Showing posts with label Action. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Action. Show all posts

Creative Action Seven Tips to Financial Success

My sister loves lists. She says they keep her on track and trigger her memory. So, she asked me to make a list detailing what it took for me to reach the level of success I have.

Actually what she really wanted is to learn what it takes to stay committed and focused on a goal. Her goals seemed to blur and then disappear after initially burning as bright as the sun on a summer's day.

This is quite common. So don't fret.

But now forget that you were once a goal-setter-trasher. Go into unfamiliar territory and cast off those shackles of procrastination. Be fearless and eager to learn.

Let's start with the basics:

1. Turn off the TV. You won't change your life if you keep watching the world go by. So get off your couch, or bed, toss the remote, walk to your tube and press the OFF button. Better yet, put it behind closed doors. It's addictive. Seeing it might disturb your creativity. Now, I know you might feel deprived and suffer from withdrawal, but, when your life changes you'll get over it.

2. Go to a bookstore. If you don't have a good dictionary and thesaurus, Walk to your local bookstore and purchase these two indispensable items. While your browsing, check out the Biography section to read books written by people you wish to emulate. Equally as important, buy How To/Advice books on the subject your interested in.

3. Read. Back home on the couch, sans remote, read, read and read. Underline, highlight and take notes. Write down what you are learning.

4. Grab a pen and notepad. Now that it's quiet, start listening to your thoughts. Write. Write anything that comes to mind. Write about the life you want. Describe it in absolute detail. This should not be a hardship. Make it fun. Feel yourself living the life you always wanted. If you can't handle it, go back and start from the top.

5. Ask questions. Ask experts who have succeeded in what you want to do all the questions you have. Commit this Rudyard Kipling poem to memory: "Six honest serving men--they taught me all I know--their names are What and Why and When and How and Where and Who."

6. Start imagining a product you want to sell. Concentrate on what interests you. Write down anything that comes to mind. I think you?re getting an idea about how important writing is in this whole process.

7. Watch your thoughts and words. In order to maximize success, remember: the words you choose and use create your life's news.

The more creative fuel you emit towards your goal, the faster you'll reach it. Your financial success is directly related to the creative energy you choose to use. Money is energy. Not physical energy ? creative energy. I get some of my best ideas while in the shower. I bet you do to. Now take one of your ideas seriously. Carve out the time to get one project up and running.

Nobody succeeds without creative action. Now you can manifest the life you always wanted by applying the creativity that is inherently yours.

That is the power of Creative Action.

Tania French is a composer who has enjoyed performances and radio broadcasts of her music worldwide. Her new CD ?Renewal? (released December, 2005) will feature a rejuvenating fusion of new age, classical, and world songs. You can subscribe to her popular newsletter at
Tania French is a composer who has enjoyed performances and radio broadcasts of her music worldwide. Articles about her music have been published in major European and American newspapers and magazines. Her new CD Renewal (released December, 2005) will feature a rejuvenating fusion of new age, classical, and world songs. 

View all articles by Tania French

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Action Persistence = Success

By: Jeff Diehl, M.A.

Whether you want to make a living online, or just want some extra spending money, youll need the resources that will give you the knowledge you need to be successful.

But, youre not home free! Although success requires knowledge, that by itself wont get you much more than the envy of your friends at the Saturday night Trivial Pursuit game. Knowledge is only potential power. It must be pared with action and persistence. That is true power.

As an affiliate, learning "the ropes" is an exciting yet humbling experience. If only you knew what the "gurus" know. If only you had the "easy button." If only you knew the "secrets to success." But thats the problem. There is no easy button and there are no secrets to success in spite of what some lead you to believe. It is up to you, and only you, to use the knowledge you have and that is available to you to produce lasting success.

Flash back to high school and all the math formulas, book reports, history facts and events and more that you "learned." Be honest, how much of it do you actually remember? If youre like most of us, you remember very little. I like to call this my "temporary learning cache." Now, fast forward to the present. Remember your first click to surf the Internet? Probably not, because surfing the Net has now become second nature to you. Throughout the years you have built upon your knowledge of how to surf by putting it to use on a daily basis. In fact, any knowledge followed by action and persistence, stores that knowledge in your subconscious mind. This allows you to use that information without consciously thinking about it.

As an example, when youre driving to work, you do not think about shifting, steering or braking. This has become automatic. It is knowledge that you have paired with action and persistence. You have committed it to your subconscious memory. And, heres the kicker . . . once there, you will never have to "relearn" that information again.

So, as an affiliate, your task is to not only "learn," but to put into practice what you learn. All your reading and researching without action and persistence will be forgotten.

Success starts by determining what knowledge you need. Is it an affiliate program that matches your interests? Perhaps, a product that excites you? Or, a skill you need to learn? Passionately seek out information and turn it into powerful knowledge through action and persistence. Once mastered, you will never lose it!

Success strategies defined:

Jeff is a retired clinical psychologist and has turned his passion to helping people build a successful internet business for those that choose the affiliate model. His approach is unique and focuses on the individual rather than on conventional "hype".  

View all articles by Jeff Diehl

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