Showing posts with label Create. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Create. Show all posts

Create Loving Memories of Your Future!

Reverse Scrap-bookingTM is a tool for you to use in manifesting the people, circumstances and experiences that you choose for your life.  That dream mate, your perfect job, new home, or blissful vacation!  You can use it to flesh out what that body will look like when you lose the extra 10 lbs or how you would want to feel on a day-to-day basis.  It could be the business you want to create or that car you have had your eye on for years.  Whatever it is you want to create in your life, reverse scrap-bookingTM will help you to play your way to having it!

How do I start my reverse scrapbookTM?

1.(A)  Well, I would start by sitting down and writing out what it is you really want to create for your life and what areas you want to focus on. I tend to keep a page for all areas in my life and everything I am creating in my business. Once you have identified your areas of focus, sit down and write a paragraph or a page on what you want to create in that area of your life.


1.(B)  If you are not a fan of writing you can skip strait to the    reverse scrap-bookingTM  Step 2

2.  Load up on the following supplies:

A beautiful book to create your future in.  This is my latest and it TOTALLY inspires me. I get happy just looking at the cover
A full set of color markers
Glue stick and scissors
A pile of magazines, pictures, books etc. that you don't mind cutting up.
Anything else that you are inspired to use in creating images that inspire you, glitter, stickers, colored paper, ticket stubs, scrap book stuff.

3.  Begin creating your future! Pick what page you want for each topic, create a heading and begin to fill the page with pictures and words that inspire" you. (To check if you are inspired. Look at the picture and imagine yourself with this picture in your reality. If it brings a smile to your face and a sparkle to your eye... you may just be inspired!)  This is a wonderful opportunity to use creativity and play in powerfully creating your life.  And, if you happen to be one of those people who do not consider yourself particularly creative or not a lot of fun, then this exercises is a must!!

4.  For extra fun you can leave blank pages beside the ones you create and you can begin to fill in the blank pages with pictures and mementos of your life as your reverse scrap-bookTM pages start manifesting themselves in your reality!

The invitation:  To begin creating loving memories of your future and start your own reverse scrap-bookTM, ask yourself...If you could have it any way, how would you have it?  Life that is...Your relationships, your home, your work, your body...If you could walk around the world feeling a certain way, what would it be?  Joyful, peaceful, grounded?  How would you spend your days?  What mark would you like to make on the world? Get clear my friend and then build it, one little colorful piece of paper at a time.  Delight in the process and know that this exercise in creativity is bringing you one step closer to living the life you imagined.

If you want to get started on your creation you can learn more about the reverse scrap-bookingTM process and see some real life examples, go to to read more.

To your fabulous future!

Coach Joelle is a certified professional Coach who has supported hundreds of people over the past 6 years in bringing their business and personal dreams into reality. By being part of the Coach Joelle Community you will receive inspiring articles, access to free coaching events, practical coaching advice and techniques to begin living a life you love! At Coach Joelle ( we believe that the world is an amazing place and we are delighted to share the journey with you. 

View all articles by Joelle Prochera

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How Thoughts Create Matter

Copyright ? 2005 Rasheed Ali

Did you ever have the feeling right before something good happened, that you knew it was going to happen?

Most people don't understand it, and think it's ESP or something like of that nature.

In the book Think And Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill, he says - "...thought, backed by strong DESIRE, has the tendency to transmute itself into its physical equivalent."

Very Powerful stuff!

As I like to say, "Matter is Merely Materialized Thought...So What Are You Thinking?"

Many people have asked me what that means, so here's an explanation...

Back in 1937 when Napoleon Hill published his book Think And Grow Rich, he knew something very powerful but, I'm not certain the science behind it was so well understood. Of course, the principle was very well understood and probably by Mr. Hill more than anyone!

Here's the short no too scientific explanation:

Everything we see on any given day is made up of not just cells or atoms but, of PURE ENERGY.

This energy is called Quanta (plural for Quantum). Keep in mind Quanta is the unit measure of pure energy. These Quanta are part of what Quantum Physics is based on.

This energy exists only when observed. (There are a lot of arguments about observation and they all have their validity but lets keep it simple.)

Scientists say that Quanta are not a reality but instead they are a probability that exist in any given point in time. So when a person focuses on (observes) a thing, it exists!

This is because this Quanta, is now formed into the thing whatever it may be.

Many scientist, Einstein included have proved that Quanta are not bound to space and time and can exist anywhere.

These scientists also understand that your mind, body and soul are also made up of these Quanta and Quanta are influenced by other Quanta.

In other words your mind and the minds of others, create and co-create everything through influencing Quanta!

Now here's the practical explanation:

Knowing now what your mind is capable of, if you were to focus your own energy into creating what you desire in your mind with crystal clarity, it will come to you at amazing speed!

Now, this creation process is not just thought. It is both thought and work! These two together seal the deal.

This is why many of the experts out there tell you that you just can't be scattered. You have to focus on your ultimate goal.

Guess what? They are all right! All of these things together solidify what you're thinking.

THIS my friend is the "Secret" behind all of the Goal setting, the Meditation, the Master-Minding, Learning, Persistence, Action, Desire and Faith that we all are told that we must have or do.

Without these, our thoughts are controlled by outside influence and we lose our clarity and focus.

Have you ever heard, a successful person talk about how fast success seemed to come to them and how well they did in no time flat? I've heard many of these. The reason is that they knew exactly what they wanted and worked toward it. Simple as that.

One such example is a man by the name of Matt Bacak - who is actually one of the inspirations for this article. I was on a tele-seminar with Matt once and he talked about how everything came to him so fast, once he knew what he wanted and started working toward it. Matt didn't know it but, his thoughts triggered my thoughts and the creation of this article! ;-P

Make no mistake, that although there are scientific explanations for the creation of matter through observation; WHO do you think created the matter in the mirror???

After all do you think that science didn't have a master observer???

Finally with that said...

Be cautious of your thoughts, they have the power to create!!!

* Rasheed Ali was once homeless and penniless on the streets of New York and is now helping to change the lives of THOUSANDS of people around the world with his innovative coaching, mentoring and newsletters. He is the worlds first Solution Coach and 80/20 Mentor. You can learn more about him and his newsletters at

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How To Create Gold From Water

Copyright ? 2005 Wayne McDonald

Your mind is very powerful and yet many of us do not fully utilize the magic we can do. Everyday we are creating new experiences with our mind. Unfortunately a lot of us focus on our negative experiences and we are constantly in a stuck place.

Have you ever wished you had a magic wand that you could wave and make your problems disappear? Well you can by bringing your thoughts from the unconscious mind to the conscious mind.

This is the Creative Process of bringing subjective thoughts (ideas) to objective mind (results).

Life sometimes has challenges such as not enough paycheck at the end of the month, or meeting that special someone (or maybe just a date!), or finding a career that is fun, or dealing with co-workers or neighbors.

Believe it or not, you DO have the answers. The answer is to focus on the RESULTS and not the problem. If you focus on what you DO NOT want in a relationship, then that is all you will create. If you focus on bills and the lack of money, then your thinking will continue the cycle of debt. If you think about how people annoy you with constant complaining, then change yourself and stop complaining about your life.

There is nothing new here. But as humans, we tend to forget and need to be slapped in the head and reminded from time to time. To change the world around us, we must be willing to change our self first.

So what does that right relationship look like? What are the qualities you want in that person?

You can apply this Creative Process to any challenge you have. It only takes ten to twenty minutes a day to visualize and create a new reality. Now, sit quietly and clear your mind. Close your eyes and picture yourself with that special person. What are you wearing as you visualize this person? Where are you and what is the weather like - is it hot or cold? Is it a sunny or a cloudy day? As you create your picture utilize all your senses - smell, touch, taste and auditory. Continue breathing and relaxing, smile to yourself and really get your emotions charged to really feel and sense this picture.

Next, create a positive affirmation for yourself. For example, "I am in a happy loving relationship that fills more than my needs". Say this affirmation to your self ten times a day. Also, start a journal and write all the positive things about the relationship. Write this in present tense. For example, "Today we went dancing and afterwards we walked on the beach". Write five or ten sentences each night in your journal before you go to bed.

For the next 21-days read and speak aloud your affirmation. Do this for 21-days, saying your affirmation at least ten times a day. Write in your journal all the happy, loving, romantic and wonderful things that happened. Create in your mind that relationship that you want.

If you are starting to moan and complain about having to do some work, then ignore it. Our minds want to keep us safe. That is why we have all this chatter in our head. Our minds do not want us to get hurt again or have us be disappointed when nothing happens. Or even worse, what happen if we get into a relationship? If your mind is thinking "what if" this happens, then you are not living in the present or the now. What happens in the future is unknown and what the mind creates 98% of the time will never happen. And if the mind is thinking about the past, then that has already happened and it is old news and has no relevance on today. Live in the now and in the present moment.

Your goal is to create Water into Gold or to create thought into form. The Creative Process is based on scientific facts and the Laws of Nature. I would suggest you do this process yourself and NOT to share it with anyone else. Your mind wants to keep you safe and your friends will also try to keep you safe - why else would they be in you life. The Creative Process is about bringing thoughts from the unconscious mind to the conscious mind and to transform thought into form.

Yes, you can have a great, loving relationship. Yes, you can have abundance and prosperity in your life. Yes, you can have happy positive relationships with co-workers and neighbors. When you apply the Creative Process you must remember that you can only change yourself - not other people. People may stay the same, but we can choose how we relate to them and we can choose not to be bothered by their outer appearances of how they view the world.

Wayne McDonald is a licensed Life Practitioner and a Public Speaker. You can expand your Relationships, Finances, Business, Health, Life Purpose and Happiness, Love and Joy. To learn more visit

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How To Create Your Own Economy

Does the World seem like a swamp with dangerous snakes, wild boars, quicksand, insects... and last, but not least, alligators?
But when you know three key skills and are aware of three key strategies, three habits (and use mosquito netting) you will make the swamp as safe as a church picnic.
Hey, you might accomplish draining it!
So you can avoid the worry about the cliche:
"When you are up to your derriere in alligators, it's difficult to remember your intent was to drain the swamp!"
In reality, that's what it's REALLY like for all, but a few enlightened business owners, entrepreneurs, managers, supervisors, team leaders or workers - Overwhelm, frustration, suspicion, and despair are the crux of the day. Many people are up to their derriere in alligators... i.e., scrambling for cover, covering their Assets, and praying to survive.
It's analogues to cutting your way through hanging vines with a machete... dodging quicksand while mosquitoes drink your blood... and alligators snap at your wallet in your derriere pocket.
There are thousands of courses, thousands of "gurus," and thousands of things it SEEMS you need to know just to keep from sinking in the quicksand... much less GET OUT of it altogether.
And when you are "up to your derriere in alligators," it's difficult to remember you jumped into this mess to ENJOY life, MAKE money, HAVE more free time for fun and finally ESCAPE the rat race.
But "truth" is a great wake-up call. Seek a professional opinion and feedback when the hype sounds too good to be true or does not match the facts, or when you see the hand-writing on the wall.
When customers care less about you... When clients never do what they "absolutely promise" to do... When all your time is sucked away by social media and the next shiny object... There is help.
You might have spent a lot of time on finding another source of income or spent money advertising and promotional material. This travesty is because hype is the LAST place you will find a real 'get-rich' opportunity. And sadly, that's what the rank-and-file income earners are expecting... overnight success.
I love being in business for myself. I grew up in a family business and I know what it takes. I love helping others to build their dream income. And I don't have gator bites all up and down my legs.
Because I made it through the foul swamp and found a fresh green meadow on the other side, I am a mentor and leader to help others do the same.
When I hear the nightmares I know it does not need to be like standing in the swamp with alligators nipping at your derriere.
I get done in weeks what others might take months to do, if they only knew the simple skills, strategies and habits to build the foundation. You can't build a castle until you build a foundation.
What if I told you there is a perfect scenario or opportunity for you - would you be interested? Would you be interested, if I said, you can have more than you believe?
But remember... it's NOT about overnight riches and fame. If that's what you want, watch reality TV shows instead.
It is about building a solid foundation and in 12 to 18 months or less you can have a solid six figure income - it depends on how fast you build the foundation and keep the momentum going.
And even though there's work involved, it's NOT about working 80 hour weeks.
You can leverage every conceivable shortcut available and there are many. I have shown many how. It is more effective than mosquito netting... easier than a machete... and less work than putting a muzzle on the gators.
PLUS... you can stir cement into the quicksand, so you could drive your Self over it to success and prosperity.
If you are interested in taking the leap from worry to knowing your finances are solidly in your grasp, it is possible when you have the Three simple easy-to-learn key skills; are aware of Three key strategies, and Three habits.
If you're super-glued to a 9-to-5 job... or retiring soon with not enough money to live like you deserve, MAKE ABSOLUTELY SURE you heed this information.
Social Security and 9-to-5 jobs are going the way of the dinosaurs. If you haven't seen the hand-writing on the wall, yet, read, 'The Age of Unreason, Charles B. Handy -
Remember you can Stop the worry, everyone has skills and ability; they can use to conquer financial independence. It just takes a little shift in your thinking to see it... and you'll get it.
With a little help you can make the shift. You deserve what you desire
Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD, Metaphysician - Certified Hypnosis Practitioner, Author and Speaker. Dr. Dorothy facilitates clearing blocks, fears and limiting beliefs. You can live the life you desire. She brings awareness to concepts not typically obvious to one's thoughts and feelings.

The Secret of Egregores Has Power to Bring You Unlimited Success and to Create Your Desired Reality

Call it what you will - consensual reality, collective consciousness, zeitgeist, archetype or even the matrix and you would not be too far from the powerful truth about a little-known phenomenon called an egregore (sometimes spelled without the final "e").  Whatever label you choose to give to this mysterious entity, be aware that it has the ability to affect, to influence and to create your outer reality and the way in which you perceive what is "out there."

Derived from a Greek word meaning "watcher," an egregore is understood by many influential organizations (and within occult circles) to mean a collective thought-form which, when consistently energized by groups of people with similar aims and aspirations, takes on a life of its own in the etheric dimension.  If the creation of such an entity is intentional, purposeful and consistent, it can become very powerful and can be call upon by members of a group to help them achieve specific goals and desires.

Many types of egregores can be created, whether consciously or unconsciously, at all levels of society - from family units all the way up to corporations, nations and even racial groups.  Animals have their own egregores as evidenced by their hive-mind behavior and herd instinct - traits which, sadly, are also exhibited by members of many tightly knit human organizations including cultic, fundamentalist religions and isolationist nations.

Knowledge of the egregore is jealously guarded within the confines of secret organizations - for a very powerful reason.  These astral entities are capable of either helping humans manifest their desired realities or, at the other extreme, act as reality prisons in order to benefit the few who control this secret knowledge.

Interestingly, most people who belong to social clubs, culturally homogenous communities and work environments instinctively refer to the "group ethic" or "team spirit" of their organizations.  Little do they realize that at the non-physical or etheric level, an actual entity does exist, embodying their shared goals, objectives and aspirations.

Many egregores begin quite humbly - usually triggered by the innocent, wistful desires of individuals who do not realize that the random thought-forms generated are capable of combining with other similar thought-forms, eventually gaining strength and autonomy.  On the other hand, when an individual or group intentionally and knowledgeably creates such an energy entity to help achieve specific goals, a so-called servitor is created.

These "helper" energy forms possess a degree of intelligence - which is why they will often strive to become autonomous and independent as they expand into powerful egregores.  Therefore, when creating a servitor, you must always make provisions for keeping it under your control as long as possible.

If an egregore is continually energized (and there are many ways to do this) it can become so possessive and all-consuming that its members will often find it difficult to escape its influence, unable to understand why they are addicted and attached to these groups and organizations.  If you are at all interested in attempting to "ride on" the power of an already-existing egregore in order to create your desired reality, make sure that you are fully aware of what you are getting into.

Indeed, like the mythical genie-in-a-bottle, you can tap into the unique reality stream these etheric entities in order to manifest desires beyond your wildest dreams - ESPECIALLY if you can find an already-existing egregore created to promote aims similar to your own.  Most of the notorious secret societies in existence today (I'm sure you can think of a few) have well-established egregores which were created in past generations by their founders in order to further the aims, careers, power structures and wealth of its members.

It is no accident that organized religions utilize repeatable ceremonies and rites while the average church-goer remains unaware that these rituals were designed to drain their psychic energy to feed and strengthen existing egregores.  Miracles and other such unusual or unexplained phenomena are often merely the physical manifestations of well-established religious egregores.

Egregores should not be taken lightly nor should they be ignored.  Most of your life's circumstances are brought into physical "reality" as the result of they way in which these consensually-created entities interact with each other at the etheric level.

The by-now iconic depiction of the reality matrix in science fiction books and movies can only give a limited, often-skewed idea the real egregore phenomenon.  In truth, there are many types and forms of these entities, each vying for astral "space" in their efforts to manifest within the physical plane.

Corporations and countries are very aware of the power of egrgores and continually strive to strengthen these matrices by using such techniques as branding and subliminal symbolism.  As the general populace unquestioningly embraces the influence of these giant egregores, they unwittingly energize these their own etheric prisons in a kind of endless, often inescapable loop-mechanism.

To utilize a preexisting egregore to achieve your desires, choose one (egregore) which is already well established and which was created to further specific goals with which you are in agreement.  Most importantly, remain fully aware of what happens at the unseen (etheric) level when you do tap into an egregore.

Be fearless but also be well informed.  This hidden phenomenon is how the "powers-that-be" control the masses - but who says that YOU can't play the same game for your own benefit?

Do a lot of research on this subject matter (although you will find that most of this information still remains purposely hidden from plain sight).  Truly, this knowledge is extremely powerful and with persistence and enough information, you will be greatly rewarded beyond your wildest dreams!

Edwin Lopez draws from his amazing personal experiences and extensive research in order to teach others how to consciously shape their realities. His step-by-step methods for conscious creation are detailed in an e-book about the long-withheld secret of Light. Download this groundbreaking book at and begin taking charge of your life. Affiliate program is also available for earning a generous commission.

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The Secret of Egregores Has Power to Bring You Unlimited Success and to Create Your Desired Reality

Call it what you will - consensual reality, collective consciousness, zeitgeist, archetype or even the matrix and you would not be too far from the powerful truth about a little-known phenomenon called an egregore (sometimes spelled without the final "e").  Whatever label you choose to give to this mysterious entity, be aware that it has the ability to affect, to influence and to create your outer reality and the way in which you perceive what is "out there."

Derived from a Greek word meaning "watcher," an egregore is understood by many influential organizations (and within occult circles) to mean a collective thought-form which, when consistently energized by groups of people with similar aims and aspirations, takes on a life of its own in the etheric dimension.  If the creation of such an entity is intentional, purposeful and consistent, it can become very powerful and can be call upon by members of a group to help them achieve specific goals and desires.

Many types of egregores can be created, whether consciously or unconsciously, at all levels of society - from family units all the way up to corporations, nations and even racial groups.  Animals have their own egregores as evidenced by their hive-mind behavior and herd instinct - traits which, sadly, are also exhibited by members of many tightly knit human organizations including cultic, fundamentalist religions and isolationist nations.

Knowledge of the egregore is jealously guarded within the confines of secret organizations - for a very powerful reason.  These astral entities are capable of either helping humans manifest their desired realities or, at the other extreme, act as reality prisons in order to benefit the few who control this secret knowledge.

Interestingly, most people who belong to social clubs, culturally homogenous communities and work environments instinctively refer to the "group ethic" or "team spirit" of their organizations.  Little do they realize that at the non-physical or etheric level, an actual entity does exist, embodying their shared goals, objectives and aspirations.

Many egregores begin quite humbly - usually triggered by the innocent, wistful desires of individuals who do not realize that the random thought-forms generated are capable of combining with other similar thought-forms, eventually gaining strength and autonomy.  On the other hand, when an individual or group intentionally and knowledgeably creates such an energy entity to help achieve specific goals, a so-called servitor is created.

These "helper" energy forms possess a degree of intelligence - which is why they will often strive to become autonomous and independent as they expand into powerful egregores.  Therefore, when creating a servitor, you must always make provisions for keeping it under your control as long as possible.

If an egregore is continually energized (and there are many ways to do this) it can become so possessive and all-consuming that its members will often find it difficult to escape its influence, unable to understand why they are addicted and attached to these groups and organizations.  If you are at all interested in attempting to "ride on" the power of an already-existing egregore in order to create your desired reality, make sure that you are fully aware of what you are getting into.

Indeed, like the mythical genie-in-a-bottle, you can tap into the unique reality stream these etheric entities in order to manifest desires beyond your wildest dreams - ESPECIALLY if you can find an already-existing egregore created to promote aims similar to your own.  Most of the notorious secret societies in existence today (I'm sure you can think of a few) have well-established egregores which were created in past generations by their founders in order to further the aims, careers, power structures and wealth of its members.

It is no accident that organized religions utilize repeatable ceremonies and rites while the average church-goer remains unaware that these rituals were designed to drain their psychic energy to feed and strengthen existing egregores.  Miracles and other such unusual or unexplained phenomena are often merely the physical manifestations of well-established religious egregores.

Egregores should not be taken lightly nor should they be ignored.  Most of your life's circumstances are brought into physical "reality" as the result of they way in which these consensually-created entities interact with each other at the etheric level.

The by-now iconic depiction of the reality matrix in science fiction books and movies can only give a limited, often-skewed idea the real egregore phenomenon.  In truth, there are many types and forms of these entities, each vying for astral "space" in their efforts to manifest within the physical plane.

Corporations and countries are very aware of the power of egrgores and continually strive to strengthen these matrices by using such techniques as branding and subliminal symbolism.  As the general populace unquestioningly embraces the influence of these giant egregores, they unwittingly energize these their own etheric prisons in a kind of endless, often inescapable loop-mechanism.

To utilize a preexisting egregore to achieve your desires, choose one (egregore) which is already well established and which was created to further specific goals with which you are in agreement.  Most importantly, remain fully aware of what happens at the unseen (etheric) level when you do tap into an egregore.

Be fearless but also be well informed.  This hidden phenomenon is how the "powers-that-be" control the masses - but who says that YOU can't play the same game for your own benefit?

Do a lot of research on this subject matter (although you will find that most of this information still remains purposely hidden from plain sight).  Truly, this knowledge is extremely powerful and with persistence and enough information, you will be greatly rewarded beyond your wildest dreams!

Edwin Lopez draws from his amazing personal experiences and extensive research in order to teach others how to consciously shape their realities. His step-by-step methods for conscious creation are detailed in an e-book about the long-withheld secret of Light. Download this groundbreaking book at and begin taking charge of your life. Affiliate program is also available for earning a generous commission.

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