Showing posts with label Manifest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Manifest. Show all posts

2 Easy Ways to Manifest Money Today!

There's a story running rampant on the planet these days. It goes something like this: "The economy is bad and it's a struggle to make ends meet." Financial experts, politicians, and TV analysts keep this story stoked for their own job security, while many of the rest of us buy in and suffer along. As a result, you find yourself scratching out a living paycheck to paycheck, feeling desperate about paying the bills and worse and worse about yourself and your future.

At the same time, there are those that are busy making money like never before. The doors of opportunity seem to be swung wide open for these folks and they're reaping the rewards. In this article, we'll explore three beliefs that will put you in that flow of abundance.

If you're ready to make the shift to abundance, a good place to start is with your beliefs about money. You've probably heard this kind of belief talk before. The limiting belief often cited is some version of the "money is bad" belief. If you're reading this article, I'm assuming you've gotten over that one and realized that money is neutral-neither bad nor good. It is simply a means of exchange. It's how you go about this exchange that makes it either "bad" or "good" depending on your values.

It's this idea of "exchange" that's most important. Having money is the result of exchanging some time, energy, skill, or resource that you have to solve a need or want that someone else has. Money is simply the way we exchange things of value. We get money when we exchange something we have for something someone else wants or needs.

Now that may seem too obvious to be important. Yet, it's really the key to having more money. You've got to find opportunities to exchange something you have for something someone else wants or needs.

You're going to find more of these opportunities if you have three Abundance Beliefs in place:

1. There are many opportunities out there; you just have to find them.

2. You have lots of "valuable stuff" that others want and need.

3. You are entitled to have what you want and need.

Those who struggle with money tend to hold counter beliefs to all three. They will tend to think that opportunities are scarce; they have little to offer; and they are not entitled to have what they want and need. When you hold these three Scarcity Beliefs you're likely to buy the story that "The economy is bad and I'm in for a struggle." Those beliefs fit that story like a glove.

So how do you install Abundance Beliefs?

The bottom line is this: you've got to practice them until they become your dominant reference point-the way you see the world. Here are two great ways to do that:

1. Practice seeing opportunities.

Opportunities are needs that you can solve with the time, energy, skills, and resources you have or can get. So, take an inventory of your resources: knowledge and skills you have, things you like to do, time you have to do things, and things you own. With those in mind, actively be on the lookout for needs you can solve with the resources you have. Here's the secret: The more you look for opportunities the more you'll find them.

2. Practice taking action.

When you see a promising opportunity, take some action on it. Test it out. Learn more about the opportunity by moving toward it. Ask the people whose need you observe exactly what they want. Take some action every day toward the most promising opportunities you discover and soon you'll have direction and momentum.

If you don't do this, it's going to cost you a lot more financially and emotionally in the years to come. You'll continue to stay stuck in the same old story, feeling anxious and desperate about money. But, your life doesn't have to be that way!

As you practice seeing opportunities and taking action on them, you'll grow your belief in the abundance of opportunities, in your own skills and resources, and in your entitlement to be rewarded when you provide something that someone else needs. As you do that, you'll find yourself in the flow of abundance.

Enjoy your practice!

Are these 3 deadly mistakes killing your results with The Law of Attraction?... This FREE Report reveals the 3 common pitfalls left out of the hit movie 'The Secret'... And how you can overcome them to live the life of joy, fulfillment and spectacular success you were destined to live! To learn more, be sure to visit us here.

Kevin Schoeninger graduated from Villanova University in 1986 with a Master's Degree in Philosophy. He is certified as a Life Coach, Reiki Master Teacher, Qigong Meditation Instructor, and Personal Fitness Trainer.

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Learn To Manifest Life To The Fullest - The First Step

Manifesting Abundance

We all know people we would describe as successful in life. They seem to make the most of every situation and life to them just seems to be a breeze.

We may even have felt a little envious of such people as everything seems to come to them with little effort. We comfort ourselves by saying "they are born lucky."

What we do not realize is such people are good at the act of Manifestation.They are able to bring about change in their circumstances through the direction of their mind or consciousness, whether they know it or not. The good news is that this power of manifestation lies within each of us and all we have to do is learn how to use it.

Manifesting abundance, which is the ability to manifest the things you want in life, is a skill that can be learned like any other skill. Just as we can learn how to play a musical instrument, play tennis, cook a good meal, so we can learn the skill of manifesting. How good you get depends on how much practice you put in and how well you learn the skill.

And just as in sport or some other walk of life, where some people are better than others at certain skills, we can improve our skill level with practice and become better than we were before we embarked on improving selves. Some people are so good at manifesting abundance, they do not even realise they are doing it. Everything just comes to them naturally, like a trained musician plays an musical instrument effortlessly, seemingly without thinking about it. Such people have simply learnt to believe that they deserve what ever they desire and it becomes part of their reality.

The Law of Attraction

So how can you start to train yourself to manifest the things you want in your life? Well, the first step is to understand the Law of Attraction. The Law of Attraction states that we attract whatever we think about or choose to give our attention to - whether wanted or unwanted.

In other words, you create your own reality by the thoughts you let occupy your mind. Therefore when we learn to think in a positive way towards the things we desire, like wealth, opportunities and happiness, then we will attract then to us.

We probably all know someone who dwells on the negative. Such people are attracted to less, not more abundance. When you focus on the negative, like, say, the negative aspects of your job, then you will never notice those aspects of the job that may be satisfying. Therefore, although the Law Attraction says we attract the things we desire, that something you desire will not come to you if you think negatively about "not having" it.

Focus on Specifics

Also, you have to learn to focus on specific scenarios or goals, not vague ideas like having more money or winning the lottery. Although some people do win the lottery through extreme luck, focusing on something like winning the lottery is kind of focusing on the "not having". For example, there are many people who say they would really love to sponsor a foster child in another country and that they would do so if they won the lottery. However, such people do not realise that they are usually in a position to help others on a much smaller scale under their present circumstances. This is because they are focusing on the their "having so little" that they believe their dreams are only possible if they win the lottery. They are literally afraid to act because they believe they do not currently have enough to offer.

In reality, these people could easily do a charitable act like sponsor a foster child in another country for as little as $1 or less per day. However, they may fear that the $1 per day may leave them short of cash for their own domestic needs. Because their focus is on "not enough", rather than on the needy child, it would not matter how much money they had, because it would never be enough.

Where as if these people were to visualise a starving child being fed by their contribution, and perhaps a wonderful letter from that child, complete with a photo of a smiling face, this would be a positive image that would get that image or thought to become a reality. This would be the first step to understanding how to manifest abundance in their lives. This same principle will work in all aspects of life, from healthy, happy relationships to personal wealth.

Is it your turn to make the make the most of every situation? Is it your turn for others to see you as being born lucky? Then it is time for you to take action to learn all the steps to manifest the life of your dreams.

Find out how "to live an abundant life" means more than just accumulating material wealth. Also learn more about the univesal law of attraction by visiting my Lifestyle Super Tips web site.

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Using Rage To Manifest Desires? A Modus Operandi

Is it just me, or has anyone else discovered, to their dismay, that the usual methodologies of 'happy thoughts' haven't been manifesting their desires?

And, for those of you who've discovered that to be the case, a) I'm so sorry and b) have any of you also discovered that there was a time (or three or nine) where you manifested a desire using pure rage as the modus operandi - perhaps without realizing it at the time? Think back....

Oh come on! Surely I can't be the only one?

Doesn't it simply fly in the face of conventional 'positive thinking' teachings?

Yes. Yes, it does.

So what gives - and where do people like me ('us'?) fit into the greater scheme of New Age schools of thought in this 'manifesting desires' business?

I have absolutely no idea and no answers, but I can recount at least four occasions where, in hindsight and looking back over old journal entries, pure rage fuelled the focus of my desires and they manifested within a matter of weeks - and at least once, that I can recall, instantaneously.

However, the times where I've attempted to utilize one or other New Age method, I've felt very distinct, internal, 'oh get real, will you!' energies, and it rather goes without saying that nothing happened.

No, I haven't won a lottery (yet *grin*), but an ex partner, struck by these 'miraculous' manifestations, urged me to try for a lottery win. Of course, at the time, neither of us thought to take into account what was backing them up; we'd merely looked back over my journal entries, saw what I'd written down, marvelled at how each one manifested in minute detail so quickly (within a few weeks - the longest took six weeks), and assumed that all I had to do was write out what I wanted - and - hey, presto!


Ex-partner was a bit of an astrology wizz and so pulled out his trusty Ephemeris one day (before we had a pc), just out of curiosity, to check planetary aspects against my natal chart on the dates I'd written the entries (I usually put the date and time before each entry). There was one aspect that seemed to be present in each instance (I don't remember what it was now), but when he forecast the next 'favourable' aspect and asked me to do it again, this time for a lottery win - well, no prizes for guessing that it simply didn't work (pun intended).

The problem was that neither of us thought to take into account my emotional state in those instances; it was anger, heightened to the point of rage. Favourable planetary configurations or not, if the rage isn't there, and if it doesn't match the desire, nothing's going to happen.

We were financially comfortable at the time, so even had I been aware of anger being my 'magic wand', I'd not have been able to invoke it, no matter what. I simply must feel pure rage for desires to manifest, it seems. That's fine when it's spontaneous and quite real, but have you ever tried forcing yourself to feel real, genuine, honest-to-goodness rage?

So what do I mean by 'match the desire'? Simply put, feeling enraged over a real and current circumstance that I demand be changed to a more desirable one. Or, feeling so fed up about something that I become absolutely enraged and demand its opposite - in writing - and in minute detail.

For me, there's little point in desiring something that has absolutely nothing to do with what I'm feeling enraged about - for example - anger at someone after an argument -vs- wanting to move to a different location. It doesn't work that way for me. If I'm angry with someone, then the focus would be on a peaceful resolution (ironic, when it's fuelled by rage!). Likewise, if I want to move to a new location - pure rage over the current location.

And then I grab my journal and write, write, write! Not 'pleases', but demands.

For example, "I WANT...." and then spill my anger over the pages, including every tiny detail I can think of that I want to accompany the 'want'.

Once my anger is spent, I close up the journal and go about my business.

In every past instance, I've felt a 'pull' to do something - not a conscious pull - not a thought in the back of my mind that's easily ignored, but an almost obsession to ring someone, do something, or go somewhere - and then, almost before I realize it, the manifestation is taking place.

I'm no expert, but I tend to think there's a great deal of dynamic energy behind rage and that, contrary to many mindsets today (that rage and anger are 'bad' and 'must be dealt with'), it can be used to make life better.

Call me crazy (perhaps I am!) but I'm inclined to think that anger and rage could be rather potent resources for dream manifestation.

Anyone else a 'Rage-Manifester'?

Storm Crow

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