Showing posts with label Getting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Getting. Show all posts

Four Disciplines To Getting What You Want

Copyright ? 2005 Kathryn Williamson

I bet you?re like me - you want results now, without having to put in the effort and time to make things change. We want to pray a prayer and have instant results. Kind of like microwave Christianity!

But God isn?t our sugardaddy. He wants to build character in us so that once things do change we can handle the new lifestyle and be better equipped to fulfill His plan for our lives. And building character takes disciplines and time.

But what disciplines do we need to work on? It depends upon what outcome you?re looking for. If a person wants to be a concert pianist, he practices the piano consistently and increases the level of his challenge as he improves.

If you don?t know what you want in life, you just know you?re not happy and your life needs improving, then you?re in serious trouble! If you don?t have a target, then you?ll hit your aim every time! But the good news is that every person has a dream. Even if your dream was put on the shelf some time ago, you can take it down and begin working on it today. The dream is still there because God put it there and He is ready to help you implement it.

Let?s look at how the following disciplines will help you, no matter what you are striving for.

Transform Your Thoughts (change your beliefs)

To make changes in our life it helps to understand the process of what happens between the time we think about something and when we take action. It looks like this:

Beliefs create thoughts
Thoughts create emotions
Emotions create actions
Actions create our lifestyle

Therefore, to change our thoughts requires us to identify false beliefs and replace them with God?s truths. Sometimes if we aren?t sure why we acted in a certain way, we can backtrack through the above process to uncover our core beliefs that caused our ultimate action.

Whenever we want to make changes in our life, fears and self-doubt begin to creep in. In order to conquer them we need to identify the specific fears (false beliefs) so we can counter them with God?s truths.

This is accomplished by continually reading the Bible. When we read statements that are contrary to what we think (believe), then we have a choice to make. We choose to either believe God's truth and act according to this new belief or continue to believe the lie, which keeps us stuck in a rut. We must make the choice as soon as we realize our thoughts are focused on lies.

Speak Your Future Into Existence

This outcome of this second discipline is described very well in Proverbs 18:20-21: " A man's [moral] self shall be filled with the fruit of his mouth; and with the consequence of his words he must be satisfied [whether good or evil]. Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and they who indulge in it shall eat the fruit of it [for death or life]."

God created the world and everything in it, including us, by the words He spoke. He first thought about what He wanted, then He spoke it into existence. This power isn't limited only to God. God tells us that we, too, have this power to create with our words.

Many of us spend more time talking about our past than speaking forth our future. When we talk about our future, it's important to say what we "want" not what we "don't want." We must be extremely specific on what we speak forth for our future.

Control Your Emotions

We aren't taught that it is possible to control our emotions. Therefore, we feel powerless over how we react to situations. In John 14:1 Jesus told His disciples, " Do not let your hearts be troubled (distressed, agitated)..." God won't ask us to do something that He is not capable of helping us do.

This is great news that we can reign in our out-of-control emotions. Just knowing that this is possible helps us to see things in a new light. We see new possibilities of change where we didn't think change could ever occur.

Pray Consistently

This fourth discipline keeps us connected to the source of our hope ? God. We obtain success through deepening our relationship with God and others. The three disciplines above help us develop character to enable us to develop healthy, loving relationships which fulfill us.

About the Author:
Kathy Williamson teaches biblical principles to help people overcome their problems and discover God's will for their lives. Her book, teachings and ezine can be found on her website at

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Getting More of What You Want - Part 04 - Know WHAT (Forget HOW!)

If you're like most people then you've been taught that you have to know how you are going to achieve something. I mean, to think you can do something without knowing how is just wishful thinking, right?

Although project plans, to-do-lists and 'next steps' can all be very useful in their own right, we often allow the lack of knowing 'how' we're going to achieve something, to get in the way of our dreams.

We give up on the 'what' just because we don't know how (yet), and if you're like most people you'll know exactly what I'm talking about! Here's how this typically plays out for most people:

You suddenly have a great idea, maybe you want to want to take your family on holiday, learn to play the guitar or start a new business. The idea just feels so good and allow yourself to get all carried away and imagine what it would be like... until suddenly the 'oh-so-good' feeling turns into that oh-so-familiar sinking-feeling of disappointment as reality kicks in and you start having thoughts like...

'I don't have enough money to take my family on holiday. Ahh, and I won't be able to get the time off work anyway.''I don't even have a guitar, and I don't know where to find a good teacher, and I don't have the time to go for lessons''I don't know enough to start up a business; I don't even know where to begin! And it probably won't work anyway... there's a recession so I'm probably better off just keep my head down and get on with it''People like me don't get to do that... '

If you're like most people, that'll be the end of the idea; you've just let the 'not knowing the how' get in the way or stop them from even starting.

Which is a valid choice of course - as you, like everyone else, have free will on how to live your life.

Maybe you tell yourself it's ok, it's not a big deal, it was just a silly idea anyway; no really, things are fine the way you are, I mean who really needs a holiday, guitar lessons or a career that they're passionate about anyway?

But as you keep allowing your dreams to be pushed to one side because you don't know how to implement them, the unhappier you become. At first you may ignore it, or not even notice it, but eventually that deep unhappiness will drive you to...

excessive eating, drinking, or smoking, or working - to get away from the painfeel lonely, empty, depressed, irritable or anxiousbecome stressed or sick

The reason for this is that your soul and its desires will not be denied and unless you pay attention to your deeper longing and desires, you'll pay with pain.

The great news is, despite what you may have been taught, the truth is you can never know how your dreams will come true and therefore you don't have to know!

Bill Gates, Richard Branson, Jim Carrey, Oprah Winfrey, Michael Jordan, Steve Jobs - none of them had the precise details of HOW their dreams were going to happen - but they all knew exactly WHAT they wanted.

If you look at some of the obstacles they (and millions of others) had to overcome, I think it's fair to say that a lot of people would have given up on their dreams.

They didn't.

Here are some basic truths. You cannot know who you will meet, who you will cross paths with, and which opportunities will come your way. Despite your best intentions and thinking that you know, the truth is that you cannot tell the future and that you don't know what will happen next; you don't (and cannot) know if you'll run into a long lost friend, be presented with a dream opportunity or have an idea that creates you great wealth - these things happen all the time to people from all walks of life all over the world.

Looking at things from the other side of the coin, you've probably also had countless times where, despite your best planning and efforts, things simply did not work out the way you'd planned, right?

The great news is that not only is it impossible for you to know how things are going to work out, but it's not your job to know how; your only job is to know what you want; the 'hows' is for the universe to work out.

Think of this on a practical level: We can all use electricity and cars and cell-phones without knowing how they work yet we don't find that strange; it takes about 300 muscles to move your leg - there is no way that you can know how to do that, yet (if you are able bodied) you do that many times a day without even thinking about it.

Insisting on knowing the how's is a bit like a 2-year old helping their mom baking a cake: kinda cute and sweet, but it's not helping!


Keep focussing on WHAT you want, and let go of the HOW its going to happen. Every time your mind wants to kill your dreams, passions and hopes simply because you do not know how something will come about - remind yourself that

it's not your job to knowyou cannot knowyour only job is to be absolutely clear on WHAT you want.

And now I'd like to invite you to get your Free Instant Access to a 2-hour TeleSeminar on How to Create Wealth from the Inside Out when you visit

You'll receive 2 hours of leading edge wealth-creation strategies, right there, on the call!

Best wishes and 'see' you there!

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Getting More of What You Want - Part 02 - Knowing What You Want

This is Part 2 in a series to help you get more of what you want, no matter how stuck you've been!

Think about a GPS, or SatNav - maybe you have one on your phone or your car. You know, that device that uses maps (and sometimes satellites in space) to guide you from A to B.

The next time you look at it, notice that it does not have a button on it that says 'Random Destination'.

The reason it doesn't have a 'random destination' button is because it will be of very little use in that t's unlikely to get you where you want to be. Think about it - if you wanted to get to a particular address, pressing 'Random Destination' is unlikely to take you there, right?

And if a GPS were to take you somewhere random, it may not be close to where you wanted to be, or the type of place you like.

Yet that's how a lot of people live life - hoping that somehow, some day, they'll wake up and as if my magic, everything will be different.

No - the only way a GPS can take you where you want is if you tell it exactly where you want to go.

You don't need to know

where you are,how you got to where you are now,how the roads go,how much traffic there is, orwhat the best or shortest route is

No - all of that is the GPS' job! The only thing you need for a GPS to guide you to where you want to go, is your end destination. That's it!

Life is exactly the same.

It doesn't really matter whether you're unclear on your dreams because

you don't think you deserve it,because you think it's impossible,because you've just never thought of itor for any other reason.

No, the only thing that matters is that you realise that no-one is coming to rescue you and that you decide that your dreams matter and that you matter.

Realise that the clock is ticking, and that as far we know, death will come for you too. This life will probably never be the same again. [Not that I believe that death as we know it is the end of the road by any means - but that for another day.]

Realise that it always has been and always will be up to you, 100% you and only you.

You have free will, and you get to choose where you want to set your sails too in this life. There are no bystanders here, and no victims, and that's just the way it is.


Even though connecting with your dreams does not guarantee that they will happen, not knowing what you want is a sure way for them not to happen.

As the saying goes...

'Vision without action is a daydream; action without vision is a nightmare.'

Why not allow yourself to get clear on what you want? Ignore (just for now) any voices that may tell you it won't ever happen, that you don't deserve it etc, and write down how you'd like your life to be, in the finest details.

Read it every day for a month... change it until it is just so the way you'd love it be - because it's the first step to creating it just so.

And now I'd like to invite you to get your Free Instant Access to a 2-hour TeleSeminar on How to Create Wealth from the Inside Out when you visit

You'll receive 2 hours of leading edge wealth-creation strategies, right there, on the call!

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The ABC of NOT Getting What You Want

If you already have all the money, peace, love, happiness and health in your life that you'd like to have then you're probably already familiar with what follows.

If however there are some areas of your life that are not quite yet working the way you'd like them to, here's the ABC (or rather, the CBA) to understanding why you may be missing out and how you change it.


We generally use a GPS or Satnav to guide us when we're not sure how to get somewhere, either because the destination is new to us or because we're lost. To effectively use a Satnav you need to know the destination, and that's ALL you need to know.

You do NOT need to know where you are, how you got there, or why you got lost!

There's a reason why a SatNav does not have a 'Random Destination' button... think about it...

Yet how often do you just 'hope for the best' that one day your problems will miraculously disappear (including those credit card bills or the job you're stuck in), and the new car, house or partner will appear as if my magic?

If you are in that place of 'hoping' or just going through the motions of life, day by day, you may not like what I'm about to say, but it's true anyway: not only is no-one coming to rescue you (nor can anyone rescue you), but even if you diligently continue to do the important work of healing the past, unless you become clear on where you want to be going, you're very unlikely to ever end up there. (SatNav? Random destination?)

One of the things that's probably getting in the way of you being clear on WHAT you want is that you don't know HOW to get there, or that you don't have the resources, the skill, the money or the time right now to get there.

The great news is that, as far as creating the life you want, knowing HOW is not relevant and here's why:

You cannot now how (even if you think you do); the universe is simply too magic and connected for you work out all the details. In fact, trying to work out the 'hows' is a major cause of stress - which leads to feeling unwell, getting sick, unhappiness which if anything, takes you further away from your dreams; insisting on the 'hows' actually get in the way of your dreams manifesting!

Creating the life you want involves faith; faith in your own creative abilities and faith in the grace of a universe, God, Gaia, or whatever you prefer to call that 'something' that is bigger than you (if you believe in something bigger than you) who only wants for you what YOU want for you.

And before you can effectively communicate what you want to the universe, you have to first know what you want with absolute clarity and here's how to do it.

Imagine it in the finest details - even if for a few minutes a day; imagine exactly what it would look like, smell like, taste like and ever important, what you would FEEL like if you had this in your life!

The more details, the better - just make sure you stay away from the 'hows' and stay focussed on the 'what'!

All else being equal, the more familiar you become with that place of your dreams, the more you 'live' in them in your imagination, the more your vibration will change and the easier you'll attract and create that very thing, person, place or experience.


Unless you believe that you deserve happiness you'll probably never be happy; certainly not in the long run.

Unless you believe that you are worthy of a loving relationship you'll probably never have one that lasts.

Whilst you believe that it's not spiritual to be financially free, or that it's selfish,

or that there isn't enough for everyone, you probably never will be free.

Your beliefs are the main source of your thoughts, and thoughts turn into things.

Your beliefs also drive your emotions, which, combined with thoughts and imagination, are a major component of your creative powers and limiting beliefs (like "It'll never happen to me") often get in the way of you having CLARITY on what you want.

The problem with beliefs is that they are often (if not mostly) unconscious so you may not even be aware of them. On the other hand, the great thing about beliefs is that they are not right, wrong or real; they're just beliefs and you can change the ones you don't like and choose the ones you do like!

Commonly held beliefs like "I'm not good enough", "I don't have what it takes" or "I don't belong" are a script for emotional and financial bankruptcy.

As within so without... if you're not convinced about this saying, write down your beliefs about money, sex and relationships. Scan your life in these areas you'll probably see that your life matches those beliefs 100%.

Creating and sustaining the life you want requires absolute belief that you CAN create whatever you desire. And like any other belief - you can install this.

If the outer world is a reflection of what's on the inside (and it is), and you don't like what you see in the outside world - then you may find it useful to explore your beliefs, and change the ones that need changing!


Most people think that taking action is what they have to do to create what you want when actually, taking action is the vehicle with which to receive that which you've already created!

Friend Dom Burton sent me this fabulous quote recently: "Vision without action is a daydream. Action without a vision is a nightmare." which comes, I believe, from ancient Japan.

Once you

are clear on exactly what you want (CLARITY),clear up any beliefs that say you can't or shouldn't have itinstall beliefs that are aligned with where you want to be going

..then the next step is to start taking action. There's more to it than this, but simply put, any action will do because "Imperfect action is better than perfect inaction." (Harry Truman)


Many people spend vast amounts of time, money and energy on resolving THE PAST

therapy to overcome past trauma, heartache and painanalysing (to death!) why this business failed or that relationship didn't lastre-playing painful conversations in their heads over and over and over again - always ending the same way

I think that exploring and learning from the past is an important part of moving forward because most of our programming comes from the past and I fully support these simple steps;

go back thereresolve itchange the programmingmove on.

Fewer people seem to spend any significant time on exploring life NOW with pertinent questions:

How is your life as a man, woman, manager, father, daughter, partner working NOW?Are you keeping my promises and if not, what's really going on?How is your health NOW and what can you do to improve it?How happy are you NOW and what are you doing to get happier?How are you spending your time and what needs to change to bring about more balance?

Once again, I think these questions are invaluable and signs of awareness and curiosity which are both important elements of really engaging life and starting to access the power within YOU to change.

However, even fewer people seem to spend any significant time on PURPOSELY and CONSCIOUSLY creating the future that they claim they want.

Do you have a vision for your life, somewhere you'd like to be, things you'd like to experience?How much time do you actually spend living there (in our imagination) and how much time do you spend arguing for your limitations and why that can never happen to you?When was the last time you took some action towards it?How much do you believe that you have the power to create what you desire rather than being a victim that life just happens to?


I choose to believe that the NOW I experience is not based on some random outside power, fate, destiny or luck.

It is my own creation, through the magic that is the universe - every little bit of it.

That belief empowers me and inspires me to spend time daily making sure that I do what I need to do to get what and where I want to get:

Have perfect CLARITY about exactly what I want in my lifeBELIEVE that it is not only possible, but inevitableTake ACTION (any action!)

What if everything was connected?

What if you were a creator?

What if your thoughts turned into things?

What if your thoughts, imagination and feelings combined into phenomenally powerful forces of creation?

What if God or the Universe only wanted for you what YOU wanted for you?

What if you did have a choice?

What if you CREATED life rather than life happening TO YOU?

What if you were powerful beyond your wildest dreams?

What if, indeed...

And now I'd like to invite you to get your Free Instant Access to a 2-hour TeleSeminar on How to Create Wealth from the Inside Out when you visit

You'll receive 2 hours of leading edge wealth-creation strategies, right there, on the call!

Best wishes and 'see' you there!

View the original article here

Working Mom - The Secret to Getting Paid What You Deserve

I will forever be grateful to one of my clients, who, years ago, when I was still working as a freelance editor, told me that I was not charging him enough for my work. At the time I was getting paid $200 a day more than what I was paid just a year prior for a week of my time as a staff assistant editor. So I thought I was doing pretty well.

Yet this client told me that I was his first choice when he needed an editor, yet he was paying me $400 a day less than the guy he hired when I wasn't available.

I was shocked not only by the amount, but by the fact that he was so honest that he was suggesting that I should raise my rate to match that of my competitor.

In fact he insisted, saying he felt embarrassed paying me less when he thought my work merited more.

So I raised my rate, not just for him but for all my clients. I must admit it was a little nerve wrecking at first, and I worried that other clients might laugh and turn me down flat.

But what I learned was: that by raising my rate, I raised my perceived value and this opened me up to a completely new clientele. You see, in many ways I earned a new respect -- my clients assumed that if I was charging that much I must be amazingly good. And they were never disappointed.

- Here are a few things I've learned to ensure I always get the reward I deserve:

Do Your Research

- Know your market and what the average, high, and low rates are for both men and women.

All too often men secure better wages for the same job as women, and there is no good reason for this. Women have more than proven their worth in all businesses and should be paid equally.

If you are in a "traditional job" there are plenty of websites you can reference to get the information you need. If you are blazing a new trail by creating your own business, or working as a freelancer, the internet can provide you with a pay range that is normal for the type of work, or service, you provide. Also your friends and family can be an invaluable resource. So ask people close to you for their advice.

Now I realize that although men have no problems discussing money with anyone, women often have blocks, and they tend to avoid the subject altogether. We do this because, as with anything of importance to us, there is a real emotional charge attached to the subject of money.

It's important for us to use that emotional energy in a positive way that emboldens us.

The key is to never lose sight of your -- "why" -- the reason you are working in the place. Whether you seek more time with your children, the freedom to travel to exotic places, or expensive clothes, stay connected to that and you will have the courage to ask for what you deserve.

Believe in Your Own Worth

If you don't believe you're worth what you are asking for your client won't believe it either.

Your voice and body language will betray you if you don't believe fully that you deserve what you are asking for, and you will not receive the compensation you merit. Be bold and courageous, and believe in yourself and your right to proper reward for your time and expertise.

The key to my being able to secure a higher rate was my sincere belief that I deserved it. I was also annoyed to find out that men generally were paid higher rates than I, just because they were men. I was determined to change that and get paid equally.

Mission Accomplished

Once I made that commitment to myself, my clients responded favorably. I realized perhaps women were paid less simply because they didn't know to ask for more money.

Remember, your fees are not a reflection of you but are a reflection of how much you value your work. Time invested in your business is time away from your family. So make sure it counts and you'll always know the investment in your career is worth the return.

Don't Compromise

Be willing to walk away if the opportunity is not the right one.

I once made the mistake of lowering my rate for a new client. He'd been referred by another client of mine and had a reputation for producing good work. When he came to me, however, he cried poverty, and insisted that if I did him a favor just this one time, he'd pay me my real rate when he had a project with a bigger budget.

Against my better judgement I caved in a agreed to do it "just this once." Well I never saw this client again!

When the project with the big budget came along he hired an editor who always charged a higher rate. I had proven that I could do excellent work, for a fraction of the price, but in doing so I shot myself in the foot, because I changed his perception of me forever.

He paid this other editor a much higher fee, because in his mind I remained a low budget editor.

Don't ever cave in and agree to work for less than what you deserve. So much of your worth is perceived worth.

Have Firm Boundaries

In my editing business I realized that the bigger companies are often the ones who take the longest to pay you.

Slow payers have all sorts of reasons for this, such as the channels your paperwork has to go through before the payment is approved. The bottom line is that you are just a small fish in a big pond. When you are in business for yourself working on a project for several weeks, or even months, that can be crucial.

Whenever I embarked on a long term project, I insist on a partial payment upfront, followed by regular installments until the job is complete. The key is to make sure the terms are clear and agreed to before you start on the project.

And what about the client who always has a sob story and never pays on time?

While it is okay to feel sympathy when a client is having difficulty, don't let it impact your business, or your life in a negative way. If a client can't pay you on time, or if a check bounces, empathize but don't allow yourself to feel guilty on their behalf.

Be firm about your boundaries. You can be forgiving and lenient once, but don't let bad or tardy payments become a habit.

Create your own destiny

Don't settle for just a "job." Follow your heart and pursue something you are truly passionate about.

Women are starting businesses at twice the rate than men are these days. I believe this trend is partly due to our need do things our way. Men and women approach business differently and more and more women are finding they are much more successful when they step out on their own.

With technology this is easier than ever before, and work-from-home opportunities abound. There are plenty of support networks for women entrepreneurs -- find them, and use them to your full advantage (I'm going to do an article on these tools soon so stay tuned). That is probably one of our greatest qualities, we want to help our sisters succeed!

I worked in the Hollywood Industry for 20 years and I've seen plenty of the bad and the ugly. It is an industry that thrives on the notion of scarcity -- there are few jobs and plenty of people eager to break in and make their mark. Sadly many people take advantage of this and try to pay as little as they can. In today's economy I know this is a trend that has seeped into many other fields.

I've also seen plenty of the good. I'm proud to say that I have had an amazing career working with phenomenal people and on rewarding projects, I also know that I am very good at what I do, in fact I can say boldly that I am regarded as one of the best. And it is that confidence in my skill, and the value I bring to every project, that has earned me the respect of my clients and afforded me an exciting career.

I've also learned that I am the happiest when I can work on my own terms.

No matter how much you love what you do, remember that work is just a means to an end. Work must enhance your life and not take away from it. So pursue something you love and have the courage to ask for the compensation you deserve. You'll be a much happier mom and your family will thank you for it.

For more tips on finding balance between work and family, and living a deeply fulfilling life with those you cherish the most, visit Valerie Remy-Milora is the mother of three beautiful girls and the founder of Scrumptious Moms.

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The Secret Science of Getting Rich

The Science of Getting Rich

There is a secret science of getting rich and many people are uncovering it each and every day. This science is not only about material wealth such as houses, cars and clothes although these things will be available to you once you have truly mastered the science. The main purpose of the secret science is to reveal the true laws of the universe that once followed will yield a bountiful, abundant life that is full of satisfaction and joy. It is about learning to have more gratitude in our lives by appreciating what we already have. Many people might roll their eyes at this notion but it is this exact reaction that keeps us poor.

Understanding Universal Truths

By understanding universal truths such as 'all things are energy' the secret science of getting rich teaches us that we are the answer to the wealth we seek. Many search for wealth outside themselves not realizing that the answers were within them. By using the power of mental projection to form a clear mental image of what is desired, it is possible to bring those desires into material form. For those who have read 'The Secret' and 'The Law of Attraction,' these fundamental teachings may seem familiar. But for those who have never heard of them, it may either seem revolutionary or skeptical. Either way, whether you choose to believe or not, these truths exist and affect everything on the material plane including our bank accounts.

Letting it in

As a society we are taught to be skeptical and at the same time we are taught to go outside for approval. This makes for a very bad combination because we stop letting our intuition be our guides and instead work very hard to receive approval from others in terms of career, religion and family life. Living to blend in with the masses is not a path to truth. Instead it is a way to deny our own uniqueness and to bury the gifts within us. By living from the inside out using the principles discussed in the Secret science of Getting Rich, we find true wealth in becoming the best we can be.


It takes courage to forge ahead and make a new path and this can be scary for many people. However we only have one life to live and what will we have to look back on when it is over? Will we have been just another good parent raising good kids or will we add to our children's lives by developing our highest potential and showing them through our own example? All these things are possible when we know how to live according to the universal truths that govern our lives. The science of getting rich offers us direction and shows step by step how to do this.

To find out more about this remarkable program and how it is affecting more lives each day, you can visit

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The Science of Getting Rich - The Right Business

You can become a success in any business. But when it comes to being in the right business, a person would do best in a business that they like. When you enjoy what you do it is a joy to do it. If you have already developed talents and abilities for a particular business, then it may be to you advantage to work that business as you look for new opportunities. Don't neglect where you are right now, there may be many un-tapped opportunities you have overlooked.

Many times we do not see opportunities that are right in front of us because our attitude is wrong. Ask formless intelligence to show you opportunities that are around you, right where you are today. You may find new and exciting ventures have been there all along!

It may take someone looking in from the outside to point out new opportunities to you. A mentor or a coach or even a trusted friend can often point out things you overlook. What you want might be easily within your reach, but you look right past it.

Another tool I have used to see things I would otherwise not see is photos. Take a series of pictures where you work or spend most of your time. Do you see things in those still photos that you don't see while you are walking through? Study them for a while, a new opportunity, you could not see before, just might pop out at you.

Have you ever thought about what things you do the best and/or love to do the most? Is there a way to use your talents and abilities in your current position? Or a way to grow into another line of work that you can focus on doing what you love?

Wallace Wattles also says: " If you are ever to begin to make ready for the reception of what you want, you must begin now."

So what if you do not have the training or education to have the business you would love? Take action now and "begin to make ready for the reception of what you want". Get the training you need, learn what you need to know, start making connections with people who are doing what you want to do.

You can not sit back and think it into being. You must take steps toward what you desire - you must take action.

From Wattles teaching you can see that even if you are not in the perfect business now, there are ways to get to your perfect business. You may have talents and abilities that you are not using that could get you promoted to a better position. There may be overlooked opportunities right where you are. Or you may need to learn new skills to get into a business you would love. Each action you take brings you closer to your "right business".

By the way, if you are interested in learning more you might like my newest e-book "Life Without Limits" Understanding Law of Attraction and The Science of Getting Rich. Download it at

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The Science of Getting Rich - The Right Business

You can become a success in any business. But when it comes to being in the right business, a person would do best in a business that they like. When you enjoy what you do it is a joy to do it. If you have already developed talents and abilities for a particular business, then it may be to you advantage to work that business as you look for new opportunities. Don't neglect where you are right now, there may be many un-tapped opportunities you have overlooked.

Many times we do not see opportunities that are right in front of us because our attitude is wrong. Ask formless intelligence to show you opportunities that are around you, right where you are today. You may find new and exciting ventures have been there all along!

It may take someone looking in from the outside to point out new opportunities to you. A mentor or a coach or even a trusted friend can often point out things you overlook. What you want might be easily within your reach, but you look right past it.

Another tool I have used to see things I would otherwise not see is photos. Take a series of pictures where you work or spend most of your time. Do you see things in those still photos that you don't see while you are walking through? Study them for a while, a new opportunity, you could not see before, just might pop out at you.

Have you ever thought about what things you do the best and/or love to do the most? Is there a way to use your talents and abilities in your current position? Or a way to grow into another line of work that you can focus on doing what you love?

Wallace Wattles also says: " If you are ever to begin to make ready for the reception of what you want, you must begin now."

So what if you do not have the training or education to have the business you would love? Take action now and "begin to make ready for the reception of what you want". Get the training you need, learn what you need to know, start making connections with people who are doing what you want to do.

You can not sit back and think it into being. You must take steps toward what you desire - you must take action.

From Wattles teaching you can see that even if you are not in the perfect business now, there are ways to get to your perfect business. You may have talents and abilities that you are not using that could get you promoted to a better position. There may be overlooked opportunities right where you are. Or you may need to learn new skills to get into a business you would love. Each action you take brings you closer to your "right business".

By the way, if you are interested in learning more you might like my newest e-book "Life Without Limits" Understanding Law of Attraction and The Science of Getting Rich. Download it at

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