The Abundance Course IS the Release Technique, the original Release Technique Method as taught by Lester Levenson. http://www.releasetechnique.com/
Have you ever tried using the law of attraction to change your life for the better, only to find out that the law of attraction isn't working like they said it would? Did this leave you unhappy and questioning whether manifesting what you want in life is even a real possibility?
If so, then take heart. Manifesting changes in your life by deliberately controlling your thoughts or energy is a learning process. Does it work? I have experienced this to be true for me personally, but I haven't manifested EVERYTHING I ever wanted. My trillion dollars has yet to be seen! Ha, Ha!
Manifesting small things that you may be indifferent to receiving seems like an easy task. Things like a cup of coffee can be easy to manifest but when the thing you want like health and money fail to show up in your life time and time again, you will probably start to doubt all this manifesting business while losing faith in higher sources of power.
Becoming discouraged when the law of attraction isn't working at this stage is completely natural and so is your inability to change your life for the better.
First of all, consciously manifesting with your imagination is a learned skill and like anything else, practice makes perfect. You wouldn't expect to be a world professional tennis player after reading a book on how to play tennis would you? Of course not! So don't be so hard on yourself (or your higher self, God, your guidance, Source) for not delivering your goods.
The first tip to overcome discouragement is to acknowledge the smaller accomplishments. Log them down and re-read them to remind yourself that you can consciously manifest. The mind has a way of quickly burying positive accomplishments because it is habitually negative. So force yourself to remember what you manifesting by keeping a regular record. This will bring you hope and happiness.
Second, start small and slowly work into larger things. If you start to learn how to consciously manifest by focusing on a million dollars, then that is like reading the book on tennis and then going to play a live competitors game with no practice. Is it possible for someone to read a book on tennis and then successfully win a tennis match? Sure it is, but the odds are slim... You get the point.
Another tip to overcome your fear and discouragement is to know that you can only visualize and feel things that you have been exposed to. For example, If you have been poor your whole life, then you really don't know how it truly feels to be a millionaire. You may have ideas about the freedoms that money could provide, but you don't KNOW for sure, your guessing.
When the law of attraction isn't working and you fail to manifest with your visualizations, is likely because your imagination is limited to what you have been through in the past. If your future is to be a much happier and grander vision or place, then is your limited imagination the proper tool to use to acquire this? I don't think so; it can't fully grasp or understand what you want because you have probably never had it. And therefore, it could be holding you back!
What if our god self wants to transform our lives but we are stopping that from happening by trying to manifest the picture of freedom that we have pre-formed in our limited mind?
To overcome this, begin your manifesting visualization by being open to allow more good in whatever form that comes in. In other words, don't allow your mind to lock in on how something will manifest and exactly what that looks like. Simply be open to experiencing more money, more good, and more health than what you have now. Then feel it and allow things to naturally unfold in ways you may have never thought possible. This will open doors for your to change your life for the better.
Finding happiness and changing your life is definitely a possibility. Learn How To Find Happiness in life and get free tips and insights about how to be happy in life regardless of what's going on around you.
If you don't take the time to learn new ways of doing things and new ways of reacting to things, then life will never change.
You must make it a priority to achieve happiness and give yourself the time to discover that. You can't keep doing things the same way you have always done them and expect to get different results.
Educate yourself now by learning How To Find Happiness and live a happy life with ease.
When you are not happy at work, you may find that you need to try and get a different job. There are so many people out there that are simply not happy with the work that they are doing and are trying to make a career change that is going work best for them and their situation. When you think about it the average person will work more than over twelve thousand days and ten jobs in their life span. There is no reason why you have to spend the rest of your life just doing what you think you have to in order to get by.
We are all a little guilty of taking a job that is not going to be something we really want to do but is comfortable for us. It is not always easy to give up a good paying job for something that makes you happy. However you need to think about if you really want to go through life regretting the things that you choose and wandering if you could have made your life more enjoyable and fulfilling.
Finding career happiness is one thing that you need to think about. You have to find a good way to support your reasoning. The chances that you have already made the decision that you are unhappy are good so that is your first clue that you need to make a career change. The next step is to figure out if your career path that you have in mind is going to be right for you or not.
Analyze your career path. Make a list of all the reasons why you have chose this career path. Take a look at the different jobs that you have had before what you are doing now and compare them. Think about the good and bad things and then you can see what you were doing and what you are presently doing and how happy you are now. Analyze your current job and think if this is something that makes you happy and if you can see yourself doing it for many years to come.
There is no reason to stay at a job that is making you miserable. You need to go out there and find something that you like to do and that you can earn a living at. You may not find what you are looking for right away but if you are persistent and keep up with it you will be able to find the perfect job that makes you feel good and secure in everything that you do. Making the right career choices is something that you are not going to do all the time. However there is nothing wrong with taking a chance and making the right choices that you feel from the inside.
Getting to switch your career paths is one thing that you may want to do when you find that you are feeling depressed and sad. When you notice a big change in the way that you are acting with your family and friends as well you might want to reexamine your career and how happy you are with the choices that you have made. It is going to be a good factor in what may be bringing you down and making it tough to enjoy friends and family as you once did.
Your stress levels should not be affected by your job. You do not need to have a job that makes you feel bad about yourself and who you are. There are so many other things that you could be doing instead of worrying. Go out there and find what you need so that you can get on the path that you have always meant to be on. It is going to take some time but once you see the end results and how happy you can become, you are going to be glad that you took the time to make this big change in your life.