Are you really seeing what your life could be like with visualization? Are you really taking the time to paint a positive scene, to feel positive emotions and to see your life unfolding as you'd like or do you close your eyes and view a scene of impending doom?
Do you use visualization to relive the horror of the day; to replay that fight with your boss, to see yourself screaming at the top of your lungs at your kids for not picking up their rooms, to yelling at your husband/wife for being insensitive to your needs while you never give what they need a second thought?
When you continually play a movie like this in your head you'll find it replaying in your physical world as well.
Had a fight with your boss? Replay it in your mind but this time come to an amicable conclusion. Don't fly off the handle at everything he/she says to you. Don't automatically assume that they're idiots. They most probably have a lot of responsibility and most times they are doing their best. Understand they have at least several employees (or maybe a lot more) and may also have their own boss to report to. At night when you close your eyes send kind thoughts to your boss. Understand the position he/she might be in.
Your kids are just that... kids. They don't have the maturity of adults. And screaming almost never works anyway. You don't want them to do things out of fear of you, you want them to do things because they are the right thing to do. Spend time with them constructively doing things. Show them the value of having things put away. Before you close your eyes at night, see them, in your mind's eye, being cooperative with you and each other. Expect them to follow the things you tell them and show them. Remember how much they mean.
Do nice things for your husband/wife. Pick up something they like... whether something nice to make for dinner, or a bouquet of daisies or even a fresh pot of coffee when they come home from work.
Show kindness, interest and respect for them. And when you close your eyes at night think of them with love. Admire the qualities that attracted you to them in the first place. Smile when you speak to them. Show genuine interest in what they have to say and in the things that interest them.
Always think kindly. Always have the best thoughts for those people in your lives. Put aside thoughts that bring you anger and sadness and disappointment.
In your mind's eye always see the best.
Deborah Ailman is a Master Law of Attraction and Positive Thought Instructor living in the Tampa Bay area with her husband of 26 years. She is Mom to 7 beautiful cats and 1 noisy bird. Her passion in life, besides living positively is the welfare of animals worldwide.
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