Did you know that you are wealthy? Great sages and saints have discovered that the kingdom of heaven is within. Despite this truth many of us were conditioned to believe that riches, wealth and money were associated with evil. The more accurate perception is that the lack of money can cause some people to do desperate things. I am for creating a new paradigm shift, where we embrace the wealth within us and realize that we can do great things with the money that we attract into our lives. As the great Master Jesus said " I Came to Give You an Abundant Life." John 10:10
Yes, I believe you can be rich and spiritual. In Wikipedia Spirituality includes "an inner path enabling a person to discover the essences of the deepest values and meanings by which people live" and "is often experienced as a source of inspiration in life." I will never forget sitting in Mark Victor Hansen's Mega Book Marketing Seminar with 500 other authors after writing my first book in the summer of 2006. Up until that point I struggled daily with my 9-5 job trying to make ends meet. I felt limited, fearful and often times trapped and stuck with a bleak financial outlook. At that seminar I heard Mark Victor Hansen tell all of us authors that we had a goldmine and he suggested we open up our minds and hearts and accept the great wealth that could come with being an author. I had my doubts, but those words opened up my heart. You see, he so brilliantly explained that as a successful author and by allowing as many riches to come to us, we would be able to share our message and help others, by sharing our books and our message. We could do great things with the money we earned. I felt myself Shift within embracing this truth.
What I have discovered is that my inner wealth can match my outer wealth. We all have unlimited creative potential that can bring us unlimited income. I am not bragging when I say that I have made more money this year in a down economy with my creativity than I have at any 9-5 job I have had, I am expressing this to inspire you to tap into your creativity, it is there for you.
I hear with many clients that they think that they are not creative. If you think that, it is a false belief. We are sparks from the Creator and we are naturally creative. Here are some ways to unleash that Divinely magical creativity within you.
Create Downtime Just For You
I can hear the proclamations already that you do not have time to be creative, or any time for yourself. I would disagree. I think anyone can find 10 minutes a week. It's what you do with those 10 minutes that can change your life. Find that time and create a space just for you, it can be your favorite living room couch. That's what I have and a table with a computer. I do have some nice crystals on my table but it is in no way a formal "altar". It is sacred for me though as when my kids were little and time was scarce, I found 10 minutes in this space to be quiet. Just quiet. No TV, radio, cell phones etc. In this space I just intended that I hear my own voice within. Not the fearful ego voice. The voice of calm, collected wise knowing. I found it and so can you, when you give yourself a break from the busyness of your life. I did find a wonderful Kriya Yoga meditation. You can meditate or just relax, be and tell God you are there to connect. I do th is regularly now and it is like speed dial. I get creative ideas and inspirations easily now by sitting in the same space, intending to connect.
Get Writing
You do not have to have won any awards to be a writer. Write as though no one will ever read it. Write for you. Have a journal or a notebook or a computer and ask your Higher Self a question. Then just write. It really is that easy. The key is to let go of what you are writing and just write. You will be surprised and delighted at what beautiful insights are within you, when you ask.
Allow Ideas to Come to You
In this space, that is sacred to you. Intend that ideas come to you. Imagine that your life is a blank canvas and call on the Divine to bring Divinely guided ideas and inspirations to you. Intuition is something you receive, not run after. Sit quietly and intend to receive ideas. Ideas are gold once you take action on them.
Take Action
A balanced flow of energy within you is to receive ideas, which is creative, intuitive and divinely feminine, yes important for men too. Then you take action, left brain thinking masculine energy now. You are made up of both energies and when you utilize them effectively watch the magic happen. You show up and tap into your God- given intuition then take action on those ideas you have. Write that book. Receive the idea for a new hobby, then pursue it.
In this time in history we have more support than ever available to us from the Higher Realms and our own spirit. Engage in your life. Say yes to you. Stay open to the wealth within you. Then make your mark in the world. There is no one quite like you. Express yourself fully and experience the richness and wealth that is you. Then share it.
I wish you abundant blessings.
Anne Deidre is a Master Intuitive and Healer, Author, Speaker and Spiritual Teacher. She facilitates powerful healing as an Intuitive Life Coach, she has helped thousands of people across the world build success in every area of their life through her personal and group coaching, seminars and workshops and her radio and television shows. She is the author of Extreme Intuitive Makeover 55 Keys to Health, Wealth, and Happiness, Inner Visions The Healing Path of Art, Spiritual Enlightenment Oracle Cards A Toolkit for Creating Divine Magic and Miracles in Your Life and the Daily OM's Spend More Time Doing What You Love Online Course. Anne has published many self help articles in magazines and online and is the host of The Intuitive Millionaire Coach television show. Her paintings are on display on the Laguna Beach Gallery CA website. Get Your Free "Your Intuitive Prosperity Makeover Kit" at
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