Showing posts with label Never. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Never. Show all posts

It's Never Too Late to Touch the Sky

It's never too late to reach for your dreams. No matter what happened before, no matter how you felt about what happened, no matter what other people may have said about it, if the spark is still there, then the dream has not died inside you waiting to see the light of day.

You make it happen. Your attitude about it makes it happen. If you choose to dwell on what went wrong the last time or what COULD go wrong this time you set yourself up to fail. You set yourself up for all those feelings and actions to come flooding back in and to replay all the turmoil that left you feeling so bad.

If the spark is there then the dream still dances in your mind. You have seen it, or at least flashes of it, and it makes you smile, but then that smile is cut short when the fear comes rushing through and blocks its path.

You are in charge of those floodgates. You know the ones; you know when they come. The sharp pain in your chest, the burning in your stomach, the pounding in your head all scream the same thing... "you can't do it! Success is only for other people... not you!"

But it's up to you to slam that gate shut and trap those feelings where they can never bother you again. It's time to open the other gate where calm, serenity and confidence reign. It's time to let them out to surround you and light the way to your dream.

Yes, those bad feelings have been around as long as you can remember, but their seniority doesn't mean they can never be fired. Fire them. throw them out, give them their walking papers and tell them never to return, for they have done nothing positive for you.

Yes, the new feelings though they are pleasant and though they can help you are unfamiliar to you. Yes, the temptation well be strong at first to go back to what is familiar, to what you know... fear and pain and insecurity. But the more you push those away, the more you refuse to entertain them in your mind and heart the more quickly those positive feeling will take up permanent residence. They will propel you to new heights. They will point out the fastest way to your goals. They will give you confidence on your journey. And the two most important words of all are "I can!!!"

Deborah Ailman is a Master Law of Attraction and Positive Thought Instructor living in the Tampa Bay area of Florida with her husband of twenty six years. She is Mom to seven beautiful cats and one very noisy bird. Her passion in life, besides living the Law of Attraction is the welfare of animals worldwide. website: email: - Facebook page: "Deborah Ailman"

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Why Most People Don't Know What They Want (So Never Get It!)

Think about it.

If I asked you now "What would your life need to look like for you to say that you are living your dreams?" how difficult or easy would it be for you to answer that?

How clear are you on what you want?

The reason why this is so important to know what you want in life is that unless you do, you're very unlikely to ever get it!

Here are the main reasons why most people - and possibly you - aren't clear on what they want, and therefore rarely get what they want.

You've never thought about it because you experience life as a bystander - life happens 'to' youYou don't think it's possible for you to have it anyway so what's the point in thinking about itYou think that your dreams are too big to happen and you should just keep your head down, be more realistic and just get on with thingsYou think it's selfish, bad or wrong to want something good for yourselfYou don't know HOW it could happen so you give up before you've even startedYou are afraid to get excited about something and then end up being disappointed if it doesn't happen so you live in a perpetual state of disappointment insteadYou don't think you deserve itYou don't love yourself enough to think that it's OK for you to have itYou think that we live in a limited universe where there simply isn't enough for everybody, so it's responsible (or even spiritual) to go without

You buy into the limitations of those around you, and the media, e.g.

"It's recession and people don't have money""That'll never work because... ""It's not that easy, because... "

Remember that often the people who shoot down your ideas are frustrated themselves that they've not been able to create their dreams and may have given up on their own dreams!

You are afraid of failing, or getting it wrong, or looking like a fool, or being ridiculed, or laughed at. Yes ladies and gentlemen, we here have the classic "What if?""What if I fail?""What if people think I'm stupid?""What if I get rejected?""What if [... fill in the blank... ]?"

The classic 'if/then' scenario, where you are waiting for things to be perfect

"If I have more time, then I'll do it... ""If I have more money, then I'll do it... ""If the economy picks up, then... ""If I get that new job, [car, partner,... fill in the blank... ] then... "

Usually, of course, 'then' never comes.

The classic 'YES/BUT' argument, guaranteed to kill any dream:"Yes but I don't know enough!""Yes but I don't have enough time!""Yes but I don't have the right qualification, or enough experience!""Yes but [... fill in the blank... ]

The only problem with all of these limitations is that if you insist on them, you'll get to be right.

If you tell yourself that you cannot succeed because you don't have enough experience, you'll get to be right.

If you insist that you cannot do what you love for a living because there's not enough money in it, you'll get to be right.

If you insist that people don't have money, or won't want to pay you for what you have to offer, you'll get to be right.

And as we all know, the best part of being right is, of course, being able to say afterwards "See, I TOLD you so!"

It's OK to argue for your limitations (you always have free choice) - but recognise that won't get to be right because "that is the way it is"; you'll get to be right because you would have created it so.

It's not that reality creates beliefs, it's that beliefs create reality.

As Neville says 'Experience has convinced me that an assumption, though false, if persisted in will harden into fact."


And now I'd like to invite you to get your Free Instant Access to a 2-hour TeleSeminar on How to Create Wealth from the Inside Out when you visit

You'll receive 2 hours of leading edge wealth-creation strategies, right there, on the call!

Best wishes
Bennie Naude

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Why Most People Don't Know What They Want (So Never Get It!)

Think about it.

If I asked you now "What would your life need to look like for you to say that you are living your dreams?" how difficult or easy would it be for you to answer that?

How clear are you on what you want?

The reason why this is so important to know what you want in life is that unless you do, you're very unlikely to ever get it!

Here are the main reasons why most people - and possibly you - aren't clear on what they want, and therefore rarely get what they want.

You've never thought about it because you experience life as a bystander - life happens 'to' youYou don't think it's possible for you to have it anyway so what's the point in thinking about itYou think that your dreams are too big to happen and you should just keep your head down, be more realistic and just get on with thingsYou think it's selfish, bad or wrong to want something good for yourselfYou don't know HOW it could happen so you give up before you've even startedYou are afraid to get excited about something and then end up being disappointed if it doesn't happen so you live in a perpetual state of disappointment insteadYou don't think you deserve itYou don't love yourself enough to think that it's OK for you to have itYou think that we live in a limited universe where there simply isn't enough for everybody, so it's responsible (or even spiritual) to go without

You buy into the limitations of those around you, and the media, e.g.

"It's recession and people don't have money""That'll never work because... ""It's not that easy, because... "

Remember that often the people who shoot down your ideas are frustrated themselves that they've not been able to create their dreams and may have given up on their own dreams!

You are afraid of failing, or getting it wrong, or looking like a fool, or being ridiculed, or laughed at. Yes ladies and gentlemen, we here have the classic "What if?""What if I fail?""What if people think I'm stupid?""What if I get rejected?""What if [... fill in the blank... ]?"

The classic 'if/then' scenario, where you are waiting for things to be perfect

"If I have more time, then I'll do it... ""If I have more money, then I'll do it... ""If the economy picks up, then... ""If I get that new job, [car, partner,... fill in the blank... ] then... "

Usually, of course, 'then' never comes.

The classic 'YES/BUT' argument, guaranteed to kill any dream:"Yes but I don't know enough!""Yes but I don't have enough time!""Yes but I don't have the right qualification, or enough experience!""Yes but [... fill in the blank... ]

The only problem with all of these limitations is that if you insist on them, you'll get to be right.

If you tell yourself that you cannot succeed because you don't have enough experience, you'll get to be right.

If you insist that you cannot do what you love for a living because there's not enough money in it, you'll get to be right.

If you insist that people don't have money, or won't want to pay you for what you have to offer, you'll get to be right.

And as we all know, the best part of being right is, of course, being able to say afterwards "See, I TOLD you so!"

It's OK to argue for your limitations (you always have free choice) - but recognise that won't get to be right because "that is the way it is"; you'll get to be right because you would have created it so.

It's not that reality creates beliefs, it's that beliefs create reality.

As Neville says 'Experience has convinced me that an assumption, though false, if persisted in will harden into fact."


And now I'd like to invite you to get your Free Instant Access to a 2-hour TeleSeminar on How to Create Wealth from the Inside Out when you visit

You'll receive 2 hours of leading edge wealth-creation strategies, right there, on the call!

Best wishes
Bennie Naude

View the original article here


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