What would your life be like if you could have total control? To have full control would mean you have total independence with unlimited resources. Is that possible?
Dare to dream as you read this article about what it means to be the boss of your life. To take deliberate actions and accept the consequences. What I believe hold most people back from capturing the desires of their heart are financial struggles or lack of money. If you think about the choices you make regarding life, almost every decision evaluates how much money is in the bank or when your next pay check will arrive.
Take a look at the list below and ask yourself if money plays a part in the decision.
Where would you get married?Will you have an engagement party?How many people would you invite to the wedding?Will you go back to college to finish that degree?What type of career path will you take?Is it the right time for you to have kids?Will your kids go to a private school?What college will your kids attend?Will your kids attend college?What city will you live in?Will you buy or rent a house?Will you buy a car or take public transportation?What type of car will you buy?Will you go on vacation this year?Where will you go for vacation?How many presents will you buy for your kids on Christmas?Who will you buy presents for?Will you give to your favorite charity?How much money will you give to charity?
My questions could go on and on but the point is, to be the boss of your life means you have control. If your decisions are stifled by a lack of money, some of your control is taken away and you make a decision based on survival or maintenance. I do understand that even in the corporate world, you are given a budget and must stay within its boundaries as the boss. But the truth is, at least there is a reasonable budget set every year for growth and progression. That's what is needed to be available for your development and success in life. In order to be given a fair chance to make decisions on your life's dream, you must start with a reasonable budget. If that budget is really small, it's very hard to make your dreams come true.
Pretend that you have not accomplished anything regarding the questions I asked above. Go through and answer those questions as if there were no limits on resources. If there are differences from your answers now and reality, work on obtaining more resources so your future is limitless. It's possible!
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