Showing posts with label Discovering. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Discovering. Show all posts

Discovering Your Strengths

Copyright ? 2005 Kathy Paauw

"Most Americans do not know what their strengths are. When you ask them, they look at you with a blank stare, or they respond in terms of subject knowledge, which is the wrong answer." --Peter Drucker

Many people never fully utilize their natural gifts because they don't find the proper way to express them in the world, or perhaps they don't even recognize the talents they have. Realized or not, we all have natural talents that we feel passionate about. These talents may feel so natural that you don't even realize how they make you unique and special. Your combined unique talents and capabilities create an experience for others that they will not be able to find anywhere else.

I just finished reading an excellent book called "Now, Discover Your Strengths," by Marcus Buckingham and Donald Clifton. The authors define talents in a different way than I had thought of them before. Talent is defined as any recurring pattern of thought, feeling or behavior that can be productively applied. Here are some examples of talent as they define it: inquisitive, charming, persistent, responsible, dyslexic. All of these qualities can be productively applied.


I had never thought of dyslexia as being a talent, until I read this book. The authors shared an example of how David Boies -- a celebrated trial attorney and one of the best litigators in the United States -- uses dyslexia to his advantage. He was recruited as counsel for the US Government's antitrust suit against Microsoft, in part because of his gift of dyslexia. Why? Because his dyslexia causes him to avoid using long and complicated words. He knows what these words mean, but doesn't use them in his arguments because he's afraid that he will mispronounce them. This need to rely on simple words makes his arguments easy to follow. He also comes across as a common-sense "man of the people," which naturally helps him win over a judge and jury. The authors of this book point out that "for David Boies, dyslexia is a talent because he has figured out a way to apply this recurring pattern productively, and by combining it with knowledge and skills, to turn it into a strength."

Do you focus on your strengths or Weaknesses?

Authors of "Now, Discover Your Strengths" did extensive research which found that only 41% of Americans believe that the key to success is to focus on strengths rather than weaknesses. In Japan and China, only 24% of those surveyed said they'd focus on strengths. The rest of the population believed that the key to success is found by focusing on weaknesses and trying to improve them.

The problem is that we tend to get what we focus on. If we focus on our weaknesses, what does that mean? Here were a couple of startling findings in the studies they conducted:

Parents were asked which grade they would spend the most time discussing with their child if they came home with the following report card: A in English, A in Social Studies, C in Biology, F in Algebra. The results: 77% of the parents said they would spend the most time discussing the failed Algebra grade.

The authors did a search to determine how many studies have been done on depression. They found more than 40,000 studies on depression, vs. only about 40 studies that had been conducted on joy and fulfillment.

The authors point out that our balance is off. Our perspective is so skewed toward weakness and illness that we know very little about strength and health. They note that if these weaknesses interfere with our strengths, we need to develop strategies to manage around them. Although a focus on weakness may help us prevent failure, it won't help us to reach excellence. We reach excellence only by understanding and cultivating our strengths.

Carl Jung, the Swiss psychologist and psychiatrist who founded analytic psychology, sums it up by saying that "Criticism has the power to do good when there is something that must be destroyed, dissolved, or redirected, but it is capable only of harm when there is something to be built."

Here are some key characteristics that mark talent as the authors define it:

** You anticipate activities that utilize your talent. Take note when doing an activity. Are you thinking present tense -- When will this be over? ... or future tense -- When do I get to do this again?

** Talent brings with it consistent & predictable near-perfect results.

** Talent generates yearnings - spontaneous reactions from within, and a drive to repeat the behavior or feeling.

** When talent is present, rapid learning takes place. While using your talent, you learn at a much more rapid speed than others around you. You can't wait to take on the next assignment. You work or read ahead before the next assignment is even made.

** You feel a strong sense of satisfaction when using your talent. It feels good!

Our dominant talents contain the promise of developing a strength. A strength is defined as "a combination of talents, skills and knowledge that are consistently and productively applied to achieve a desired result." The authors of "Now, Discover Your Strengths" point out that "unfortunately, most of us have little sense of our talents and strengths. Instead, guided by our parents, our teachers, our managers and psychology's fascination with pathology, we become experts in our weaknesses and spend our lives trying to repair these flaws, while our strengths lie dormant and neglected."

Authors of this book have identified a total of 34 dominant talents. The StrengthsFinder profile (the access code to this online profile is found in their book) identifies your top 5 talents.

The authors define a weakness as "anything that gets in the way of excellent performance." They suggest five strategies to manage weaknesses as you strive to build your life around your strengths:

1. Hunker down and get a little better at it (whatever the weakness is).

2. Design a support system that will stop you from worrying about a weakness so you can spend more time thinking about how to refine a strength. For example, if you are not naturally organized, your support system could be as simple as a weekly appointment with yourself to clear your desk and file papers away every Friday before you leave the office.

3. Use one of your strongest themes to overwhelm your weakness.

4. Find a partner to handle the areas that are not strengths for you.

5. Acknowledge that this is not an area of strength for you and simply stop doing it.

What would life be like if you were to capitalize on your strengths and manage your weaknesses?

My StrengthsFinder profile confirmed that I am already relying most heavily on my signature themes. Since I have done a lot of personal development work with other quality assessment tools (visit, there were no surprises here for me. The profile confirmed what I already knew about myself.

The StrengthsFinder Profile is designed to help you pinpoint your signature themes, but should never be the only means by which you identify them. If you think you have a particular talent, the authors suggest that you monitor it over the next two months by jotting down some notes as you observe your own behavior and feelings as they relate to a particular talent. I've created a template to help you monitor that. You can copy and paste it by visiting: .

Here's a recipe for creating the life that you want:

** Be clear about your own unique talents.
** Develop needed skills that will enable you to use your talents.
** Add knowledge - both factual and experiential / practical.

The clearer you are about your own natural talents, the more you can streamline and strengthen your efforts. Clarifying your natural talents will help you stay focused on what skill sets and knowledge you need to develop.

Whatever you set your mind to, you will be most successful and feel most fulfilled when you craft your role to play to your most dominant talents.

About the Author:
Wouldn't you love to stumble upon a secret library of ideas to help you de-clutter your life so you can focus on what's most important? Kathy Paauw offers simple, yet powerful ideas, on how to manage your time, space, and thoughts for a more productive and fulfilling life. Visit
Kathy Paauw helps busy executives professionals and entrepreneurs de-clutter their schedules spaces and minds so they can focus on whats most important. She is an organizing productivity consultant certified professional personal coach and speaker. Contact her or visit her website at or contact her at and learn how you can find anything you file or store in 5 secondsguaranteed! 

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Discovering Your Life Purpose - An Overview

Copyright ? 2005 So-lu'shunz Management Services

When you look in the mirror, do you see a purposeful, productive, satisfied human being looking back at you, or do you see someone who?s caught in the grind, moving on autopilot, and not having much fun in the process?

How long has it been since you opened your eyes in the morning with a sense of anticipation, yes and even excitement? If you haven?t felt that sense of wonder and expectancy since you were a child, you?re not alone, read on!

If this sounds familiar, you?re probably also wondering why you?re here, whether there is a purpose or if you?re an accident? Is there something you should be doing with your life that you?re missing? How will you know? And how in heaven?s name should you go about it?

Life with a plan is the answer. You?re may be thinking, ?Oh, no, not that, not another plan!? Ah, but this is a grand plan, one you can truly live by, a freeing plan, not another system to be bound to. This plan works for you not on you!

Today we?re introducing the concepts of PURPOSE, MISSION, VISIONS & GOALS. These terms are often confused and mistakenly used interchangeably, when in reality they?re very different, though definitely linked. An understanding of their meanings and the part they play in moving us forward is vital to getting us back to that place of excitement and anticipation we knew as children.


These two terms are often used interchangeably, but what appears to be a subtle difference is significant to your success. The simple difference is that purpose is what you?re made for and mission is what you?re meant to do about it.

Each of us has a purpose, a reason we were created. Discovering what that is unlocks our greatest potential and catapults us forward into our destiny.

Mission, from the Latin mittere to send, is the beginning of the adventure. Once we know our purpose for existing in the first place, we can begin the process of discerning our destiny, what we?re meant to do about it.

No one is here without purpose and each of us has a mission we are meant to live out. Everyone has sensed at some time that they were meant to be or do something bigger than themselves, a reason for living beyond just getting by. No one is a mistake. Whether you know it or are even able to grasp it, you?re here right now, at this particular point in history, for a reason.

No one on earth, from one end of time to another can fill your spot exactly the way you can. You are unique. Even the marks of your fingertips are unlike any that ever were or ever will be again; you?re ?fearfully and wonderfully made? according to the Book of Psalms. If your very fingerprints bespeak such uniqueness, how much more your purpose for existing!

Once you are certain of your purpose, discovering your mission is an adventure in itself, a journey into the realm of your gifts and talents, a look at what excites you and where your passions lie. It?s uncovering and examining those markers that have been there all along pointing the way to the answer to the major questions of your life.


Webster defines vision as the act or power of imagination; mode of seeing or conceiving. It is engaging the mind in conceptualizing. And it?s a great activity for the porch swing, walking through the forest preserves, or floating in a boat, loosely attached to a fishing pole.

Visions are the pictures of what you will do about your discovered mission, your reason for being here. If mission is the hub of the wheel, then visions are the spokes. Visions are a lot like oil paintings, colorful, detailed, diverse and they come in all sizes and styles.

They all have in common that they begin as a dream in the mind of an artist and they only appear on canvas when they have become life size on the inside of the visionary and they simply must manifest! When the vision is so real on the inside that you find you can almost operate from within it, it?s time to make a path for it into the physical world (see the author?s article, Birthing Your Dream).


It?s at this point that goals come into the plan. According to Webster, one of the synonyms for goal is design, which implies a carefully calculated plan. Goals are where the rubber meets the road.

You may be thinking ?oh no, not more goals. I get goals at work, goals at home, on the school board, from the Chamber of Commerce? No more goals!? But this is where the artist begins preparation to bring the dream to life on canvas; building the frame, stretching the canvas, applying the gesso, choosing and mixing the paints, drawing preliminary sketches. Each step in the process is necessary; each step pointedly bringing him closer to the realization, in living color, of what until now has been alive and vibrant only in his mind?s eye.

It?s at this point that she begins the visible work. The rest has been an inner exercise, a function of the mind and heart. Designing goals involves doing the research, getting out the slide rule, making the Gantt chart, doing the sketches, calculating the cost. But by this time the vision is so real and the visionary is so ready to burst with it, that the goals are no chore, but a welcome means by which to deliver the dream.

It?s only when we confuse the process, mixing up the terms, trying to do them out of order that life becomes a chore. Discover your purpose and your mission, begin to create your visions and design well-crafted goals to support them and bring them to pass and before long you?ll be the enthusiastic kid in the mirror again, eager to get out and make a giant splash in the world!

Karin Syren is a certified coach specializing in the EffectivenessCoaching process. She has helped leaders at all levels to increase their personal and professional effectiveness by guiding them through the process of learning to do less and be more. Gain, regain and maintain control of your life direction and sign up for the FREE introductory DISCOVERING YOUR PURPOSE & WHAT TO DO ABOUT IT teleclass,
Karin Syren is a certified coach concentrating on women's needs helping leaders clearly identify issues facing them coaching them through the steps to gaining regaining maintaining control of juggling the intense demands transitions facing them. She offers guidance in discovering mission creating vision and designing goals. For information to schedule a complementary session please see her website at 

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Law Of Attraction: Discovering Peace Will Erode Your Barriers

The law of attraction is at work all the time regardless you are aware of it or not. It works to attract everything and anything that you focus your attention and energy on. In other words, it attracts all positive and negative events with you in the driver's seat. You are the deciding factor!

Why don't you take a break and assess your current situation in life. Ask yourself if they are the results of what you have been giving your most attention and energy to.

Knowing exactly what you want in life is not enough for the law of attraction to work exactly in the way you want. You need to fine-tune and balance your vibrating energy into alignment with what you want. Your thoughts and emotions are the determining factor to your vibrating energy. If you are constantly in a state of discontentment, fear and doubt, you will be creating negative vibrating energies that drive you in the opposite direction from what you truly want. On the other hand, if you are constantly feeling contented and grateful, you will reach a state of peacefulness with yourself and the circumstances that surround you. By doing so, you will increase your positive vibrating energy to create more of what you want in life.

Life is full of choices! At any moment in your life, you can choose peace. You can choose inner peace. You can choose peace between friends or you can choose peace between enemies. You can also choose peace on the planet. Regardless of the conditions you are in, you have the choice to choose to be at peace with yourself and all that comes into contact with you.

Your peace is the state of being, unaffected by anyone or anything or any circumstances that surrounds you. You realized that nothing you experienced in your past, today and in the future can come about without your permission. You feel relief, blessed, optimistic and hopeful. When you are in a state of peacefulness, you are taking responsibility for your own thoughts and emotions. You will soon discover your creative energy to manage your inspired actions and the opportunities that are continually attracted to you. When you choose to be at peace, you are allowing the law of attraction to work for you positively and draw you closer towards your goals.

Most people are not truly happy or comfortable with themselves. They are constantly at war with themselves and are often torn away from the peace that they deserved in order to attract what they want. In order to achieve peace with themselves there must be acceptance. It doesn't mean totally foregoing whatever you want but at least you are not in a state of constant resistance. Things and situations can be changed but solutions can only be easier found when calm prevails.

John F. Kennedy once said, "Peace is a daily, a weekly, a monthly process, gradually changing opinions, slowly eroding old barriers, quietly building new structures." When you finally find peace, you will become a powerful magnet to creating and attracting everything that you are passionate about. This is one of the secrets of the law of attraction!

I freelance as a ghostwriter and I also write regularly to share my learning curves, thoughts and manifesting experiences with the Law of Attraction on my blog at "Inside My Bubble Today". Come share my journey as we make this law of the Universe work for us together. You can download "You Can Do It Too!" e-book for FREE now and start your very own journey to attracting more abundance. Please feel free to visit The Journey of Living Deliberately at and share your valuable thoughts with everyone there.

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