, which all leads to success.

Education is something that no one can ever take away from you. It helps to develop and define who you are.

?The best of all things is to learn. Money can be lost or stolen, health and strength may fail, but what you have committed to your mind is yours forever.?
--Louis L'Amour (1908-1988)


Your emotion is the second corner of the triangle. Passionately pursuing after your objectives leads to success. This is not to say that your objectives come before people in your life, but the principle is to be well taken?success is dependent on your inner drive to achieve it.

The truth is, you will do what you want to do. If you want something bad enough you will dwell on it all of the time doing whatever is necessary to reach your goal. That is passion. Kahlil Gibran said, ?All that spirits desire, spirits attain."

Perhaps G. W. F. Hegel says is best, ?Nothing great in the world has ever been accomplished without passion." You see what I mean when I said above that these principles surface every where I studied? These are the principles that made men and women great.

The reasons that they do surface is that these principles are at the core of who and what we are made of inside. You were designed with a purpose and the driving force within you motivates you to accomplish your purpose in life.

?Dwell not upon thy weariness, thy strength shall be according to the measure of thy desire.?
Arab Proverb


The third corner of the triangle is your will. Eventually, you have to step out and do what you desire. If you never decide to reach for your dream, you will remain in the stands with the majority of people in life.

Perhaps you have fear, hurt, or insecurity, holding you back; if you permit these or any others to control your actions success stands aloof. A mentor at this point may be more helpful, than, reading a book or two. At times we need someone to hold us accountable so that we will do the necessary follow through.

Depending on your temperament exercising your will towards your objectives may take a lot of courage, but courage is what guarantees that these others will work. If you don?t have the courage to start you never will know, now will you?

I can not stress it strong enough that taking action is one of the most important principles to achieving your dreams. Jim Rohn, says, ?Some are always picking the fruit, while others are always, examining the roots.? Consistent action will produce results. It is the law of sowing and reaping. You reap what you sow, in other words, you get what you deserve, not what you need. Plant enough seeds and you will find growth. It is the law of ratio. Ask enough people and someone will join or buy.

"The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather in a lack of will."
- Vincent T. Lombardi


Now, what is in the heart or center of the triangle that will enable you to succeed? Every successful person has this. Do you know? I will give you a clue it begins with a P, now you fill in the blank, P______________. It is perseverance! Perseverance is the inner strength to get back into the battle after you have been wounded. As I observe those who succeed and those who don?t, it appears to me that the difference is in perseverance.

Those with perseverance don?t stop until they reach their goal. They are relentless! Just when you thought they were down and out this time, sure as the world, they manage, some how, to get back up again.

I love to visit Chocolate World. It is located in Hershey, PA. They make, obviously, Hershey?s chocolate. You get to take a tour to see how they make all of that chocolate and at the end of the ride you get a piece of free chocolate and/or the opportunity to buy all the chocolate you want. But, the significant part of the tour is reading ?bits and pieces? of Milton Hershey?s life (the founder). He, like so many others, failed three times in the business world, before he was successful. He had a dream and would not let go of it.

Was he ever discouraged? You know he was. Did he ever want to quit? Who doesn?t? Did others talk bad about him? I think some still do. However, those are not the right questions to ask. Better questions are: ?Did he quit?? And ?What kept him from quitting?? Or, ?How did he persevere??

No, he did not give up. He persevered through the hard times and some unbearable problems. How did he do that? What kept him going? The same way thousand?s of others did it. The big ?P? was in the center of the triangle. Perseverance was the heart of their passion, attitude, and will.

Napolean Hill captures the three corners of the triangle when he writes, ?Create a definite plan for carrying out your desire and begin at once, whether you ready or not, to put this plan into action.? As you add perseverance to this success formula it is one sure way to, at least, do your part to succeed. There are never any promises how life will turn out, but one thing for sure, neglect the right principles and you are removing the possibilities of success.

I will conclude with the words of Abraham Lincoln,
?Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any one thing.?

About the Author:
Dr. John E. Neyman, Jr. is a Pastor, author, speaker, and relationship coach. You may contact Dr John at or visit his site at

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3 Basic Steps to Success in Anything

Since belief always precedes action, simply changing your beliefs can change your actions to those that will result in living any of your dreams.

It's not complicated at all. In fact, taking these three basic steps can make anyone a winner in their chosen endeavors.

1. Control and direct your thoughts.

It's a decision you make concerning what you think about. So whether you think success, or failure, that's what you will eventually reap.

Thoughts are powerful forces of energy and can only come from your own mind. Since you are the only person in charge of your mind, you create the thoughts that create the circumstances in your life. Since your thoughts create reality, you create your reality.

Just as the conscience mind is the source of thought, so the subconscious mind is the source of power. You give instructions to your subconscious mind through your thoughts. It doesn't know good from bad or right from wrong. It only follows your instructions, which are your thoughts. It will create anything you tell it.

Now, have you given some definite directed thought to your purpose or your mission? If so, is it written down? Without directed thought aimed at your purpose and goals in writing you are like the proverbial "ship without a rudder," wandering everywhere while going nowhere.

James 1:6-8 says, "He that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. Let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord, for a double minded man is unstable in all his ways."

2. Don't worry about the "how-to."

A big mistake is trying to figure out how you are going to do something before you do it. Start by believing you can do something and the "how-to" will follow.

Strong belief triggers the mind to figuring ways and means and the "how-to." So, the simplest way to do anything is to hold a mental picture of what you want as long as possible and as often as possible. Feel that you already have what you desire with certainty and you will see the "how to do it" become manifested.

Because our thoughts are vibrating energy, we create what we want by focusing our thoughts on those things. Jesus said in Mark 9:23, "According to your faith, be it done unto you."

3. Get going.

You're simply not committed until you take action. James 2:26 says, "Faith without works is dead."

There is a cause and effect to everything. You think a thought, and then you decide whether or not to act upon it. If you act upon it, there will be a result. If you do not act upon it, there will be a result.

Many times, we are forced to make choices without knowing the exact outcome. Should you remain undecisive in those cases? No choice is a choice and there will be a result.

Don't be afraid of taking action. Be in control of your life! Think positive thoughts, come up with ideas, seek advice from Godly people who are on the same page, spend time with God and seek His council, and then act!

Within you right now is the power to do things you never dreamed possible. This power becomes available to you just as soon as you change your beliefs

Copyright 2005 Daniel N Brown

About the Author:
Daniel N. Brown is an entrepreneur and teacher of biblical success principles. Get your FREE report, "How to Receive from God" when you sign up for your FREE weekly newsletter.

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How You Can Get The Millionaire Mindset And The Success You Want

One of the biggest things that holds people back from making the money they want, whether it is online or offline, is having the right mindset. This is, without question, the most important thing to have and something people spend tens of thousands of dollars acquiring through expensive training programs and audio books.

But what is this mindset and how do you get it?

Can you learn the millionaire mindset and apply it to your life so you literally think yourself rich?

Yes you can, this mindset isn't something you are born with, but it is something you learn and develop as you go through life. A lot of it is about how you interpret the events that happen to you. For example, you can use events in your life as positive things that build you up, or negative things that drag you down.

If you ask yourself "Why me?" or "Why do bad things always happen to me?" or similar questions when bad things happen in your life then you are going to find yourself not developing the right mindset.

Having a wealthy mindset comes from asking yourself questions and interpreting events so that they build you up and re-inforce positive behaviour. Look for the positive in everything that happens to you and you will find it. Admittedly, sometimes you have to look hard, but it is there and you will find that this attitude will help you be more successful and create the mindset of wealth.

But it's more than this too, you have to literally program yourself for success.

Why do you think the book "Think And Grow Rich" is found on the shelves of many of the worlds most successful people? Is it because it looks good and they like to pretend they are educated? No... it's because it works and the information in there is not only valuable but effective too!

Programming yourself for success, whether using a book or another method is one of the big secrets. You need to program yourself to look for, recognise and take advantage of the opportunities life presents you, which is where many people struggle. They are so focused on making money and getting rich that they don't see all the opportunities being presented to them.

One of the best ways to do this is through hypnosis. Hypnosis is a powerful way to develop any mindset you want because it works with your sub-conscious mind to make changes on a deep, internal level. This creates lasting change from the inside out, meaning instead of struggling to do something, you find yourself being it.

With respect to having a mindset of wealth and prosperity, you can use hypnosis to program yourself to think success and wealth and act accordingly. You will find that opportunities just start to present themselves to you and you can take advantage of them and profit from them.

Once you have started to program yourself for this level of success, then you will find yourself attracting the success you want. The more you attract of it, the more you will continue to attract it.

The mindset is one of the most important factors that will influence you generating the wealth and success you want in your life. Get the right mindset and your journey to success will be easy and enjoyable.

You can create the mindset of success using the Millionaire Mindset Binaural Hypnosis program, which will help you program your mind for wealth. Plus, you can read the full, unabridged version of the classic Think And Grow Rich today and tap into the mindset adopted by the most successful people on the planet.

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5 Support Systems For Success in Your Life

We all need support  for success in our lives. We need systems that support us in work, business, weight loss, health, etc. But not all systems are good.

"Put a good person in a bad System and the System will win every time." W. Edwards Deming

Your Life Purpose

Most of us don't know the function of our life or our business. If you work for someone else that is also your business. Your life is your business.

"I'm not trying to tell your the meaning of life, but it seems that the highest function of an individual's life is to live in the manner in which you choose. That means you are able to choose the life you really want... The essential function of a business is to provide value to a set of human beings and realize a profit from that activity." Noah St. John

I think this also means that the essential function of your life is to provide value to a set of human beings and realize a profit from that activity.

I also think that by knowing your purpose, or your "why", you can achieve success and help more people.

The 5 Support Systems

In Noah St. John's book, The Secret Code of Success, he gives us the 5 Support System we need to have in our lives, careers or businesses:


One example of a system is your body.  We don't always take care of our bodies. We don't always eat healthy or exercise. This would be an example of being in a bad system.

An example of a good support system for me is Weight Watchers. I recently went back to Weight Watchers for support and accountability on my weight loss journey. I think this is a good system for me because it works for me. I am losing weight and getting healthier.

The People at weight watchers support me.The Activities keep me accountable and on track. These include weekly weigh-ins and a weekly meeting where we learn and we support each other.The Environment is supporting and encouraging. This important because we are making big changes in our lives. Both inside and out. Changing our mindset is an important part to weight loss. Mindset is our Internal Environment.We are provided with Introspection tips and tools.  Introspection can be keeping a weekly journal, walking, etc. By being encouraged to track or exercise, food and also space to take notes at the weekly meetings, we can write down our Aha's that we have.We are Simplifying our lives because we are simplifying what we eat. We are losing weight, getting healthier and increasing our energy.


We all need to systems of support to succeed in our lives. These systems include people, activities, environment, introspection and simplifying. With theses systems we can achieve success in all areas of life. We can be prosperous.

Bernice Templeman is an author, internet marketer and network marketer.

For more articles, tips and business advice, check out her website at:

Stay connected and subscribe to her free Ezine on her website today at:

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5 Support Systems For Success in Your Life

We all need support  for success in our lives. We need systems that support us in work, business, weight loss, health, etc. But not all systems are good.

"Put a good person in a bad System and the System will win every time." W. Edwards Deming

Your Life Purpose

Most of us don't know the function of our life or our business. If you work for someone else that is also your business. Your life is your business.

"I'm not trying to tell your the meaning of life, but it seems that the highest function of an individual's life is to live in the manner in which you choose. That means you are able to choose the life you really want... The essential function of a business is to provide value to a set of human beings and realize a profit from that activity." Noah St. John

I think this also means that the essential function of your life is to provide value to a set of human beings and realize a profit from that activity.

I also think that by knowing your purpose, or your "why", you can achieve success and help more people.

The 5 Support Systems

In Noah St. John's book, The Secret Code of Success, he gives us the 5 Support System we need to have in our lives, careers or businesses:


One example of a system is your body.  We don't always take care of our bodies. We don't always eat healthy or exercise. This would be an example of being in a bad system.

An example of a good support system for me is Weight Watchers. I recently went back to Weight Watchers for support and accountability on my weight loss journey. I think this is a good system for me because it works for me. I am losing weight and getting healthier.

The People at weight watchers support me.The Activities keep me accountable and on track. These include weekly weigh-ins and a weekly meeting where we learn and we support each other.The Environment is supporting and encouraging. This important because we are making big changes in our lives. Both inside and out. Changing our mindset is an important part to weight loss. Mindset is our Internal Environment.We are provided with Introspection tips and tools.  Introspection can be keeping a weekly journal, walking, etc. By being encouraged to track or exercise, food and also space to take notes at the weekly meetings, we can write down our Aha's that we have.We are Simplifying our lives because we are simplifying what we eat. We are losing weight, getting healthier and increasing our energy.


We all need to systems of support to succeed in our lives. These systems include people, activities, environment, introspection and simplifying. With theses systems we can achieve success in all areas of life. We can be prosperous.

Bernice Templeman is an author, internet marketer and network marketer.

For more articles, tips and business advice, check out her website at:

Stay connected and subscribe to her free Ezine on her website today at:

View the original article here

The Secret of Egregores Has Power to Bring You Unlimited Success and to Create Your Desired Reality

Call it what you will - consensual reality, collective consciousness, zeitgeist, archetype or even the matrix and you would not be too far from the powerful truth about a little-known phenomenon called an egregore (sometimes spelled without the final "e").  Whatever label you choose to give to this mysterious entity, be aware that it has the ability to affect, to influence and to create your outer reality and the way in which you perceive what is "out there."

Derived from a Greek word meaning "watcher," an egregore is understood by many influential organizations (and within occult circles) to mean a collective thought-form which, when consistently energized by groups of people with similar aims and aspirations, takes on a life of its own in the etheric dimension.  If the creation of such an entity is intentional, purposeful and consistent, it can become very powerful and can be call upon by members of a group to help them achieve specific goals and desires.

Many types of egregores can be created, whether consciously or unconsciously, at all levels of society - from family units all the way up to corporations, nations and even racial groups.  Animals have their own egregores as evidenced by their hive-mind behavior and herd instinct - traits which, sadly, are also exhibited by members of many tightly knit human organizations including cultic, fundamentalist religions and isolationist nations.

Knowledge of the egregore is jealously guarded within the confines of secret organizations - for a very powerful reason.  These astral entities are capable of either helping humans manifest their desired realities or, at the other extreme, act as reality prisons in order to benefit the few who control this secret knowledge.

Interestingly, most people who belong to social clubs, culturally homogenous communities and work environments instinctively refer to the "group ethic" or "team spirit" of their organizations.  Little do they realize that at the non-physical or etheric level, an actual entity does exist, embodying their shared goals, objectives and aspirations.

Many egregores begin quite humbly - usually triggered by the innocent, wistful desires of individuals who do not realize that the random thought-forms generated are capable of combining with other similar thought-forms, eventually gaining strength and autonomy.  On the other hand, when an individual or group intentionally and knowledgeably creates such an energy entity to help achieve specific goals, a so-called servitor is created.

These "helper" energy forms possess a degree of intelligence - which is why they will often strive to become autonomous and independent as they expand into powerful egregores.  Therefore, when creating a servitor, you must always make provisions for keeping it under your control as long as possible.

If an egregore is continually energized (and there are many ways to do this) it can become so possessive and all-consuming that its members will often find it difficult to escape its influence, unable to understand why they are addicted and attached to these groups and organizations.  If you are at all interested in attempting to "ride on" the power of an already-existing egregore in order to create your desired reality, make sure that you are fully aware of what you are getting into.

Indeed, like the mythical genie-in-a-bottle, you can tap into the unique reality stream these etheric entities in order to manifest desires beyond your wildest dreams - ESPECIALLY if you can find an already-existing egregore created to promote aims similar to your own.  Most of the notorious secret societies in existence today (I'm sure you can think of a few) have well-established egregores which were created in past generations by their founders in order to further the aims, careers, power structures and wealth of its members.

It is no accident that organized religions utilize repeatable ceremonies and rites while the average church-goer remains unaware that these rituals were designed to drain their psychic energy to feed and strengthen existing egregores.  Miracles and other such unusual or unexplained phenomena are often merely the physical manifestations of well-established religious egregores.

Egregores should not be taken lightly nor should they be ignored.  Most of your life's circumstances are brought into physical "reality" as the result of they way in which these consensually-created entities interact with each other at the etheric level.

The by-now iconic depiction of the reality matrix in science fiction books and movies can only give a limited, often-skewed idea the real egregore phenomenon.  In truth, there are many types and forms of these entities, each vying for astral "space" in their efforts to manifest within the physical plane.

Corporations and countries are very aware of the power of egrgores and continually strive to strengthen these matrices by using such techniques as branding and subliminal symbolism.  As the general populace unquestioningly embraces the influence of these giant egregores, they unwittingly energize these their own etheric prisons in a kind of endless, often inescapable loop-mechanism.

To utilize a preexisting egregore to achieve your desires, choose one (egregore) which is already well established and which was created to further specific goals with which you are in agreement.  Most importantly, remain fully aware of what happens at the unseen (etheric) level when you do tap into an egregore.

Be fearless but also be well informed.  This hidden phenomenon is how the "powers-that-be" control the masses - but who says that YOU can't play the same game for your own benefit?

Do a lot of research on this subject matter (although you will find that most of this information still remains purposely hidden from plain sight).  Truly, this knowledge is extremely powerful and with persistence and enough information, you will be greatly rewarded beyond your wildest dreams!

Edwin Lopez draws from his amazing personal experiences and extensive research in order to teach others how to consciously shape their realities. His step-by-step methods for conscious creation are detailed in an e-book about the long-withheld secret of Light. Download this groundbreaking book at and begin taking charge of your life. Affiliate program is also available for earning a generous commission.

View the original article here

Success Secrets of the Rich and Happy If You're Asking "I Want to Be Rich But How"

I want to be rich but how can I be rich and happy with little or no effort?

That's the question - "I want to be rich but how", is what most people want answered, and they want it answered now! The thing is, first you need to determine, what does it mean to "be rich and happy"? Some people have all the money in the world, but they're not happy. Others have to scrape the bottom of the piggy bank every day, but they seem relatively happy. Because to be rich and happy both requires all six basic human needs to be met. So you need to ask yourself, where are you on a scale of 1-10, within each of the following basic human needs:

Need #1: The need for certainty.

We all have this need and we all find different ways to satisfy the need for certainty. Some of us fall into habitual schedules where we do the same things every day, which satisfies this basic need. Others turn to their religion for something to depend on but we all need to feel like there's something in our life to keep us stable, something we can depend upon. If you look back in your life and recognize that somehow you've always managed to pull yourself through the trials that life handed you, then you are more equipped later in life to feel certain about your own abilities. Of course, the greater life's difficulties that you've had to bear, the more certain you can feel about your own accomplishments.

Need #2: Just because God has a sense of humor, we also have a need for uncertainly.

Many people think that the secret to life is to make so much money that you don't have to work anymore. But, if you examine people who have actually accomplished this, you'll see that actually is NOT the secret to life. Folks that have all the money in the world without having to go to work anymore are notably unhappy. Why? Because they're bored.

The fact is that we see those people usually starting another career or business once they attain their "rich goal" because they're bored out of their mind. We all have a need for excitement and surprise, which is uncertainty. That's why many of us will watch a movie that we've seen before, because we're certain that it's good, but we hope that we've forgotten just enough to make it uncertain and surprising.

Need #3: We have the need for significance.

Many of us tend to stray in this area and try to find significance by taking a "short cut", as with violence. A man from the slums who was brought up with no feeling of significance about himself is likely to turn out this way, because, once he puts a gun to your head, suddenly he is significant, and with a lot less effort than the guy who has chosen to attain his PhD for significance. In some way, though, we all want to "stand out", if even just to appear to "be rich and happy". But are we really?

Need #4: The fourth fundamental human need is the need for love.

We all connect with something or someone. It could be a life partner, child, pet, or nature. But we need to satisfy that fundamental need for connection and love.

Be careful here, because sometimes conflict between needs 3 & 4 can keep you from your goal, "I want to be rich but how"...

Just as needs 1 & 2 are in opposition of each other, so is the same dilemma between needs 3 and 4. Some people who have found the life partner of their dreams often wind up in divorce because one partner may grow to have more significance over the other, and this depletes your own personal feelings of significance.

The above are the four fundamental needs, and we all manage to attain them, whether derogatory, or in a way to helps us grow and evolve.

Of course, if you can find a way to meet those needs to grow and evolve, then you're on your way to the real "success secrets of the rich and happy", because to be truly rich and happy depends on meeting needs 5 & 6, which most people rarely do.

Success Secrets of the Rich and Happy: "I want to be rich but how" By fulfilling 5 & 6!

Need #5: The need for growth.

If you have chosen the right direction to meet your first four basic human needs, then you're beginning to fulfill need number 5, the need for growth. And yes, this usually does take some time, but as they say, it's not the destination; it's the journey that is the real success secrets of the rich and happy.

Need #6: And finally, to truly be rich and happy, you need to give back to the world more than what you have received.

It is in giving that we receive. And I'm not just talking religious "gobbelty-gook" here. The fact is, if you track the lifestyles of those who have truly lived fulfilling lives, you will notice that their business practice included giving back to the world more in value than the dollar amount they receive. It's the reason why I'm writing this article.

Because I believe that we all deserve to be rich and happy in our life, and I'd like to show you the way I'm doing it.  Life is a journey, but it can be so rewarding when you begin learning how you can earn money while you grow, evolve  and give back - all at the same time!  The success secrets of the rich and happy are waiting for you when you CLICK THIS LINK and begin learning how 100% commissions (from a guy who preaches giving back more than you take, by the way) can put point you in the right direction as you learn how to be rich and happy!  So the next time you ask, "I want to be rich but how", you will know the answer if you've clicked the link above!

View the original article here

Success Is a Dish Best Served Together

Personal Development involves improving the development of the individuals that ensures the individual performs better as a result of the process. Most People seek our personal development for that very reason. To personally improve themselves. This is one of the very best things we can do as individuals.

To invest in oneself always pays so much more dividends than any other investment one makes in their whole life. Therefore the Question remains, why is it that some people on venturing in personal development find themselves alone. Either divorced, or separated from their relationships?

This is an interesting trend that is not usually given much attention, but I think it needs to be.

Success is a dish best served together. Can you imagine spending years growing, and achieving only to find yourself at the top of the success peak all alone?

I have had a near miss in my marriage before I understood the value of collective success. You see the reason most relationships work so well at the beginning is because most people are attracted to people who are different from them. As the saying goes, opposites attract. On the other hand this can be the main source of frustration. One person wants to leap without much thought, the other wants to think without much leaping. Before when the relationship was young this was very attractive. Afterall when we are at the beginning Mr Right, or Ms Right can never do much wrong.

Only too soon the thing that was so attractive soon becomes most destructive. Have you heard it said that there is a very thin line between love and hate?

Personal Development in various forms can sometimes compound these differences in a relationship. If the course, programme or seminar is not carefully woven with this in mind, it can inevitably accelerate huge gaps in relationships that lead to various hurts, not only in the relationship but also affects all those impacted by the relationship. Be they children or the wider external family and even the society and community.

How valuable would a course that intergrets personal success and relationship success in a way that weaves it within the community and the rest of the world be?

The next article will look at the importance of success as a collective within the community and the rest of the world and how we must co-create community and global abundance within personal development.

If you are interested in taking advantage of a guaranteed success system and mentorship program, grab this opportunity now:

For more information on self development programs visit: to get your free life development download today.

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The Secret of Egregores Has Power to Bring You Unlimited Success and to Create Your Desired Reality

Call it what you will - consensual reality, collective consciousness, zeitgeist, archetype or even the matrix and you would not be too far from the powerful truth about a little-known phenomenon called an egregore (sometimes spelled without the final "e").  Whatever label you choose to give to this mysterious entity, be aware that it has the ability to affect, to influence and to create your outer reality and the way in which you perceive what is "out there."

Derived from a Greek word meaning "watcher," an egregore is understood by many influential organizations (and within occult circles) to mean a collective thought-form which, when consistently energized by groups of people with similar aims and aspirations, takes on a life of its own in the etheric dimension.  If the creation of such an entity is intentional, purposeful and consistent, it can become very powerful and can be call upon by members of a group to help them achieve specific goals and desires.

Many types of egregores can be created, whether consciously or unconsciously, at all levels of society - from family units all the way up to corporations, nations and even racial groups.  Animals have their own egregores as evidenced by their hive-mind behavior and herd instinct - traits which, sadly, are also exhibited by members of many tightly knit human organizations including cultic, fundamentalist religions and isolationist nations.

Knowledge of the egregore is jealously guarded within the confines of secret organizations - for a very powerful reason.  These astral entities are capable of either helping humans manifest their desired realities or, at the other extreme, act as reality prisons in order to benefit the few who control this secret knowledge.

Interestingly, most people who belong to social clubs, culturally homogenous communities and work environments instinctively refer to the "group ethic" or "team spirit" of their organizations.  Little do they realize that at the non-physical or etheric level, an actual entity does exist, embodying their shared goals, objectives and aspirations.

Many egregores begin quite humbly - usually triggered by the innocent, wistful desires of individuals who do not realize that the random thought-forms generated are capable of combining with other similar thought-forms, eventually gaining strength and autonomy.  On the other hand, when an individual or group intentionally and knowledgeably creates such an energy entity to help achieve specific goals, a so-called servitor is created.

These "helper" energy forms possess a degree of intelligence - which is why they will often strive to become autonomous and independent as they expand into powerful egregores.  Therefore, when creating a servitor, you must always make provisions for keeping it under your control as long as possible.

If an egregore is continually energized (and there are many ways to do this) it can become so possessive and all-consuming that its members will often find it difficult to escape its influence, unable to understand why they are addicted and attached to these groups and organizations.  If you are at all interested in attempting to "ride on" the power of an already-existing egregore in order to create your desired reality, make sure that you are fully aware of what you are getting into.

Indeed, like the mythical genie-in-a-bottle, you can tap into the unique reality stream these etheric entities in order to manifest desires beyond your wildest dreams - ESPECIALLY if you can find an already-existing egregore created to promote aims similar to your own.  Most of the notorious secret societies in existence today (I'm sure you can think of a few) have well-established egregores which were created in past generations by their founders in order to further the aims, careers, power structures and wealth of its members.

It is no accident that organized religions utilize repeatable ceremonies and rites while the average church-goer remains unaware that these rituals were designed to drain their psychic energy to feed and strengthen existing egregores.  Miracles and other such unusual or unexplained phenomena are often merely the physical manifestations of well-established religious egregores.

Egregores should not be taken lightly nor should they be ignored.  Most of your life's circumstances are brought into physical "reality" as the result of they way in which these consensually-created entities interact with each other at the etheric level.

The by-now iconic depiction of the reality matrix in science fiction books and movies can only give a limited, often-skewed idea the real egregore phenomenon.  In truth, there are many types and forms of these entities, each vying for astral "space" in their efforts to manifest within the physical plane.

Corporations and countries are very aware of the power of egrgores and continually strive to strengthen these matrices by using such techniques as branding and subliminal symbolism.  As the general populace unquestioningly embraces the influence of these giant egregores, they unwittingly energize these their own etheric prisons in a kind of endless, often inescapable loop-mechanism.

To utilize a preexisting egregore to achieve your desires, choose one (egregore) which is already well established and which was created to further specific goals with which you are in agreement.  Most importantly, remain fully aware of what happens at the unseen (etheric) level when you do tap into an egregore.

Be fearless but also be well informed.  This hidden phenomenon is how the "powers-that-be" control the masses - but who says that YOU can't play the same game for your own benefit?

Do a lot of research on this subject matter (although you will find that most of this information still remains purposely hidden from plain sight).  Truly, this knowledge is extremely powerful and with persistence and enough information, you will be greatly rewarded beyond your wildest dreams!

Edwin Lopez draws from his amazing personal experiences and extensive research in order to teach others how to consciously shape their realities. His step-by-step methods for conscious creation are detailed in an e-book about the long-withheld secret of Light. Download this groundbreaking book at and begin taking charge of your life. Affiliate program is also available for earning a generous commission.

View the original article here

Success coaching and personal development tips

There are many personal development tips that you will need to use in order to become a successful person. You will find that when you use techniques like success coaching you will be forced to face some of these issues and work on the type of person who you wish to become.

The first tip that you will have to use is learning how to be on top of things. You need to work on your timing. You will find that there are going to be appointments in which you will be expected to be on time for. You need to learn how to be on time for these appointments so that you can stay on schedule. Also, keep in mind that there are many benefits to being on time. Keep in mind that the early bird gets the worm, and the early worker gets noticed and promotions.

The second top is that you are going to have to learn to stop what you are doing in order to find success. You will need to keep in mind that there are times when you need to let go of it all, so that you can work on yourself and be successful, yet happy. You will want to make sure that you think about having some fun.

The third thing is that you will want to consider all the things that you will have to do in order to become a successful person. You will want to consider that the climb up is harder than the climb down. Also, keep in mind that you need to watch who you step on in the process because you never know when you will need the same people to help you later.

With that said, you will also need to learn from your personal mistakes and also learn from the mistakes of others. Some people will ignore the advice that they are given and they will expect others to help support them while they make mistakes. The key is to make a choice not to make a mistake. If you know that there is a possibility that you could end up getting hurt in any way then you will need to stop and re-think what you are about to do.

You will also want to channel yourself into a positive aura. You will need to be able to make lemonade out of lemons. You will want to make sure that you stop thinking about the negatives and start thinking about the positives. You may want to re-focus your energy so that you can keep yourself in line and with a positive sense of mind.

You will need to think about your strengths and your weaknesses. You will need to work on your weaknesses and you will also need to keep up with the strengths so that you can be the best that you can be.

A lot of people hold themselves back. You have to keep in mind that there are a lot of things that you can do, but you will need to get the motivation started to keep yourself going. You will not want to limit yourself. You need to keep in mind that there are times where you will be pushed to your limits, but when you take a step back you will be able to go the distance with the proper motivation.

Keep in mind that you are able to make a difference, but you will need to consider what it is that you would like to change before you take any action.

Success Coaching and your career - what to look for in a business coach

When you are looking for a certain level of success you will need to have the right amount of help. You need to make sure that you are doing all that you can so that you are as successful as you can and have all the power that you deserve in life. There are so many ways to make your dreams and ideas become a reality. Think about the different ways that you can be superior and more creative in life.

Think about the success that you can have when you have a business coach. You will need to look for the different ways that you can be more goals oriented. You need to think about your dreams and what is going on in your life. There is nothing more enjoyable than being successful with a great business coach.

When you are looking for a business coach, you need to think about a few things. You have to think about yourself and what you need for your life. When you are trying to achieve goals and be the person that you want there are certain things that you need to do. There is nothing wrong with wanting to be goal oriented. If you are serious about making your dreams a reality then you need to find the right type of coach that will give you what you are after.

Successful people have helpful tools behind them. A business coach is someone that is going to stand behind you and make it much easier for you to make goals easier to handle. Working hard to be someone that you can be proud of is important. You need to work hard and try to take on challenges that you would not normally go after.

Do you have someone to help you get through the hard times? Are you looking for someone to give you advice and help you be more motivated to have the energy that you are looking for? If you are then you have to find the right type of business coach that you are going to depend on no matter what. It is not going to be hard to find someone that is going to offer you the advice that you need to be a creative and successful person.

Using your dreams to be a happier and more goal-oriented person is something that you should be excited about. Having your own personal business coach to make you more successful and be the motivated is going to be something that you should defiantly want. There are coaches out there that are going to be helpful in different ways. You will want to find a business coach that is going to make it easier for you to be more productive and bring the better out in you. When you have this person on your side you are going to find your career to be more rewarding and more interesting as you go.

Take time to find the right person for you. There is nothing more exciting than making your life just as you want it to be. You have to figure out what you want and how you want to get it. Many different business coaches out there are going to bring something great out of you. Take the time and try to make your dreams become something that you can feel good about and find the business coach that is going to work great for you. You will be so much better off in the end.

Success coaching strategies you can use daily

You will want to consider the fact that there are some strategies that you will need to use for things that happen in your daily life. There are a lot of stress and anxieties that you will have throughout a day. You will need to learn how to overcome your stress and how to overcome your feelings so that you can find success in your career and in your personal life.

The first thing that you will find that is stressful in your life is the financial issues. There never seems to be enough money in the world for you to be able to live the life that you wish to have. You will find that sometimes it is so hard to even make ends meet. You will need to learn how you can deal with your financial troubles so that you can focus on other areas of your life. You will find that a life coach can help you deal with your financial troubles and get you on the proper budget so that you and your family can have plenty of money. You could also take matters into your own hands and get a second job. When you start adding things into your life like a second job, you are going to have to consider the fact that you are simply adding more stress to other areas of your life.

Dealing with your personal life stress can be just as low. You will need to learn how to make yourself feel better about your personal life by learning how to relax in your free time. You need to learn how to separate work from your personal time and also learn how to focus on yourself. A lot of people who are single will get a hobby that will feel most of their personal time so that they can come home and have something to unwind them. You will also find that the things that you do in your free time need to be healthy. This means that you can not allow yourself to get involved with drugs or alcohol. You also need to learn how to take care of yourself so that you can work on having a healthy and fulfilling life. You will want to consider the fact that you need to sleep well, eat well, and also exercise.

There is also a negative in everyone's life that is known as restlessness. Restlessness is when you feel that you need to do something, but you have nothing to do. You will then become depressed and it can go down hill from there. You will need to keep yourself busy, but you also need to learn to appreciate your time to relax. If you can come home and know that you are well prepared for work the next day, then you should use the extra time as a reward. You got all your work done quickly so now you can home and watch some TV and play with the dog. Accept the fact that you need time where you do nothing but relax and unwind, so that you can be prepared for tomorrow's stress.

Lastly, you will have to deal with times where you have no time. You have more on your plate than you need. It is very important that you think about learning how to manage your time wisely and prioritize so that everything gets done and you don't have to deal with the added stress of dealing with the boss or your mate. When you properly begin to work on your time management most things will just fall in place and you will be able to overcome a lot of obstacles without and stress or anxiety.

Topics addressed during a success strategy session

What do you talk about when you are in a success strategy session? This may be something that you think about all the time. There is no clear rule to this question. It is going to be about what you do and what your guidelines are. You should think about what is going on so that you are able to find someone to help you with the advice and tips that you are looking for the most.

You want to be able to base your life on the certain rules that apply to you. You want to base your life experiences on success and what you are looking for to make yourself feel better and be more goals oriented. You want to find your own career success so that you can be motivated and energized by what life has to offer you the most.

If you are sharing your experiences with others, you are going to be better able to make choices for life. Everything starts and finishes with you and the choices that you make. You are the one that is in control and by having coach help you with your dreams; you are going to be more successful than ever before. You are going to want to figure out what you should discuss at your strategy session. You need to take in all the different tips and advice that you are offered. You can use this to help you become more energized about any other problems that may come up at any other time.

You should take action and find out what you are going to need to make your life better. You will find that if you are trying to decide to take a certain action you will want to figure out the best plan that is going to work for you. There are many different choices in life and you need to be certain that you are following every single aspect of your life so that you are still in control of what is going on in your life.

You should be patient. You need to make sure that you are not rushing anything. You have to realize that this is going to take some time and it is going to be up to you and what you do. Take baby steps and you will be amazed at what is accomplished in life. You will find that getting on with your life choices and your career is going to be a smarter and more achievable goal that you are proud of no matter what. You need to be energized and ready to take on the actions that you are holding deep inside you.

You will want to have a different perspective on life. You should consider things and do not rush them. You need to be satisfied with your life and what makes you happy. Never settle for anything and be on the lookout for anything that is trying to hold you back. There are different levels of success in life. You have to determine what is going to be your level and where you want to go.

If you are not happy with all of the topics that are covered in your strategy discussion you will want to think about a few different things that are going to help you. Figure out some questions that you want to ask and then be able to peruse them. You have to have goals and issues set for yourself so that you are not wasting too much time on each of the topics that are set.

How you feel about yourself and what your levels of confidence are will be a good topic to discuss. You should know what you can control and how dependant you are on others. You are the one that is going to be able to determine your life and where you take it.


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