Showing posts with label Attitude For Abundance And Wealth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Attitude For Abundance And Wealth. Show all posts

Attitude For Abundance And Wealth

When you experience your Self going about your life do you experience it as the glass is half-full or half-empty? While this expression might seem like a well-worn cliché it has a huge impact on what you experience. 'You experience what you believe. If you don't believe that you experience what you believe, then you don't, which still means the first statement is true.' Your beliefs, thoughts, feelings and actions create your reality. The question is: 'What do you want to believe?' When you decide what you want to believe that is what you experience - nothing more nothing less. When you decide to believe something else that is what you will experience.
It would be foolhardy for me to say everything can be sunshine and roses. Life is an adventure every step of the way. There are arduous climbs and a trek through some valleys and meadows with sunshine and roses. Through it all, you can be on top of the world, because, when you know that you create your reality - you can change what you are experiencing moment to moment. The following beliefs will help you make the arduous climbs and fully enjoy each step of the journey.
• My thoughts, feelings and actions create my life.
• I create the exact amount of abundance and wealth I desire in all aspects of my life.
• I give myself permission to be empowered and powerful.
• I have absolute certainty in my ability to generate any amount of abundance and wealth I choose.
• Abundance and wealth is flowing to me from both expected and unexpected sources.
• I manage the abundance and wealth I deserve and desire.
• My intention is to create wealth and abundance with ease.
• I admire and model successful and abundant people.
• I believe abundance and wealth is important
• I believe wealth and abundance creates the freedom I deserve.
• I believe wealth and abundance is my birth right.
• I can attain abundance and wealth doing what I love.
• I deserve to be abundant because I add value to other people's lives.
• I am a generous giver and an excellent receiver.
• I am truly grateful for all the abundance I have now and the abundance I will receive.
• Lucrative opportunities come my way in many ways.
• My capacity to earn, hold and grow my abundance expands minute by minute.
• I allow myself to be shown the way.
• I allow myself to be connected to the one.
• I know thy will be done.
Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD, Metaphysician - Certified Hypnosis Practitioner, Author and Speaker. Dr. Dorothy facilitates clearing blocks, fears and limiting beliefs. You can live the life you desire. She brings awareness to concepts not typically obvious to one's thoughts and feelings.

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