Are your thoughts helping you or hurting you? Are you trying to cultivate an attitude that will help you over life's hurdle's or are you allowing yourself to waddle in life's miseries? Do you actively seek out those who support you, who nurture your goals and encourage you to dream big?
Think about it. How can you expect to go places if your feet are stuck in cement? And that's exactly what happens when you let a defeating thought play over and over in your brain. It's exactly what happens when you associate with people who don't share your vision, in fact they lack a clear vision of their own. And in the murkiness that has become their lives they seek to make your goals unclear as well.
Take the time to make good friends. Friends who care just as much about your dreams as they do their own. Friends who take the time to stop and lend a helping hand when you need it. Not the kind of friend who says "I'm busy" every time but one who says "How can I help you?" One who smiles when you describe your ideals, and not one who says "Are you crazy? You'll never be able to do that!"
Align yourself with the thoughts and people who support you and in turn, be there for them and cheer them on. You'll both benefit, and you'll both feel better as well.
Be an example for others as well. By showing them kindness and considering a situation before you get upset and blow off steam, you'll show another the way they can be their best
Deborah Ailman is a Master Law of Attraction instructor living in the Tampa Bay area with her husband of twenty six years. She is mom to seven beautiful cats and one very noisy bird. Her passion, besides living positively, is the welfare of animals worldwide. Visit her website at email her at:, and visit her on Facebook "Deborah Ailman"