Showing posts with label selfesteem. Show all posts
Showing posts with label selfesteem. Show all posts

Success and Your Self-Esteem

Self-esteem, the manner in which one feels about herself at the deepest level, influences virtually every aspect of our lives, hence whether we are successful or not. No kidding, it is that important. If we were all brutally honest with ourselves, each of us would quietly confess some feeling of inadequacy in at least one area of our life. This might be leftover scarring from a childhood emotional trauma or result from a recent verbal attack from someone. Many times, even though we may appear to be ignoring such an assault, we secretly harbor negative, self-abusing thoughts and our mind goes to work to paint worst-case scenarios.

Like Fort Knox, one's self esteem should be guarded with great intensity of purpose. We should be on guard, constantly vigilant and aware of anything that could damage our feelings of worth and value. Self- doubt is the Devils' greatest weapon against us. We should guard our own self- esteem as well as that of our children and other loved ones, constantly building them up and encouraging them. We are all of great value to our Creator, our families and those closest to us. Do not ever allow anyone, whether intentionally or not, to attempt to convince you otherwise. As Zig Ziglar is noted for saying, "When you point a finger at someone else, you have three times that many pointing back at you."

A sign of lacking sufficient self-esteem is often noted in a person who is often critical of others, always finding fault in their performance or activities, all the while attempting to build himself up in comparison. Don't be fooled, and don't fall victim to this kind of assault. There is also a fine line between confidence and arrogance, and the defining variable is often sincere belief and caring. At the core of your values do you actually believe with confidence that you can do it, or is your appearance of confidence a front, masking a sense of fear and inadequacy? True confidence often empowers others with inspiration through leadership. Arrogance often includes a sense of cockiness or a slight demeaning of others possibly attempting the same task as you. An arrogant person may think that he is the sole person capable of the successful completion of a task, while a confident person will often inspire and empower others by leading them to join in on the accomplishment of a specific task or goal, sharing the glory and empowerment afterwards.

Success has been defined in many ways by dozens of people over the years. I prefer to view success as a worthwhile journey whose reward is evident as the result of embarking on, staying the course, and completing that journey. Success is more about the how than the what. That journey, that "pursuit of a worthy ideal," often defines ones' character in great detail. Self-esteem is enhanced by this pursuit. Self- esteem will deepen and grow because of this pursuit. It is seldom a result of reaching the goal, but more a function of the process itself. Self esteem is enhanced by the very belief of "I can" and the action that is associated with it. Self-esteem will grow with action and perseverance. Self-esteem will be enhanced each and every time you step out and expand your comfort zone. Self-esteem will deepen every time you lift someone else up and encourage them. Your self-worth will grow each time you share these simple principles with someone else and help them to grow. You are empowered by the growth and confidence you inspire in others.

Success then, is almost a by-product of self-esteem, proportional to the depth of ones' convictions and self-belief. The journey of accomplishing a worthy ideal involves digging deeply inside and mustering confidence, self-belief , discipline and persistence. Self-esteem and success, though appearing dependent upon one another, are in reality, independent. Immediate or apparent success, or lack thereof, will not impede the self esteem of a person who is consciously on the trail of a worthy pursuit as described earlier, for they understand that the success they seek is simply a matter of time. This person is not discouraged by short-term setbacks. Her mind is focused upon her goal and she constantly is "adjusting her sails for changes in the wind."

See yourself as a person of great value, capable of making wonderful contributions to enhance the lives of others, perhaps some of whom which are not even known to you. Do not allow others to control your self-esteem. It has been said that "no one can make you feel inferior without your permission." Simply withhold permission, no matter the circumstances. Self-esteem is your own; start cultivating it today.

Daniel Sitter is the author of the popular, award-winning e-book, Learning For Profit. Designed for busy people, his new book teaches simple, step-by-step accelerated learning skills, demonstrating exactly how to learn anything faster than ever before. Learning For Profit is currently available at the author?s web site and from numerous online book merchants. Mr. Sitter, having expertise in sales, marketing and personal development, is a frequent contributor to several publications.
Daniel Sitter is the author of the breakthrough e-book Learning For Profit the revolutionary how-to book teaching people exactly how to learn new skills faster than ever before. It's available from cnets the authors web site and a variety of online book merchants. Mr. Sitter is a contributing writer for several online and traditional publications. His expertise includes sales marketing self-improvement and general business interests. 

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Four steps to a new approach of enhancing self-esteem.

Four steps to a new approach of enhancing self-esteem.

You have the power to run your own thoughts and to decide to increase the level of your self-esteem. Here is a new approach on self-esteem using the kind of states and emotions you experience every day: acceptation, appreciation and esteem. You will use these feelings or states of mind to increase your level of self- esteem whenever you want.

Practicing these four steps to enhance your self esteem will change the way you see yourself and the way you feel about yourself.

1. A state of acceptation. First, access an experience of acceptation of an outside event, for example a traffic jam or the weather. It is something you may not necessary like but you can accept it. Feel the emotion and notice your posture, your sensations and how you look. What are you thinking and how are you thinking it? Notice the tension in your muscles. Are you relaxed?

You will now amplify this state and emotion inside of you until it reaches 8 or 9 on a scale from 1 to 10. Let the feeling of acceptance build and make an anchor by touching your left wrist, or whatever part of your body that seems ok for you.

2. A state of appreciation. Secondly, access an experience of appreciation for something outside of you, for example your baby, a sunset or your health. In the same way, notice your posture and your sensations in your hands head and body? Let this feeling of appreciation build as well and make an anchor by touching the same part of your body as in step 1.

3. A state of esteem. Third, access an experience of esteem of something marvel about, someone you admire, something you honour and esteem highly. Notice your posture and the sensations in your body. What do you look like when you are standing in awe? How is your breathing? Let this feeling of esteem/awe build as well and make an anchor by touching the same part of your body as in step 1.

4. Apply to Self and Your Life. Now, you're going to think about yourself and touch the part of the body you selected in step 1. And as the process of "esteeming yourself" continues, notice how your thoughts and emotions change about yourself because you can now easily feel appreciation for your skills and abilities; you can feel acceptance about those things in your life that you may not like; you can feel esteem for yourself as a human being.

Finally, every time you are tempted to feel critical of yourself, you can do this! It's up to you!

The fact is that you're important and it's like the world tries to pull you down by saying "you're not enough good?thin enough?smart enough?" The fact is that you are somebody and you have value. Your contribution to the world is important. This exercise helps you so you know it emotionally and not just intellectually.

Learn proven techniques to master your life and go for your dreams. Stop living in your dreams and feel depressed or angry but discover now the top 5 secrets that EVERY highly successful person will teach you on how to turn your dreams into reality and create the life you want. Check out at
Emmanuel Segui is a NLP meta-master practitioner and a master hypnotist. His vision is to create a world of possibilities where people can develop their full potential and live a more successful life. He's the author and creator of "Moving From Vision To Action" 

View all articles by Emmanuel Segui

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