We are always being told that we 'create our own reality'. And whilst this is a good belief system we can carry it too far. For by believing that we create our own reality entirely we are slipping into the belief that everything we have in our lives is the direct response of our own actions.
We are not, therefore, leaving ourselves open to receiving gifts from the Universe. We are in fact, closing off completely from the generous and open nature of the Universe which is ready and willing to provide us with everything we need.
By being aware of this, we can therefore choose to belief that the Universe will provide us with everything we need, we do not have to create it all ourselves.
By opening ourselves to receiving the spontaneous blessings from the Universe we remove the pressure of having to completely and totally create our own reality. We can leave a lot of this to the Universe.
All we need is to be open to receive all the blessings which the Universe is ready to provide for us.
Such a relief isn't it to know that we do not have to do all the work ourselves.
Closely related to the belief is that prosperity, abundance is reached through work and by providing a service to others. Or put another way by giving value.
Value of course can be easily obtained by improving our business and service, or in our social areas, in fact there are many area of our lives whereby we can improve our service or value to others.
And of course in may ways this is a very good system for attracting prosperity, abundance into our lives. But on the other hand but focusing too much on our own business we are again closing ourselves off from the gifts and blessings of the Universe. The Universe is always ready to give us unexpected blessings and we must always be ready and open to receive them.
So, we need to realize that whilst we can and do create our own reality we must always be open to receiving the gifts and blessings from the Universe. Know and trust that Universe will provide us with everything we desire. And to also realize that again whilst we do need to focus on our business, provide value and service, we should also not close ourselves off from the blessings that the Universe is more than willing to bestow on us. We always need to remain open to receive them.
By doing this we take a lot of pressure off ourselves and in doing so we became much more open and ready to receive all those wonderful unexpected blessings and gifts the Universe is so willing to give to us.
Such a relief to know we do not have to do it all ourselves. The Universe is there waiting for us to open ourselves to its gifts.
A great affirmation is "I am open, ready and willing to receive all that is good for me". Try it, it works.
Mary K Gill is a published author, having written many articles for various life style magazines. Her latest book The Twelve Natural Laws of the Universe is available on her site Mindset Power Site
This book reveals why just using the Law of Attraction is not enough to achieve fulfillment in every aspect of life.
She is also a Holistic Life Coach and has a private off-line practice.
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