Showing posts with label Thing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Thing. Show all posts

It Don't Mean a Thing If You Ain't Got That Bling!

Don't you just love sparkle, bling, fancy things, beautiful textiles and textures, high quality products and anything made with love and distinction? And do you make a point to use, wear, display and enjoy these possessions?

A client asked me today who would buy the high end jewelry that I make. She said that she only wears jewelry when she gets dressed up. Really? I found that sad and yet common. I admit that I love anything that sparkles and I can promise you that at any store that I go into, I will walk over to the most expensive item without knowing beforehand what the price is. And yet, I keep the good crystal glasses that I got as a wedding gift 35 years ago in the hutch and only bring them out for "special" occasions.

So let's spend a moment thinking about the Law of Allowing. How much do you allow yourself to dream, to set lofty goals, to write a bucket list, to use the fine china, to wear the expensive bracelet that you drooled over and finally bought, to create a business based on your passion and not what everyone wants you to do, to have only friends who love snd support you, to be the true you, to say what you mean, to live an authentic life?

Whew! Those are significant and challenging questions. If you allowed yourself to be fulfilled internally and externally, how would your life be? What would change? What blocks or thought patterns would you need to release in order to fully accept abundance?

I offer a self-care energy exercise to start the process of allowing into your life:

1. Start with your feel together.

2. Hold your hands closely around your ears.

3. Formulate a positive statement and say it aloud.

For example: "I allow myself to receive today."
"I allow clear communication in my relationships."

"I allow myself to attract a job that fulfills me."

4. Spread feet apart in a wide stance.

5. Switch your energy on by placing one hand on your navel, while the other massages under the collar bone (clavicle); then massages above and below the lips; massages the tailbone. Change hands and repeat.

6. Place one hand on your forehead and the other on the back of your head. Hold this position while you:

Rotate your eyes clockwise, 4 times, then counter-clockwise 4 times

Do this first with your eyes open and then with your eyes closed.

7. Massage both ears thorourghly for approximately one minute. Massage every nook and cranny.

8. Bring your feet together. Your self-care treatment is done.

Think about all of the people, experiences, activities, dreams and abundance that you want to allow into your life. Add some sparkle and bling. It doesn't have to be with jewelry. It can just be something that adds light to your day. If you want some bling, though, check out my website:

Ginger Bisplinghoff, RN, BS, Kinesiologist, Flower Essence Practitioner, Face Reader and author has over 30 years experience in the health care profession. She is devoted to helping people change their lives, discover their true essence and create the best possible future. Her clients and students often remark about her passion, enthusiasm and ability to take a complicated subject and break it down into easily understandable components. Ginger's website is and she can be reached at

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The Biggest Thing I Can't Believe Some Women Coaches Do

I just simply can't believe that some women coaches convince themselves that they don't have what it takes to be an amazing coach. I can't believe that many of them fear themselves from moving forward into launching a successful coaching practice. But the biggest thing I can't I can't believe is that some women coaches consistently compare themselves to other women in their profession.

It is unfortunate that some women in the coaching profession feel the need to compare themselves to other women coaches. And sometimes so much to the point that she feels so inferior that she gives up.

If this describes you I have two words for you... stop it. You have to stop comparing yourself to others and realize that you have what it takes to be just as amazing as any other woman in coaching you see. You are just as creative, just as gifted, just as talented and just as driven. You just need to continue to tap into what you have inside, so that you too can achieve greater levels of success and prosper.

Here are 7 things about the majority of successful and prosperous women in the coaching profession, that you may not know.

1. She had to start from somewhere.
2. She had to go through some struggle to get where she is at.
3. Regardless of obstacles she refused to quit.
4. She will more than likely tell other women coaches to be authentic and let your own gift shine in the lives of others.
5. She had to make it through a lot of mistakes to find success.
6. There is more to her story than what you see or hear about.
7. She puts forth a lot of effort to prosper and succeed.

So from the list it can be seen that many women coaches have worked hard to get where they are at today. So stop comparing yourself. When you compare yourself to someone else this is not fair to you. You were created to be unique and original. It is not about you being a copy or a duplicate. It is about you being original. God created you to contribute something awesome and amazing to the world, and if you are simply copying what someone else is doing the world is missing what you have to offer. And remember while you are looking at the level of success that another women coach has achieved, she has a story.

Never think that she was just an overnight success. Remember that she may even have had to start from nowhere to get to somewhere. So embrace your inner power to be a unique and wonderful coach. Learn how to do you to the best of your ability and learn to let your own light shine. And before you know it people may be looking at you saying "Wow who is that woman coach? I want to be just like her."

Dr. Shauntel Peak-Jimenez is the founder of The Women Coaches Prosperity Institute, where she provides mindset and income generating programs for women coaches. Dr. Shauntel is passionate about helping other women coaches to prosper and have a successful coaching business. To find out about services for women coaches please visit

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