But when you know three key skills and are aware of three key strategies, three habits (and use mosquito netting) you will make the swamp as safe as a church picnic.
Hey, you might accomplish draining it!
So you can avoid the worry about the cliche:
"When you are up to your derriere in alligators, it's difficult to remember your intent was to drain the swamp!"
In reality, that's what it's REALLY like for all, but a few enlightened business owners, entrepreneurs, managers, supervisors, team leaders or workers - Overwhelm, frustration, suspicion, and despair are the crux of the day. Many people are up to their derriere in alligators... i.e., scrambling for cover, covering their Assets, and praying to survive.
It's analogues to cutting your way through hanging vines with a machete... dodging quicksand while mosquitoes drink your blood... and alligators snap at your wallet in your derriere pocket.There are thousands of courses, thousands of "gurus," and thousands of things it SEEMS you need to know just to keep from sinking in the quicksand... much less GET OUT of it altogether.
And when you are "up to your derriere in alligators," it's difficult to remember you jumped into this mess to ENJOY life, MAKE money, HAVE more free time for fun and finally ESCAPE the rat race.
But "truth" is a great wake-up call. Seek a professional opinion and feedback when the hype sounds too good to be true or does not match the facts, or when you see the hand-writing on the wall.
When customers care less about you... When clients never do what they "absolutely promise" to do... When all your time is sucked away by social media and the next shiny object... There is help.
You might have spent a lot of time on finding another source of income or spent money advertising and promotional material. This travesty is because hype is the LAST place you will find a real 'get-rich' opportunity. And sadly, that's what the rank-and-file income earners are expecting... overnight success.
I love being in business for myself. I grew up in a family business and I know what it takes. I love helping others to build their dream income. And I don't have gator bites all up and down my legs.
Because I made it through the foul swamp and found a fresh green meadow on the other side, I am a mentor and leader to help others do the same.
When I hear the nightmares I know it does not need to be like standing in the swamp with alligators nipping at your derriere.
I get done in weeks what others might take months to do, if they only knew the simple skills, strategies and habits to build the foundation. You can't build a castle until you build a foundation.
What if I told you there is a perfect scenario or opportunity for you - would you be interested? Would you be interested, if I said, you can have more than you believe?
But remember... it's NOT about overnight riches and fame. If that's what you want, watch reality TV shows instead.
It is about building a solid foundation and in 12 to 18 months or less you can have a solid six figure income - it depends on how fast you build the foundation and keep the momentum going.
And even though there's work involved, it's NOT about working 80 hour weeks.
You can leverage every conceivable shortcut available and there are many. I have shown many how. It is more effective than mosquito netting... easier than a machete... and less work than putting a muzzle on the gators.
PLUS... you can stir cement into the quicksand, so you could drive your Self over it to success and prosperity.
If you are interested in taking the leap from worry to knowing your finances are solidly in your grasp, it is possible when you have the Three simple easy-to-learn key skills; are aware of Three key strategies, and Three habits.
If you're super-glued to a 9-to-5 job... or retiring soon with not enough money to live like you deserve, MAKE ABSOLUTELY SURE you heed this information.
Social Security and 9-to-5 jobs are going the way of the dinosaurs. If you haven't seen the hand-writing on the wall, yet, read, 'The Age of Unreason, Charles B. Handy - Amazon.com
Remember you can Stop the worry, everyone has skills and ability; they can use to conquer financial independence. It just takes a little shift in your thinking to see it... and you'll get it.
With a little help you can make the shift. You deserve what you desire
Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD, Metaphysician - Certified Hypnosis Practitioner, Author and Speaker. Dr. Dorothy facilitates clearing blocks, fears and limiting beliefs. You can live the life you desire. She brings awareness to concepts not typically obvious to one's thoughts and feelings. http://www.drdorothy.net/