Showing posts with label Why Are You Waiting? Attract Anything Into Your Life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Why Are You Waiting? Attract Anything Into Your Life. Show all posts

Why Are You Waiting? Attract Anything Into Your Life

There is a book called The Secret. If you haven't read it you need to stop what you are doing, and immediately read it. The information packed in this little volume, is enough to turn your life completely around.
Here is a brief synopsis.
The Secret is about the law of attraction. This is a universal law. We can all relate to the law of gravity because we see it in action every day. Drop your coffee mug and boy do you understand gravity.
The law of attraction has the same certainty. But, unlike gravity, many times there is the non-immediate response from the law of attraction and this can cause us to forget it is in action.
The law of Attraction is like looking at yourself in a mirror. Whatever you put out there, thoughts, feelings, actions, comes back at you. This is a guarantee.
How can you put this into action?
The writers of The Secret present this affirmation: "I am the master of my thoughts." Let's break down this statement, and look at the definition of master.
Master can be a:
Original creation, such as Michelangelo's Statute of David.An overlord or OverseerOne who's doctrines and teachings are followed by othersPasskey, the key to everywhere
To overcomeDeal successfully withDominateHave a firm understanding or knowledge
Thought is the mental form and process that allows beings to model the world and to represent it according to their objectives, plans, needs, and desires.
If you take the different definitions of Master and the definition of thoughts, you can mold it into a positive statement of your own.
Brian Tracy says this, " You are a living magnet. What you attract in your life is in harmony with your dominant thoughts." He understands the Law of Attraction.
If we want good things in our lives, good relationships, good finances, good health, why in the world would we not be the master of our thoughts and only think positive things.
When I first started practicing this, I was overwhelmed with the number of thoughts that go racing through my mind. Were my thoughts out of control? Absolutely, yes. Some days, they still can be like a runaway train.
But I have learned from The Secret a trick.
We have a built in barometer to monitor our thoughts. And that is our feelings. If we are feeling good, happy, joyful, we are thinking good, happy, joyful thoughts. And if we are feeling sad, anxious, unhappy, depressed, we are thinking sad, anxious, unhappy, depressed thoughts. There is no way to think positive thoughts and feel bad and the opposite is true as well.
Sometimes, our personal world can fell as if it is out of our control. We are torn by our boss, or family, or responsibilities. And we can feel like we have no control. But that is the delusion. We do have control. We can change how we think on a daily basis.
Have you ever had one of those days when everything seems to go wrong, one right after the other? And then, finally, I have to laugh at that last one and suddenly, it stops. Why can't I remember to laugh after the first one happens, and stop the chain right there?
Well, my friends, that is what practicing the Law of Attraction is about. Taking control. Being the master of your thoughts.
Sharon Burger
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