Showing posts with label Purpose. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Purpose. Show all posts

Focusing on Your Purpose

Copyright ? 2005 Daniel N Brown

So many people are tormented by fear and don't realize how negative thinking affects them. They build a prison for themselves with suggestions of limitation, incapacity, and unworthiness. They don't think of succeeding, but of how they will fail.

It's been said that a person does not get want they want, but what they picture. It's those dominate thoughts that are being attracted to you, not your greatest dreams. So, the way to attract the things you desire is to hold a mental picture of what you want as long as possible, and as often as possible. Feel that you already have what you desire with certainty and you will see it become manifested in your life.

It's a simple concept, and it's true. It's just not easy. It's not easy because we are bombarded daily with all kinds of negative thoughts, and then we are forced to decide what to do with them after they've entered our minds.

There is just no way a person can enjoy life to its full with a head full of negative thoughts. The will of God is abundance, prosperity, blessings, peace, joy, and righteousness. Thoughts of fear, worry, dread, and poverty are in direct opposite to God's plan. In fact, they are the devil's plan.

2 Corinthians 4:4 says, Satan has become the god of this world, and it's his will to completely destroy us. But, God has put limits on the devil. He cannot cross the blood line. Therefore, the main way he disrupts people's lives is by planting suggestive thoughts in their heads, causing them all kinds of grief.

A person cannot change what they do not acknowledge. So, if you can acknowledge that if you live life passively, the devil will destroy you.

He is not just going to sit by and watch as you become outrageously blessed. The reason is because he hates God. And, since he can not hinder God in any way, the best he can do is hinder God's most beloved possession - you!

As Christians, we are just passing through and we must be like Jesus, completely focused on our mission. And, that mission is pursuing the purpose God put in each of us. Too many Christians are confused because they do not have a clue as to why they are here.

You must absolutely know where you are headed in life and have a fixed goal in view before you'll ever attain what you're after.

You must be definite on what it is that you desire and not consistently changing your mind according to your moods on any given day. James 1:6-8 says, "Let him ask in faith with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind. Let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord, for he is a double-minded man, and unstable in all his ways."

Many people go through the lip-service act of saying their prayers without the slightest belief that those prayers will be answered. Consequently, they are not answered, and the same people will scratch their head and wonder why God is not answering their prayers.

Jesus said, "According to your faith, let it be done unto you" (Matt 9:29). How can anything positive "be done unto you" if you are not exercising your faith in what you desire?

If you're frustrated and tired of going around the same mountain of problems day after day, then ask yourself some serious questions:

1) "Do I know God's will for my life, or do I not have a clue what He's created me for?"

2) "Do I have direction, or am I just wandering around aimlessly?"

3) "Do I know exactly what I want and how I'm going to get there, or do I just wait and see what's going to happen?"

4) "Do I have goals, and if so, are they written down?"

5) "Am I confessing what God's Word says about me daily, or do I even know any of God's Word?"

You are created with a purpose! You may say, "I know, but I don't know what my purpose is." If that's what you are saying, the devil has successfully faked you out.

God has a purpose for each person and I believe your purpose is in your interests! You will never be ultimately successful doing something you do not enjoy.

Is your work "just a job," or do you truly enjoy it? Ecclesiastes 2:24 says, "Nothing is better for a man than that he should eat and drink, and that his soul should enjoy good in his labor."

So, ask yourself what it is that you like to do? Once you discover it, then do it with all your might. Ecclesiastes 9:10 says, "Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might."

It is vital that you know God's will for your life. Things that are not God's will for you get frustrating. They don't manifest positive results because they are not part of God's plan. In those cases you must be honest with yourself and stop pursuing those things.

But, if you know with all your heart that God has spoken something to you, then you must pursue it with everything you've got.

Now, you will only be able to pursue it with everything you've got by first controlling and directing your thoughts.

It's a decision you make concerning what you think about. So whether you think success, or failure, that's what you will eventually reap. Without directed thought aimed at your purpose, and goals in writing, you are like the proverbial "ship without a rudder," wandering everywhere while going nowhere (remember James 1:6-8).

Because our thoughts are vibrating energy, we create what we want by focusing our thoughts on those things. So, a big mistake is trying to figure out how you are going to do something before you do it. Start by believing you can do it and the "how-to" will follow, for strong belief triggers the mind to figuring the ways and the means.

Now, faith without works is dead (James 2:20). You're simply not committed until you take action. Think positive thoughts, come up with ideas, seek advice from Godly people who are on the same page, spend time with God and seek His council.

Within you right now is the power to do things you never dreamed possible. This power becomes available to you just as soon as you change your beliefs by eliminating thoughts of limitation, incapacity, and unworthiness. Remember, you do not get want you want, but what you picture.

Daniel N. Brown is an entrepreneur and teacher of biblical success principles . Get your FREE report entitled, "How to Receive from God" when you sign up for your FREE weekly newsletter.

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Discovering Your Life Purpose - An Overview

Copyright ? 2005 So-lu'shunz Management Services

When you look in the mirror, do you see a purposeful, productive, satisfied human being looking back at you, or do you see someone who?s caught in the grind, moving on autopilot, and not having much fun in the process?

How long has it been since you opened your eyes in the morning with a sense of anticipation, yes and even excitement? If you haven?t felt that sense of wonder and expectancy since you were a child, you?re not alone, read on!

If this sounds familiar, you?re probably also wondering why you?re here, whether there is a purpose or if you?re an accident? Is there something you should be doing with your life that you?re missing? How will you know? And how in heaven?s name should you go about it?

Life with a plan is the answer. You?re may be thinking, ?Oh, no, not that, not another plan!? Ah, but this is a grand plan, one you can truly live by, a freeing plan, not another system to be bound to. This plan works for you not on you!

Today we?re introducing the concepts of PURPOSE, MISSION, VISIONS & GOALS. These terms are often confused and mistakenly used interchangeably, when in reality they?re very different, though definitely linked. An understanding of their meanings and the part they play in moving us forward is vital to getting us back to that place of excitement and anticipation we knew as children.


These two terms are often used interchangeably, but what appears to be a subtle difference is significant to your success. The simple difference is that purpose is what you?re made for and mission is what you?re meant to do about it.

Each of us has a purpose, a reason we were created. Discovering what that is unlocks our greatest potential and catapults us forward into our destiny.

Mission, from the Latin mittere to send, is the beginning of the adventure. Once we know our purpose for existing in the first place, we can begin the process of discerning our destiny, what we?re meant to do about it.

No one is here without purpose and each of us has a mission we are meant to live out. Everyone has sensed at some time that they were meant to be or do something bigger than themselves, a reason for living beyond just getting by. No one is a mistake. Whether you know it or are even able to grasp it, you?re here right now, at this particular point in history, for a reason.

No one on earth, from one end of time to another can fill your spot exactly the way you can. You are unique. Even the marks of your fingertips are unlike any that ever were or ever will be again; you?re ?fearfully and wonderfully made? according to the Book of Psalms. If your very fingerprints bespeak such uniqueness, how much more your purpose for existing!

Once you are certain of your purpose, discovering your mission is an adventure in itself, a journey into the realm of your gifts and talents, a look at what excites you and where your passions lie. It?s uncovering and examining those markers that have been there all along pointing the way to the answer to the major questions of your life.


Webster defines vision as the act or power of imagination; mode of seeing or conceiving. It is engaging the mind in conceptualizing. And it?s a great activity for the porch swing, walking through the forest preserves, or floating in a boat, loosely attached to a fishing pole.

Visions are the pictures of what you will do about your discovered mission, your reason for being here. If mission is the hub of the wheel, then visions are the spokes. Visions are a lot like oil paintings, colorful, detailed, diverse and they come in all sizes and styles.

They all have in common that they begin as a dream in the mind of an artist and they only appear on canvas when they have become life size on the inside of the visionary and they simply must manifest! When the vision is so real on the inside that you find you can almost operate from within it, it?s time to make a path for it into the physical world (see the author?s article, Birthing Your Dream).


It?s at this point that goals come into the plan. According to Webster, one of the synonyms for goal is design, which implies a carefully calculated plan. Goals are where the rubber meets the road.

You may be thinking ?oh no, not more goals. I get goals at work, goals at home, on the school board, from the Chamber of Commerce? No more goals!? But this is where the artist begins preparation to bring the dream to life on canvas; building the frame, stretching the canvas, applying the gesso, choosing and mixing the paints, drawing preliminary sketches. Each step in the process is necessary; each step pointedly bringing him closer to the realization, in living color, of what until now has been alive and vibrant only in his mind?s eye.

It?s at this point that she begins the visible work. The rest has been an inner exercise, a function of the mind and heart. Designing goals involves doing the research, getting out the slide rule, making the Gantt chart, doing the sketches, calculating the cost. But by this time the vision is so real and the visionary is so ready to burst with it, that the goals are no chore, but a welcome means by which to deliver the dream.

It?s only when we confuse the process, mixing up the terms, trying to do them out of order that life becomes a chore. Discover your purpose and your mission, begin to create your visions and design well-crafted goals to support them and bring them to pass and before long you?ll be the enthusiastic kid in the mirror again, eager to get out and make a giant splash in the world!

Karin Syren is a certified coach specializing in the EffectivenessCoaching process. She has helped leaders at all levels to increase their personal and professional effectiveness by guiding them through the process of learning to do less and be more. Gain, regain and maintain control of your life direction and sign up for the FREE introductory DISCOVERING YOUR PURPOSE & WHAT TO DO ABOUT IT teleclass,
Karin Syren is a certified coach concentrating on women's needs helping leaders clearly identify issues facing them coaching them through the steps to gaining regaining maintaining control of juggling the intense demands transitions facing them. She offers guidance in discovering mission creating vision and designing goals. For information to schedule a complementary session please see her website at 

View all articles by Karin Syren

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Writing on Purpose

Writing on purpose means to create the intention of what you want to manifest. The law of attraction is the secret to writing on purpose. It's that simple yet complex to the mind of those who want a more comprehensive definition. What is your heart's desire? This does not mean engaging in wishful thinking based on pure emotions.

A state of mind to make a conscious and deliberate thought is the purpose. Where are you being called to serve and ultimately take part with an important contribution that involves the most valuable entity you see in the mirror every day? You are the reason and scope of writing on purpose.


The very thing you want to manifest is the intention and will decide the strength of your mind to see it through fruition. Life's intricacies evolve without much effort just like the seasons know exactly when to change. The hand in a hand and so on all have certain roles that stand-alone but shared within a divine and supernatural dimension.

We don't need to know all the intricate details of how it will be done - just intend for it to be done. This may sound illogical at first but it's a practice of the state of mind that comes with time. The intention must be the intention from the start of its conception in your mind to happen; moreover, there is nothing in the natural realm of what transpires every day that should deter you from believing it will happen through unwavering faith.


This is a great question and duly noted. The biggest hurdle to explaining how writing on purpose works is to find the words to best describe the most beautiful and fulfilling experience known to the human race. I don't believe the words I have access to use - truly can give real justice to telling you how it works so I will use metaphors to help me.

Can you imagine a land where milk and honey flows like the mighty river of Jordan and you want for absolutely nothing or a sea of fish swimming in unison or an orchestra of musicians playing instruments - making joyful noise? How about that first kiss and the way it made you tingle all over and ruminated in your mind. It may be difficult to comprehend but the source of how this happens is in the beginning, middle and end of your intention.


Come taste and see that the Universe has heard you and will respond! I know this for a fact and I'm living proof because of what has happened in my personal and professional life. The moment I started to walk up the steps of success to thrive - not survive - not across or backwards - the divine flood gates of unimaginable blessings began to flow into my life.

The result came before it was materialized into my natural life because I believed that I had already received it. I started to focus on what I wanted not what I didn't have. I didn't allow anything or anybody to taint that I knew that I knew that I knew what the Universe told me that I would have. This state of mind, heart, body, spirit and soul is universal and will not return void to those that accept its power and absolute dominion as Elohim.

There is no religion or practice of indoctrination required to get the results of your heart's desire. The faith of a mustard seed is all that's needed so why are people still missing out. What does writing on purpose mean to you? Writing on purpose for me means to stand and walk in a space of living life to the fullest within my calling to educate and empower. My heart's desire rest on the shoulders of my ancestors quelled voices - now herald as harkened angels.

PS: I will be posting special articles that relate to the results of my writing on purpose and how the recipients of this work have benefited so be sure to check back to my Ezine expert article page and thanks for stopping by.

View the original article here

Writing on Purpose

Writing on purpose means to create the intention of what you want to manifest. The law of attraction is the secret to writing on purpose. It's that simple yet complex to the mind of those who want a more comprehensive definition. What is your heart's desire? This does not mean engaging in wishful thinking based on pure emotions.

A state of mind to make a conscious and deliberate thought is the purpose. Where are you being called to serve and ultimately take part with an important contribution that involves the most valuable entity you see in the mirror every day? You are the reason and scope of writing on purpose.


The very thing you want to manifest is the intention and will decide the strength of your mind to see it through fruition. Life's intricacies evolve without much effort just like the seasons know exactly when to change. The hand in a hand and so on all have certain roles that stand-alone but shared within a divine and supernatural dimension.

We don't need to know all the intricate details of how it will be done - just intend for it to be done. This may sound illogical at first but it's a practice of the state of mind that comes with time. The intention must be the intention from the start of its conception in your mind to happen; moreover, there is nothing in the natural realm of what transpires every day that should deter you from believing it will happen through unwavering faith.


This is a great question and duly noted. The biggest hurdle to explaining how writing on purpose works is to find the words to best describe the most beautiful and fulfilling experience known to the human race. I don't believe the words I have access to use - truly can give real justice to telling you how it works so I will use metaphors to help me.

Can you imagine a land where milk and honey flows like the mighty river of Jordan and you want for absolutely nothing or a sea of fish swimming in unison or an orchestra of musicians playing instruments - making joyful noise? How about that first kiss and the way it made you tingle all over and ruminated in your mind. It may be difficult to comprehend but the source of how this happens is in the beginning, middle and end of your intention.


Come taste and see that the Universe has heard you and will respond! I know this for a fact and I'm living proof because of what has happened in my personal and professional life. The moment I started to walk up the steps of success to thrive - not survive - not across or backwards - the divine flood gates of unimaginable blessings began to flow into my life.

The result came before it was materialized into my natural life because I believed that I had already received it. I started to focus on what I wanted not what I didn't have. I didn't allow anything or anybody to taint that I knew that I knew that I knew what the Universe told me that I would have. This state of mind, heart, body, spirit and soul is universal and will not return void to those that accept its power and absolute dominion as Elohim.

There is no religion or practice of indoctrination required to get the results of your heart's desire. The faith of a mustard seed is all that's needed so why are people still missing out. What does writing on purpose mean to you? Writing on purpose for me means to stand and walk in a space of living life to the fullest within my calling to educate and empower. My heart's desire rest on the shoulders of my ancestors quelled voices - now herald as harkened angels.

PS: I will be posting special articles that relate to the results of my writing on purpose and how the recipients of this work have benefited so be sure to check back to my Ezine expert article page and thanks for stopping by.

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