It is rare, but there are some people who are both happy and wealthy. The rest of us have unconscious beliefs that we can't be happy, can't be wealthy or can't be both. Take a look at your life & question it:
Do you think of the wealthy as unhappy in life?Is it better to be poor and happy than wealthy?Are the poor really happy?Are the poor living their life purposes?Does God want you to be unhappy & poor?
In The Secret Code of Success, Noah St John refers to the "Three Percenters" as the world's most successful people.
He says they "have most of the wealth, happiness, joy, peace, health, and loving relationships- in other words, they have what we human beings want as we go through this journey called Life."
How does that make you feel? That a small group of people have it all, and we are struggling, working hard, and stuck in poverty?
This small percentage of people on earth realize they can be both happy & wealthy. And they do it without really knowing how they do it.
They work hard, but are happy and earning money. While the rest of us work hard, are unhappy and struggling to pay bills.
I admit I am in the 97% who is not both happy & wealthy. I realize I'm not both. I realize there are others who are both. And I realize if they can do it, then I can to. So I have been investing in a lot of personal development. I look for mentors who came from poverty and are on their way to the 3% or in the 3%. You can find people a little ahead of you and you can help people who are not yet where you are.
The key is you have to want to change and do the work. And the people you help need to also want to change and do the work.
Noah St John says that we "need to realize that it (wealth, health, happiness, joy, love, opportunity) is not actually held anywhere. No one can keep love, money, or opportunity away from you, any more than someone can stop you from reaching your full potential."
I think most of us are stuck in a learned victim state. It is what we learned, what our parents learned, what our ancestors learned. 97% of people learned this and pass it on.
To change it, we need to take responsibility for our beliefs and do the work to change them. Sometimes this isn't easy when most of the people you are around are in this victim state... and sabotage themselves and others around them to keep everyone in this 97% state.
I don't think people are aware of how they sabotage themselves and others. They may try to protect others from the big bad guys. They may think others are out to get them instead of helping them.
There are good and bad guys out there. Do you recognize the good?
Even the bad have good in them. They have lost their way in their life pain & purposes and are using for bad instead of good.
We all have pain from childhood & life. We can use that for good. It is usually what we need to heal in our lives that we are meant to help others with.
According to Noah St. John, There are stages we go through:
You don't know what you don't know. You know that you don't know. You know that you know. You do it without conscious thought
We breathe without thinking about it. We do it without conscious thought. So we can be happy and wealthy like the 3% without thinking about it. But it takes work and action to change our unconscious beliefs. By changing these beliefs we will take different actions. And therefore we will have different results.
Bernice Templeman is an author, internet marketer and network marketer.
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