We all live within our own perspective bubbles. Our own little comfort zones.
My bubble is all I know. My entire existence (past, present, & future) has always been realized inside this bubble. How I have remembered & presently perceive life is within this bubble. My bubble is exactly how I want it, otherwise it'd be different. I like it here. It's cozy and set up precisely to my tastes. My favorite colors are on the walls & texture of carpet is below my feet. All of my habits, the way I react to situations, my routines, my priorities... everything that is me. Even if some aspects of my life are displeasing, obviously it's how I'd prefer; otherwise I would make different choices... choose different words to say, hear, and understand. Right?
Given not only the fact that the current world population is roughly seven billion people, but also the hopes that God has plans for not only me but some of you too, a willingness to exist among other bubbles is paramount.
You live inside of a bubble too. Your bubble is all you know. Your entire existence (past, present, & future) has always been realized inside your bubble. How you have remembered & presently perceive life is within your bubble. You like it there. It holds everything that is you. =)
Most of us aren't very comfortable outside of our perspective bubbles. We have all become very content acting on habit and routine to assure our bubbles stay warm and cozy. When we are forced outside of our bubbles we tend to get agitated, angry, or scared. We react with frustration, disappointment, & fear when others let us down or make us question, or break outside of our bubbles. Why? Your comfort zone is not in jeopardy! It is meant to conform and adapt. Remember, God intends a willingness to exist among others. I have come to realize that maybe it's not about breaking your bubble to change... but rather expanding it to grow.
I have lost many relationships throughout my life because of my stubbornness in not allowing my bubble to expand. In retrospect, when someone I cared about made a choice I didn't agree with or they didn't go along with what I wanted, I took it as my bubble breaking. I chose to let it hurt me & subsequently I reacted in ways that ultimately pushed them completely out of my life.
Growing into Faith
I am thankful to understand myself more everyday, in that my happiness, along with my comfort zone, is completely up to me. Hindsight is 20/20, and I am regretful. Some of those people lived within the best bubbles I have ever known. I wish I would have chosen not to react the way I did being hurt and try to empathize in the fact that they were only dealing with their own life and bubbles. I could have reacted outside my own bubble.
A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush, huh?
Let's all continue to keep expanding our bubbles. Grow into Faith!
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