A Life of Abundance Starts Now

Abundance means more than just having "plenty." If you wander the aisles of an American grocery store, you will see fifty kinds of cereal and three-pound bottles of ketchup. Certainly we live in a land of abundance.
When I talk life of abundance, I thump my heart and know it means a life of abundant joy. A life of abundance means feeling groovy and living the life of my dreams.
My life intention is to be rolling in love, wealth, and beauty. I am living that right now.
I desired a house of books and music. Pretties. No ESPN. I have it. I desired a man who gets me. I have him. I desired to be published regularly. I am, in all kinds of ways.
First I had to think it, I had to decide that I wanted those things. Start thinking about what you really want for yourself. Many times, we are too chicken to let ourselves dream.
I am a wealthy woman, with riches galore. That doesn't mean I'm talking about my bank balance. My wealth is tangible and intangible.
I'm living "the good life" in ways big and small. I have never enjoyed grocery shopping (ask my mom, she'll tell you.) Now Prince Charming and I do it together. It's no longer a chore. It's time spent together with an added bonus of his help in carrying in all the bags and putting it all away. A thing that I used to dread is now delightful.
Prince Charming is a creative cook who likes to try new things. My palette has expanded and I have learned new things. The drudgery of what to make for dinner has now been taken off my shoulders.
There are countless small things that this man does that make my life rich. When burdens are removed, isn't that wealth? When more is added to your life, isn't that wealth? I sure think so.
I work from home. I do work that I love. I write. I speak. I listen. I help others. That brings me joy. Abundant joy.
I love to travel and explore new things. We take day trips. We spent a day in Chicago at a glass blowing workshop with an artisan who teaches all over the world. Very cool. (Actually it was quite hot.)
We spent a day at Lake Geneva zipping around the lake in a power boat that we rented. It dawned on me that afternoon that here I was in the middle of the week in the middle of a lake with the man I love surrounded by luxurious mansions and sunshine. I am indeed rolling in wealth, love, and beauty.
My wealth has everything to do with my attitude and my gratitude.
I still have debt. My numbers are not yet where I desire and yet I have let go of the freak-out over money. I am realizing every day what I have and it is all that I have dreamed and even more.
We want money because it provides us certain things. Start focusing on those things instead of the dollars. Start to realize what you already have and be grateful for that. Start to understand that it is the experiences and the feelings that you want, not the greenbacks.
When that clicks in your head, that's when the money starts to come in. First comes understanding and appreciation, then the experiences, then the cash.
This is not what we have been taught. Our culture does not operate under the abundance mentality. We tend to focus on what we do not have and perpetuate that feeling. Focus on what you do have and see what starts to shift.
It always circles back to gratitude. We first appreciate, and then we allow. So many people do not experience material wealth because somewhere deep inside we somehow don't think we are worth it. That's a topic for another day.
You are worth it. You came here to live a life of joy. Somewhere along the line that message got garbled. You can be wealthy. Right now. Start to pay attention to all the little things that make your life easier. Notice all that brings you joy.
Feel that gratitude deep inside you. Savor it. Close your eyes and imagine that good feeling radiating out of you. Imagine that energy as a magnet drawing more of that good feeling to you. It is.
The more you dwell on the good, the more good shows up. Bit by bit, a life of wealth falls into place. You start to realize the pieces of paradise you experience every day and your life becomes that peaceful paradise.
For example, you can have the experience of travel without having the bank account to pay for it. I know two people this week who are living proof. Two different women shared with me that poof out of nowhere, they each were invited on trips - with all expenses paid by another party who wanted a travel companion.
So when you dream of money because you want to travel, really you want to travel. So dream of travel with a heart of thanks and let that come to you, in any form it shows up. There are many tales like this of how things happen when we relax and let go. We live from appreciation and abundance appears.
If you are a business owner, instead of worrying about the money to pay the bills, focus on the joy you get from doing what you love. Bask in the feeling you get from doing what you do in the world. When you do your life's work with joy, that is when the money shift happens.
Anyone and everyone, say thank you for your work, thank you for the paycheck, and let more come to you.
When you live from a place of gratitude and allowing, that is when wealth comes.
Start to tally up all your riches this week. Do you have material things that you love? Are you grateful for those possessions? Do you have people in your life that you love? Are you grateful for those people? Do you have experiences that you love? Are you grateful for those experiences?
Focus on what you have that you love. Focus on the feelings you have when you're doing something you love or spending time with someone you love or using something you love. If you love that kitchen knife, feel grateful for it. You are wealthy to have kitchen utensils that make life easy. Be grateful for "small" wealth and watch it increase.
I know some of you will think my brain has fried in this drought. All I ask is that you entertain the thought. Play with this. Pay attention. Start to notice all the wealth you already have and then notice how it begins to multiply.
Kelly Epperson is a happiness coach, author, and speaker. She created the Joy Beyond Your Dreams Life Mastery Program to help women take the reins of their own happiness and create a life of everyday joy. Kelly also presents keynotes, programs and workshops on happiness and humor to a wide variety of corporate, private and philanthropic groups. Her popular "Live Your Joy" ezine is sent every Friday to her followers all across the country and world. Get Kelly's free e-book "7 Steps to Being Happier Right Now" at http://www.kellyepperson.com/.

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