You can become a success in any business. But when it comes to being in the right business, a person would do best in a business that they like. When you enjoy what you do it is a joy to do it. If you have already developed talents and abilities for a particular business, then it may be to you advantage to work that business as you look for new opportunities. Don't neglect where you are right now, there may be many un-tapped opportunities you have overlooked.
Many times we do not see opportunities that are right in front of us because our attitude is wrong. Ask formless intelligence to show you opportunities that are around you, right where you are today. You may find new and exciting ventures have been there all along!
It may take someone looking in from the outside to point out new opportunities to you. A mentor or a coach or even a trusted friend can often point out things you overlook. What you want might be easily within your reach, but you look right past it.
Another tool I have used to see things I would otherwise not see is photos. Take a series of pictures where you work or spend most of your time. Do you see things in those still photos that you don't see while you are walking through? Study them for a while, a new opportunity, you could not see before, just might pop out at you.
Have you ever thought about what things you do the best and/or love to do the most? Is there a way to use your talents and abilities in your current position? Or a way to grow into another line of work that you can focus on doing what you love?
Wallace Wattles also says: " If you are ever to begin to make ready for the reception of what you want, you must begin now."
So what if you do not have the training or education to have the business you would love? Take action now and "begin to make ready for the reception of what you want". Get the training you need, learn what you need to know, start making connections with people who are doing what you want to do.
You can not sit back and think it into being. You must take steps toward what you desire - you must take action.
From Wattles teaching you can see that even if you are not in the perfect business now, there are ways to get to your perfect business. You may have talents and abilities that you are not using that could get you promoted to a better position. There may be overlooked opportunities right where you are. Or you may need to learn new skills to get into a business you would love. Each action you take brings you closer to your "right business".
By the way, if you are interested in learning more you might like my newest e-book "Life Without Limits" Understanding Law of Attraction and The Science of Getting Rich. Download it at
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