Showing posts with label Living in Abundance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Living in Abundance. Show all posts

Living in Abundance!

In the tough economic envi­ronment that we're living in, it's difficult to live in abundance. This is particularly true when we are constantly bombarded by the me­dia that perpetuate the doom and gloom and feed on the crisis to gain the attention of their readers.
This continual obsession with our current economic situation has contributed to a scarcity mentality. Businesses are laying off employ­ees, companies are tightening their purse strings, and the institutions we've looked up to are failing. It's time to cut spending, postpone projects, and sit tight until the economy gets better. Or is it?
Unfortunately, this negative at­titude wreaks havoc on us person­ally. It stifles creativity, it inhibits innovation, and it holds people back from pursuing their dreams and reaching their true potential. It forces you to believe that you have one shot and if you don't succeed, you're done with. Life is over and you're a failure.
That's why it's imperative to de­velop an abundance mentality that offers you boundless opportunities and endless options. If one oppor­tunity doesn't work out, there are many others you can take advan­tage of in the future.
I'll give you an example of this. And I know you're probably tired of hearing about Ron's and my races, but for some reason a lot of great insights come from these challeng­es. It may be the increased lactic acid in my system or complete exhaustion... I'm not really sure.
But for whatever reason, it has proved true again at the last event we participated in: the White Lake Half Ironman relay, where my friend Lisabeth did the 1.2 mile swim, I did the 56 mile bike ride, and Ron did the 13.1 mile run.
As I was pedaling and watching the road ahead, I noticed a patch of the pavement where someone had written in big letters some words of encouragement. It said: Is Your Cup Half Empty or Is It Half Full?
Well I screamed out to no one in particular, "My Cup's Half Full!" trying to show my optimism. But then I said to myself, "Wait a minute... neither of these choices is correct." "Actually, my cup is OVERFLOWING!" All I need to do is keep drinking from it and I'll have everything I need.
It was an eye-opening revela­tion... that there are a multitude of opportunities before me, all I need to do is actively and aggressively pursue them.
This concept may be difficult for people who are living from pay­check to paycheck, who have been laid off, and who are facing finan­cial or personal difficulties.
Even if this is the case for you, it's time to say "enough of the sky-is-falling mentality" and acquire more of the "unlimited abundance" mentality. When you take this at­titude, you'll see the following posi­tive results:
Your Focus Becomes Reality
What you focus on expands. Be­fore you can do anything, you need to visualize it, create a mind's eye view of what it looks like, and then put your heart and soul into action.
Every work of art, every business venture, every personal goal was generated from a single idea in the mind and that idea grew to dramat­ic proportions.
Even if you're currently experi­encing hardships in your life, don't focus on your "lack," rather think of all the limitless possibilities and opportunities you have to make money, to attract a partner, or to bring happiness into your life.
Surround Yourself With Positive Role Models
You tend to be who you hang out with. That's why it's so impor­tant to choose friends, peers, and colleagues that possess a positive mindset. People who are thrilled for your successes and don't under­mine your goals.
Appreciate Your Current Abundance
One way to move from a scarcity mentality to one of abundance is to constantly express your appre­ciation for your life - your family, friends, food, talents, health - whatever is good in your life.
Create a thankful and heartfelt presence that will draw positive energy your way. To get yourself in this state of mind, you might try meditating, journal-writing, or just af­firming your abundance daily.
Are you living in scarcity or abundance? Try to keep drinking from your overflowing cup.
Ron Rosenberg is a nationally recognized expert on marketing and customer service, business coach, and public speaker. Maximize your marketing efforts and generate more revenue in less time with his Business Self-Defense 90-Day Success Program and Business Owner Survival Kit. Get free marketing tools, tips, and tactics at or for details on our speaking and coaching programs contact us at 800-260-0662 or

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