In the spiritual community there seems to be a belief that selling and marketing is somehow "not spiritual" Many of my clients say they have heard that there is a rule "not for personal gain" when using their spiritual skills and talents.
This has been mistakenly interpreted to mean that we shouldn't charge for using our gifts and skills to help others. Some people get round this by saying "I only charge for my time not my gift". But that's kidding themselves.
I believe that the axiom "not for personal gain" has been completely misunderstood.
The true meaning of this is to not use your powers to gain influence over others for personal gain. For example it's possible to send "thought forms" to influence others, or use your energy to control others. It is entirely possible to do this, and you could really take advantage of others. This is known as "black magic".
Of course, according to one of the laws of Karma those who do this will only attract the same into their life. If you were to abuse your power and you can expect others to abuse you with theirs. What goes around comes around. The universe will balances itself, and that's why the warning is given.
When it comes to charging an honest fee, for offering an honest service, this is NOT personal gain.
We use money because it's easier to fold than chickens
We use money as an exchange now, but throughout history the healer or shaman of the tribe would not have been expected to hunt as much, or gather as much. They would be rewarded for their healing services and spiritual guidance with food or goods. Now we use money as an exchange. It's simply easier to fold than chickens.
It takes time, commitment and investment to be a good healer and therapist. If your skills help others, then that has value and that value should be rewarded with something else of value.
There is also the client perspective. When you work with clients for them to really make the changes they want they will have to make some changes for themselves. They are much more likely to follow through and do any "homework" if they see it as an investment.
It's well known that people don't value what is free
How else will they value you, what you do, and take on board the changes you will help them make?
In his book "How To Be Financially Successful - A Spiritual Perspective" Joshua Stone calls this "poverty consciousness in the name of spirituality". He says there are spiritual workers who go around telling others that they should not charge for their spiritual services.
Now the reason they are doing this is because they want YOUR services but don't have any money. They are run by the negative ego, and the negative ego is angry about this so it strikes with judgment to blame others for charging money for spiritual services.
Often the reason they want your services for free is because they don't have any money. The negative ego wants what you have, doesn't want to be left behind, so it gets into a position of a self proclaimed moral high ground or self righteousness by pretending it is better than others, by not charging. This is the negative ego attacking others because it can't make money.
However it is an attitude total PROSPERITY consciousness to believe that it's good for spiritual practitioners to charge for their service, no matter what kind of services these are.
All services are made possible by a heavenly/earthly balance
The universe likes, no LOVES balance. If you deliver a service that has value to your client then you should be rewarded for your service.
Often people don't feel comfortable charging what their service is really worth also because of negative ego in the form of lack of self worth. If you don't believe you're worth it, then you won't be comfortable charging it. But in truth who are you to withhold your service, not to offer it to those who need it and can benefit from it. NOT to sell yourself - now that's selfish!
Being a successful spiritual practitioner requires you to be successful in all areas of your life. Being a wonderful channel for spirit is not enough, you need to be successful in business, relationships, health, money and all life areas.
Now how much you charge is entirely up to you. but my personal belief is that you should place a high value on what you do as you have in your power the ability to completely transform someone else's life. I think that is worth a lot.
According to the law of karma if you offer an honest service for an honest fee that reflects its true value, then the great news is you can expect others to do the same to you! Now that's the beauty and magic of the universe.
Bonus tip!
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