Affirmations for a Positive Mindset


Affirmations are powerful tools that can shift our mindset and influence our reality. By fully accepting these affirmations, the uplevel version of you will emerge. Listen to and repeat these affirmations every day for 21 days, and take note of the transformation. Trust the process.

Believe in Yourself

1. I am the hero of my own story.

2. I am confident in my abilities.

3. I am capable and ready to conquer the world.

4. I believe in myself and my potential.

5. I am deserving of success and happiness.

6. I trust my decisions and choices.

7. I am resilient and can overcome any challenge.

8. Confidence comes naturally to me.

9. I face every situation with courage and strength.

10. I am proud of my accomplishments, big and small.

11. I radiate self-assurance and poise.

12. My self-esteem is growing every day.

Embrace Your Worth

13. I am capable, competent, and skilled.

14. I am a valuable and unique individual.

15. I am worthy of respect and admiration.

16. I trust myself to make the right decisions.

17. I am comfortable expressing my thoughts and opinions.

18. I am a magnet for positive energy and opportunities.

19. I stand tall, speak with conviction, and express myself with confidence.

20. I am the master of my own thoughts and emotions.

21. My self-worth is not determined by the opinions of others.

22. I am confident in my ability to achieve my goals.

23. I am proud of who I am becoming.

Embrace Your Journey

24. I deserve to take up space and be seen and heard.

25. I trust the process of my personal development.

26. I release the need for approval from others.

27. I am bold, fearless, and ready to take on challenges.

28. I am constantly growing and evolving.

29. I am confident in my ability to learn and adapt.

30. I celebrate my achievements and acknowledge my progress.

31. I am the architect of my destiny.

32. I create my own reality.

33. I am calm and in control of my thoughts and emotions.

34. I release tension and embrace peace within myself.

35. I trust in my ability to handle whatever comes my way.

36. I trust that I am on the right path.

37. I let go of self-doubt and embrace my inner strength.

38. I am confident in my capacity to create change.

39. I radiate confidence, self-respect, and inner harmony.

40. I am a beacon of confidence, inspiring others around me.

41. I am surrounded by a sense of calm and well-being.

42. I trust the journey, even when I don't understand it.

43. I'm not defined by my worries.

44. I believe in my dreams and pursue them with passion.

45. I am deserving of all the good things life has to offer.

46. I trust that I have the power to shape my future.

47. I am confident in my decision-making skills.

48. I am a powerhouse.

49. I am indestructible.

50. I am in control of my thoughts and emotions.

51. I am grounded and face challenges with a steady and calm spirit.

52. I replace anxious thoughts with positive affirmations.

53. I welcome challenges as opportunities for growth.

54. My confidence grows stronger every day.

55. I am a leader and I lead with confidence and integrity.

56. I trust in my ability to face difficulties with courage.

57. I am more than enough, just as I am.

58. I am confident, capable, and ready to conquer the world.


Make these affirmations a part of your daily routine. Repeat them every day for 21 days and witness the positive transformation in your mindset. Believe in yourself and embrace your worth. Trust the journey and have confidence in your ability to create change. You are capable of achieving greatness. Remember, you are the hero of your own story.

Success and Your Self-Esteem

Self-esteem, the manner in which one feels about herself at the deepest level, influences virtually every aspect of our lives, hence whether we are successful or not. No kidding, it is that important. If we were all brutally honest with ourselves, each of us would quietly confess some feeling of inadequacy in at least one area of our life. This might be leftover scarring from a childhood emotional trauma or result from a recent verbal attack from someone. Many times, even though we may appear to be ignoring such an assault, we secretly harbor negative, self-abusing thoughts and our mind goes to work to paint worst-case scenarios.

Like Fort Knox, one's self esteem should be guarded with great intensity of purpose. We should be on guard, constantly vigilant and aware of anything that could damage our feelings of worth and value. Self- doubt is the Devils' greatest weapon against us. We should guard our own self- esteem as well as that of our children and other loved ones, constantly building them up and encouraging them. We are all of great value to our Creator, our families and those closest to us. Do not ever allow anyone, whether intentionally or not, to attempt to convince you otherwise. As Zig Ziglar is noted for saying, "When you point a finger at someone else, you have three times that many pointing back at you."

A sign of lacking sufficient self-esteem is often noted in a person who is often critical of others, always finding fault in their performance or activities, all the while attempting to build himself up in comparison. Don't be fooled, and don't fall victim to this kind of assault. There is also a fine line between confidence and arrogance, and the defining variable is often sincere belief and caring. At the core of your values do you actually believe with confidence that you can do it, or is your appearance of confidence a front, masking a sense of fear and inadequacy? True confidence often empowers others with inspiration through leadership. Arrogance often includes a sense of cockiness or a slight demeaning of others possibly attempting the same task as you. An arrogant person may think that he is the sole person capable of the successful completion of a task, while a confident person will often inspire and empower others by leading them to join in on the accomplishment of a specific task or goal, sharing the glory and empowerment afterwards.

Success has been defined in many ways by dozens of people over the years. I prefer to view success as a worthwhile journey whose reward is evident as the result of embarking on, staying the course, and completing that journey. Success is more about the how than the what. That journey, that "pursuit of a worthy ideal," often defines ones' character in great detail. Self-esteem is enhanced by this pursuit. Self- esteem will deepen and grow because of this pursuit. It is seldom a result of reaching the goal, but more a function of the process itself. Self esteem is enhanced by the very belief of "I can" and the action that is associated with it. Self-esteem will grow with action and perseverance. Self-esteem will be enhanced each and every time you step out and expand your comfort zone. Self-esteem will deepen every time you lift someone else up and encourage them. Your self-worth will grow each time you share these simple principles with someone else and help them to grow. You are empowered by the growth and confidence you inspire in others.

Success then, is almost a by-product of self-esteem, proportional to the depth of ones' convictions and self-belief. The journey of accomplishing a worthy ideal involves digging deeply inside and mustering confidence, self-belief , discipline and persistence. Self-esteem and success, though appearing dependent upon one another, are in reality, independent. Immediate or apparent success, or lack thereof, will not impede the self esteem of a person who is consciously on the trail of a worthy pursuit as described earlier, for they understand that the success they seek is simply a matter of time. This person is not discouraged by short-term setbacks. Her mind is focused upon her goal and she constantly is "adjusting her sails for changes in the wind."

See yourself as a person of great value, capable of making wonderful contributions to enhance the lives of others, perhaps some of whom which are not even known to you. Do not allow others to control your self-esteem. It has been said that "no one can make you feel inferior without your permission." Simply withhold permission, no matter the circumstances. Self-esteem is your own; start cultivating it today.

Daniel Sitter is the author of the popular, award-winning e-book, Learning For Profit. Designed for busy people, his new book teaches simple, step-by-step accelerated learning skills, demonstrating exactly how to learn anything faster than ever before. Learning For Profit is currently available at the author?s web site and from numerous online book merchants. Mr. Sitter, having expertise in sales, marketing and personal development, is a frequent contributor to several publications.
Daniel Sitter is the author of the breakthrough e-book Learning For Profit the revolutionary how-to book teaching people exactly how to learn new skills faster than ever before. It's available from cnets the authors web site and a variety of online book merchants. Mr. Sitter is a contributing writer for several online and traditional publications. His expertise includes sales marketing self-improvement and general business interests. 

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Obtaining The Midas Touch

Copyright ? 2005 Glen Snethun

What does it mean to ?pay your dues?? Have you paid yours?

If you want to know the answer, just ask yourself, ?Am I at the level of financial success that I desire??

If the answer is ?No?, then you haven?t paid your dues. If the answer is ?Yes? then you have. It?s just that simple.

Have you ever wondered why some people seem to walk into a new endeavor and everything they touch turns to money. Do you ever question why they have the Midas Touch? Well I wondered the same thing until I heard speaker Jeffery Combs explain to me that they?ve ?paid their dues? ? in a different arena, at a different time.

And so I wondered if I had really paid my dues. Is this why I wasn?t achieving the results I wanted? To put it blunt, I needed to look in the mirror.

Did I like what I saw? Not necessarily. Was I ready to change? Absolutely!

So what does paying ones dues really look like? For everyone, it?s different!
But one thing is the same -- it?s always a process of getting sick and tired of where you?re at, deciding to quit passing the buck, and facing oneself.

For me, paying my dues started in small ways.

To improve my self discipline, I got out of bed every morning at 5:00am, not 5:10 or 5:20 but 5:00am sharp! I didn?t like going to bed at 9:00pm in order to get enough sleep but I put my stake in the ground.

Physically, I was 50 lbs overweight. Getting up at 5:00 am gave me time to exercise every morning. I started to lose weight.

I began to apply self-discipline to my diet. Absolutely no more MacDonalds or pop.

And then there was the mental challenge. I refused to let my mind wonder to the negatives in a situation. ?Stop!? I?d say to myself. Was that a hard habit to break!

And I began to try to look for the good in people and their messages instead of displaying my temper. If you think there weren?t any dues to be paid here, think again. I had to leave a comfort zone I?d lived in for 30 years.

Now how about my business success and making money online? I started paying my dues by getting on the phone and talking to people even though I was terrified. I muddled through learning about the Internet and computers even when it frustrated the heck out of me. I kept going on every training call possible. I continued to pick up the phone, even when I had heard every reason in the book not to join, not to buy, not to invest. Then the law of averages began to take over and I began to hear the word ?yes? more often.

My point is that I started paying my dues in small but real ways. And all of the small dues equated into huge differences in many areas of my life.

These are some of the keys to success that I found to be true in my life.

So be true to yourself. Are there dues that need to be paid in your life? Like a friend of mine told me, ?Why don?t you decide to pay them now, instead of riding the truck all the way to the dump?? Something to think about.

About the Author:
Glen Snethun is a stock/options trader as well as a full time Internet Businessman, Author and Coach.Glen dedicates his time to showing others how to create multiple streams of income using the Internet.Get ideas from Glen at

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The Power of Intention

Overwhelmed! That's a word I've heard a lot lately. A client recently exclaimed, ?Who has the time to focus on one thing at a time these days? That's a luxury I just cannot afford!? In an effort to be more efficient, most of us have learned how to multitask.

Computers are known for their ability to multitask. For example, you can compose a letter while scanning for viruses or downloading a software update. But have you noticed that even computers are often not as efficient when multitasking? The functions slow way down when too many resources are being called upon at one time. Our brains are even more susceptible to loss of productivity when we try to do two or more things at once ? especially if they are complex or require a high degree of concentration. Studies show a drop in efficiency of 30-50% on individual tasks performed while multitasking. Brain studies show that we actually cannot multi-task. We simply change focus very rapidly from one task to another.

Perhaps one of the worst forms of multitasking is when we're trying to spend ?quality? time with a loved one, while also trying to be ?productive.? I'll never forget an experience I had years ago when I went to my daughter's soccer game on a day that I was feeling overwhelmed and behind. I had grabbed the mail on the way out the door. In my attempt to be efficient with my time, I was sorting through the mail while watching the game. Unfortunately, I was looking down when my daughter made her only goal of the game. I felt terrible when someone said, ?Did you see that? Your daughter just made a goal!? Although she never knew, it was one of those moments I could never get back. I could have read the mail anytime.

Reduce the overwhelm -- narrow your focus to three intentions at a time!

Are you living your life on purpose? Is your self-talk full of "I have-to," "I gotta," or "I should"? How often do you say "I choose to..."?

Maybe it's time to quit shoulding on yourself and be at choice! You're eventually headed for a crash landing if you do not honor your values and your life purpose by consciously choosing what you want and being intentional with your behavior and responses. Your ?auto pilot? may not be set to get you where you want to go. Begin by jotting down some intentions. When you set your intentions, choose ones that you're willing to put your time and energy behind and that are most important to YOU. Keep them short and simple. When you look back over the list, does it represent what matters most to you at this time in your life?

Here are some examples: ? I intend to lose 10 pounds. ? I intend feel more rested and energetic when I wake up each morning. ? I intend to take one full 24-hour day away from work each week (including e-mail). ? I intend to leave my office by 5:00 PM each day. ? I intend to give 10% of my earnings to charity. ? I intend to save 10% of my earnings for retirement. ? I intend to deepen my relationship with my spouse. ? I intend to feel more connected to my kids.

Because your brain can only focus on so much at one time, I suggest that you identify no more than three goals or habits to work on over the next three months. Jot down your three most important goals or areas of focus, and then underneath each goal write a description of the results you intend to achieve. Remember... trying to concentrate on more than three primary goals at a time can put your mind into overload.

Once you?ve stated your intentions, it?s time to get REALLY specific by identifying measurable goals to help you follow through with them.

Here?s how this works. One of the above intentions was to leave the office by 5 PM. In order to do that, I might determine that I need to be more productive at work. Here is how I get really specific about my measurable goals that will support me in following through with the intention to leave the office by 5 PM?


? Have a system in place to follow up on calls and letters in a timely way.

? Be on time or early for appointments. ? Take journals & mail with me so I can catch up on my reading if I am early for an appointment. ? Break larger tasks into smaller ones with deadlines assigned to each smaller task.

? Set realistic goals and deadlines for new projects and stay on task.

? Remind myself that when I say "yes" to one thing I am saying "no" to other things.

? Only say yes to what is important.

? Do weekly planning every Friday for the coming week.

In order to create new behaviors which will get and keep you at the enhanced level at which you wish to function, you may need support and an accountability partner. Identify whatever support you need in order to reach your goals, and then ask it.

Wouldn't you love to stumble upon a secret library of ideas to help you de-clutter your life so you can focus on what's most important? Kathy Paauw offers simple, yet powerful ideas, on how to manage your time, space, and thoughts for a more productive and fulfilling life. Visit .
Kathy Paauw helps busy executives professionals and entrepreneurs de-clutter their schedules spaces and minds so they can focus on whats most important. She is an organizing productivity consultant certified professional personal coach and speaker. Contact her or visit her website at or contact her at and learn how you can find anything you file or store in 5 secondsguaranteed! 

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Boost Your Bottom Line by Asking Powerful Questions

Copyright ? 2005 Kathy Paauw

"He who asks questions cannot avoid the answers."
-African Proverb

Powerful questions yield powerful answers. Here's an example...

One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people. He said, "My beloved grandson, the battle inside every person is between two wolves. One is Evil. It is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, false pride, and ego. The other is Good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, compassion and faith."

The grandson thought for a minute and then asked his grandfather, "Which wolf wins?" The old Cherokee gently grasped the boy's shoulder and replied, "The one you feed."

Are you getting the results you want in your life? Do the questions you ask get to the bottom line?

Last December I wrote an article called The Power of Personal Accountability. In the article, I mentioned that asking the right questions can help us find the right answers. After publishing this article, one of my subscribers -- Lee Wise -- sent me a list of powerful inquiries he wrote. Lee has graciously given me permission to share them with you.

There is great power in asking a good question, especially when asked in the form of an inquiry. (An inquiry is a question you ask over and over, that does not necessarily have one "right" answer.) The potential for meaningful change may lie before you in the form of your own seriously considered answer to a selected question. Any one response to any of these questions can have a powerful impact on your life.

Here are Lee's questions...

(Asking Just The Right Question To Get Just What You Desire)
? Lee Wise All rights reserved.

What one small thing is holding me back from doing my best today?

What one small thing is hindering me from becoming the person I be could be today in one area of my life?

What action could I take today to brighten someone's world? (Key: make it simple, doable, and even fun!)

How can I double my value as a ___________ this year? *As a... husband, father, employee, friend, etc. Suggestion: ask this question many, many times.

Where should I influence my world in a positive way?

Are negative thinking patterns eating away my potential in any area of my life -- no matter how small?

Am I saying "I can't" when I should be saying "I can" or "I must!" anywhere in my life?

My greatest area of tension at work or home right now is ____. How could I improve just 10% in this area?

What positive discipline have I let slip lately? What price am I paying for this slip?

Where can I, or should I, make a positive difference?

If I took a thirty second "happy memory break" right now, what would I remember?

How can I schedule a small break in my life -- just enough to be refreshed and recharged a bit?

What untapped potential could I bring to my world?

Am I learning what I need to learn?

Are my associations making me or breaking me?

Who is challenging me or inspiring me right now? Who could?

Should I procrastinate on anything, or set aside anything, that is not important for what is most important?

Is there anything I should stop doing?

Am I out of balance anywhere in terms of striving to perform? Am I seeking a standard of excellence in the right way, for the right reasons?

Use these strategies to get the best results...

Pay attention to your initial feelings about an inquiry you read.

Should you notice a "first impression answer" that ushers in a sense of excitement, challenge -- or a deep sense of "I should do this" -- be sure to slow down your internal speed of life and park there a moment or two.

Repeating a question over and over sets in motion an on-going search to discover just the right answer for you.

Consider recording your thoughts in a journal.

Enjoy the process!

For additional reading about the power of asking the right questions, visit our article The Power of Personal Accountability at the link below.

About the Author:
Wouldn?t you love to stumble upon a secret library of ideas to help you de-clutter your life so you can focus on what?s most important? Kathy Paauw offers simple, yet powerful ideas, on how to manage your time, space, and thoughts for a more productive and fulfilling life. Visit
Kathy Paauw helps busy executives professionals and entrepreneurs de-clutter their schedules spaces and minds so they can focus on whats most important. She is an organizing productivity consultant certified professional personal coach and speaker. Contact her or visit her website at or contact her at and learn how you can find anything you file or store in 5 secondsguaranteed! 

View all articles by Kathy Paauw

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Break Through Self-Doubt and Fear

Break Through Self-Doubt and FearBreak Through Self-Doubt and FearSelf-doubt and fear interfere with our ability to achieve or set goals. Self-doubt and fear are the voices in our head telling us, "You'll never succeed, so why try?" and "who do you think you are?" Self-doubt and fear are also what make us listen to those voices and decide to give up before we get started. While many people experience self-doubt and fear at some point in their lives, they take action anyway. Others remain stuck, or are confident in only one area of their life, such as work. They are too afraid to try new things like going back to school, entering new relationships or learning new skills. When we let self-doubt and fear rule our lives, we miss opportunities. We predict and believe that nothing good will happen to us, so we don't try anything new, and refuse to take even low-level risks. This leads us to discount people or situations that could help us reach our goals. While self doubt and fear can come in different forms and from different sources, we can learn to break through them. the vicious cycle of self-doubt and fear
I know what it's like to live with self-doubt and fear. For years my life was ruled by these feelings. I grew up in a lower income family in the Bronx, New York. I heard over and over again that people like us could never really be successful. As early as kindergarten my teacher told my mother I was slow and not to expect too much from me. I was put in the slow-learners class. In reality, I was very smart but bored. My next teacher recognized this and moved me from the slow-learners class to the the advanced class. But I still had my voices telling me: "You'll never make it. You'll never be popular". I felt I wasn't as good as other people because I didn't have the money and nice clothes that some of the other girls had. I was also shy and not in the popular crowd. I internalized outside messages and became a troublemaker. My parents viewed my education as a pathway for becoming a teacher, social worker or civil servant. They limited my vision and left me believing that I didn't have a choice in what I wanted for my future. I couldn't understand how people became successful at something. But others saw potential in me. I was encouraged to study journalism and was placed in a special writing program. It could have been an incredible opportunity. Instead, I listened to my fears that I'd never make it, so I left the program and pretended that I didn't care. Later, I got accepted to the High School of Performing Arts in New York. Acting had always been my dream, despite the fact that people said my "blue collar" Bronx accent would keep me from success. My parents loved me but didn't know how to give me support. They told me it was good to go to Performing Arts but that being an actor was out of reach for me. Rather than focus on the fact that I had gotten accepted to this wonderful school, I focused on the negative. My perception was that everyone else was wealthier, more experienced and more talented than me. I told myself: "You're not as good as everyone else. If you try and don't make it, you'll look like a fool. But if you don't try, you can still be cool." I pretended that I didn't really want to act. I didn't try, and I sabotaged myself. I felt like I had no one to talk to about my ambition. Eventually, I gave up trying and left. I told everyone, including myself, that it didn't matter. But the truth is, I had been afraid to try. I spent the next two years in another high school, where I used drugs daily and became an addict. I still managed to do well on tests and graduated from high school at age 16. None of that meant anything to me, because by that time I had such low self-esteem, I thought if I could do it, it must be easy. I continued to feel that I was never good enough. My life was defined by what other people thought of me. I had other opportunities. I was approached on the street by a magazine photographer and became a model at one of the top agencies in the world. I still carried my negative messages and told myself I couldn't do it. I still felt that I was unattractive and couldn't conceive of success. I gave up and dropped out. I just didn't believe in my ability to accomplish anything. I tried moving to Eugene, Oregon because I blamed my problems on where I lived and the people in my life. In one year I managed to gain over 90 pounds and get addicted to coffee, cigarettes and other substances. I blamed everyone else for my lack of money, healthy relationships and happiness. I lived in constant fear but was afraid to admit it. My self-destruction finally resulted in a breakdown of my physical health and I had to be hospitalized and undergo major surgery. Doctors told me what I already knew: I had to make a major change. It was time to look at my past and my present and to decide what I wanted for my future. If I didn't break through negative thoughts I would always stay where I was. making positive changes
I had to learn to change my attitude about myself. I read about and talked to people who had broken through their self-doubts and taken control of their lives. I got support from others and consciously began turning my destructive self-talk into constructive self-talk. I knew that if I took certain actions, my mind and emotions would follow. I let go of people who negatively influenced my life. I told myself that I was important, and began to plan and achieve my goals. I learned to have faith in my ability. I quit smoking, gave up coffee, and began exercising and eating well. The people I spent time with were also making positive changes in their lives. My life began to improve. I no longer saw myself as a victim. I learned to let go of blame and started taking small risks. I stopped comparing myself to other people and began to open up to new opportunities. Today I have a successful speaking and consulting business. I have close friends, and a wonderful son. Learning from my life and others, I'm raising him to believe in himself, understand his feelings, and not be afraid of his fears. I travel throughout the country talking to corporations, associations and other organizations. If you need help overcoming feelings of self-doubt and fear, please read these ten techniques and processes that have helped me get to this place in my life.1. Make a list of your fears. Only by admitting that they exist can you seek solutions.
2. Write down how these fears affect your life.
3. Become aware of the voices in your head and write down those negative messages.
4. Start building a support system of friends and eliminate people from your life who foster feelings of negativity.
5. Join a support group of people who have similar issues.
6. Change each negative message to one that is affirming and constructive.
7. Read books that help you feel better about yourself.
8. Be aware of your past, and be willing to let go of it.
9. List your goals and the actions you need to achieve them.
10. Take one of those actions every day. Each time you do something that brings you closer to achieving your goals you will feel better about yourself. When fears and self-doubts come back, and they still do, I break through them by using the tools and skills I've learned and now teach. They work. Simma Lieberman is a consultant, speaker and author. She works with organizations to create environments where people can do their best work. Contact Simma at (510)-527-0700 to discuss how she can help you and the  people in your organization break the stress cycle and develop a more balanced life. Visit her website at and subscribe for free monthly newsletter.
Simma Lieberman is a consultant, speaker and author. She works with organizations to create environments where people can do their best work. Contact Simma at (510)-527-0700 to discuss how she can help you and the people in your organization break the stress cycle and develop a more balanced life. Visit her website at and subscribe for free monthly newsletter. 

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Creative and Rich - How Anticipation Creates Wealth

A wealthy person anticipates riches. Without anticipation you swim in a sea of uncertainty. With it, you participate in making your creative life a wealthy life.

A few days ago I decided to replace a person working for us who was chronically late.

Well, it?s done. Yesterday I hired someone who fulfills all the requirements of the job. And I?m thrilled about the change. It?s so gratifying to have someone who is eager and happy to learn and to help.

And guess what else I found. This person anticipates what needs to get done. What a great gift to be around someone who thinks ahead and does things without asking. That is key.

Anticipation and Participation go hand in hand. A Doer actively participates in every aspect of life. And the secret to full participation is to anticipate each new task by allowing it to appear in your mind.

This doesn?t mean that you don?t relax. In fact, the opposite is true. People in touch with the pulse of life have to be relaxed. Anticipation Is relaxing. Because you never have to look back and worry. You?ve silenced the worry-monger. You are marching towards your goal by anticipating each moment.

Always keep your goal in mind. This is key. The target of anticipation is your goal.

You have become an efficiency machine. Because you?re not wasting precious energy by procrastinating. Your mind, cleared of clutter, becomes a vessel for creative thinking. You are refreshed and rejuvenated, and you?re always looking forward, never back. You refuse to be on auto-pilot.

I don?t want to be on auto-anything. Those auto-pilot blinders cause the death of creativity. Beware and declare. Otherwise that sneaky auto-pilot might creep into your thoughts again. After all, you can get addicted to being a slave to the grave that you dig for yourself.

There?s no other way to live a life of wealth than to embrace what?s around the corner. By anticipating what?s needed. And participating to get the job done.

You have now conquered the fear that can whisper in your ear.

Anticipation leads to Creation and turns into Wealth. Just remember that order. You?re on your way to a life of prosperity and riches.

Now that I?ve gotten your attention, shift your gears and read something totally radical, totally out-of-the-box. I?ve got that something for you. And I bet you?ll be knocked off your feet as soon as you start inhaling these powerful words.

Tania French is a composer who has enjoyed performances and radio broadcasts of her music worldwide. Her new CD ?Renewal? (released December, 2005) will feature a rejuvenating fusion of new age, classical, and world songs. Subscribe to her popular newsletter at ? 2005 Tania French. All Rights Reserved.
Tania French is a composer who has enjoyed performances and radio broadcasts of her music worldwide. Articles about her music have been published in major European and American newspapers and magazines. Her new CD Renewal (released December, 2005) will feature a rejuvenating fusion of new age, classical, and world songs. 

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Creative Action Seven Tips to Financial Success

My sister loves lists. She says they keep her on track and trigger her memory. So, she asked me to make a list detailing what it took for me to reach the level of success I have.

Actually what she really wanted is to learn what it takes to stay committed and focused on a goal. Her goals seemed to blur and then disappear after initially burning as bright as the sun on a summer's day.

This is quite common. So don't fret.

But now forget that you were once a goal-setter-trasher. Go into unfamiliar territory and cast off those shackles of procrastination. Be fearless and eager to learn.

Let's start with the basics:

1. Turn off the TV. You won't change your life if you keep watching the world go by. So get off your couch, or bed, toss the remote, walk to your tube and press the OFF button. Better yet, put it behind closed doors. It's addictive. Seeing it might disturb your creativity. Now, I know you might feel deprived and suffer from withdrawal, but, when your life changes you'll get over it.

2. Go to a bookstore. If you don't have a good dictionary and thesaurus, Walk to your local bookstore and purchase these two indispensable items. While your browsing, check out the Biography section to read books written by people you wish to emulate. Equally as important, buy How To/Advice books on the subject your interested in.

3. Read. Back home on the couch, sans remote, read, read and read. Underline, highlight and take notes. Write down what you are learning.

4. Grab a pen and notepad. Now that it's quiet, start listening to your thoughts. Write. Write anything that comes to mind. Write about the life you want. Describe it in absolute detail. This should not be a hardship. Make it fun. Feel yourself living the life you always wanted. If you can't handle it, go back and start from the top.

5. Ask questions. Ask experts who have succeeded in what you want to do all the questions you have. Commit this Rudyard Kipling poem to memory: "Six honest serving men--they taught me all I know--their names are What and Why and When and How and Where and Who."

6. Start imagining a product you want to sell. Concentrate on what interests you. Write down anything that comes to mind. I think you?re getting an idea about how important writing is in this whole process.

7. Watch your thoughts and words. In order to maximize success, remember: the words you choose and use create your life's news.

The more creative fuel you emit towards your goal, the faster you'll reach it. Your financial success is directly related to the creative energy you choose to use. Money is energy. Not physical energy ? creative energy. I get some of my best ideas while in the shower. I bet you do to. Now take one of your ideas seriously. Carve out the time to get one project up and running.

Nobody succeeds without creative action. Now you can manifest the life you always wanted by applying the creativity that is inherently yours.

That is the power of Creative Action.

Tania French is a composer who has enjoyed performances and radio broadcasts of her music worldwide. Her new CD ?Renewal? (released December, 2005) will feature a rejuvenating fusion of new age, classical, and world songs. You can subscribe to her popular newsletter at
Tania French is a composer who has enjoyed performances and radio broadcasts of her music worldwide. Articles about her music have been published in major European and American newspapers and magazines. Her new CD Renewal (released December, 2005) will feature a rejuvenating fusion of new age, classical, and world songs. 

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Action Persistence = Success

By: Jeff Diehl, M.A.

Whether you want to make a living online, or just want some extra spending money, youll need the resources that will give you the knowledge you need to be successful.

But, youre not home free! Although success requires knowledge, that by itself wont get you much more than the envy of your friends at the Saturday night Trivial Pursuit game. Knowledge is only potential power. It must be pared with action and persistence. That is true power.

As an affiliate, learning "the ropes" is an exciting yet humbling experience. If only you knew what the "gurus" know. If only you had the "easy button." If only you knew the "secrets to success." But thats the problem. There is no easy button and there are no secrets to success in spite of what some lead you to believe. It is up to you, and only you, to use the knowledge you have and that is available to you to produce lasting success.

Flash back to high school and all the math formulas, book reports, history facts and events and more that you "learned." Be honest, how much of it do you actually remember? If youre like most of us, you remember very little. I like to call this my "temporary learning cache." Now, fast forward to the present. Remember your first click to surf the Internet? Probably not, because surfing the Net has now become second nature to you. Throughout the years you have built upon your knowledge of how to surf by putting it to use on a daily basis. In fact, any knowledge followed by action and persistence, stores that knowledge in your subconscious mind. This allows you to use that information without consciously thinking about it.

As an example, when youre driving to work, you do not think about shifting, steering or braking. This has become automatic. It is knowledge that you have paired with action and persistence. You have committed it to your subconscious memory. And, heres the kicker . . . once there, you will never have to "relearn" that information again.

So, as an affiliate, your task is to not only "learn," but to put into practice what you learn. All your reading and researching without action and persistence will be forgotten.

Success starts by determining what knowledge you need. Is it an affiliate program that matches your interests? Perhaps, a product that excites you? Or, a skill you need to learn? Passionately seek out information and turn it into powerful knowledge through action and persistence. Once mastered, you will never lose it!

Success strategies defined:

Jeff is a retired clinical psychologist and has turned his passion to helping people build a successful internet business for those that choose the affiliate model. His approach is unique and focuses on the individual rather than on conventional "hype".  

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Create Loving Memories of Your Future!

Reverse Scrap-bookingTM is a tool for you to use in manifesting the people, circumstances and experiences that you choose for your life.  That dream mate, your perfect job, new home, or blissful vacation!  You can use it to flesh out what that body will look like when you lose the extra 10 lbs or how you would want to feel on a day-to-day basis.  It could be the business you want to create or that car you have had your eye on for years.  Whatever it is you want to create in your life, reverse scrap-bookingTM will help you to play your way to having it!

How do I start my reverse scrapbookTM?

1.(A)  Well, I would start by sitting down and writing out what it is you really want to create for your life and what areas you want to focus on. I tend to keep a page for all areas in my life and everything I am creating in my business. Once you have identified your areas of focus, sit down and write a paragraph or a page on what you want to create in that area of your life.


1.(B)  If you are not a fan of writing you can skip strait to the    reverse scrap-bookingTM  Step 2

2.  Load up on the following supplies:

A beautiful book to create your future in.  This is my latest and it TOTALLY inspires me. I get happy just looking at the cover
A full set of color markers
Glue stick and scissors
A pile of magazines, pictures, books etc. that you don't mind cutting up.
Anything else that you are inspired to use in creating images that inspire you, glitter, stickers, colored paper, ticket stubs, scrap book stuff.

3.  Begin creating your future! Pick what page you want for each topic, create a heading and begin to fill the page with pictures and words that inspire" you. (To check if you are inspired. Look at the picture and imagine yourself with this picture in your reality. If it brings a smile to your face and a sparkle to your eye... you may just be inspired!)  This is a wonderful opportunity to use creativity and play in powerfully creating your life.  And, if you happen to be one of those people who do not consider yourself particularly creative or not a lot of fun, then this exercises is a must!!

4.  For extra fun you can leave blank pages beside the ones you create and you can begin to fill in the blank pages with pictures and mementos of your life as your reverse scrap-bookTM pages start manifesting themselves in your reality!

The invitation:  To begin creating loving memories of your future and start your own reverse scrap-bookTM, ask yourself...If you could have it any way, how would you have it?  Life that is...Your relationships, your home, your work, your body...If you could walk around the world feeling a certain way, what would it be?  Joyful, peaceful, grounded?  How would you spend your days?  What mark would you like to make on the world? Get clear my friend and then build it, one little colorful piece of paper at a time.  Delight in the process and know that this exercise in creativity is bringing you one step closer to living the life you imagined.

If you want to get started on your creation you can learn more about the reverse scrap-bookingTM process and see some real life examples, go to to read more.

To your fabulous future!

Coach Joelle is a certified professional Coach who has supported hundreds of people over the past 6 years in bringing their business and personal dreams into reality. By being part of the Coach Joelle Community you will receive inspiring articles, access to free coaching events, practical coaching advice and techniques to begin living a life you love! At Coach Joelle ( we believe that the world is an amazing place and we are delighted to share the journey with you. 

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How to Move a Mountain

If you?re like most people, you?ve likely had a goal or a dream that you?ve longed to turn into a reality. And, if you're like most people, it's equally probable that a little  voice inside your head immediately dismissed these goals as crazy, unrealistic, childish and even stupid. Soon, you gave up your dreams because, after all, who are you to believe you could do this?

Let?s examine this. Is it possible that those little voices are wrong? Is it possible we have those dreams for a reason?

The answer is a resounding, YES! Most Likely, your dreams were put there by God. Fortunately, God doesn?t waste His time by giving you the desire to do something, without giving you the potential to accomplish it.

It won?t be easy. As you reach for your goals, you will face many trails, frustrations and setbacks before reaching victory. True dreams and goals are always bigger then our natural ability to handle it, but; we can handle it.

How? The same way you move a mountain: one shovel full at a time. One small step at a time-- It's the true secret to reaching our goals. We become overwhelmed when we try to tackle it all at once.

So when that little voice starts telling that you?re not good enough, that you don?t have what it takes or that your dream is too big: refuse to listen. Remember, it?s impossible to move the mountain all at once. Have fun, pick up your shovel and relish the victory as you move your mountain one shovelful at a time.

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How to Have an Amazingly Satisfying Year

Copyright ? 2005 Inez Ng

I started taking stock of my year in 2002. I found it useful at the end of the year to list what I have accomplished, what I am thrilled about, what I wished had turned out differently, what I am proud of, what I learned, what were the pleasant surprises, and the not so pleasant ones, what I want to develop as a habit, and what I want to do differently in the future.

My plan for 2005 is to make it the most amazingly satisfying year yet. If you follow these simple steps and do the work, you can have incredible results too.

First Figure out What You Want

In order for the year to be satisfying, the results and outcome of your actions have to fulfill YOUR needs, expectations, wishes, and desires. So, naturally the first step is to figure out what those needs, wishes and desires are.

To do that, set aside some time, find a quiet place, arm yourself with a pad and pen and complete the exercise below. List the different areas in your life that are important to you. Here?s a typical list to get you started: your health, your financial situation, your relationships, and your career. You can use these or substitute some items or add to them.

Next, choose one area; any one is fine as long as it has importance to you. Then list the needs and desires that you have regarding this area of your life. When you run out of needs, then move on to the next area you want to achieve results in, and start listing your needs and desires for that area. What usually happens is that one area will trigger additional thoughts about another one. So, you don?t need to be systematic about this. You just want to get through all the areas you want to focus on, and get as complete a list as possible.

Now that you know your desires, converts those into outcomes that will satisfy these desires. For example, one of your desires may be to improve your financial situation. The outcome that satisfies that desire is to have a reserve fund in the bank. So, go through your list of desires and define your outcomes.

Then convert your outcomes into goals. Building on our example, a goal could be to have put aside a reserve fund of $5,000 by the end of the year. Check how well you have defined your goals by verifying that they are specific, measurable, actionable, relevant and time-based. Go through your list and convert your outcomes into goals.

My suggestion on developing goals is to try to have a selection of short-term (1-3 months), medium-term (around 6 months) and long-term goals (1 or more years). It is important that you have all three because if your list consists only of big, hairy, long-term goals, it is hard to keep yourself motivated. But if you can celebrate accomplishing a few goals each quarter, it is much easier to keep going.

Now Figure out What You Have to Do

By now, you might be a little overwhelmed because you have 4 pages of goals. So, it is time to prioritize. Review your list, and rank the importance of each goal. Choose a simple system, like assigning them a rank of 1, 2 or 3, with 1 being the most important to you. I have to stress again that this is about what is important to YOU, not what you are expected to care about, or what society thinks should be important to you. Unless you truly care about the outcome, you will find it hard to motivate yourself when it comes time for action.

Now select the most important goals you want to work on. Don?t discard the rest, just put them aside till you have time for them. Now, convert the goals into actions ? what do you have to do to accomplish the goal?

Again, building on our example: to save $5000 in a year, you have to put aside $420 a month. Can you do that? How? One action might be to establish a monthly budget that enables you to set aside that amount each month. Or another action might be to review your monthly expenses and decided what you can cut out to enable you to contribute to the reserve fund. Put as much detail as you can in your actions. Make sure that you give yourself deadlines for completing them. If you have an on-going action (like working out 3 times a week), assign yourself the action to develop a tracking system to let you know whether you are sticking to that commitment of not.

Now you have your road-map for the whole year. All you have to do is to take the actions needed for success. Do a check-in quarterly to see how you are progressing. Make adjustment based on what you have done and what might have changed in your life (nothing should be set in stone). Celebrate all your successes along the way, and just keep going. At the end of the year, you will be amazed at all that you have accomplished, and how good you will feel.

About the Author:
Leadership coach Inez Ng helps busy professionals and entrepreneurs get better results quickly through focused action. Learn more about coaching with her at Want to learn strategies that can save you hours on managing email? Check out her book at

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