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Jane Napkins by Brini: http://amzn.to/JaneNapkins
Glazed Napkins by Brini: http://amzn.to/GlazedNapkins
Hello people! This week we have another vault episode for those of you that are particularly anal retentive. I'm showing you how to iron fringe. Keeping all our strands going in the right direction is important! It's a simple three step process - you'll need a wide toothed comb that doesn't have any burrs on the teeth, so as to not snag the delicate fibers of the fringe. Start by taking a small section of fringe and combing it out on your ironing board. Then run the iron over it. Repeat the process 3 or 4 times, then lay the fringe flat, put the iron down on it near the "roots" and, applying medium pressure, pull the fringe out from under it. You'll be amazed at the results!
Described as part Donna Reed, part Mary Tyler Moore, Maxwell makes kitsch feel classy through her unparalleled personal flair for home design, entertaining and savvy household tips. Inspired by a divine thrift shop purchase of 1950's nesting bowls, she first began sharing her vintage/classic know-how with other Manhattanites in 1998 through her self-titled cable access television show. With an emphasis on uncompromising fabulousness, Brini quickly garnered a devoted fan base and established herself as the go-to-girl on vintage fashion and mid-century modern treasures. After five years on the local airwaves her show was picked up by the Style Network. The subsequent series has been called a delightful success and has attracted a diverse audience thorough its national platform.
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Jane Napkins by Brini: http://amzn.to/JaneNapkins
Glazed Napkins by Brini: http://amzn.to/GlazedNapkins