During this recent economic slow down many, many people have not only been struggling to support themselves and their families, lots of people are struggling to find their way in Life. By that I mean there are many, many people out of work, struggling to find employment, struggling to find ANY job. Many are facing heart breaking rejection time after time and when they finally do secure an interview, they are told the position has been filled or their skill set & experience isn't what the company is looking for. This type of rejection, frustration and feelings of desperation can and will have damaging long term effects on their Psychology and self esteem. Many have gone through a long and costly educational process only to see the career they had set their sights on become ultra competitive or disappear all together.
Understanding and tapping into the power of the Law of Attraction is a game changer, and will help those who are in those difficult circumstances in life and can help to lead back to a "Normal" life and transform into you living an extraordinary Life!
To harness this Law of attraction (LOA) first one must somewhat understand the LOA.
In fact, the LOA is a universal law, kind of like gravity, or electricity, there is a "Pull" to all things, whether it be a negative pull or a positive pull. Simply put we attract to us what we think about all day long.
Now with that being said, I believe there is a lot more to that or all of us would be thinking of good things and everyone would be living the highlife with none of this pain out there across the entire country.
No, there is a lot more to the LOA and here is a 5 step plan to tap into it's power.
1. Daily meditation- I recommend meditating in the morning and in the evening. Focusing and using breathing techniques will help to relive pressure, stress, anxiety and help you to focus on building upon the foundation of positive events in your life.Learn to Let go of your past, focus on the future and your true self soon will be revealed.
2. Small Goals- Set small attainable goals. Achieving small goals will help to build self esteem, begin to move forward and realize growth even if it is is small things. Once you begin to reach these small goals The LOA will begin to empower you to raise your goals and begin to achieve success on an exponential level. Nothing will hold you back!
3. Gratitude- The power of Gratitude cannot be under estimated. Being grateful for even the small blessings in life will lead to seeing even more of the blessings that are present in your life even today. Write down what you feel blessed for having in your life right now. I would speculate that you could come up with 10-15 things that you do feel very blessed to have currently in your life. Writing out a daily "Gratitude" journal would be another powerful tool to help you begin to see and focus on what you are currently blessed with. Which in turn will lead to even more blessings tomorrow!
4. Use the power of Simplicity- Ever hear of the KISS law?
That is Keep It Simple Stupid, or better said Keep It Short and Sweet.
Simplicity has built in benefits. Keeping your daily routine basic and simple will lead to having more time for yourself and for your family. All too often we get wrapped up in extra work projects, watching T.V, tending the garden & lawn, church activities, job hunting, answering email's it goes on and on Keep a close tab on your daily activities, many times the very best thing you can do is say no to the extra activities to be able to focus on your own goals.
5. Tap the hidden power of your subconscious mind -
Learn to harness the power of your subconscious mind with meditation and NLP programs. With the power of today's technology, there are a vast array of MP3's and CD's available to use as a tool for meditation, By using these programs you can flood your subconscious your mind with powerful affirmations and positive messages that will change the way you perceive yourself and the world around you.
Tapping into the vast power of the subconscious mind is a powerful life changing tool.
Follow these 5 steps every day and you will begin your transformation to tap into the LOA, change your outlook on life and your future.
Go to http://psychsync.webs.com/ to harness the Power of your subconscious mind and tap into the power of the Law of Attraction. With Psych-Sync you can enjoy the sounds of rain, wind, surf, the vastness of space and more. Hidden deep in the tracks are powerful affirmations and suggestions that will transform your subconscious mind and your life. Change your mind, change your Life with the power of Psych-Sync.
For more info and a free download go to http://psychsync.webs.com/
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