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Why Make Money

Focusing your life just on making money is very boring and tedious. Not only that, it goes against the very way of making money. Money is the result of activities before it, and if you focus on the end result, making money will be hard.

What is money

When we think of money we generally think of it as the paper or coins we use to purchase things. In reality that is actually called currency. It is the medium of exchange used to put specific amounts of VALUE on any given thing.

Money is what you do to get that currency. Money is value creation. Creating value for others around you helps to enrich your life, and others as well. In turn you are compensated, sometimes with cash, other times with other things.

What does making money do for me?

So why should you want to make money then? Because of what it means you will be doing to get it.

Each and every one of us have specific likes and dislikes in life. Certain things that we would love to do, or find interesting. Those are the things that we should focus on.

Why? When you are interested in a certain topic then you put your whole being into it. You are focused on the tasks at hand and not just waiting for the end result. This is how the best results are produced.

If all you care about is putting your 8 hours in and leaving, are you going to do your best all the time? Is there a chance that you will try to cut corners maybe? The answer is absolutely.

Do what you love and let the money follow

When you pursue your passions and try to do the best you can at what you enjoy, then you are completely focused on creating value. As you do this you increase production and bring more that want what you do to you.

Consider what it would mean to your paycheck if you loved what you did and were the best at it. Would you be passed up when the next promotion came along? Who would be most likely to stay on if layoffs happened? If you wanted a new job doing it do you think they would turn you down? Of course not!

On the flip side if you were only mediocre at your job and didn't really care what actually happened, would it really surprise you if you didn't get the raise, promotion, or got laid off? Again, of course not.

So do what you love to do, and reap the rewards later.

Having looked around on the internet and in life many times for ways to make money and not finding very many legitimate ones, I have decided to start a site to help others with just that. is dedicated to helping others find new avenues of income creation and gives money advice as well.

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