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The View From On High: What Is Gratitude?

I am thankful to have such a great group of fellow metaphysicians at our roundtable meeting last night at the Center. I am grateful that we were able to confer upon each other our various feelings and interpretations on the meaning of gratitude. But as we all realized, the gratitude and thanks we give does not need to be directed entirely at God. As we learned from Eric Butterworth in Spiritual Economics, the gratitude we give is more important for us-God is almighty and too universal to be dependent upon our thanksgiving. Most people in religion have viewed gratitude as a reactionary emotion, a "thanks for this" type of response.

Gratitude, however, is a "causative energy."

"Giving thanks is an important state of your consciousness that keeps you in an awareness of oneness with divine flow." (Butterworth, Spiritual Economics).

But what about when the divine flow seems at times to become the "divine no?" What about those moments when we look at the sluggish economy, the late breaking bad news on television or even personal crises? We do not have to be grateful for those things. We can choose to focus on the things we have at this moment, and to deny any lack of abundance in the Universe.

Butterworth's amazing perspective on the concept of gratitude show us that we can as easily be grateful as we can happy-and that existing so produces a causal effect on our lives-raising our consciousness to a more elevated level. Even in the midst of trials and tribulations, maintaining your mind in a state of appreciation for the ever abundant and omniscient presence of spirit and substance is all we need to get ourselves re-centered. The blessings we place on food, on homes and on other things in our lives are not really as much for God as they are for us; those blessings resonate through our own consciousness to remind us at this very moment how thankful are to exist within these things-even when we have very little.

"You are always projecting some kind of thought toward everything you have or hold." (Butterworth, Spiritual Economics).

While at the base level of our consciousness we might only see the dirty city streets, the crime and the business-viewing a city from on high we see a vision of a dazzling array of lights and wonder. It all depends from where we view life. We have to start our day and raise our consciousness by having a higher view of the things with which we are blessed. Butterworth says, "Always get the view from the top. Before you react to negativity to people, conditions and things, take a moment to lift up your eyes unto the hills."

The view from the hills is far more simple than the view among the streets. Live simply, and focus on the important things in life, and how thankful you are in feeling, not for them, but in them. With a grateful heart you can confer prosperity on everything and everyone you touch. Appreciate the many and stop limiting yourself to the few, and let you inner radiance and beauty astound people and bring forth abundance in your life.

Create Abundance in Your Life!
Live simply, and focus on the important things in life, and how thankful you are in feeling, not for them, but in them. With a grateful heart you can confer prosperity on everything and everyone you touch. Appreciate the many and stop limiting yourself to the few, and let you inner radiance and beauty astound people and bring forth abundance in your life. Check out ideas for improving your life at

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