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Are You A Manifesting Magnet?

Are you asking yourself the right questions?

My question for you this week is: "are you a powerful manifesting magnet?"

Just stop and answer the question before reading on...

So, how did you read that sentence and interpret it? As a positive, powerful, manifesting magnet for all your amazing goals and dreams you aspire to in your life; or as a negative, powerful, manifesting magnet attracting all the hardship, lessons and results that you don't want- the debt, anger, pain, jealousy, retrenchment, divorce etc?

The reality is that you are a manifesting magnet, whether you realise it consciously or not. The quality of your self talk, self-esteem and self-belief will determine the positive or negative quality of your life. You are much more in control of your world than you realise! So my challenge to you is that if you don't like what you have got in your world and in your life, you need to first start thinking, being, doing, acting, speaking and then aligning yourself differently.

How do you know what you want - you look at what you have GOT!!!

You have created EVERYTHING in your life - tough pill to swallow sometimes, but perhaps ask the empowering question

"How could I have contributed to creating this in my life?"

If you can find the courage and determination to keep asking that question until you get some answers, then you will be on the road to making massive progress.

You need to look and see if you are harbouring any self-limiting beliefs that may be tripping you up.
So whether you like what you have in your life or not, you are still a manifesting magnet and it takes effort, dedication and application to become a positive manifestor rather than a negative one.

Remember it is not what is going on around you that matters. If that was the case every single one of us would be in the same boat in terms of success, and no-one would ever succeed more than the next person. So what accounts for this difference?

There is a great equation to help illustrate my point:

E + R = O

The E stands for EVENT

The R stands for RESPONSE

The O stands for OUTCOME

When you look at the outcome in your life, and especially if you don't like what you are getting, there are just two choices at that point. Firstly you can take your mode of attack to the E and you could blame everything else around you for your lack or results, i.e. the "EVENTS". You can blame the weather, other people, the traffic, your boss, colleagues, economic climate and whatever else you can find to vent your frustration at. This simply leaves you stuck and in victim mode. The external circumstances do not dictate the outcome; it is what YOU are doing instead that has all the impact.

The second possibility is to look at your RESPONSE to any given event, and find creative ways to respond, think, behave, act, and feel differently to affect a different outcome. This is where you are in control of your life and are the driving force for change.

So ask yourself, are you veering towards playing the blame game, or are you stepping up to the mark and taking responsibility for your life? The one keeps you stuck and the other propels you towards a better life.

If you need to get some professional help to do this, then why not go ahead and make that positive step - it was possible to start becoming a positive, powerful, manifesting magnet.

Wishing you an awesome week

Kate Emmerson is the QUICK SHIFT DEVA who will bounce into your life to help you to LIVE LIGHT, LIVE LARGE. Known for her expertise in large scale clutter work, she is a speaker, writer, coach and runs mastermind groups. Find out more on

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