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The Law of Attraction Part 2: Science and the Evidence

Science and the law of attraction

There is no doubt that a new reality is emerging in the frontier realms of science that is beginning to challenge our traditional understanding of energy, matter and what drives the universe - a new reality that demands a fundamental recognition and reappraisal of the role of mind and consciousness in the scheme of things, and it is in this light that the 'law of attraction' should be assessed.

In the mainstream scientific world however, the idea of a 'law of attraction' at work in the cosmos is not currently recognised and is summarily dismissed as pseudoscience. In other words, science regards such an idea as indemonstrable as it cannot be substantiated by acceptable scientific proof.

However the problem here may simply be that our present science is just too constrained and limited to consider or evaluate a concept of this magnitude. For let's be in no doubt that the existence of such a law in nature, will force science to accept a universe that creatively and dynamically responds to mind and consciousness - a radically different kind of universe than our current scientific paradigm will permit.

"The action of Mind plants that nucleus which, if allowed to grow undisturbed, will eventually attract to itself all the conditions necessary for its manifestation in outward visible form." - Thomas Troward

Evidence for the law of attraction

So what evidence exists that there is a 'law of attraction' actively functioning in nature and in our daily lives? Well, the main source of support originates in a wealth of literature drawn from observations of human behaviour and experience. This first began to surface in the 1890's and the early 20th century, the idea finding prominence in the 'New Thought' movement through books published on subjects such as self-motivation, financial success and development of the will.

Amongst the acknowledged classics in this field are "The Master Key System" by Charles F. Haanel, "Think And Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill, "Thought Vibration, or the Law of Attraction in the Thought World" by William A. Atkinson and "The Science of Getting Rich" by Wallace D. Wattles.

The book by Wattles later became the inspiration for Rhonda Byrne's worldwide phenomenon that popularised modern interest in the law of attraction, the film "The Secret" that was released in 2006. Other modern proponents of the law of attraction include Esther Hicks, Bob Proctor and Jack Canfield.

All the teachers recognise that focussed thought and belief is the original causal power behind all manifestations in human experience and that mastery of life and matter therefore requires mastery of mind. As a study of this material will reveal all too poignantly, the chief evidence for the reality of the law of attraction will lie in the observation of successful, happy and fulfilled human beings as compared to those who are poor and unhappy, living unfulfilled lives.

The conclusive observation is that there is something key that makes one individual succeed and another fail, and it is a factor that is not dependent upon education, intelligence or luck, but has been found to be down to a certain state of mind - a 'positive attitude' to life that creates the right kind of thinking. And that it is this 'attitude' that determines success.

Furthermore, maintaining this attitude also appears without fail to 'attract' favourable circumstances, experiences and opportunities to further the person's goal or intentions. These events would normally be dismissed as being 'fortuitous or lucky', but their consistent appearance does not indicate a random chance factor, but rather instead a direct link to something the person is activating by their own conscious or subconscious effort.

That countless people have described and related precisely this recurring pattern throughout the ages of humanity in their experience of joy, prosperity and success in life - and the opposite in misery, deprivation and hardship - would suggest that there is something profound and fundamental going on that has hitherto been overlooked, or perhaps even ignored by the established order of scientific investigation.

The hidden secret

What is certain is that the most successful of human beings have been aware of this law of attraction for centuries, and the teaching of its principles have been passed down to mystical and secret societies throughout several cultures. This has allowed the knowledge to be kept largely the preserve of the learned, privileged and self-proclaimed elite, offering an explanation perhaps as to why most of the wealth and influence in our world lies in the hands of so very few.

Well, thankfully this information has now been passed to all the people of this planet to benefit from. And if we are indeed standing at the dawn of a new age of awareness as to the true nature of the universe, perhaps now the door has at last been opened to transform our world into a place where all human beings can experience boundless life and fulfilment.

My, what a perfect test for the law of attraction that will be!

"We are what our thoughts have made us; so take care about what you think. We reap what we sow. We are the makers of our own fate." - Swami Vivekananda

Article by Michael C. James.

Michael C. James is a writer researching how human thought determines our life and experience, as opposed to fate, chance or circumstance. He is also an active supporter of Rhonda Byrne's film "The Secret" and its core teaching 'The Law of Attraction'.

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