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Just Words - Part 2/3 - Human Consciousness Is Powerful Stuff!

The most brilliant part of life is that I am most happy when you are here with me. Not necessarily physically standing in my presence, but more so in a mental state of happiness and peace: being kind, giving, and appreciative in and for your life.

I hate stopping off at the carry-out late at night and having to be in the presence of that woman who is miserable and dramatizing about other people she has dealt with. Hopeless and hating the world... "blah".

I love it when you are happy and loving your life!

Sometimes, however, I have a hard time in dealing with living in a world where "blah" seems to be the convenient life style those loved ones I choose to be around tend to accept. I pray that you consider what's so wrong with the smell of roses that drives you to get caught up with soccer practice, grocery shopping, deadlines, and mortgage payments to a level that makes you passive about the roses? THIS paradigm is the one I wish... pray that you find a way to change.

I challenge you to find a balance and love what you do! Whatever you are choosing to do... LOVE IT!

... and remember to notice the roses.

Human consciousness may very well be the most powerful force in the universe. The energy that is put out of you is truly awesome. Through your perceptions and actions you successfully manifest your situations every moment of every day. Good, bad, or indifferent your experience is yours... mine is mine.

Some people are lost in their lives. At least in the way they perceive their lives. It's kinda sad...

Years ago I was driving down Reynolds Rd. in Toledo, Oh. when I noticed a groundhog (apparently lost) under the U.S. 80/90 viaduct, crossing my lane. I stopped. Stan (by which I have come to call the groundhog) made eye contact with me then walked in front of my car. As he reached the end of my lane he looked to his left, his right, and left again - as if he were checking for traffic. A car drove past and Stan watched the car drive by, made eye contact with me again, and proceeded to cross the median successfully. True story.

Stan is a groundhog. I don't believe he is aware of the world as I am. I don't think he and I had a secret conversation beyond my ability to realize. He probably didn't comprehend that eye contact was even established. Or remember it. However I do believe his energy was drawn to me. Eye contact was undoubtedly established. Twice.

Now consider this:

I could have not been in tune at that moment, hit Stan with my car, and the rest of the day (along with the memory) would have been a bad experience. Most likely while driving the remainder of my travels that summer day I would have been uncomfortable. Disgusted even. I would have had to clean my car, and maybe even pay for some repairs. But I noticed Stan, didn't hit him with my car, and the experience has stayed with me as a pleasant memory. In fact this experience has helped me understand my perception of life. I believe each of us has the powerful ability to shape our experiences, and we all can process every situation in our minds to our liking; good, bad, or indifferent.

The trick is to constantly dictate in our minds our perceptions as being positive.

Easier said than done, I know.

Your life. Your perception. Make the most of it!

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