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Showing posts with label online. Show all posts

Maintaining The Focus For Success In Online Business

Copyright ? 2005 Arun Pal Singh

Maintaining Focus is important for success in online business. One must have clearly defined goals and taking steps to accomplish them is key factor.

Dictionary defines focus as ?concentrated effort or attention on a particular thing?, ?an area of concern? and ?the condition of seeing sharply and clearly? besides many others. I have listed these three meanings because although they appear similar but they have their own subtle differences and all of them apply in case of online success in business.

Read them again and you will find the underlying message they carry.

Does your focus cover all these areas? If not then revise your schedules.

Defining goals is integral part maintaining the focus. For better results along with long term goals short term goals should be defined .consider your long term goal as a staircase that will take you to height. To walk the stair should have series of steps or your short term goals.

Write your long term goal for the current year and then divide that into monthly and weekly accomplishments. Then write your daily work plan for the week and try your best to keep them. As you move down the list cross off the completed tasks.

Keep this list within view from the computer so when you slack you see your list of unfinished goals right there. Aside from staying organized, using list gives you a sense of completion as you check off the completed items on your list.

Always strive to do better than the week before and your monthly achievements will be on schedule.

Have you contributed to your business more than last week?

Here are few tips that can help you to stay focused

- Clear your desk, computer desktop of all the unnecessary things. Our minds can only hold three to four thoughts at any given time and visual clutter leads to confusion and that results in confusion

- Get a planner. If you're not using one you need to use a regular paper planner. It's easy to go through pages and write in events. For daily tasks an erasable board or slate is better.

- Work in short, focused bursts. After doing something for a certain time, you gradually lose interest and focus. It's better to work in short increments (e.g. one hour), take a two to five minute break between tasks, and then work on something else. You'll get more work done in less time.

- Permit yourself time for relaxation. Fifteen to thirty minutes of intense thinking and focus throughout the day will save you hundreds of hours of unnecessary work and frustration.

- Turn off the phone and email program when you work unless your working requires them at that moment. Designate specific times during the day to return calls, answer emails. They are unnecessary distractions and most phone calls and emails can usually wait.

- Keep a daily journal. At the end of each day, record your thoughts honestly. You'll be amazed how much it reveals about yourself and areas in your life that require improvement.

- Keep a track of your achievements and failure. Work on the weak areas after you identify it from the record.

Most of all never let the negative thoughts discourage you. Whenever you feel so read or watch something that will motivate you.

World is full of successful examples and biographies. May be yours is the next.

Just stay focused.

About the Author:
Author is a successful marketer and writer. Visit his website to know more about success in online business. To avail his free Income Course, send an e-mail to with subject ?subscribe?.

View the original article here

How To Learn How To Succeed Online

Self-improvement leads to abundance and prosperity! Now that so many people are online, I've found that the desire for self-improvement quite often includes questions on how to learn how to succeed online.

Your online business

Business is about relationships and helping people. There's paperwork stuff involved, too.

Get local experts for that! Your local library is likely to have resources to help you find out your own local government's requirements for being in business.


Your preparation step in how to learn how to succeed online is the self-improvement step of getting better at connecting with people. Practice!

Your interest in self-improvement proves you're already working on that. So you already have the basics under way in your day-to-day life.

Good job. Keep doing that!

Connecting with people

How to do business online by helping people first requires that you jump beyond your day-to-day life. You've got to begin connecting with people online.

Social media is a good practice ground. Go practice!

Get good at this. Then you can find out what people need so you can help!

How do you learn how?

There's a learning curve for everything, right? I'm writing to shorten yours for how to learn how to succeed online.

In fact, I'm writing to share the answer from the perspective of how to do business online by helping people. Focus on helping people and everything will fall into place with effort over time.

You have 2 learning curves to help people online.

First, the Internet itself. Second, business itself.

Both matter!

1. The Internet itself

You've got to practice using the Internet itself. Best way is to jump right in and start helping people using social media.

The easiest way to do that is to write small articles. Like this one!

Teach something that will help people. You'll learn the Internet itself and you'll begin figuring out for yourself how to learn how to succeed online.

2. Business itself

Being a small business owner requires pouring your heart into whatever you do. Just being in business itself will give you challenges.

Do it with your whole heart and trust yourself to figure it out as you go. Get help from other local business owners, especially those you already do business with.

You'll find it's a welcoming community. You'll find that pouring your heart into what you do leads you to get paid online for helping people.

By the way, do you want the formula for how to learn how to succeed online? If so, then get my free lessons here on How To Use What You Already Know So You Can Get Paid Online

Or do you want a few tips on how to learn how to succeed online? If so check out my blog post here: Top 3 Tips For Building Your Email List

View the original article here


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