If you?re like most people, you?ve likely had a goal or a dream that you?ve longed to turn into a reality. And, if you're like most people, it's equally probable that a little voice inside your head immediately dismissed these goals as crazy, unrealistic, childish and even stupid. Soon, you gave up your dreams because, after all, who are you to believe you could do this? Let?s examine this. Is it possible that those little voices are wrong? Is it possible we have those dreams for a reason? The answer is a resounding, YES! Most Likely, your dreams were put there by God. Fortunately, God doesn?t waste His time by giving you the desire to do something, without giving you the potential to accomplish it. It won?t be easy. As you reach for your goals, you will face many trails, frustrations and setbacks before reaching victory. True dreams and goals are always bigger then our natural ability to handle it, but; we can handle it. How? The same way you move a mountain: one shovel full at a time. One small step at a time-- It's the true secret to reaching our goals. We become overwhelmed when we try to tackle it all at once. So when that little voice starts telling that you?re not good enough, that you don?t have what it takes or that your dream is too big: refuse to listen. Remember, it?s impossible to move the mountain all at once. Have fun, pick up your shovel and relish the victory as you move your mountain one shovelful at a time.