There are the left brain people of the world who can take the traditional methods of learning and truly excel in all that they strive to accomplish. They can reach greatness by taking all the known data and compiling it in way that may influence the development of products of monumental importance. Hoards of people will laud them for their accomplishments.
But, there are also people who look beyond the known, to find new measures of success. These are typically the right brain people who say what if and I wonder, and then follow through on their thoughts. These are the people who develop better and more efficient ways to do things, which paves the way for new inventions and new accomplishments. As we blaze the paths that have never been explored, we find things that were never known to exist. Does it have any value that can be harnessed, no one would know if someone hadn't tried
We have been so conditioned to live inside the box. To live inside the four walls of boundaries that the box creates, to impede our development and growth. Life also exists outside the box. Has one ever wondered the purpose of the box and why it exists at all. The box is a place for the known, and the known seems to give us a sense of comfort and complacency. If we settle for this, we never give ourselves the opportunity to grow, to learn new things, to enjoy new adventures, to develop cures and solutions for the obstacles that we encounter. We know no boundaries for our universe, why should we have boundaries for our dreams and what we can accomplish.
As the world gets older, it brings new challenges for many reasons, challenges that can affect our very being. Point is, that we can never conquer those challenges if we don't venture outside the box. Our most powerful resource is our brain and it would be inane if it were forever shackled and sentenced to a life inside the box. Because of new challenges, we must be free to face every new challenge, if we are to continue to exist. We can never afford to become complacent with what we have. We must continue to learn new things and new ways to do them, and eliminate or enhance the old things. We must learn to live efficiently.
Outside the box there are challenges, experiences, adventures and new people to encounter every day. We don't know what these new things will bring, but just having the opportunity to experience them is a blessing. We must always count and learn from our blessings.
Some of our most learned people are afraid to venture outside the box, primarily because there are things out there that they can't explain. Some people expect there to be a simple logical answer to everything based on some fact or theory from the past. Things that they can't explain, they fear. But the fact is that nobody knows the answer to everything. Don't let your growth be stifled by the fact that you don't know something. What we need is for all the great minds to come together and work for the good of all. Accept the fact that other great minds will continue to appear and bring new knowledge to the table. Leave your ego in the box, accept the fact that you don't know everything, share what you do know and continue to learn. A good use for the box, if there must be a box, is the storage place for the egos.
But, there are also people who look beyond the known, to find new measures of success. These are typically the right brain people who say what if and I wonder, and then follow through on their thoughts. These are the people who develop better and more efficient ways to do things, which paves the way for new inventions and new accomplishments. As we blaze the paths that have never been explored, we find things that were never known to exist. Does it have any value that can be harnessed, no one would know if someone hadn't tried
We have been so conditioned to live inside the box. To live inside the four walls of boundaries that the box creates, to impede our development and growth. Life also exists outside the box. Has one ever wondered the purpose of the box and why it exists at all. The box is a place for the known, and the known seems to give us a sense of comfort and complacency. If we settle for this, we never give ourselves the opportunity to grow, to learn new things, to enjoy new adventures, to develop cures and solutions for the obstacles that we encounter. We know no boundaries for our universe, why should we have boundaries for our dreams and what we can accomplish.
As the world gets older, it brings new challenges for many reasons, challenges that can affect our very being. Point is, that we can never conquer those challenges if we don't venture outside the box. Our most powerful resource is our brain and it would be inane if it were forever shackled and sentenced to a life inside the box. Because of new challenges, we must be free to face every new challenge, if we are to continue to exist. We can never afford to become complacent with what we have. We must continue to learn new things and new ways to do them, and eliminate or enhance the old things. We must learn to live efficiently.
Outside the box there are challenges, experiences, adventures and new people to encounter every day. We don't know what these new things will bring, but just having the opportunity to experience them is a blessing. We must always count and learn from our blessings.
Some of our most learned people are afraid to venture outside the box, primarily because there are things out there that they can't explain. Some people expect there to be a simple logical answer to everything based on some fact or theory from the past. Things that they can't explain, they fear. But the fact is that nobody knows the answer to everything. Don't let your growth be stifled by the fact that you don't know something. What we need is for all the great minds to come together and work for the good of all. Accept the fact that other great minds will continue to appear and bring new knowledge to the table. Leave your ego in the box, accept the fact that you don't know everything, share what you do know and continue to learn. A good use for the box, if there must be a box, is the storage place for the egos.