Showing posts with label Rhonda. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rhonda. Show all posts

Rhonda Byrne - The Secret Is Born

Rhonda Byrne was born on 03/12/1951. Her career started as a television writer and producer. She is best known for her production and creation of, The Secret, the movie and book by the same name which has netted her a staggering 30 million dollars in sales and still growing. Previously to the secret, she has worked on the Australian TV series Worlds Greatest Commercials and Marry Me and was also a producer for Sensing Murder.

It was late spring in 2004 when Australian born writer and producer Rhonda Byrne stumbled upon an unbelievable discovery. The discovery wasn't really all that new because Rhonda's research revealed it had been used as far back as the Babylonian times. What her research did not prepare her for however, was just how much this discovery would change her life.Her excitement over this secret knew no bounds. Rhonda knew she could not keep the secret to herself but instead had to share this wonderful discovery with anyone and everyone. She carefully documented all her research and scoured her sources for others that might know of it today and found many who did. A few years later she wrote her first book The Secret which soon became an international smash hit.

Time Magazine in 2007 bestowed on her a great honour that being in the top one hundred people who shape the world. Like other contemporary writers before her, Rhonda received great recognition and a massive boost in sales after appearing on the Oprah Winfrey Show.

Her second book; The Power, a sequel to the The Secret based on the feelings of LOVE was published in hardback print version as well as in an audio CD in 2010. She has also recently released her third book in the series called The Magic concentrating on the power of gratitude.

The basic premise for all the books is that The Law Of Attraction is not prejudiced; it exhibits what ever you think about, good or bad. If you are constantly thinking about bills and debt that is exactly what you will get more of. This is because thoughts of bills and financial trouble create negative energy, yes they are a fact of life in today's society but concentrating on them only begets more of the same!

What the Law Of Attraction teaches and many of the New Thought Writers agree is that the human body is an entity within our universe that draws current from its surroundings a bit like the movie The Matrix. This current when joined with the body creates a magnetic field that engages with our mind and reacts accordingly. Therefore, no matter what we are thinking about our mind and the power of the magnetic field will pull that which we are thinking about right to us. The Science of quantum physics has proven that thoughts can be measured by energy and are therefore an energy source within the universe.

Rhonda Byrne and other new thought writers before her have tested this 'theory' in their own lives and have come to one unanimous conclusion. If you concentrate on the good things, the car of your dreams, the house you have always wanted, a loving family and even having financial security, you have the power to achieve it.

Rhonda proclaims that we all have the power to attain everything we ever dreamed of. It is in each of us, as it was for our forefathers The Babylonians, the Egyptians, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle and all the great thinkers, they all had the powerful ability to achieve their dreams and change the world, so can you!

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