Where are your thoughts leading you?
Have you ever stopped to wonder how you have arrived at your particular situation? I mean look around you. Where do you live? What type of home do you have? What kind of car do you drive? What type of friends do you have? Who tells you, "I love you"? As you stop to consider these and other similar questions, carefully consider your answer because you will learn something about yourself.
If you look around and the answers you get aren't all that you hope they would be, then perhaps it is time for a change. In this physical world we should lack for nothing... not a thing. All that we have, hope to have, or even dare to dream is available to us. It comes down to our focus. What we focus on is what we get. Saying I need cheap rent pretty much confines you to that situation. Your mind will be happy to oblige. Now if you set your mind to, I need a nice four bedroom home with a two car garage instead, well, again your mind will be happy to oblige.
I'm not trying to pick on anyone here, I'm just saying that we are all products of our thoughts and imaginations. If we have gotten out of bed one morning and became unhappy at our surroundings, then you have to look at what your focus has been and decide that today will be different and by changing today you are actually changing tomorrow. Get that? By changing your state of mind you will actually be changing the future and that future will be something you dream about.
So for today (and every day after) I'd like us all to wake up and decide to focus on abundance. What abundance is to you is totally up to you. More money? A better job? A bigger home? Travel? More friends? A new way to help and love people? Whatever it is, just focus on that. Because if you focus on abundance... then you will get it. Today. Tomorrow. The rest of your life. Yes, it will work for you if you stick with it.
Therefore my challenge to everyone is this, when you next get out of bed for the day, pause a moment and say out loud, "I will have abundance today!" "I am abundance!" Then keep these thoughts in your mind for the rest of the day. Finally, do this every day for an entire month. By then your life will have changed for the better and you will have acquired a new and healthy habit. Want a better life? Then choose abundance today and see what happens. Go on, I dare you.
Steven Morse is an author and the founder of numerous sites such as RockSolidJoy.com where he is giving away a free ebook'10 Ways to Boost Your Joys'. While there you can read articles on spirituality, abundance, joy, and general life experiences.
Stop by http://rocksolidjoy.com/ to claim your free ebook and learn about his book now available at Amazon.
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Have you ever stopped to wonder how you have arrived at your particular situation? I mean look around you. Where do you live? What type of home do you have? What kind of car do you drive? What type of friends do you have? Who tells you, "I love you"? As you stop to consider these and other similar questions, carefully consider your answer because you will learn something about yourself.
If you look around and the answers you get aren't all that you hope they would be, then perhaps it is time for a change. In this physical world we should lack for nothing... not a thing. All that we have, hope to have, or even dare to dream is available to us. It comes down to our focus. What we focus on is what we get. Saying I need cheap rent pretty much confines you to that situation. Your mind will be happy to oblige. Now if you set your mind to, I need a nice four bedroom home with a two car garage instead, well, again your mind will be happy to oblige.
I'm not trying to pick on anyone here, I'm just saying that we are all products of our thoughts and imaginations. If we have gotten out of bed one morning and became unhappy at our surroundings, then you have to look at what your focus has been and decide that today will be different and by changing today you are actually changing tomorrow. Get that? By changing your state of mind you will actually be changing the future and that future will be something you dream about.
So for today (and every day after) I'd like us all to wake up and decide to focus on abundance. What abundance is to you is totally up to you. More money? A better job? A bigger home? Travel? More friends? A new way to help and love people? Whatever it is, just focus on that. Because if you focus on abundance... then you will get it. Today. Tomorrow. The rest of your life. Yes, it will work for you if you stick with it.
Therefore my challenge to everyone is this, when you next get out of bed for the day, pause a moment and say out loud, "I will have abundance today!" "I am abundance!" Then keep these thoughts in your mind for the rest of the day. Finally, do this every day for an entire month. By then your life will have changed for the better and you will have acquired a new and healthy habit. Want a better life? Then choose abundance today and see what happens. Go on, I dare you.
Steven Morse is an author and the founder of numerous sites such as RockSolidJoy.com where he is giving away a free ebook'10 Ways to Boost Your Joys'. While there you can read articles on spirituality, abundance, joy, and general life experiences.
View the original article here